Agnes obel the curse ноты фортепиано

Ноты Agnes Obel — The Curse — Пианино&Вокал

Произведение: The Curse

Форматы: pdf, midi, xml

Вы можете скачать ноты для фортепиано Agnes Obel — The Curse для начинающих Пианино&Вокал. У нас можно заказать ноты современных и популярных песен у профессионала.

Другие ноты Agnes Obel

Agnes Obel — The Curse

And the people went into their hide, they oh
From the start they didn’t know exactly why, why
Winter came and made it so all look alike, look alike
Underneath the grass would grow, aiming at the sky

It was swift, it was just, another wave of a miracle
But no one, nothing at all would go for the kill
If they called on every soul in the land, on the moon
Only then would they know a blessing in disguise

The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before

Tell me now of the very souls that look alike, look alike
Do you know the stranglehold covering their eyes?
If I call on every soul in the land, on the moon
Tell me if I’ll ever know a blessing in disguise

The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
And the curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before


Ноты Agnes Obel — The Curse — Пианино.Easy

Произведение: The Curse

Форматы: pdf, midi, xml

Вы можете скачать ноты для фортепиано Agnes Obel — The Curse для начинающих Пианино.Easy. У нас можно заказать ноты современных и популярных песен у профессионала.

Другие ноты Agnes Obel

Agnes Obel — The Curse

And the people went into their hide, they oh
From the start they didn’t know exactly why, why
Winter came and made it so all look alike, look alike
Underneath the grass would grow, aiming at the sky

It was swift, it was just, another wave of a miracle
But no one, nothing at all would go for the kill
If they called on every soul in the land, on the moon
Only then would they know a blessing in disguise

The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before

Tell me now of the very souls that look alike, look alike
Do you know the stranglehold covering their eyes?
If I call on every soul in the land, on the moon
Tell me if I’ll ever know a blessing in disguise

The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
And the curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before


Agnes Obel

Агнес Кэролайн Тхаруп Обель (родилась 28 октября 1980 года) — датский вокалист и автор песен. Ее первый альбом «Philharmonics» был выпущен 4 октября 2010 года под эгидой PIAS Recordings. В феврале 2011 года этот альбом получил статус двойной платины в Дании. В настоящее время музыкант живет в Берлине.

Агнес Обель родилась в Копенгагене в семье с музыкальными корнями, поэтому она научилась играть на пианино в детстве. В возрасте семи лет она начала петь и играть на бас-гитаре в небольшой группе, которая выступала на фестивалях и даже записывала несколько песен. Позже, благодаря помощи датского музыканта и продюсера Элтона Теандера, Обель основала Sohio в Копенгагене. После нескольких лет сотрудничества она решила дебютировать как сольный исполнитель. Материал для дебютного альбома «Philharmonics» (2010) Агнес Обель сочинила, записала сама. Его вдохновляют такие артисты, как Рой Орбисон, Джони Митчелл, П. Дж. Харви, а также французские композиторы: Клод Дебюсси, Морис Равель или Эрик Сати. Ее дебютный альбом завоевал благосклонность европейских критиков.


Ноты: Agnes Obel — Riverside скачать, смотреть онлайн

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Текст песни «Agnes Obel — Riverside»

Down by the river by the boats
Where everybody goes to be alone
Where you won’t see any rising sun
Down to the river we will runWhen by the water we drinks to the dregs
Look at the stones on the riverbed
I can tell from your eyes
You’ve never been by the riversideDown by the water the riverbed
Somebody calls you somebody says
Swim with the current and float away
Down by the river every dayOh my god I see how everything is torn in the river deep
And I don’t know why I go the way
Down by the riversideWhen that old river runs past your eyes
To wash off the dirt on the riverside
Go to the water so every near
The river will be your eyes and earsI walk to the borders on my own
Fall in the water just like a stone
Chilled to the marrow in them bones
Why do I go here aloneOh my god I see how everything is torn in the river deep
And I don’t know why I go the way
Down by the riversideOh my god I see how everything is torn in the river deep
And I don’t know why I go the way
Down by the riversideOh oh
Ah ah ah
Oh oh
Ah ah ahOh oh
Ah ah ahDown by the riversideDown by the riverside

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  • 3-07-2018, 21:13
  • Просмотров: 1 470

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Ноты Agnes Obel — The Curse — Гитара.Табы (Лёгкие)

Произведение: The Curse

Аранжировка: Гитара.Табы (Лёгкие)

Форматы: pdf, midi, xml

Вы можете скачать ноты для гитары Agnes Obel — The Curse для начинающих Гитара.Табы (Лёгкие). У нас можно заказать ноты современных и популярных песен у профессионала.

Другие ноты Agnes Obel

Agnes Obel — The Curse

And the people went into their hide, they oh
From the start they didn’t know exactly why, why
Winter came and made it so all look alike, look alike
Underneath the grass would grow, aiming at the sky

It was swift, it was just, another wave of a miracle
But no one, nothing at all would go for the kill
If they called on every soul in the land, on the moon
Only then would they know a blessing in disguise

The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before

Tell me now of the very souls that look alike, look alike
Do you know the stranglehold covering their eyes?
If I call on every soul in the land, on the moon
Tell me if I’ll ever know a blessing in disguise

The curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before
And the curse ruled from the underground down by the shore
And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before


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