Old Town Road Uke tab by Lil Nas X
6 Chords used in the song : Am, C, G, D, A, F
Don’t know how to read a tab or a chord ? Check out these uke lessons:
extra info on my stumming.
just a good DD
take my horse etc. DDDu
Scrape the first DD, keep sure you try to hit the G and C string. The next D is a bit harder and at the u you try to hit the A and E string. Somewhat slightly over is not a problem.
Hit G and C string on DDD mute and go up with a U
Ain,t nobody etc.
scraping! DD give the next D a good swing and at least use your pinky at the U on the A string
Hope this helps
I’m learning myself to play the uke and don’t like repeating so I guess I play on feeling and hearing. Not exactly the same as the original song but it gives some oompf to it. Something different but it match the song and lyrics.
DD each chord
First lines (got my horses etc.) D Du (up lightly with bottom 2 strings, A & E)
Ain’t nobody etc. D Du or DDXu or even go back to DD