Анджелес пекин 2011 ноты

  1. Franck Angelis – Hommage a Paco
  2. Franck Angelis – Hommage a Paco
  3. Franck Angelis | Франк Анжелис
  4. Highlights
  5. Future events
  6. New and Updated Sites
  7. Random video 4U
  8. Daily Reports of the 4th China — Tianjin Accordion Festival — China
  9. New Frank Angelis Work ‘Beijing’ Announced — China, France
  10. Jane Christison’s CD Submitted to Recording Academy — USA
  11. Accordion Trio ‘Brides’ Make A Six Week Tour — India
  12. He Qian, Tianjin Winner of the Digital Accordion Category to Rome — China
  13. Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.
  14. Mika Väyrynen CD Release Concert Rescheduled, Helsinki — Finland
  15. Vincent Cirelli (1920-2012), California – USA
  16. Tribute and Scholarship Festival Honoring Tony Dannon, Michigan — USA
  17. ‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordeaphone: the concertina meets the accordion…
  18. Future events
  19. Zoltán Orosz Trio in Concert in Kosovelov Dom Sežana — Slovenia
  20. Marko Kassl Concerts – Austria, Germany, Netherlands
  21. 4th Festival de Acordeão, Cartaxo – Portugal
  22. Dr. William Schimmel Performances, New York – USA
  23. Claudio Jacomucci Concert, Cesana — Italy
  24. Bachtoberfest — this Sunday!, Illinois – USA
  25. String Quartet and Accordion Concert, Almada — Portugal
  26. Bob Liddle @ Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK
  27. Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
  28. 19th Accordion Festival Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Groningen – Netherlands
  29. CD Reviews
  30. Under the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips
  31. New and Updated Sites
  32. Franco Cambareri new music
  33. Charnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has updated sites
  34. Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Franck Angelis – Hommage a Paco

Франк Анжеліс – Данина Пако


Franck Angelis – Hommage a Paco

Франк Анжеліс – Данина Пако

Читайте также:  Одночастный концерт для фортепиано с оркестром


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Franck Angelis | Франк Анжелис

Это группа посвящена замечательному французскому композитору Франку Анжелису.

Франк Анжелис родился 13 ноября 1962 года в городе Мелун (под Парижем). В раннем возрасте начал заниматься музыкой и освоением концертного баяна, параллельно играя на других инструментах, в частности, на фортепиано.
Показать полностью.
В возрасте 17 лет он завоевал Гран-При на международном конкурсе баянистов,организованным Фернаном Лакруа. А двумя годами позже Франк завоевал Трофей Мира на международном конкурсе в Кастельфидардо (Италия).Карьера Франка как исполнителя активно развивалась: он стал победителем многих национальных и международных конкурсов.
Произведения Франка Ажелиса — это современные и оригинальные композиции, в которых можно услышать сплав музыки разных эпох и направлений.Эти композиторские находки свидетельствуют о богатой творческой фантазии автора и развитой музыкальной культуре, это говорит о том, что создатель таких музыкальных зарисовок имеет широкий кругозор, опыт исполнительства и, несомненно, большой талант.
В опыте концертного исполнительства Франк Анжелис черпает личное вдохновение, которое делает из него прекрасного автора музыки произведений академического баянного стиля, а также инструментальной, вокальной и симфонической музыки.



Future events

New and Updated Sites

Random video 4U

Daily Reports of the 4th China — Tianjin Accordion Festival — China

by Harley Jones

From 1st to 6th October, the 2012 4th Tianjin China Accordion Art Festival, will take place at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, approximately 140 km from Beijing. There will be Daily Reports at: 2012 Tianjin from the 1st October.

The competitions are for classical, popular music and digital solo categories, groups and chamber music. Additionally there will be seminars, masterclasses and concerts by Chinese and foreign performers. There will also be a teaching research session.

Tianjin City is well known for hosting cultural festivals and this major Chinese accordion event is being run by the Organizing Committee of the Tianjin Conservatory of Music.

Daily Reports online at: 2012 Tianjin

New Frank Angelis Work ‘Beijing’ Announced — China, France

by Harley Jones

New work ‘Beijing’ 1st movement, described by Franck Angelis, played by Tian Jianan

‘Beijing’ 2nd movement described by Franck Angelis, played by Tian Jianan

‘Beijing’ 3rd movement described by Franck Angelis, played by Tian Jianan

Those attending a seminar in Tianjin, China, by Frank Angelis (France) had a big surprise.

Franck Angelis described the new work which he had written for Tian Jianan (of Beijing), winner of numerous international competitions including 2 weeks ago, the under 18 years concert category in Castelfidardo.

Tian Jianan had only started learning the new work the last few days with Franck Angelis, and with her amazing skills, was already able to play the work. The first video above has Franck Angelis talking about the work and a performance of alot of the 1st movement.

The next two videos are Franck talking about the 2nd and 3rd movements followed by Tian Jianan performing alot of each movement. Enjoy viewing this excellent new work.

The Premiere Performance of the work, date and country will be announced very soon.
Catalog: ang567

Jane Christison’s CD Submitted to Recording Academy — USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea

Jane Christison’s children’s CD ‘Come Sing Along with Janie Next Door’ has been submitted to the Recording Academy for consideration in the children’s category of the 55th Grammys.

The CD contains 18 original, bouncy songs that will stick in your head, and you won’t want them to leave, with accordion accompaniment. One of the songs is ‘I Love Playing Accordion’, expressing her passion for the accordion.

Jane Christison is an accomplished accordionist and entertainer, playing and singing many styles of music. Jane is introducing a whole new generation to the joy of music by writing songs for children and performing as ‘Janie Next Door’.

For further information email: janec@musicwithasmile.com

Accordion Trio ‘Brides’ Make A Six Week Tour — India

by Harley Jones

Accordion Trio ‘Brides’

From the 1st of November till the 10th of December, the Russian accordion trio “Brides” will have more than 20 concerts in different cities of India.

They have one month before leaving Russia but the group has already started to prepare themselves for the tour. “Besides our own repertoire, the organizers asked us to prepare some national Indian pieces. So we are working on making arrangements for India.” – said Lybov Akhanova (dark hair), of the trio.

The other two are Anna Yushina (blond) and Natalya Lipovtseva (brunette).

The trio, which was created in 2009, all previously studied accordion in Moscow and are all university graduates, who were selected after a national search in 2009 by the creator of the group, famous accordionist Sergey Voytenko.

Voytenko who had created the very successful duo ‘Bayan Mix’ decided to create a new project, this time featuring lady accordionists. Sergey Voytenko writes many of the arrangements and these three talented accordionists, unusually bright charming girls who could all be models, enjoy making their living performing with the accordion.

The group has toured to cities in Germany, Italy and France and have taken part in popular Russian TV shows and major concerts. Enjoy the videos.

He Qian, Tianjin Winner of the Digital Accordion Category to Rome — China

by Harley Jones

The video above is Hi Qian performing one piece in the Roland concert that was held immediately after the competition.

The Digital Accordion category, part of the 4th China — Tianjin Accordion Festival, was held on Thursday with some 17 contestants performing.

The audience heard music from techo punk, pop to Baroque classical as the 17 different players performed to impress the jury of 7 well known Chinese teachers.

This competition was also the Roland China Qualifications for the 6th Roland International Competition being held in Rome in November.

Roland China President Cheng Jian Tong (picture left) was present at the competition and the Roland promotional concert held after, at 5 pm that afternoon.

This competition and concert is reported with photos of most of the contestants in the Tianjin Daily Reports at: 2012 Tianjin

After the concert there was a Roland dinner, at which Roland China President Cheng Jian Tong announced contestant Hi Qian (winner of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale Piano Accordion category, picture lower left) had won the trip to Rome to represent China at the Roland International Festival.

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mika Väyrynen CD Release Concert Rescheduled, Helsinki — Finland

by Kevin Friedrich

The official launch concert by Mika Väyrynen of the soon to be released CD of all Bach works, published by ALBA records, the first of a two CD set, with Volume 2 to be released in 2013, has been postponed from October 16th to December 19th, at the Helsinki Music Center in the Camerata-Hall at 7pm.

After suffering a sports related injury in his left hand from his long time Karate discipline, the concert has been rescheduled to ensure Mika Väyrynen is in top form for a recital of this magnitude.

The CD will still be released in mid October on the original date, so what was to have been the launch concert at that time, will now be a celebration Recital, featuring the works from the CD.

Mika has released two previous CDs under the ALBA label including the successful ‘Goldberg Variations’ and ‘The Tree of Life’. This new all Bach CD will feature Bach’s French Suites as well as other works. The CD will be available online at the ALBA website http://www.alba.fi/.

For more information on Mika’s extensive CD publications and World Premieres of important new works for accordion, please visit the website: Mika Väyrynen

Vincent Cirelli (1920-2012), California – USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea

Vincent Cirelli, age 91, highly regarded accordion craftsman, loving father, trusted friend to many, passed away peacefully in his sleep on Saturday September 29th 2012.

Vincent, the son of Italian immigrants, born on December 21st 1920, grew up in the North Beach area of San Francisco. It was there he learned the art of accordion building.

His talent and warm hearted, sincere demeanor earned him the respect of many who crossed his path. After serving in the U.S Coast Guard, Vincent returned home after World War II, then traveled around the country for two years playing one of his specially made accordions on a train tour sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.

In 1946 Vincent opened his accordion business in San Francisco where he began growing his business into a hub for musicians in the Bay Area and throughout the United States. He had an enduring career for nearly 65 years doing what he loved, and more importantly, surrounded by those he loved.

He is survived by his loving children, Diane Marie Smith and Vincent Felice Cirelli; grandchildren Sheri Ann Carter, Vincent Joseph Cirelli, and Vincent George Smith; great-grandchildren; Alyssa Ann Cirelli, Victoria Marie Carter, and Caden Carmello Carter. He is predeceased by his loving wife of 49 years, Ann Victoria Pirolo, parents Felice and Carmella Cirelli, and his sister Alice Vorhis.

Private services and interment will be at Holy Cross Cemetery in Colma. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Tribute and Scholarship Festival Honoring Tony Dannon, Michigan — USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea

The Michigan Accordion Society proudly announces the Tony Dannon Tribute and Scholarship Festival, recognizing Tony Dannon’s contributions to music, accomplishments, compositions, and arrangements, to be performed by his great friends in the music business. Event proceeds will benefit the Tony Dannon Scholarship Fund.

The event takes place on Sunday November 4th at the Forestre Banquet Center, 1919 Starr Batt Drive, Rochester Hills, Michigan. Doors open at 3.30pm, and the tribute starts at 4.30pm, with dinner at 5.30pm featuring the music of Joe Cerrito, Aaron Caruso, Eva Evola, Ralphe Armstrong, Michele Ramo, Billy Cairo, Made in Italy, Gene Van Accordion Orchestra, Joe Natoli, Johnny Trudell, and many other accomplished artists.

The entire program will be professionally recorded by Walt Lipeic, a student of Tony’s. The CDs will be sold to help raise additional funds for the Scholarship event. The Tony Dannon Tribute CD will also be available. It features many performances of great people that he had worked with throughout his illustrious career.

Limited tickets are available. For further information email Joe Recchia: jrecchia@comcast.net

‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordeaphone: the concertina meets the accordion…

by Rob Howard

The Accordions Worldwide news for October 9th 1998 included an article about a free reed instrument, the Accordeaphone, that few accordion players anywhere will have encountered or even heard of. This instrument – a concertina with the sound of an accordion – was a vain attempt by a concertina manufacturer in the 1930s to fight back against the accordion’s overwhelming popularity in the pre-war years.

Chris Timson has just acquired a rare and unusual instrument, a Lachenal Accordeaphone. He believes there may be as many as eight of these concertinas in the world today, but he only knows the whereabouts of three. The instrument is in good condition, playable, with good woodwork and reeds.

Chris believes the instrument was manufactured to counteract the effect of major competition from accordion makers in 1935 to 1936. «The idea was to produce an English concertina with an accordion sound, so they put three reeds onto every note. Unfortunately being concertina makers they made it like a giant concertina instead of using far cheaper and more appropriate accordion technology. It must have cost a small fortune to build each one, and they never recouped the tooling-up costs».

Chris’s instrument has the word Accordeaphone cut into the fretwork on both sides. The name «Sid Ive» is clearly painted on the front of the instrument, and the case has a professional card inside it for «Sid Ive, English Concertina, 110 Gladstone Avenue, Wood Green, N22». Chris would like to find out more information about the original owner, so if anyone knows anything of Sid Ive, please email: chris@harbour.demon.co.uk

Future events

Zoltán Orosz Trio in Concert in Kosovelov Dom Sežana — Slovenia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Zoltan Orosz and his trio will perform a concert in Kosovelov Dom Sežana / Slovenia on October 15th at 8pm.

The musicians:
Zoltán Orosz (accordion), Zoltán Balogh (guitar) and Béla Lattmann (bass).

Further information email: harmonika@harmonika.hu

Marko Kassl Concerts – Austria, Germany, Netherlands

by Rob Howard

Austrian-born accordionist Marko Kassl performs in October as follows:

October 6th, 7.30pm — Hauptschule Großarl, Markt 152, A-5611 Großarl, Austria

October 7th, 6pm — Schauspielhaus Dortmund, Hiltropwall 15, D-44137 Dortmund, Germany

October 10th, 8pm – Hugenottenhalle, Frankfurter Str. 152, D-63263 Neu-Isenburg

October 13th, 7pm — Tango concert with Lena Kolo (accordion), Das Bürgerhaus Bilk und die BauKinderKultur, Himmelgeister Str. 107h, D-40225 Düsseldorf

October 14th, 5pm — Festhalle Altenmarkt, Michael Walchhoferstrasse, A-Altenmarkt/Pongau

October 21st, 8.15pm – with Ensemble Black Pencil, Concertgebouwplein 10, NL-1071 LN Amsterdam, Netherlands

October 31st, 3pm — Altes Pfandhaus, Kartäuserwall 20, D-50678 Cologne, Germany

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de

4th Festival de Acordeão, Cartaxo – Portugal

by Rob Howard

The 4th Festival de Acordeão takes place at the Pavilhao de Exposições, Cartaxo, Portugal, on October 6th, 8pm.

The guest artists include Peter Maric (Serbia), and a host of other accordionists.

Dr. William Schimmel Performances, New York – USA

by Rob Howard

On October 7th, 14th, 21st and November 4th and 11th, William Schimmel will perform with cabaret singer Mark Nadler in a show titled ‘I’m a Stranger here Myself’, a collection of songs written by composers during the German Weimar Republic.

The performances will take place at 54 Below – a new performance space part at Studio 54, 254 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019.

On November 8th William Schimmel will perform with The New York City Opera in readings of ‘New Works’ (Vox Series).

On November 10th he will perform Luciano Berio’s ‘Sequenza 13’ at Cafe Vivaldi in Greenwich Village, New York.

On December 13th he will appear at the Phillips Collection in Washington DC in a concert sponsored by The International Contemporary Ensemble.

William Schimmel and his wife, director/choreographer, Micki Goodman have produced a new video: ‘Redemption’, which includes music and performance by Schimmel, videography and performance by Micki, and editing by Deborah Magocsi. The video can be found on YouTube.

For further information email: billschimmel@billschimmel.com

Claudio Jacomucci Concert, Cesana — Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Claudio Jacomucci performs in concert at the Chiesta di Santa Cristina, Cesana, on October 7th, 7.30pm. The concert is an event in the Festival Màntica, organized by Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio. The dancer Kathleen Delaney is involved in the performance.

The programme includes: Sofia Gubaidulina — ‘De Profundis’ (1978), John Cage – ‘Dream’ (1948), JS Bach – ‘Passacaglia BWV 582’ (1705), Salvatore Sciarrino – ‘Vagabonde Blu’ (1998), and Claudio Jacomucci – ‘Infernal Circles’ (2005).

For further information email: info@claudiojacomucci.com

Bachtoberfest — this Sunday!, Illinois – USA

by Harley Jones

Accordionist Stas Venglevski participates in a concert featuring the music of JS Bach, performed by a variety of instrumentalists. Stas will perform the famous ‘Toccata and Fugue in D minor’.

The concert takes place on October 7th, 6pm, at the Nichols Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Ave, Evanston, Illinois.

For further information email: stasvenglevski@sbcglobal.net

String Quartet and Accordion Concert, Almada — Portugal

by Rob Howard

Accordionist and composer Paulo Jorge Ferreira performs in concert with violinists Ana Beatriz Manzanilla and Rui Guerreiro, viola player Pedro Saglimbeni Munõz, and cellist Ajda Zupanzic.

The concert takes place on October 7th, 4pm, at the Teatro Municipal, Almada, Portugal, and features works by Astor Piazzolla, Richard Galliano and Paulo Jorge Ferreira.

For further information email: pjorgef@hotmail.com

Bob Liddle @ Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK

by Rob Howard

?Scottish accordionist Bob Liddle, from Kelso, is the guest at Stockport Accordion Club on Wednesday October 10th, 8pm. The Stockport AC Orchestra (MD Brian Jenkins) will begin the concert with a short spot, and anyone who would like to play a tune is most welcome.

Stockport Accordion Club meets at Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1NF.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com

Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

by Rob Howard

The Victor Prieto Trio continue their long running jazz residency on Thursday July 19th, 9.45pm, at Terraza 7 Live Music, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst, New York.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Peter Bernstein — guitar, bass — TBA, and Eric Doob – drums.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com

19th Accordion Festival Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Groningen – Netherlands

by Rob Howard

The 19th Accordion Festival Hoogezand-Sappemeer takes place on October 14th, 1pm, at the Kielzog Theatre, Gorecht-Oost 157, Hoogezand, Groningen, Netherlands.

The guests include Julie Blocher (France), Winner of the Grand Prix International, Dieter Holmersma, Gerrit Jansen, and the duo Accordion Mélancolique.

The trade show includes demonstrations of Roland and other products.

For further information email: info@accordeonfestivalhs.nl

CD Reviews

Under the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips

by Joan C. Sommers

CD Reviews Index for the Review ofUnder the Sign of Scorpio CD by Friedrich Lips, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.

New and Updated Sites

Franco Cambareri new music

by Franco Cambareri

Franco Cambareri — accordionist, composer, producer, releases 3 new composition for accordion available for purchase nline.

‘Marching Parade, catalog:cfranco160,
‘Papa’s Blues’ , catalog:cfranco161,
‘Play ‘n’ Simple, catalog:cfranco162 and
‘Samba De Rua (Street Samba), catalog:cfranco163

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Charnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has updated sites

by Sue Coppard

Charnwood Publications composer Sue Coppard has updated her site with sound samples.

Sound Samples and PDF Music Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments


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