- Гитара электроакустическая AOSEN (Japan) AFC-200-GTS -EQ / Exclu
- Гитара электроакустическая AOSEN (Japan) AFC 200- GTS -EQ / Exclusive Slim Series!
- Электроакустическая гитара AS-aosen Slim body
- \n \n Slim body electric guitars?
- Thin Body Acoustic Guitars: Ultimate Guide (2021)
- What is a thin bodied acoustic guitar?
- Thin Body Acoustic Guitar Sound
- Best Over All Thin Body Acoustic Guitar?
- Takamine Thinline Acoustic Guitar
- Best Budget Thin body Acoustic Guitar
- Fender Newporter Special Acoustic-Electric Guitar
- Best Runner Up
- Best Thin Body Acoustic Guitar Under $500
- Ibanez Thin Body Acoustic Guitar – On Sale!
- Alternative Number One
- Left-Handed Fender Redondo Thin Body Acoustic Guitar
- Alternative Number Two
- Taylor Thin Body Guitar
- What’s the difference between a thin vs thick body acoustic guitar?
- Where are there thin body acoustic guitars for sale?
- Where can I get a thin body acoustic guitar case?
Гитара электроакустическая AOSEN (Japan) AFC-200-GTS -EQ / Exclu
11 990.00 руб.
Вы экономите: 3 000.00 руб.
Гитара электроакустическая AOSEN (Japan) AFC 200- GTS -EQ / Exclusive Slim Series!
Гитара электроакустическая AOSEN (Japan) AFC 200- GTS -EQ купить по лучшей цене!
Уникальное специальное предложение!
Вы можете выбрать в подарок: чехол, струны, тюнер и другие аксессуары или купить гитару Aosen по специальной цене!
Доступный премиум! Высококачественная э лектроакустика с подключением и вырезом!
100% массив! Доступный премиум!
Exclusive Slim Series! Collection Nature Wood — EQ!
Высококачественная электро -акустика с вырезом.
Узкий корпус и отличное качество материалов. Эти модели подойдут как начинающим детям, подросткам и взрослым.
Компактные модели удобно держать и брать с собой в поездки. За счет подключения увеличивается спектр применения
гитары. Можно играть как на обычной акустической гитаре, так и при желании подключать к звуко — усилительному
Если вы хотите купить гитару не очень дорогую, но отличного качества и по доступной цене, то эти модели один из лучших
Собственное высоко-технологичное производство позволяет делать экземпляры гитар отличного качества и изумительные по красоте исполнения. Отличное качество сборки, прекрасный сочный (насыщенный) обертонами тембр звука и при всех замечательных характеристиках исполнения замечательное звучание. Гитары этой марки особо привлекательны, в том числе доступной ценой, по сравнению с аналогичными моделями других именитых производителей .
Узкий корпус 10см
Гриф стандартный по ширине 43мм
Материал верхней деки: 100% Массив резонансной ели
Материал обечаек: Массив резонансной ели . Красное дерево
Цвет: Желтый санберст . Л аковая отделка
Гриф: Махагон. Встроенный анкер
Подбор струн, установка и настройка бесплатно в нашем шоу-рум на Белорусской!
Многие выбирают духовые инструменты для начала занятий детям и взрослым.
Конечно купить саксофон, флейту или кларнет можно не дорого. Но, все-таки цена гитар на много ниже и поэтому в итоге большинство склоняется к этому виду музыкальных инструментов.
Сегодня купить акустическую гитару достаточно просто. Огромный выбор различных моделей по внешнему виду, размерам, качеству и цене вы можете найти как в музыкальных магазинах Москвы, так и в интернете. Но подобрать достойный инструмент по доступной цене очень не просто.
Обращайтесь к профессионалам в наш магазин, мы подберем и посоветуем хороший вариант с оптимальными характеристиками.
Музыкальные инструменты марки Aosen Guitar (Japan) — это один из лучших вариантов бюджетной категории более высокого класса для начального обучения и любительской игры. Для профессионалов есть более дорогие модели. Но в этом классе уже больше пользуются популярностью гитары американских или испанских производителей.
Гитары полностью укомплектованы и готовы к игре.
Отличное качество и доступная цена часто играют решающую роль в выборе модели для начала занятий.
Если Вы ограничены в средствах при покупке струнного инструмента, то это лучший вариант по доступной цене.
В комплекте есть все для того, что бы сразу начать обучение. Остается только докупить необходимые аксессуары, который нет в комплекте.
Но учитывая стоимость инструмента, аксессуары в комплекте, как правило, бюджетного класса.
Более приличные сопутствующие товары: чехлы, струны, ремни, подставки, стойки, медиаторы и другие Вы можете купить отдельно.
За консультацией и по приобретению музыкальных инструментов различного уровня и направлений, а так же аксессуаров к ним, Вы можете смело обратиться в наш интернет-магазин Мьюзик-Стор.
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• Для постоянных клиентов, педагогов спец.предложения и участие в партнерских программах с возможностью получения дополнительных опций в виде скидок, подарков и др.
Видео обзор и тест музыкальных инструментов от интернет магазина музыкальных инструментов и оборудования в Москве Musik-Store.ru Вы можете посмотреть на нашем сайте в разделе Видео обзоры .
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Не забудьте подписаться на нашем канале и Вы будете всегда в курсе новых видео с тестами и обзорами популярных марок и новых поступлений!
Видео тест Гитары Aosen Exclusive Series от интернет магазина музыкальных инструментов и оборудования в Москве Musik-Store.ru
Электроакустическая гитара AS-aosen Slim body
Электpoaкустичecкая гитара АS-AОSEN (Тайвань). Нoвая, очень кaчecтвeннo cделанный и крaсивый инструмeнт (гитapа имеeт cвoй собcтвeнный сеpийный номep), гриф пpaктичecки идeaльный, cтpуны очень низкo к ладам, играть очень легкo и удобнo. Cамa гитaра уникальна тeм, чтo cам коpпуc по вeличине cтaндартный, но у корпуса толщина всего лишь 55мм (SLIМ ВОDY), т.е. её можно назвать trаvеl guitаr, хотя натуральный акустический звук может дать фору по громкости и тембру любой дорогой гитаре. Корпус и гриф — красное дерево, верхняя дэка — ель, накладка грифа — палисандр. Электро часть — пассивный пьезо звукосниматель под нижним порожком, не требующий питание батарейки и подходит к любому линейному входу как пульта, так и к гитарному комбику или к гитарному процессору. Произведена предпродажная настройка: устранены заусеницы на ладах, настроен анкер, порожки доведены для минимального расстояния между струнами и грифом для удобства игры и минимальных усилий прижимания струн. Цвет на выбор nаturаl, sunburst, vintаgе brоwn.
\n \n Slim body electric guitars?
\n I recently fell in love with the Ibanez S series, but I dislike the bolt-on necks.
Are there any guitars that have the same design style as the S series? Thick in the center and super thin at the edges but with NeckThru or Set neck designs?
\n They don’t make Neck-Thru S’s.
They make SAs and SVs, but they’re either flat tops, or not as thin as the S series.
\n \n\n \n Endorsed by Dean Guitars 07-10
2003 Gibson Flying V w/ Moon Inlay
2006 Fender All-American Partscaster
SVK ELP-C500 Custom
1964 Fender Vibro Champ
1989 Peavey VTM60
[thread=\»1166208\»] Gibsons Historic Designs [/thread] \n \n \n
i was gonna get one of those in \»blackberry\» but there were none where i live, so i got a sas36fm. Set neck
I think he just means the S series, not the SZ series.
Does this mean I’ll stop seeing Mormonism ads on here?
\n so, nothing like the S series?
how about a thin-ish guitar like the SA, SZ or S without inlays?
\n [quote=\»‘[VictorinoX\»]’]Does this mean I’ll stop seeing Mormonism ads on here?
You’ve seen Mormon ad’s? (Ad-Blocker, I can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not)
No, I saw a few on Student.com though
Just jerking your chain, man.
I beg to differ. I love the feel of my SG’s set-neck, but I have absolutely no trouble whatsoever adapting to a bolt-on’s heel for high notes, and I’ve got pretty small hands.
\n I just don’t find it comfortable.
I got rid of my Jackson because of the bolt on. I meant, I love the S series, I’m just not a fan of the bolt on neck. I like the curve on my hand when I play up high just for consistency.
But, Other than the bolt on neck, I’m in love with how the S series feels.
A good bolt-on neck joint (like Ibanez’s AANJ) doesn’t get in your way at all. Heck, the Les Paul has atrocious upper fret access, and it’s a set-neck. It’s all about the quality of the neck joint, not what type it is.
PinkEdit: You don’t even like the AANJ?
\n just throwing this out there, but an SG and an ibanez are completely different animals. my ibanez rg570 with a HUGE block of wood where the neck bolts on still gave me more room to play than my old gibson SG. ibanez just makes sure playability is key.
if you’ve already played the S then this won’t really make a difference, but if you haven’t yet go try one. you might be surprised by how much room you have.
good luck finding the guitar, dude! and i prefer bolt on’s to set necks, so to each his own.
\n I have played the S series.
It was fine, UNTIL I got passed the 17th? fret. I mean, i know it’s only 5 frets, but still. I would rather a neck that was not bolt on.
Just as you prefer bolt on, I prefer set or thru.
A Les Paul does not have a double cutaway, so there is an excuse to have bad playability at higher frets.
\n I’m looking for something closer to $700 or $800 (used price).
I guess I could go close to $1,000 new.
I have played the S series.
It was fine, UNTIL I got passed the 17th? fret. I mean, i know it’s only 5 frets, but still. I would rather a neck that was not bolt on.
Just as you prefer bolt on, I prefer set or thru.
I have the same preferences as you, but, honestly, I’d just adapt. How much time do you spend past 17? If this is perfect, except one thing, I’d try to get accustomed to it.
And I keep drooling at the pictures.
\n Is there anything?
I mean, the S has the ZR2 bridge, while the SV has the SynchroniZR bridge.
is the SynchroniZR floating? And, if it is. what would I want it over the ZR2? I know it doesn’t lock, but the quick tuners on the ZR2 would easily let me change from something like Standard to Drop D, right?
And, if the SynchroniZR is floating, does that mean that I’d still have to adjust the spring when tuning, so the design makes it no better? I’m really confused on it.
The SV series is the hardtail of the S, so the body designs are the same. That’s all I know.
\n I mean, I don’t use the whammy much at all.
And is the SynchroniZR floating?
I would be changing semi-often. But like, once a week.
I wouldn’t have to adjust springs on the SynchroniZR, would i?
\n Okay, but say I have the synchronizr, and i change from Standard, to B.
Just saying. The SynchroniZR still needs to be adjusted. Is the only difference the fact that the ZR2 has a locking nut while the SynchroniZR does not?
Thin Body Acoustic Guitars: Ultimate Guide (2021)
What is a thin bodied acoustic guitar?
Thin body acoustic guitars have been thoroughly underrated in the past.
There is nothing worse than playing a guitar which feels uncomfortable. Sure, dreadnoughts have a beautiful sound but are they the most satisfying to hold? Not always.
That’s where the thin bodied acoustic guitars come in. Its thin build will stop your arm from aching and make playing easier.
In this blog, we have compiled the ultimate list of thin body acoustic guitars to suit every player and budget.
We have listed them into four main categories; Best Overall, Best Budget, Best Runner Up and the Best Thin Body Acoustic Guitar for Under $500.
We have also thrown in a few curveball alternatives that you might not have thought of.
Furthermore, we have answered Frequently Asked Questions about slim guitars towards the end of the blog.
If you have any more questions, leave them in the comments, and we’ll get back to you. Your thin body acoustic guitar is just around the corner!
Thin Body Acoustic Guitar Sound
Depending on the size of the body of an acoustic guitar, the tone and bass can vary. Moreover, there is a fine balance to be reached between the size and the sound profile it gives.
However, the trade-off between tone quality and playability doesn’t always need to occur. An acoustic guitar with a thin body can give you good results in both areas.
The Martin 0 is the perfect example of this. It is a thin-bodied acoustic guitar which gives a big mid-range punch and therefore, HAD to be the first in our recommended picks.
Best Over All Thin Body Acoustic Guitar?
Takamine Thinline Acoustic Guitar
Thin body acoustic guitars don’t get better than this.
A thinner body and beautiful face! This Takamine Thinline acoustic guitar checks all the boxes on comfort and looks with its slim body and flamed maple top.
The Takamine TSP178AC features gorgeous flamed maple on the arched top and back – as well as flamed maple sides, this beautiful Thinline guitar is comfortable on the couch, and powerful on the stage.
Its sleek neck is inlaid with beautiful abalone and shell on the ebony fingerboard. Stylish and powerful as well, its voice being easily transferred to the stage with Takamine’s CT-3N preamp.
Comfort, quality, and performance in a great format. It comes with a semi-hard SH100T case for lightweight, secure protection of your guitar. A perfect acoustic guitar with a thin body to boot!
Best Budget Thin body Acoustic Guitar
Fender Newporter Special Acoustic-Electric Guitar
Featuring superb build quality, a matching Strat headstock, Fender/Fishman electronics, and a stylish matte black finish, the Newporter is one slick guitar.
Follow your musical vision and express yourself with the unique Newporter Special. The exclusive medium-sized Newporter shape gives it a balanced voice that’s both articulate and powerful, perfect for backing up any singer.
Designed for performing, fully-painted solid Sitka spruce top and painted solid mahogany sides and back, as well as a matching painted 6-in-line headstock and maple binding and rosette give this guitar a shot of electrifying style. Unconventional to the core, the Newporter Special is definitely something different and exciting.
The Newporter Special’s no-compromise attitude extends to its top-notch build quality, featuring optimized bracing for reduced mass and superior resonance and an upgraded bone nut and saddle for exceptional sustain. It also includes a premium Fender- and Fishman(R)-designed preamp system voiced specifically for the Newporter’s body shape, allowing you to plug in to an amplifier without sacrificing the guitar’s natural sound.
The lightweight mahogany neck features a comfortable, easy-to-play slim-taper “C”-shaped profile suitable for any playing style, and its pau ferro fingerboard and bridge further augment this instrument’s rich tone.
With its superb playability, distinctive looks and unmistakable Fender vibe, the Newporter Special is an instrument that proudly defies acoustic instrument tradition.
Best Runner Up
The Dean Exhibition Acoustic-Electric Guitar is designed to be a perfect companion onstage.
Made with a mahogany body and beautiful KOA exotic wood top, the thin body of the Exhibition adds comfort while helping to reduce feedback when plugged in.
The slim D-shaped profile of the set mahogany neck is extremely comfortable for electric guitarists and features a 25-1/4″ scale.
Appointments include a smooth ebony fingerboard, pearl Ultra Diamond inlays, black NuBone nut & saddle, Grover tuners, and a Fishman Presys II system. Its thin body is great for comfort while playing.
Best Thin Body Acoustic Guitar Under $500
Ibanez Thin Body Acoustic Guitar – On Sale!
Ibanez’s double-cutaway Talmans are perfect for the electric guitarist who wants to gain the full tones of an acoustic guitar, without losing the comfort and playability of an electric.
TCY models feature the clarity of a bridge pickup combined with a spruce top too.
Alternative Number One
If you are looking for something a bit different, we have included two wild card.
Left-Handed Fender Redondo Thin Body Acoustic Guitar
Bold and brash, the chest-thumping sound of this big-bodied acoustic was designed to inspire from the moment you pick it up.
The exclusive slope-shouldered Redondo body shape has a rich, commanding voice that fills any room.
The gloss metallic top, back and sides, as well as a matching painted 6-in-line headstock and creme binding, give it a shot of electrifying attitude.
Dynamic, unique and unconventional — like today’s guitarists — the Redondo Player refuses to be bound by the past.
The same no-compromise attitude that gives the Fender Redondo Player its uniquely killer vibe extends to every aspect of its construction.
It features optimized bracing for reduced mass and superior resonance, a Graph Tech NuBone nut and saddle for greater sustain and a Fishman preamp system that makes it easy to plug in without sacrificing the guitar’s natural sound.
Its lightweight mahogany neck features a comfortable, easy-to-play, slim-taper ‘C’-shaped profile suitable for any playing style and its walnut fingerboard and bridge further augment its vibrant tone.
With superb playability, distinctive looks and unmistakably Fender vibe, the Redondo Player is an inspiring instrument that was made for self-expression.
Alternative Number Two
Taylor Thin Body Guitar
As part of Taylor’s series of T5 hybrid acoustic-electric guitars, the Taylor T5z Pro offers the same compact hollowbody design and electronics as the groundbreaking T5z Standard, with the added bonus of a stunning flamed maple top.
In addition to making this instrument heartbreakingly beautiful, the maple top imparts a distinctive tone with a notable amount of sustain and splendor.
This guitar’s fretboard also sports the progressive spires inlay scheme that is unique to the T5z Pro and the T5z Custom.
For a thin body acoustic guitar, this Taylor is a winner!
What’s the difference between a thin vs thick body acoustic guitar?
The main difference between thin and thick-bodied guitars is the sound that they produce and the way that they feel when you play them.
Thin body guitars tend not to have such a deep tone, but they fit nicely and feel comfortable when being played.
However, thick body acoustic guitars are just the opposite. They have a rich deep bass tone but can feel bulkier when holding them.
Where are there thin body acoustic guitars for sale?
Sometimes it takes a more in-depth search, but most online and instore music shops stock slim guitars.
The best way to tell is to look at the width of the body to see how thick or thin they are. We thoroughly recommend looking on amazon.
Here, you can search for thin body acoustic guitars, and they will show up easily. This isn’t always the case. Also, Amazon has a great variety of choice and comes with and a trusted name.
Also, make sure to read the reviews from people who have bought the product previously!
Where can I get a thin body acoustic guitar case?
There are two types of cases available. A soft material based case or a hard case. For better protection we recommend the hard case.