Avatars love ноты калимба

Kalimba cover and tabs

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Avatar, The last Airbender — Compilation [ Kalimba cover & tabs ]

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Hi !
This is a little compilation of songs from Avatar the last Airbender. Most of the songs are sung by Iroh lol. I found it pretty funny. Some other players had also made cover of these song but maybe too simple or without tabs. There is 2 versions of Leaves from the vine. The second is a little bit more melancholic, I like it.
Have fun !

Salut à tous,
Voici une petite compilation de chansons qui nous viennent d’Avatar. La plupart sont des chants de Iroh. Je les ai trouvé plutôt amusante donc je m’y suis attelé. D’autres joueurs de kalimba les ont également reprises mais elles me semblaient trop simple ou ils n’y avaient parfois pas les tablatures. Et comme ici on aime bien partager !
Il y a deux version de la musique «Leaves from the vine». La deuxième version est chouette et un peu plus mélancolique.
Amusez vous bien !

Читайте также:  Фон для стихотворения гитара


Kalimba cover and tabs

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Avatar’s Love ( Avatar, The last Airbender ) [ Kalimba cover & tabs ]

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Hi everybody,
I was wandering on Youtube, looking for some nice kalimba cover and I found this little and beautiful theme. It might be interesting to add it in my website for all the beginners who want some easy songs. As usual, I wrote it the simple way to play, you can add some chords later when you’ll be a little bit better with your kalimba.
Have fun dear friends ! 😁

Salut à tous,
J’étais en train de vagabonder sur Youtube à la recherche de petite chanson sympa et j’ai trouvé cette musique du dessin animé Avatar ( que je zieutais parfois devant la télé ). Je me suis dit qu’il serait intéressant de l’ajouter au site afin de proposer des musiques sympa et très facile pour permettre à tous de jouer et de monter le niveau progressivement des tout débutants.
Comme d’habitude, les tabs sont écrites de manière simple, à vous d’ajouter des notes et des accords quand votre niveau montera.
Bon jeu 😀


Easy Avatar’s Love Kalimba Tabs & Chords – The Last Airbender

The Last Airbender is simply a mind-blowing anime series. This animated series is filled with suspense, thrill, joyous moments and grief. This series has a plethora of songs which are pure delight to the ears. So here we present to you The Avatar’s Love Kalimba tabs and chords. The avatar’s love kalimba tabs & notes provided here are in the letter and number notes format. Like Reflection Kalimba Tabs, When you say nothing at all Kalimba Tabs and Eight Kalimba Tabs, this song’s tabs are also very simple and easy and can be played fluently by the beginners as well.

Avatar’s Love Kalimba Letter Notes & Chords

D F A-C°
E G B-D°
F A D°-F° E
C° B G E (x4 Times)
C° B G E (x4 Times)
C° B C° D°
E° D° E° G° G° G°
D° E° B
A B C° D° E° B

Avatar’s Love Kalimba Numbered Notes & Tabs

1 3 5-7
2 4 6-1°
3 5 7-2°
4 6 2°-4° 3
1° 7 5 3 (x4 Times)
4 3 4 1
4 3 4 3 1
4 3 4 1
4 3 4 3 1
1° 7 5 3 (x4 Times)
4 3 4 5
6 5 6 7
1° 7 1° 2°
3° 2° 3° 5° 5° 5°
2° 3° 7
6 7 1° 2° 3° 7

Avatar Theme – Tutorial Video

Know More: The Avatar’s Love is nothing short of a soulful rendition. This melody has been performed by the versatile Johnnie Bailey. Also known as the Kataang Theme, this song features at the end of the series. The melody has a romantic vibe about it. The track acts as the perfect wingman as Aang and Katara romance each other on-screen. The melody has some soothing and refreshing music and its beats are soft and subtle. The song has a different fan-base as every Avatar lover finds this track emotional. The melody harmonises well with the relaxed and the rejuvenated mood.

Song Credits

Artist: Johnnie Bailey
Album: The Avatar’s Love (From Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Releasing Year: 2020


Avatar: the Last Airbender

you Can Play This Music on Two Different Kalimbas

Many people born in the last couple of decades were first turned on to the sound of the kalimba by the animated TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The kalimba was regularly featured in the sound track. The kalimba can really pull on your heartstrings in a sweet, simple way… a perfect accompaniment for animation!

In this post we feature two different Youtube videos by people who acquired their kalimbas in order to learn how to play some of the kalimba music from Avatar: the Last Airbender: one on the Hugh Tracey D Treble Kalimba, the other on the Goshen 11-note Kalimba.

In addition, we’re providing free tablature for these little songs, for a visual map of how to play them.

Below are the YouTube videos mentioned. Below each video is tablature for the first bit of the music – the iconic kalimba love theme. You should be able to match what you see happening on the kalimbas’ tines in a video with the tablature below the video. If you’ve never seen tablature before, see the link at the bottom of this post to learn all about it.

Several Last Airbender themes on the D Treble Kalimba.

This tab is for the first 36 seconds of the video. Click to download a PDF of the tablature.

The Last Airbender love theme on the Goshen 11-note kalimba.

Tab for first 45 seconds. Click to download a PDF of the tablature.

The two versions are a bit different, but are remarkably similar. Even though only 10 of the notes overlap on these two kalimbas, they are both in the key of D, and the overlapping notes are organized the same way on both kalimbas – meaning if you learn on one kalimba you could probably pick up the other kalimba and play the same music on it – at least in this case.

The cool thing? The sound track of Avatar: the Last Airbender uses a D major kalimba with the same basic notes as the Hugh Tracey D Treble or the Goshen 11-note – meaning if you get one of them in D, you can jam out with the cartoon! That, my friends, is a wonderful way to learn to play.

We sell the Hugh Tracey D Treble kalimba used in the first video. In fact, we invented the D Treble, and we may be the only people on earth selling them set up this way. Although we do not sell the board-mounted 11-note Goshen kalimba like the one in the second video, we do sell the same note setup on the Goshen box kalimba, and a box kalimba sounds even better than a board-mounted one.


Avatars love ноты калимба

Табулатуры для требла в строе До Мажор (и производных от «до») вынесены в отдельную тему:

В этой теме все остальное.

На иностранных сайтах табулатуры для калимбы расположены так, что они читаются снизу вверх. Я подбирала мелодии к песням и, для того чтобы можно было согласовать табулатуру с текстом расположила ноты так, что они читаются сверху вниз.

Вот табулатуры для достаточно известной мелодии Greensleeves и примеры исполнения этой мелодии.
Ниже приведено видео для требл-калимбы, исполняет — Евгений Шаля.

Очень красивая композиция. Автор и исполнитель — Никита Афанасьев. Особенность ее состоит в том, что она состоит из двух частей — игра аккордами и мелодия, от чего создается ощущение, что играют сразу два инструмента. В табулатурах красным выделены те ноты, которые создают мелодию, те что обозначены черным, это аккорды. Для тех, кому тяжело играть эту мелодию, можно сначала проиграть по красным нотам. Услышав и почувствовав мелодию можно добавить в нее аккорды.

Эти табулатуры написаны по видео, поэтому цифры слева означают время на видео, когда играется та или иная часть мелодии.

Эта мелодия ирландской баллады Cruel Sister. Здесь представлены несколько вариантов исполнения этой мелодии. Я ее подбирала под голос Meldis, так что, во время игры можно даже себе подпевать. Табулатуры написаны для стандартного строя Требл-калимбы.
Cruel sister.

There lived a lady by the North Sea shore
(Lay the bent to the bonnie broom)
Two daughters were the babes she bore
(Fa la la la la la la la la la)

As one grew bright as is the sun,
So coal black grew the elder one.

A knight came riding to the lady’s door,
He’d travelled far to be their wooer.

He courted one with gloves and rings,
But he loved the other above all things.

Oh sister will you go with me
To watch the ships sail on the sea?

She took her sister by the hand
And led her down to the North Sea strand.

And as they stood on the windy shore
The dark girl threw her sister o’er.

Sometimes she sank, sometimes she swam,
Crying, «Sister, reach to me your hand!»
«Oh Sister, Sister, let me live,
And all that’s mine I’ll surely give.»

«(It’s) your own true love that I’ll have and more,
But thou shalt never come ashore.»

And there she floated like a swan,
The salt sea bore her body on.


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