B flat minor аккорд

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я не гений в музыке и считаю себя малость не компетентным в этой области,но все же избавит Вас от необходимости создавать кучу ненужных блогов, сами знаете каких.

меня не ругать, это всего лишь выплеск эмоций у меня, так как за целый день мне уже надоело объяснять новичка, что у них не так, пусть послушаю и посмотрят, и сами ответят на свои вопросы.

1) начнем с нот и тональностей и все что им сопутствует:

Но́та ( лат. nōta — «знак», «метка») в музыке — это графическое обозначение звука музыкального произведения, один из основных символов современной музыкальной нотации . Вариации в изображении ноты, а также сочетания с другими символами позволяют задать такие характеристики обозначаемого нотой звука, как высоту , длительность и порядок исполнения по отношению к другим звукам.

Тона́льность (фр. tonalité , от греч. τόνος — напряжение, натяжение; тон) в учении о гармонии:


Подскажите, как сокращённо обозначить эти тональности

Подскажите, как правильно обозначить эти тональности:

A-Flat Minor
A-Flat Major
A Minor
A Major
B-Flat Minor
B-Flat Major
B Minor
B Major
C Major
C Minor
E Minor
E Major
E-Flat Minor
E-Flat Major
G Minor
G Major
G Flat Minor
D-Flat Minor
D-Flat Major
D Minor
D Major
F-Sharp Major
F Major
F Minor

(ВЫБЕРИТЕ ВАРИАНТЫ В СКОБКАХ, что больше подойдёт):

A-Flat Minor — (A / Ab / Am / Abm)
A-Flat Major — (A / Ab / Am / Abm)
A Minor — (A / Ab / Am / Abm)
A Major — (A / Ab / Am / Abm)

B-Flat Minor — (B / Bb / Bm / Bbm)
B-Flat Major — (B / Bb / Bm / Bbm)
B Minor — (B / Bb / Bm / Bbm)
B Major — (B / Bb / Bm / Bbm)

C Major — (C / C# / Cm / C#m)
C Minor — (C / C# / Cm / C#m)

E Minor — (E / Eb / Ebm / Em)
E Major — (E / Eb / Ebm / Em)
E-Flat Minor — (E / Eb / Ebm / Em)
E-Flat Major — (E / Eb / Ebm / Em)

G Minor — (G / Gm)
G Major — (G / Gm)
G Flat Minor — (G / Gm)

D-Flat Minor — (D / Dm)
D-Flat Major — (D / Dm)
D Minor — (D / Dm)
D Major — (D / Dm)

F-Sharp Major — (F / F# / Fm / F#m)
F Major — (F / F# / Fm / F#m)
F Minor — (F / F# / Fm / F#m)

1. Flat-бемоль, значит в сокращенном варианте будет «b»
То есть
A-Flat-Minor — Abm

2. Sharp-диез, значит в сокращенном варианте будет «#»
То есть
F-Sharp Major-F#
3. Мажорная тональность обозначается одной большой буквой, та же ля (A), а в минорной добавляется «m», (Am)
То есть
A Minor- Am
A Major — A

A-Flat Minor — Abm
A-Flat Major — Ab
A Minor — Am
A Major — A

Дальше думаю справитесь, не так уж и сложно)

G Flat Minor — (G / Gm)

D-Flat Minor — (D / Dm)
D-Flat Major — (D / Dm)

а вот здесь правильные варианты

правильно? а то там нет таких вариантов ответа



5B = D# = D-Sharp major = РЕ-диез мажор = Eb = E-Flat major = МИ-бемоль мажор
6B = A# = A-Sharp major = ЛЯ-диез мажор = Bb — B-Flat major = СИ-бемоль мажор
7B = F = F major = ФА мажор
3A = A#m = A-Sharp minor = ЛЯ-диез минор = Bbm = B-Flat minor = СИ-бемоль минор
3A = A#m = A-Sharp minor = ЛЯ-диез минор = Bbm = B-Flat minor = СИ-бемоль минор
8A = Am = A minor = ЛЯ минор
8B = C = C minor = ДО минор
1A = G#m = G-Sharp minor = СОЛЬ-диез минор = Abm — A-Flat minor = ЛЯ-бемоль минор
3B = C# = C-Sharp major = ДО-диез мажор = Db = D-Flat major = РЕ-бемоль мажор
5B = D# = D-Sharp major = РЕ-диез мажор = Eb = E-Flat major = МИ-бемоль мажор
12A = C#m = C-Sharp minor = ДО-диез минор = Dbm = D-Flat minor = РЕ-бемоль минор
2A = D#m = D-Sharp minor = РЕ-диез минор = Ebm = E-Flat minor = МИ-бемоль минор
8A = Am = A minor = ЛЯ минор
6A = Gm = G minor = СОЛЬ минор
9B = G = G major = СОЛЬ мажор
1B = B = B major = СИ мажор
3A = B#m = B-Sharp minor = СИ-диез минор
3B = D# = D-Sharp major = РЕ-диез мажор = Eb = E-Flat major = МИ-бемоль мажор
8B = C = C major = ДО мажор
9B = G = G major = СОЛЬ мажор
8B = C = C major = ДО мажор
8A = Am = A minor = ЛЯ минор
2A = D#m = D-Sharp minor = РЕ-диез минор = Ebm = E-Flat minor = МИ-бемоль минор
11A = F#m = F-Sharp minor = ФА-диез минор = Gbm = G-Flat minor = СОЛЬ-бемоль минор

Постигаю основы тональности, притом во всех доступных терминологиях.
Головушка кипит подобно Эйяфьятлайокудл’ю.Но, однако, факингщит, полезно!
Продуктивный отдых получается, пойду сдую полметра пыли с self-зачетки.


How to Play a B Flat Minor Chord

In this lesson we will learn how to form (play) a B flat minor chord. Other ways to represent this chord are Bbm, Bbmin and Bb-. We will use the various spellings interchangeably and randomly.

To form a B-flat minor chord, combine the root note, Bb, the minor third, Db and the perfect fifth, F of the Bb major scale.

To learn more about this chord and others, check out my course, Piano Chords: How To Form Basic Chords On Piano And Keyboard.

The notes of the Bb major scale are Bb-C-D-Eb-F-G-A. Bb is the root note, C is the major second, D is the major third, Eb is the perfect fourth, F is the perfect fifth, G is the major sixth, A is the major seventh and Bb, one octave higher is the perfect eighth. When forming a minor chord the 3rd note of the major scale (the major third) is played a semitone lower. Instead of D, you play D flat.

The notes of the Bb major chord are Bb – D – F. For Bb minor the middle note is lowered by a semitone, resulting in Bb – Db – F.

Minor Chord Intervals – Minor and Major Third

In a B flat minor chord, Db is three half tones (semitones) higher than Bb. F is two whole tones or four half tones higher than Db. This chord like other minor triads is a combination of a minor third and a major third. The interval from Bb to Db is a minor third, while the interval from Db to F is a major third.

B Flat Minor Chord Root Position and Inversions

In root position the notes of the Bbmin chord from lowest to highest note are Bb – Db – F. You can switch the notes around and play this chord differently.

You can play Bb in a higher octave with Db being the lowest note and F in the middle. Db – F – Bb. This is the first inversion of the chord.

For the second inversion, the lowest note is F, Bb is in the middle and Db is the highest note. F – Bb – Db.

Fingerings For Bb Minor Chord

What is the fingering for this chord on piano? Here are possible fingerings in root position and 1st and 2nd inversions.

In root position, play Bb with your thumb (1st finger), play Db with your index finger (2nd finger) and play F with your little finger (5th finger).

For the first inversion of Bb min, play Db with your 1st finger, F with your 2nd finger and Bb with your 5th finger.

For the 2nd inversion of the chord, play F with your 1st finger, Bb with the 3rd and Db with the 5th finger.

Video : How To Play B Flat Minor Chord On Keyboard And Piano

Here are the keys where this chord occurs naturally.

For the key of Bb minor, it’s chord i. For the key of Db major, it’s chord vi. For the key of F minor, the Bbm chord is chord iv. In the key of Ab major, it’s chord ii. In the key of Eb minor, Bbmin is chord v. In the key of Gb major, it’s chord iii.


B Flat Minor Scale

In this lesson, we will learn how to play the B flat minor scale. The three types of minor scales are the natural, melodic and harmonic minor scales. We will take a look at all three of them here.

We will learn the notes, intervals and scale degrees of the B flat minor scale (natural, melodic and harmonic) on the piano, treble and bass clef.

B flat is an enharmonic of A sharp. On piano, the same keys are used to play the two scales. In terms of sound, they are identical. The only difference is the names of the notes. The notes of the A sharp natural minor scale are A♯, B♯, C♯, D♯, E♯, F♯, and G♯.

To learn more about this scale and others, check out my course, Learn Scales & Music Theory & Give Yourself An Upper Hand.

B Flat Natural Minor Scale

The notes of the B flat natural minor scale are B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, and A♭. This scale has 5 flats.

Let’s take a look at the intervals of the Bb minor scale.

  1. Tonic – The 1st note of the B-flat natural minor scale is Bb.
  2. Major 2nd – The 2nd note of the scale is C.
  3. Minor 3rd – The 3rd note of the scale is Db.
  4. Perfect 4th – The 4th note of the scale is Eb.
  5. Perfect 5th – The 5th note of the scale is F.
  6. Minor 6th – The 6th note of the scale is Gb.
  7. Minor 7th – The 7th note of the scale is Ab.
  8. Perfect 8th – The 8th note of the A-flat natural minor scale is Bb.

Here’s a diagram of the B flat minor scale on piano/keyboard.

Here’s the B flat natural minor scale on the treble clef.

Here’s the B flat natural minor scale on the bass clef.

How about the scale degrees? They are as follows:

  1. Tonic: Bb
  2. Supertonic: C
  3. Mediant: Db
  4. Subdominant: Eb
  5. Dominant: F
  6. Submediant: Gb
  7. Subtonic: Ab
  8. Octave: Bb

There’s a formula for forming natural minor scales using whole steps and half steps. That formula is W-H-W-W-H-W-W. “W” stands for whole step and “H” stands for half step.

Let’s form the B flat minor scale with this formula. Of course, our starting note is Bb. From Bb, we take a whole step to C. Next, we take a half step to Db. From Db, a whole step takes us to Eb. Another whole step takes us to F. From F, we go up a half step to Gb. From Gb, a whole step takes us to Ab. Finally, the last whole step returns us to Bb.

The relative major key for the key of Bb minor is Db major. A natural minor scale/key consists of the same notes as its relative major. The sixth note of the major scale becomes the root note of its relative minor.

Let’s now learn the piano fingerings for the Bb minor scale.

On both the left and right hands, the thumb is finger 1, index finger is finger two, middle finger is finger 3, ring finger is finger 4 and pinky (little) finger is finger 5.

  • A Sharp Minor Notes: A♯, B♯, C♯, D♯, E♯, F♯, G♯, A♯
  • B Flat Minor Notes: B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, A♭, B♭
  • Fingerings (Left Hand): 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2
  • Fingerings (Right Hand): 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4

Triad chords in the key of Bb minor and their notes:

  1. Chord i – B flat minor. Notes: Bb – Db – F
  2. Chord iidim – C diminished. Notes: C – Eb- Gb
  3. Chord III – D flat major. Notes: Db – F – Ab
  4. Chord iv – E flat minor. Notes: Eb – Gb – Bb
  5. Chord v – F minor. Notes: F – Ab – C
  6. Chord VI – G flat major. Notes: Gb – Bb – Db
  7. Chord VII – A flat major. Notes: Ab – C – Eb

B Flat Harmonic Minor Scale

Now that we know the notes of the B flat minor scale (natural), we now take a look at the B flat harmonic minor scale.

To play a harmonic minor scale, you simply raise the seventh note of the natural minor scale by a half-step as you go up and down the scale. For example, the notes of the natural B flat minor scale are B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, A♭, B♭. To form the B flat harmonic minor scale, we raise the seventh note by a half step and this results in B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, A, B♭.

The formula for forming a harmonic minor scale is W-H-W-W-H-W 1/2-H. (Whole step – half step – whole step – whole step – half step – whole step and a 1/2 step – half step.)

Harmonic Minor Scale Intervals

  1. Tonic: The 1st note of the Bb harmonic minor scale is Bb.
  2. Major 2nd: The 2nd note of the scale is C.
  3. Minor 3rd: The 3rd note of the scale is Db.
  4. Perfect 4th: The 4th note of the scale is Eb.
  5. Perfect 5th: The 5th note of the scale is F.
  6. Minor 6th: The 6th note of the scale is Gb.
  7. Major 7th: The 7th note of the scale is A.
  8. Perfect 8th: The 8th note of the Bb harmonic minor scale is Bb.

Here’s a diagram of the harmonic B flat minor scale on piano.

Here’s the Bb harmonic minor scale on the treble clef.

Here’s the Bb harmonic minor scale on the bass clef.

B Flat Melodic Minor Scale

Let’s now learn how to form the B flat melodic minor scale. While the harmonic minor scale raises only the seventh note of the natural minor scale by a half step, the melodic minor scale raises both the sixth and seventh notes by a half step.

The notes of the B flat natural minor scale (as we’ve seen) are B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, A♭, B♭. For the B flat melodic minor scale we raise the 6th and 7th notes by a half step and this results inB♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G, A, B♭. These notes are used when ascending. When descending, you go back to the natural minor scale.

Notes of the Bb melodic minor scale ascending: B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G, A, B♭.

Notes of the Bb melodic minor scale descending: B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, A♭, B♭. (These are the notes of the Bb natural minor scale.)

The formula for a melodic minor scale (ascending) is W-H-W-W-W-W-H. The descending formula is the natural minor scale formula backwards.

Melodic B flat Minor Scale Intervals

  1. Tonic: The 1st note of the Bb melodic minor scale is Bb.
  2. Major 2nd: The 2nd note of the scale is C.
  3. Minor 3rd: The 3rd note of the scale is Db.
  4. Perfect 4th: The 4th note of the scale is Eb.
  5. Perfect 5th: The 5th note is F.
  6. Major 6th: The 6th note is G.
  7. Major 7th: The 7th note is A.
  8. Perfect 8th: The 8th note of the Bb melodic minor scale is Bb.

Here’s the B-flat melodic minor scale on piano, ascending.

Here’s the B flat melodic minor scale on the treble clef.

Here’s the scale on the bass clef.

My best recommendation on this site for piano lessons is Piano For All. Check it out. Click here to learn all about Piano For All.


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