Бас гитара schecter diamond series

Гитары фирмы Schecter

Для любого инструмента лучшая реклама – это известные музыканты, использующие его на концерте. Гитары Schecter в этом смысле не нуждаются в дополнительном продвижении. На протяжении многих лет большое количество музыкантов, играющих в основном тяжелую музыку, используют именно эти инструменты в своем творчестве.

История марки Schecter

История марки начинается в 1976 году с открытием мастерской по ремонту гитар. Schecter – это фамилия парня, организовавшего предприятие. Вскоре было принято решение не только восстанавливать инструменты, но и самостоятельно производить комплектующие для них. Компания быстро достигла успеха. Началось сотрудничество с Gibson и Fender – известнейшими компаниями по изготовлению гитар.

Но и этого оказалось мало – уже в 1979 году появляется первая собственная линейка гитар под маркой Schecter. Это были инструменты ручной сборки, настоящий эксклюзив, позволить себе который могли только профессионалы высочайшего уровня – например, участники группы The Who. Величайшая британская группа радовала публику того времени не только музыкой, ставшей классикой рока, но и разбиванием об сцену музыкального оборудования. Так что гитарная фирма Schecter получила в лице участников этой группы постоянных клиентов.

Серийное производство стартовало в 1983 году в Далласе. Эндорсером компании в тот период стал гитарист-виртуоз Ингви Мальмстин – композитор и основоположник неоклассического металла. Учитывая, что швед считается одним из лучших гитаристов за всю историю музыки, его выбор инструментов от Schecter говорит многое о качестве продукции.

Читайте также:  Парень с 12 струнной гитарой

Затем в истории компании наступил непростой десятилетний период, в течение которого менялись владельцы, место производства и даже класс инструментов – от массовых гитар обратно к эксклюзивным ручным работам. Только в середине 90-х новые инвесторы смогли определить стратегию развития компания, снова начав серийное производство инструментов по доступной цене.

Модели гитар Schecter

Так появилась серия Diamond, состоящая сразу из шести гитар. Вскоре к ней добавился семиструнный инструмент, получивший название A-7 Avenger.

Schecter Diamond Series Hellraiser

Schecter Diamond Series A7

Звучание гитары Schecter Diamond

В 1999 году появилась серия Schecter C1. Дебют инструмента из этой линейки состоялся в руках гитариста группы Papa Roach Джерри Хортона. С тех пор гитары Schecter стали пользоваться популярностью среди профессионалов и новичков.

Schecter C1

Не отстают и альтернативщики. Кроме указанной выше Papa Roach, эти инструменты используют на своих концертах музыканты Asking Alexandria, Three Days Grace, Suicide Silence. Отметился игрой на гитаре Schecter великий и ужасный Ozzy Osbourne.

Не отстают от зарубежных коллег и российские музыканты. Глеб Самойлоff & The Matrixx, Слот, Смысловые Галлюцинации, Stigmata – гитаристы этих групп показывают свое мастерство на инструментах Schecter.

Также стоит обратить внимание на бас гитары Schecter.

Бас гитара Schecter

А теперь предлагаю послушать звучание гитар Schecter.

Изготовление гитар Schecter в Custom Shop


Гитары Schecter – оптимальный выбор

Девид Шектер в 1976 году открыл мастерскую по ремонту гитар в Калифорнии и дал ей название «Schecter Guitar Research». Очень скоро они решили не только ремонтировать, но и производить все необходимые детали для гитар. Вскоре компания Schecter стала основным поставщиком деталей для лучших компаний производителей, таких, как Gibson и Fender, а также для большого числа других брендов. В 1979 году была представлена первая собственная линейка гитар Schecter, дизайн которой следовал традициям Fender. Это были инструменты ручной сборки, высочайшего класса и цена на них была соответствующая. Приобрести их можно было лишь в двадцати музыкальных магазинах на всей территории США.

С 1983 по 1987 года компания Schecter располагалась в Далласе, где впервые было запущено серийное производство инструментов. В эти года эндорсером компании стал Ингви Мальмстин.

В 1987 году новый владелец Schecter, японская компания Hisatake Shibuya, возвращает производство гитар на рельсы custom-shop, вновь создавая репутацию «гитар для профессионалов класса high-end». Фабрика переезжает обратно в Калифорнию, где на тот момент находился основной поставщик гитар Schecter на розничный рынок — Sunset Custom Guitars. На тот момент там работал будущий президент компании Schecter Майкл Цираволо.

В 1995 году были представлены одни из самых популярных гитар серии S. Через год Hisatake Shibuya попросили Майкла стать главой компании Schecter. Будучи опытным музыкантом, он привлёк в компанию множество известных музыкантов в качестве эндорсеров – Роберт Де Лео из Stone Temple Pilots, Джей Ноэл Янгер и Шон Исалт из White Zombie. На сегодняшний день компания продолжает массовый выпуск электрогитар серии Diamond, а так же эксклюзивных гитар ручной сборки.

Сегодня на гитарах Schecter играют: Disturbed, Cure, Seether, Avenged Sevenfold, Suicide Silence, Hollywood Undead, Nevermore (Jeff Loomis) и многие другие. Среди наших соотечественников так же имеются приверженцы этого уникального и очень надёжного бренда.

Самое главное достоинство этих инструментов – соотношение цена/качество, так как за эти гитары Вам не придётся переплачивать втридорога из-за логотипа на голове грифа.

Комплектующие на гитарах Schecter: Seymour Duncan, EMG, Grover, TUSQ, Wilkinson, Floyd Rose, D’Addario. Производство гитар Schecter – Корея (от 20 тыс. руб.), Индонезия (до 20 тыс. руб.), ну и custom shop в США по прежнему работает)


Бас гитара schecter diamond series

Schecter Guitar Research has solidified its elite status as one of the world’s premier guitar companies, offering electric guitars and basses, acoustic guitars, and USA Custom Shop instruments to musicians around the world in more than 150 countries. Its continually evolving and expanding line of guitars and basses appeals to a broad spectrum of players and diverse musical styles. Its core business practice offers high-quality instruments with professional components at an affordable price. One of the company’s strongest assets is its growing roster of high-profile artists, including Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, The Cure, Papa Roach, Seether, Prince, Stone Temple Pilots, Nevermore and Black Label Society.


Custom shop days, 1976–1983

In 1976, David Schecter opened Schecter Guitar Research, a repair shop in Van Nuys, California. The shop manufactured replacement guitar necks and bodies, complete pickup assemblies, bridges, pickguards, tuners, knobs, potentiometers, and miscellaneous other guitar parts. Eventually, Schecter began supplying parts to notable guitar manufacturers and to Robert Talbot repair shops. By the late 1970s Schecter offered more than 400 guitar parts, but did not offer any finished instruments. In 1979, Schecter offered, for the first time, its own fully assembled electric guitars. They were considered very high quality and very expensive, and were sold only by twenty retailers across the United States.Schecter guitars and parts have been used by, among others, Pete Townshend, Mark Knopfler, Ritchie Blackmore, Chris Poland, Synyster Gates, Richard Patrick, Jinxx, Jake Pitts Tommy Victor, Dan Donegan, Robin Zander, and Shaun Morgan.

Texan ownership and mass production, 1983–1987

By 1983, Schecter had reached its custom shop production limit and could no longer meet demand. That year, the company was purchased by a group of Texas investors who wanted to build upon Schecter’s reputation for quality. The investors moved the company to Dallas, Texas, where they produced above-par quality guitars using both imported parts and Schecter parts under the Schecter name for less than five years. At the 1984 winter NAMM show, Schecter introduced twelve new guitars and basses. The most popular of these guitars was a T-style guitar similar to those that Pete Townshend played. Although Townshend never endorsed this model, it was known unofficially as the «Pete Townshend model». Eventually, the T-style guitar became known as the «Saturn», and the company’s S-style guitar became known as the «Mercury». All guitars have the «Lawsuit» peg heads (two small marks on back of headstocks). Schecter was still using S and T headstocks, which Fender had allowed when they were a parts company. It appears this lawsuit may have essentially led to their closing in late 1986 to early 1987. The name was purchased by the current owners in late 1987. During this period, Schecter managed to sign one notable endorsee, Swedish guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen. Schecter built several custom guitars for Yngwie Malmsteen that featured scalloped necks and reverse headstocks.

Hisatake Shibuya and reform, 1987 – present

In 1987, the Texas investors sold the company to Hisatake Shibuya, a Japanese entrepreneur who also owns the Musicians Institute in Hollywood. Shibuya moved the company back to California and returned Schecter to its custom shop roots, devoting all its efforts to manufacturing high-end, expensive custom instruments. Schecter guitars were once again only available from a few retailers, one of them being Sunset Custom Guitars located in Hollywood, which Hisatake Shibuya also owned. Sunset Custom Guitars happened to be the place where Michael Ciravolo, the future president of Schecter Guitar Research, worked. In 1995, Schecter introduced the highly sought-after ‘S Series’ guitars and basses. In 1996, Hisatake Shibuya asked Michael Ciravolo to become Schecter’s president and run the company. Michael Ciravolo, an experienced musician, brought to the company many well-known musicians as endorsees. These included Robert DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots, and Jay Noel Yuenger and Sean Yseult of White Zombie, as well as Xavier Rhone of Carbon Nation. Michael Ciravolo never really liked competitor designs, so he sought to distance the company from its past Fender-style models. Toward that end, he added the «Avenger», «Hellcat», and «Tempest» models to the Schecter catalog. He also wanted to reach out to a new generation of musicians who were ignored by most major guitar manufacturers. Yet, at this point, the company was only producing expensive, custom shop models. (Schecter’s maximum output was forty guitars a month.) So, to realize his vision, Ciravolo began searching for a factory that could mass-produce Schecter guitars while maintaining high quality standards. In 1997, Michael Ciravolo met with several Asian guitar manufacturers at the Tokyo Music Festival and subsequently decided on a factory located in Incheon, South Korea. (Though not known for sure, this location could be the electric guitar factory of World Musical Instrument co. Ltd.) Schecter’s guitars would be built in the South Korea factory, after which they would be shipped to the U.S. to be set up in a Schecter shop. At the 1998 summer NAMM show, Schecter introduced the Diamond Series, which included six affordably priced non-custom guitars. In 1999, Schecter added the seven string «A-7 Avenger» guitar to the ‘Diamond Series’. It also introduced the «C-1», which was debuted by Jerry Horton in Papa Roach’s «Last Resort» music video. The Diamond Series is still in production to this day.

Expanded custom shop, return of USA production, and Schecter Amplification, 2013 — present

In 2012, it was announced that Schecter expanded their custom shop, adding 14,000 square feet to the facility. Later the same year, Schecter announced a new line of USA-built guitars that would bring the company back to its «roots». This included the acquisition of several CNC machines from Haas Automation and a new 1,500 square feet spray booth. The new line would be called the «USA Production Series.» These guitars were officially debuted at the 2013 Winter NAMM show. Schecter also announced a new line of hand-wound electric guitar and bass pickups, that would be available on USA Production and custom shop models, and possibly will be available for purchase in 2013. Along with the announcement of the USA Production Series, Schecter announced their introduction into the amplification market. These new amps would be designed in part with well-known amplifier designer James Brown, who is most famous for designing the Peavey 5150 amplifier in part with Eddie Van Halen and his line of effect pedals under the Amptweaker name. The amps first announced were the «Hellraiser USA 100», «Hellraiser Stage 100», «Hellwin USA 100», and the «Hellwin Stage 100». The USA versions are built in Schecter’s USA custom shop, while the Stage series is built overseas. The Hellwin is the signature amp for Avenged Sevenfold guitarist Synyster Gates, who helped design the head with James Brown. Both amps make use of EL34 power tubes, an on-board noise gate, a passive and active input that compensate for the output difference by changing the circuit instead of reducing output, and a «Focus» control that adjusts the low end response. The differences between the Hellwin and the Hellraiser is the Hellwin’s use of MIDI to control the amp. The Hellwin is also a 3-channel amp, as opposed to the Hellraiser’s 2-channel design. Along with these amps, Schecter introduced a line of speaker cabinets, one featuring a 200W sub-woofer. called the «Depth Charge», that would increase the cabinet’s bass response. These amps were debuted, along with the USA Production Line, at Winter NAMM 2013.



Diamond Series

All Schecter Guitar Research Diamond Series instruments are backed by a Limited Lifetime Warranty. This warranty applies to the original owner only, and is not transferable under any circumstances. Please note that our Limited Lifetime Warranty is only valid in the country/territory/duchy from which your NEW guitar/bass/product/instrument was purchased.

Your new Schecter instrument is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the life of the original owner, if used under normal operating conditions, subject to the limitations described below. This warranty is not transferable under any circumstances, and applies to the original owner only, provided the product is purchased as NEW from an authorized Schecter dealer. In order to validate your warranty, you must return your warranty registration card within ten (10) days following the original date of purchase, or register your product online at www.schecterguitars.com. Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase. If you need to file a warranty claim in the future, you can send in a photocopy of your receipt at that time.

This warranty does NOT cover the following:

  1. Any instrument that was not purchased from an authorized Schecter dealer.
  2. Any instrument that has been modified or customized after shipment from Schecter Guitar Research.
  3. Any instrument that has been serviced by unauthorized persons.
  4. Any instrument whose serial number is missing, or has been altered in any way.
  5. Any instrument that has been damaged due to misuse, neglect or accident.
  6. Any instrument that has been subjected to extreme humidity or temperature conditions.
  7. Normal wear and tear on any serviceable part of the instrument, including electronic controls and switches, jacks, worn frets, plated surfaces, tuning machines, scratches in pick guards or plastic parts, saddles and nuts; normal paint wear and tear including damages, discoloration, and paint shrinkage of the instrument finish for any reason.
  8. Defects in finishes such as cracks, splitting, or warping of wood due to changes in temperature or humidity, exposure to sun, fire, moisture, body salts and acids, other chemicals or non-industry approved polishes.
  9. Regular maintenance of the instrument, including string changes, truss rod adjustments, set-up, intonation and action adjustment.
  10. Subjective issues such as tonal characteristics, grade, grain or color of wood or finish, or relative weight.
  11. Freight charges to Schecter Guitar Research for warranty repairs.
  12. Shipping damages of any kind.

No instrument may be returned to Schecter Guitar Research without prior authorization. If a return is to be made to Schecter Guitar Research, the customer must first obtain a Return Authorization number (RA#) by phone or email. If the RA# is not clearly marked on the package being returned, it will be refused. Schecter Guitar Research will inspect any returned instrument, and upon approval, and at the sole discretion of Schecter Guitar Research, will replace any part or parts deemed defective. Schecter

Guitar Research reserves the right to use materials regularly utilized or available at the time of repair in the event that the original materials are no longer available. The customer is responsible for the cost of shipping the instrument to Schecter Guitar Research; please provide insurance and pack the instrument properly! Schecter Guitar Research will pay the insurance and shipping costs to send the instrument back. Schecter Guitar Research does not offer repair service of any kind other than warranty repair service. If an instrument needs service or maintenance that is not covered under warranty, it should be taken to a qualified guitar repair professional.

SGR Warranty Information

SGR by Schecter Guitar Research and SGR Guitar Pack — 2 Year Limited Warranty

Schecter Guitar Research warrants the SGR GUITAR and SGR GUITAR PACK to be free from defects in material and workmanship if used under normal operating conditions for a period of 2 years from the date of original purchase except electronics and hardware which are covered for 1 year from original date of purchase. The GUITAR PACK AMPLIFIER is protected under a one-year warranty from the original purchase date. Cables and other accessories are warranted for a period of 120 days from the original date of purchase. Guitar strings are not covered under warranty. This warranty applies to the original owner only, and is not transferable under any circumstances. Please note that our 2 year Limited Warranty is only valid in the country/territory/duchy from which your NEW guitar/bass/product/instrument was purchased.

Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase. If you need to file a warranty claim in the future, you can send in a photocopy of your receipt at that time.

The SGR GUITAR is designed for use with .009 to .042 gauged strings only and heavier gauged strings may cause damage to the instrument. This warranty is void if strings of a heavier gauge other than .009 to .042 are installed on the guitar.

The SGR 4 string bass is designed for use with .045 to .105 gauged strings only and the SGR 5 string bass is designed for use with .045 to .130 gauged strings only. This warranty is void if strings of a heavier gauge than those listed are installed on the guitar.

This warranty does NOT cover the following:

  1. Any instrument that was not purchased from an authorized Schecter dealer.
  2. Any instrument that has been modified or customized after shipment from Schecter Guitar Research.
  3. Any instrument that has been serviced by unauthorized persons.
  4. Any instrument whose serial number is missing, or has been altered in any way.
  5. Any instrument that has been damaged due to misuse, neglect or accident.
  6. Any instrument that has been subjected to extreme humidity or temperature conditions.
  7. Normal wear and tear on any serviceable part of the instrument, including electronic controls and switches, jacks, worn frets, plated surfaces, tuning machines, scratches in pick guards or plastic parts, saddles and nuts; normal paint wear and tear including damages, discoloration, and paint shrinkage of the instrument finish for any reason.
  8. Defects in finishes such as cracks, splitting, or warping of wood due to changes in temperature or humidity, exposure to sun, fire, moisture, body salts and acids, other chemicals or non-industry approved polishes.
  9. Regular maintenance of the instrument, including string changes, truss rod adjustments, set-up, intonation and action adjustment.
  10. Subjective issues such as tonal characteristics, grade, grain or color of wood or finish, or relative weight.
  11. Freight charges to Schecter Guitar Research for warranty repairs. Shipping damages of any kind.

U S Customers:

No instrument may be returned to Schecter Guitar Research without prior authorization. If a return is to be made to Schecter Guitar Research, the customer must first obtain a Return Authorization number (RA#) by phone or email. If the RA# is not clearly marked on the package being returned, it will be refused. Schecter Guitar Research will inspect any returned instrument, and upon approval, and at the sole discretion of Schecter Guitar Research, will replace any part or parts deemed defective. Schecter Guitar Research reserves the right to use materials regularly utilized or available at the time of repair in the event that the original materials are no longer available. The customer is responsible for the cost of shipping the instrument to Schecter Guitar Research; please provide insurance and pack the instrument properly! Schecter Guitar Research will pay the insurance and shipping costs to send the instrument back. Schecter Guitar Research does not offer repair service of any kind other than warranty repair service. If an instrument needs service or maintenance that is not covered under warranty, it should be taken to a qualified guitar repair professional.

International Customers:

Please contact the store where you purchased the instrument for return authorization information.


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