Beale street blues ноты

  1. W.C. Handy — Beale Street Blues
  2. Beale Street Blues
  3. Скачать бесплатно ноты и партитуры по запросу: Basin Street Blues
  4. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet Music
  5. W. C. Handy
  6. Top Sellers
  7. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Piano
  8. Beale Street
  9. composed by W. C. Handy
  10. Beale Street
  11. composed by W. C. Handy
  12. Beale Street Blues
  13. composed by W. C. Handy
  14. Beale Street Blues [intermediate]
  15. by Lisa Donovan Lukas
  16. Beale Street Blues [easy]
  17. by Lisa Donovan Lukas
  18. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Voice
  19. Beale Street
  20. composed by W. C. Handy
  21. Beale Street
  22. composed by W. C. Handy
  23. Beale Street Blues
  24. composed by W. C. Handy
  25. Beale Street Blues
  26. composed by W. C. Handy
  27. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Guitar
  28. Beale Street Blues
  29. composed by W. C. Handy
  30. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Alto Saxophone
  31. Beale Street Blues — Eb Instrument
  32. composed by W. C. Handy
  33. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Baritone Horn
  34. Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument
  35. composed by W. C. Handy
  36. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Baritone Saxophone
  37. Beale Street Blues — Eb Instrument
  38. composed by W. C. Handy
  39. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Bass Clef Instrument
  40. Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument
  41. composed by W. C. Handy
  42. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Bassoon
  43. Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument
  44. composed by W. C. Handy
  45. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Bb Instrument
  46. Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument
  47. composed by W. C. Handy
  48. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for C Instrument
  49. Beale Street
  50. composed by W. C. Handy
  51. Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment
  52. composed by W. C. Handy
  53. Beale Street Blues — C Instrument
  54. composed by W. C. Handy
  55. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Cello
  56. Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument
  57. composed by W. C. Handy
  58. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Clarinet
  59. Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument
  60. composed by W. C. Handy
  61. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Double Bass
  62. Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument
  63. composed by W. C. Handy
  64. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Eb Instrument
  65. Beale Street Blues — Eb Instrument
  66. composed by W. C. Handy
  67. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for F Instrument
  68. Beale Street Blues — F Instrument
  69. composed by W. C. Handy
  70. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Flute
  71. Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment
  72. composed by W. C. Handy
  73. Beale Street Blues — C Instrument
  74. composed by W. C. Handy
  75. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for French Horn
  76. Beale Street Blues — F Instrument
  77. composed by W. C. Handy
  78. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Oboe
  79. Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment
  80. composed by W. C. Handy
  81. Beale Street Blues — C Instrument
  82. composed by W. C. Handy
  83. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Piano Accompaniment
  84. Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment
  85. composed by W. C. Handy
  86. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Recorder
  87. Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment
  88. composed by W. C. Handy
  89. Beale Street Blues — C Instrument
  90. composed by W. C. Handy
  91. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Soprano Saxophone
  92. Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument
  93. composed by W. C. Handy
  94. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Tenor Saxophone
  95. Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument
  96. composed by W. C. Handy
  97. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Trombone
  98. Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument
  99. composed by W. C. Handy
  100. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Trumpet
  101. Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument
  102. composed by W. C. Handy
  103. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Viola
  104. Beale Street Blues — Viola
  105. composed by W. C. Handy
  106. «Beale Street Blues» Sheet music for Violin
  107. Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment
  108. composed by W. C. Handy
  109. Beale Street Blues — C Instrument
  110. composed by W. C. Handy
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W.C. Handy — Beale Street Blues

Уильям Кристофер «У.К.» Хэнди (William Christopher («W.C.») Handy), род. 16 ноября 1873 года в Массл-Шоулз (Muscle Shoals), Алабама, ум. 28 марта 1958 г.

У.К. Хэнди начал свою музыкальную карьеру в качестве корнетиста в духовом оркестре, а затем возглавлял вокальный квартет, выступавший в 1893 году на Чикагской выставке (Chicago Eхposition). В течение нескольких последующих лет он выступал в «менестрельных» шоу, давал уроки и всесторонне изучал всевозможные разновидности музыки, с которыми ему приходилось встречаться в ходе странствий по южным штатам США — в том числе и ранние формы блюза. Покоренный нарождающимся жанром, Хэнди начал записывать блюзовые композиции, которые затем переносил в свои собственные выступления. Таким образом он, с одной стороны, содействовал популяризации блюза, но, с другой, весьма затруднил позднейшее определение того, какие же из подписанных им композиций на самом деле принадлежат ему, а какие он воспринял у бродячих блюзменов.

В 1917 году Хэнди во главе своего Мемфисского Оркестра (Memphis Orchestra) прибыл в Нью-Йорк, где записался на пластинку, но уже к 20-м гг. выступал на публике довольно нерегулярно. В это время он уже страдал заболеванием глаз, которое послужило причиной скорой потери его зрения. Хотя впоследствии он время от времени выходил на сцену в составе оркестров, а также участвовал в записях именитых джазменов, таких как «Джелли Ролл (Мармеладный рулет)» Мортон (Jelly Roll Morton) и «Ред (Рыжий)» Аллен (Red Allen), большую часть 20-х и 30-х гг. Хэнди занимался ведением дел основанного им музыкального издательства, подписывая своим авторством все яркие и талантливые блюзовые композиции, такие как «Memphis Blues», «Beale Street Blues», «Yellow Dog Blues», «Ole Miss» и, наконец, наиболее известную композицию, ассоциирующуюся ныне с его именем — «St. Louis Blues». В 1941 году Хэнди опубликовал свою автобиографию, и вообще под конец жизни оказался в окружении ореола славы и почтения: в 1938 году Карнеги-холле (Carnegie Hall) прошел концерт-посвящение Хэнди, а в 1956 году Луи Армстронг и его группа «Олл Старз» (All Stars) исполнили «St. Louis Blues» в сопровождении Нью-Йорского филармонического оркестра (New York Philarmonic Orchestra) под управлением Леонарда Бернстайна (Leonard Bernstein) на концерте, проходившем на стадионе Льюисона (Lewisohn Stadium) в Нью-Йорке. Легенда о жизни и деятельности Хэнди была закреплена вышедшим в 1958 году фильмом «St. Louis Blues», в котором роль Хэнди исполнил Нэт «Кинг (Король)» Коул (Nat King Cole),.

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В марте 1958 года У.К. Хэнди, вполне объяснимо, но вряд ли заслуженно именуемый «Отцом Блюза» (The Father of the Blues), скончался. После смери У.К. Хэнди его статуя была воздвигнута в Мемфисе; кроме этого, Хэнди, наряду с Дюком Эллингтоном (Duke Ellington), первым из мира джаза и блюза был удостоен чести изображения на почтовой марке США.


Beale Street Blues

I’ve seen the lights of gay Broadway
Old Market Street down by the Frisco Bay
I’ve strolled the Prado, I’ve gambled on the Bourse;
The seven wonders of the world I’ve seen
And many are the places I have been
Take my advice, folks, and see Beale Street first!

You’ll see pretty browns in beautiful gowns
You’ll see tailor-mades and hand-me-downs
You’ll meet honest men, and pick-pockets skilled
You’ll find that business never ceases ’til somebody gets killed!

If Beale Street could talk, if Beale Street could talk
Married men would have to take their beds and walk
Except one or two who never drink booze
And the blind man on the corner singing «Beale Street Blues!»

I’d rather be there than any place I know
I’d rather be there than any place I know
It’s gonna take a sergeant for to make me go!

I’m goin’ to the river, maybe by and by
Yes, I’m goin’ to the river, maybe by and by
Because the river’s wet, and Beale Street’s done gone dry!


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Basin Street Blues

Перевод: «бассейна Street Blues » для смешанного хора а-капелла.

Перевод: Уильямс, Спенсер. Бассейна Street Blues . джаз комбо. Уильямс, Спенсер. труба, тенор-саксофон, тромбон, гитара, бас, барабаны.

Перевод: Уильямс, Спенсер. джаз комбо. Уильямс, Спенсер. Труба, 2 саксофоны, фортепиано, бас, барабаны. Бержерон, Гай. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Уильямс, Спенсер. Бассейна Street Blues . диксиленд. Уильямс, Спенсер. Ведущий лист. Бержерон, Гай. Главная ноты.

Перевод: — Неклассические. — Ничего Real, фальшивка, Book. Конечная fakebook.

Перевод: — Неклассические. Бассейна Street Blues . — Ничего Real, фальшивка, Book. Великий Gig Книга.

Перевод: — Неклассические. — Ничего Real, фальшивка, Book. Пожарной Поддельные книги.

Перевод: -Sconosciuti Книги Джаз противном. Джаз — Кит Джарретт (родился в 1945).

Перевод: Луи Армстронг. Бассейна Street Blues . Нот. Луи Армстронг. —.

Перевод: Луи Армстронг. Бассейна Street Blues . Нот. Недвижимость книга — Мелодия. Луи Армстронг.

Перевод: Бассейна Street Blues . Бассейна Street Blues , состоящие Спенсер Уильямс. Спенсер Уильямс. Хор ноты. 16 страниц.

Перевод: Бассейна Street Blues . Бассейна Street Blues . Спенсер Уильямс. Хор ноты. Уровень Discovery 2. Для хорового.

Перевод: Бассейна Street Blues . Бассейна Street Blues , состоящие Спенсер Уильямс. Спенсер Уильямс. Хор ноты. 2-Part.

Перевод: Бассейна Street Blues . Бассейна Street Blues Луи Армстронг. Луи Армстронг. Фортепиано: ноты. Джаз. Стандарты.

Перевод: Луи Армстронг. Бассейна Street Blues . Нот. Клавиатура. Луи Армстронг.

Перевод: Бассейна Street Blues . Спенсер Уильямс для фортепиано соло. аккорды, текст песни, мелодии.

Перевод: Луи Армстронг. Бассейна Street Blues . Нот. Новичок фортепиано. Луи Армстронг.


«Beale Street Blues» Sheet Music

W. C. Handy

Browse our 14 arrangements of «Beale Street Blues.» Sheet music is available for Piano, Voice, Guitar and 23 others with 8 scorings and 1 notation in 5 genres. Find your perfect arrangement and access a variety of transpositions so you can print and play instantly, anywhere.

Lyrics begin: «I’ve seen the lights of gay Broadway,»

Top Sellers

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Piano

Beale Street

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Piano/Vocal/Chords

Instruments: Piano, Voice

Pages: 4

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 3

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Piano/Vocal/Chords

Instruments: Piano, Voice

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues [intermediate]

by Lisa Donovan Lukas

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 3

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

Beale Street Blues [easy]

by Lisa Donovan Lukas

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 3

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Voice

Beale Street

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Piano/Vocal/Chords

Instruments: Piano, Voice

Pages: 4

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Lyrics/Melody/Chords, Leadsheet

Instruments: Voice, C Instrument

Pages: 2

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Piano/Vocal/Chords

Instruments: Piano, Voice

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Guitar Tab, Guitar/Vocal/Chords

Notation: Guitar TAB

Instruments: Guitar, Voice

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Guitar

Beale Street Blues

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Guitar Tab, Guitar/Vocal/Chords

Notation: Guitar TAB

Instruments: Guitar, Voice

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Alto Saxophone

Beale Street Blues — Eb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Eb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Baritone Horn

Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Baritone Saxophone

Beale Street Blues — Eb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Eb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Bass Clef Instrument

Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Bassoon

Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Bb Instrument

Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for C Instrument

Beale Street

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Lyrics/Melody/Chords, Leadsheet

Instruments: Voice, C Instrument

Pages: 2

Lyrics: Contains complete lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Part, Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, Piano Accompaniment, C Instrument

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues — C Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Cello

Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Clarinet

Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Double Bass

Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Eb Instrument

Beale Street Blues — Eb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Eb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for F Instrument

Beale Street Blues — F Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: French Horn, F Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Flute

Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Part, Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, Piano Accompaniment, C Instrument

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues — C Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for French Horn

Beale Street Blues — F Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: French Horn, F Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Oboe

Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Part, Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, Piano Accompaniment, C Instrument

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues — C Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Piano Accompaniment

Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Part, Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, Piano Accompaniment, C Instrument

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Recorder

Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Part, Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, Piano Accompaniment, C Instrument

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues — C Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Soprano Saxophone

Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Tenor Saxophone

Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Trombone

Beale Street Blues — Bass Clef Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Trumpet

Beale Street Blues — Bb Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Viola

Beale Street Blues — Viola

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Viola

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«Beale Street Blues»
Sheet music for Violin

Beale Street Blues — Piano Accompaniment

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Part, Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, Piano Accompaniment, C Instrument

Pages: 5

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

Beale Street Blues — C Instrument

composed by W. C. Handy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Instrumental Part

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Lyrics: Does not contain lyrics

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition


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