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Blues Backing Tracks

H ere’s a number of blues backing tracks to practice jamming with the blues scale and develop your blues soloing. These tracks are from the Jamplay backing tracks library which includes over 700 backing tracks and an ability to browse tracks by style, key or instructor. Jam here with the tracks or if you want to download them, you can download them at the JamPlay library.

Try developing your soloing with the blues scale and the minor pentatonic with these tracks. Additionally, as the Dorian mode is the blusiest of all the major scale modes, it will work on many of these tracks too.


I’ve put all the tracks here into a playlist so you can play through them all, and then you can access each of the individual tracks with their transcriptions below.

The Thrill is Absent In A

A slower blues backing track by David Wallimann inspired by BB King. Try using A minor pentatonic and A blues scale on this one.

Spicy Soup Blues in B

A nice laid back blues backing by David Wallimann, ideal for experimenting with the B minor pentatonic and B blues scales.

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Rockabilly Blues in E

An upbeat rockabilly track to practice your soloing with E minor pentatonic or E blues scale. Here’s the track transcription:

Minor Blues in B

A minor blues backing track in B minor. Ideal for use with the B minor pentatonic and try to use some B Aeolian in parts as well.

Funky SRV in A

An upbeat funky blues backing also by David Wallimann inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughan’s “Couldn’t Stand the Weather”. I’ve put this track last on the list as it modulates between A minor and B minor. See if you can hear when the modulation is occurring and try changing scales from A blues or A dorian to B blues or dorian and back in your soling when the modulation occurs. This track is a good introduction to changing the scale your using within a solo.

Over 700 More Tracks

These tracks are provided by Jamplay, which is one of the leading online guitar courses containing video guitar lessons from a wide range of instructors and live video chat sessions with their instructors.

Their backing track library contains over 700 tracks put together by some of the best guitar instructors online.

I just took a few screenshots of their backing track library so you can have a bit of a members look at this section:


Guitar Backing Tracks

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Треки для импровизации (Backing/Jam Tracks)

Если вы набрели на этот пост, то скорее всего вы уже пытаетесь импровизировать на гитаре и нуждаетесь в треках, под которые можно поимпровизировать. На английском их называют Jam Tracks или Backing Tracks.

Не буду тянуть и расскажу, где я их беру. А все просто — на YouTube. Для того, чтобы найти какой-нибудь трек, под который можно поджемить, достаточно вбить любой из следующих запросов:

  • backing track
  • backing track in e
  • metal backing track
  • blues jam track in a
  • funk jam track

Идея построения запроса, я думаю, понятна? Так что берем в руки гитару, вбиваем запрос на Ютубе, включаем и получаем кайф от своей игры) Кто захочет сохранить их себе в комп, тому поможет гугл, способов скачать с Ютуба много. Треков там много, можно найти все, от медленного блюза до адского митола. Вот несколько примеров:

Правда отличие Backing от Jam в том, что первые в основном — это минусовки оригиналов песен (AC/DC, Metallica, etc.), в которых нет голоса либо чьей-то партии, а вторые — это именно специально созданные для импровизации. Но на Ютубе там все перемешалось и под Backing Track там подразумевается именно трек для импровизации.

Плюс вот еще список сайтов, где можно скачать в mp3 треки для импровизации и минусовки:


Free Blues Backing Tracks

Practice your blues guitar licks with these high quality backing tracks containing full band instrumentation.

Slow Blues in A w/vox

Practice along with this slow blues in A with vocals from my buddy Clarence.

Albert King Style Backing Track

Here’s an Albert King style backing track similar to Blues Power in the key of G. I think this track is a lot of fun to jam to, and I tried to really bring the dynamics out with th…

Allman Brothers Style Backing Track in C

Practice your blues and slide guitar licks over this Allman Brothers style backing track in the key of C. This jam is similar to the…

Warren Haynes Style Funky Track in C

Practice playing over this Funky style rock track in the key of C.

Someday After A While Style Clapton Backing Track

Practice playing some licks over this Clapton style backing track in the key of D.

Funky Blues Backing Track in C#

Practice your blues guitar licks over this Funky Blues Backing Track in the Key of C#

Blues Backing Track in E

Practice your blues licks with this High Quality Shuffle Backing Track in the key of E. You can play many different styles of blues over…

Country Blues Backing Track in G

Check out this Country Blues Backing Track in G. It’s kind of a Georgia Satellites sounding tune with a good foot-stompin’ blues boogie. Sounds really…

Allman Brothers Backing Track in B

Practice your licks with this Ain’t Wastin Time style Allman Brothers Backing track in the Key of B. This track sounds really good when playing…

Thrill is Gone Style Backing Track

Practice your BB King licks with this Free blues backing track in the key of Bm.

Free Funky Backing Track in E

Practice along to this funky blues backing track in E. You can use many different styles of blues to jam over this track. Try using…

Free Shuffle Blues Backing Track in A

Practice your blues guitar licks with this Free blues backing track. This is similar to a BB King style groove. Try to mix the major and minor scales together to create a vintage…


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