Бот для мультиплеер пианино

Бот для мультиплеер пианино

Bot is a very general term on MPP. Just like Discord, MPP has a ton of scripters in the community who write anything from little bots to mess with in chat, up to NMPB — a system that uses its own MIDI database to play back music files onto the site.


Tampermonkey Scripts [ edit | edit source ]

Tampermonkey scripts are the most common form of bot on MPP.

Though Tampermonkey may mostly be used for making frontend userscripts for other pages, on MPP, Tampermonkey is the start of everyone’s botting career. Tampermonkey is an extension for most modern-day web browsers that runs clientside JavaScript on page load. It comes with its own script editor and supports requiring other scripts.

Tampermonkey scripts are limited, however, because they only have access to localStorage and can’t save to a file without making a request to an external source. This makes saving user data (such as inventories, balance, etc.) very tedious.

A base script is provided below for reference.

Chat Bots [ edit | edit source ]

The term «Chat Bot» covers anything where the user must use chat to interact with the bot to get an output. These may be written in any programming language, thus not limited to Tampermonkey, though the most popular programming language used is JavaScript because that is the language that Client.js is written in. This inlcudes Qhy, 7566, Theta, OmegaBot, BachBot, ShadowOS, and JPDLD’s MPP History.

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Autoplayers [ edit | edit source ]

Autoplayers are bots that play music automatically. This includes the JS MIDI player script and NMPB. This can also apply to Piano From Above and Synthesia, as MPP allows for MIDI input.

Discord Bridges [ edit | edit source ]

Discord bridges are bots that link MPP’s chat to a Discord channel. The most notable use of this is on the bridge server.


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