Branded by indie гитара

\n \n Unknown Guitar Brands

\n searchbarred, nothing came up.

I’m getting bored with all the major guitar brands.

What are some brands that you think are just below the radar and have the potential to conquer a fair share of the market? I’m thinking brands like WSL or Mayones.
Anything will do.

\n \n\n \n *stupid 09’er*

this space is for rent. PM me for rates \n \n \n

\n \n\n \n Ibanez PGM301
Ibanez GRG170DX
Fender Telecaster MiJ — 1986
Swing T-Through

Ibanez TS9DX
Sovtek Small Stone — c.1985
EHX Big Muff
Kimbara Wah — c.1974
Boss GE-7

Orange Rocker 30 Combo

god, those are ugly.

\n \n\n \n *stupid 09’er*

this space is for rent. PM me for rates \n \n \n

Unique for sure.

\n \n\n \n J.C. Harper
Custom guitars, repair, finishing and design for over 22 years.
Buck Dharma Signature Guitars
J.C. Harper Luthier

Did you, or anyone for that matter, actually look thru everything?

It’s more than just pointy shapes, even though that shouldn’t ****ing matterr if it’s still a great guitar.

\n I could name a lot of unknown brands that have gone out of business. But since you’re asking about brads that are currently in production here’s two companies that make good products.

Its a shame that Hallmark doesn’t have pictures of their Surf Pearl finish on their website.

\n \n\n \n Don’t be afraid to be honest.

Tin your unwound strings for longer string life. \n \n \n

I could name a lot of unknown brands that have gone out of business. But since you’re asking about brads that are currently in production here’s two companies that make good products.

Its a shame that Hallmark doesn’t have pictures of their Surf Pearl finish on their website.

i know youll kill me for this. but

\n \n\n \n If its Illegal to Rock N Roll. Throw my Ass in Jail!

Although they are becoming more known now, they still make great guitars.

You traded him a sword for the guitar? You do realize that a smart person would just agree to the trade, take the sword, slay you with it, keep all of the loot and call it a day, right?

. What are they teaching you kids in school these days?!

\n \n\n \n \»Guitar is tactile, It’s about how you play it\»
— Joe Bonamassa

And there are only 500 of the ML1 made, I’m not sure if there’s any luck with them now I assume they’re all spoken for.
Mine’s on the way

\n \n\n \n
Peter Gusmano’s album in which all proceeds support Project ALS.

And there are only 500 of the ML1 made, I’m not sure if there’s any luck with them now I assume they’re all spoken for.
Mine’s on the way

You lucky English bastard.

Things like this make me wish I was somewhere in Europe. :sadface:

I own three guitars from these guys, looking into a fourth and, if I can find the cash, a fifth. Absolutely superb guitars, every one I have is flawless.

Modded Fender 60’s Lacquer Jazzmaster
Schecter C-1+ with SD ’59/Creamery ’59 Custom
Egnater Tweaker 15
Algal Bloom fuzz
Fingerprint Redux fuzz
Nocturner reverb
\n \n \n

Yes, these are sweet and hand crafted in Durham, NC. I own an American Series.
Def worth checking out.

\n Terada Guitar Corp. Japan

I have a 70s Terada Acoustic guitar, its the biggest pile of crap in the world, you have 12 usable frets on it after that you need some crafty hand work to get over the body and past the fence post they used for a neck. Only reason I keep it around is its the model of \»gimmick\» guitar that Pete Townshend of The Who used to smash on stage after a performance, and after they realized smashing the good guitars was expensive. Go figure a $100 guitar explodes on impact just as good as a $1000 guitar 😛


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Created 15 March 21
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Программы для создания музыки, vst плагины, сэмплы, пресеты

Набор из пятидесяти вдохновляющих loops сэмплов инди гитары. Guitar Anthology: Indie Edition предоставляет 50 классических, редких гитарных петель хуков, рифов и лидирующих гитар, записанные вручную в Великобритании, используя гитары высокого класса, такие как Gibson Les Paul 1976, Gibson Les Paul custom, Fender Stratocaster. Усилители используемые при записи: Fender Hotrod, Marshall JCM 2000, Laney VH100R.

Сосредоточенная именно на инди хуках и лидах, эта коллекция содержит все от резко очерченной, броской брит-поп сессии, вплоть до альтернативных fuzzbox студийных хуков, современного джема и элементов Шугейза, двигающаяся в самостоятельном направлении современной рок классики.

Если вы ищете уникальное сочетание жестких инди хуков, тогда Guitar Anthology: Indie Edition ваш билет на концерт.

Гитарные сэмплы (loops) Guitar Anthology: Indie Edition в формате 24-bit wav для стилей Indie, Rock и Alternative.


Как играть инди-музыку на гитаре?

  • Cage

Честно говоря, инди-музыку лучше вообще не играть. А задавать вопрос «Как играть инди-музыку на гитаре?» это все равно, что спросить «Как вытереть жопу ежиком, чтоб было не больно?». Понятно дело, чтобы ежику не было больно для начала уберите от него свою жопу и не мучайте животное. Так вот. Если вам все же очень хочется научиться играть инди-музыку на гитаре, вам не жалко своего здоровья, и вы готовы оставшиеся 70 лет ходить к ЛОРу, то так и быть, я научу вас всему, что потребуется.

Из заголовка понятно, что гитара у вас должна быть по умолчанию, причем совершенно неважно насколько она отвратительна и убога (а также настроена ли вообще), поскольку в инди-музыке в целом и инди-роке в частности работает принцип «особой концепции». Понятно дело, что никакой концепции здесь вообще нет, вы просто нищеброд, который прикрывает свое нищебродство кучей бессмысленных слов, в которых окружающим нужно искать смысл (это такой квест). Самое удивительное, что они его найдут, а ваше нищеебство будет сокрыто.

То же самое касается творческой составляющей, вы можете играть абсолютно любую хуету (например как на картинке ниже или в ролике в приложении к лекции). Возьмите гитару в руки, извлеките любую последовательность нот и вот он — потенциальный инди-хит. Если кто-то вам скажет, что вы просто елозите пальцами по грифу, то шлите человека на хуй, отмечая его некомпетентность и особую концепцию вашей музыки, которую даже вы не понимаете. Главное сами поверьте в ту хуйню, которую несете и вы уже почти инди-музыкант. Так же примерно делают в художественном искусстве, когда кто-нибудь посрет на холст и это произведение продают за 25 миллионов долларов.

Важно помнить, что расшифровывать особую концепцию музыки должны слушатели, а не вы. Ни в коем случае не пытайтесь объяснить быдлу свои идеи или гитарные ходы, даже если они у вас есть, что для инди-музыканта нонсенс. Пускай все эти люди, которые что-то поняли обсуждают ваш высер на нотном стане так словно они правда что-то поняли. Все остаются в выигрыше и вы, как музыкант, который нихуя не умеет, и слушатели, как люди, которые полагают, что умеют видеть глубокий смысл в мухе в банке с вареньем.

Но мы уж очень удалились от темы сочинения. Уже понятно, что играть можно любую последовательность нот, а лучше и вовсе случайную (найдите где-нибудь генератор случайных чисел, например, так Radiohead пишет свою музыку), при этом длина композиций должна также случайно варьироваться. В тоже время сама запись должна производиться на микрофон за 10 баксов, причем таким образом, чтобы звучание было как «из трубы» (подвигайте микрофон взад/вперед, найдите нужное расстояние). И да, не забывайте записывать тишину или песни, состоящие из 1-2 нот. Удачи.


Best guitar for indie rock! 5 guitar models that define the genre

Every generation has its guitar heroes and famous instruments that they make use of. To some, Rickenbacker guitars defined the psychedelic 1960s. For others, the Gibson Les Paul symbolized arena rock of the 1970s. What about the modern sound of indie rock? Here are 5 guitar models that encapsulate the sound and look of today’s indie music.

The Airline Res-O-Glas

Guitarists of the past were known to splurge on classic Les Paul and Stratocaster models. But, Jack White felt like he needed a challenge. Originally the Airline Res-O-Glas was the kind of inexpensive guitar ordered out of a magazine for around $100. Its use on the White Stripes’ Elephant album helped the brand’s popularity and, in many ways, defined indie rock for at least one generation. The guitar, and similar models, are now often used in indie pop rock, noise and even modern blues. Then again, indie rock duos have naturally tended to gravitate towards more exotic gear to help with their look and sound.

Fender Stratocaster / Squier Stratocaster

It would be unfair not to include the classic Fender Stratocaster on this list. Despite its fame, and relatively high price, the guitar still finds itself favored by modern-day, often unlikely, guitar heroes such as Mac DeMarco. Previously, the musician had used a slightly less expensive Japanese Teisco, before switching to the Mac DeMarco Stratocaster that is so beloved today. Other guitarists looking for a cheaper alternative tend to rock the Strat’s less expensive cousin, the Fender Squier. The model may well suit the budgetary needs of those looking to learn De Marco songs. It may also suit their capacity for learning the kind of indie guitar chords swiped from jazz and other exotic locations that the American musician is known to make prominent use of.

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Of the two most famous guitar brands, Fender and Gibson, the former has seen far greater use in the new epoch of alternative rock and indie. Even cheaper Fender models, such as the Jaguar, have found a place in modern rock music. Famously Kurt Cobain played a left-handed model. Fender now makes a signature Kurt Cobain Jaguar guitar that continues to be a big seller. Are these the best guitars for indie rock? Certainly, few instruments are more iconic. Will it help players decipher the riffs and scales needed for this type of music. Frankly, these are good guitars in principle. But, it should also be noted that we are living in the time of cheap, well built, guitar alternatives which had previously not been available.

Mac de Marco, indie guitarist, singer-songwriter, Source:

» data-medium-file=»″ data-large-file=»″ loading=»lazy» width=»735″ height=»491″ src=»″ alt=»Mac de Marco, indie guitarist, singer-songwriter, Source:» data-recalc-dims=»1″ data-lazy-srcset=» 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1470w, 2205w» data-lazy-sizes=»(max-width: 735px) 100vw, 735px» data-lazy-src=»″ srcset=»″>

On the other hand, Gibson hasn’t quite made the transition to the new era quite as seamlessly. While they undeniably remain one of the industry’s standards, frequent complaints about high prices and poor quality control have hurt the company’s reputation. Plus, who is looking to spend potentially thousands of dollars for an instrument that will need immediate modifications. Better research the best humbuckers for indie while you have the chance and purchase a guitar that may already have them in stock.

Perhaps, the most famous example of a Gibson being used by a modern guitarist is Green Day‘s Billie Joe Armstrong’s use of a Gibson Junior.

Armstrong favors the classic, single-coil version, a kind of Telecaster for the Gibson company and, funnily enough, one of the company’s less expensive models.

Fender Jazzmaster

» data-medium-file=»″ data-large-file=»″ loading=»lazy» width=»735″ height=»443″ src=»″ alt=»Lee Randol — Sonic Youth guitar, indie rock» data-recalc-dims=»1″ data-lazy-srcset=» 900w, 300w, 768w» data-lazy-sizes=»(max-width: 735px) 100vw, 735px» data-lazy-src=»″ srcset=»″> Lee Ranaldo – Sonic Youth (Source:

As with many guitar companies, much of their fame can be traced to the popularity of one genre. In the case of the Jazzmaster, the genre is surf rock. With its subtle maple wood neck, and its single-coil pickups, the Fender Jazzmaster is ideal for the cleanish, reverb-soaked sound. No wonder it’s one of the most popular indie rock guitar models.

It was famously used by Troy Van Leeuwen of Queens of the Stone Age and Lee Ranaldo and Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth. The Noel Gallagher Fender Jazzmaster may one day soon become an actual model due to the endorsement of the famous former Oasis songwriter. More recently, it has been favored by Alex Rosamilia of the Gaslight Anthem, Joshua Hayward of The Horrors, or Ira Kaplan of Yo La Tengo. The alternative rock guitar sound would, no doubt, have been much different without it.

Indie songs on guitar are a mixture of a number of elements. It’s safe to say that the overall sound of the instrument is prioritized over the skill of the guitarist. The Jazzmaster is not the most practical guitar. It’s sound, however, is incredibly versatile. It’s capable of moving from a surf-rock whisper to a demented roar. Just ask the great Rowland S. Howard.

Albert Lee HH (Music Man)

Modern-day guitar heroine, St. Vincent (Annie Clark) plays the Albert Lee HH (Signature Music Man) religiously for her blend of artsy indie rock. For those who’ve never much gotten over the look of Gibsons and Fenders, the royal axes of the 1970s, the matter of what a modern electric guitar looks like may surprise them. St. Vincent says she has opted for the guitar because of its sound as well as its shape and weight which make it ideal for playing live. Indie rock guitars have rarely looked and sounded better!


The Danelectro guitars have been around for decades and have always sat as something of an oddity. Its odd look, strange taste for pickups and elongated neck made a staple of the acid rockers of the late 1960s. But, the instrument has made a comeback with the best indie rock guitarists, fans of a bit of experimentation in their playing, choosing the indie model for their present-day needs. Furthermore, the products created by the Danelectro brand lend themselves very well to the indie guitar sound that many modern bands appreciate. Beck, Zachary Cole Smith of Diiv, Mark Oliver Everett of Eels, sing the instruments praises.

An honorable mention needs to be afforded to the loyal Rickenbacker guitar. For Tom Petty, the love for the asymmetric shape and warm sound of the guitar started with the Byrds. In the case of Against Me’s Laura Jane Grace, it started with a love of Tom Petty’s music. This is a guitar whose appeal never wanes and that somehow attracts those working on the periphery of rock music. Originals do fetch a hefty price. An indie guitar approved Rickenbacker copy may well be floating out there, for a fraction of the price.

The best indie rock guitars offer versatile sound, a powerful tone, an interesting look, and magnetic appeal that makes newer generations gravitate towards the instrument. These guitars take care of all those areas and more.

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