Brown totem aborted fetus ноты

Brown totem aborted fetus ноты

Aborted Fetus
Private Judgment Day
by Marcos «The Jungle Guy» Garcia at 24 December 2013, 3:50 PM

Well, those who know Brutal Death Metal have only two ways to go: or love it or detest it to the very core of their souls. There’s no midterm, that’s the way the things are, but there are bands that really do something very good, as ABORTED and DYING FETUS, but the Russian quartet ABORTED FETUS, an experienced band, reveals to be a good name in their new album, “Private Judgment Day”.

Extreme guitar riffs, fast and heavy bass and drums works, piggish vocals, but doing nothing different that was done before, and in better ways. It’s good, but could be way better.

Good sound production, making the band clear and heavy, without tearing apart that “dirty” and “bloody” feeling that the style requires, but something on drums could be better (the snare drum is sounding strangely). And the artwork, well, it’s very cool… if you’re a kind of sadist or have some kind of black mood.

As said above, the band is good, showing a work that is fine at fast moments and on the slower ones, but the feeling of “I heard that somewhere before” is too strong. The better tracks are “Private Judgment Day” (good guitars, in some fine and slower moments), “Malignant Pregnancy” (the drums are doing a great work on this song), and “Gastronomic Confession” (bass and vocals are fine here). They got the better results in the longest songs, so it would a way for them in the future, and use of piggish screams really are excessive.

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A good band, but this time it’s nothing different.

More articles by Frank Rini » Written by: Frank Rini
Tags: Aborted Fetus, album, Comatose Music, Private Judgement Day, Review, Spotlight
Aborted Fetus — Private Judgement Day
I was a big fan of Goresoaked Clinical Accidents, from Aborted Fetus, in 2008. Album was brutally heavy with some wild ass slams. This Russian act went on to expand on that sound with their sophomore album, Fatal Dogmatic Damage 2 years later. The production had increased and the musicianship had even surpassed their debut album. Then the band re-recorded their debut album with a new vocalist in 2012 and I felt this was more like a new introduction to the public with their new members; however the re-recording, while more brutal sounding than when it was initially recorded, fell short in topping the original. The production, while louder, of course, was kind of a mixed bag, due to the overall mixing process. So now Aborted Fetus return with Private Judgment Day, which sees the band continuing with their onslaught of all things brutal and Comatose Music is the perfect fit for them now.

The production is crushing, clear and at times will cause your body to go into epileptic seizures due to its sheer ferocity. At 25 minutes the band wastes little time in creating technical songs, rather going for the jugular, picking up said listener and smashing their bones to smithereens. It’s the longer songs that create a little more staying power with the listener. This is evident with the title track that over 4 minutes, is their Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The title track pummels and the razor sharp guitar riff, you will be humming all day long. Alexander, their new vocalist, does what he did on the re-recording and that is gurgle and vomit all over the album and he does a killer job. The drumming is outstanding, a little too triggered at times, but this is Russian Slam after all and I’m glad they are continuing with a live drummer, rather than go for the drum machines that a lot of the genre is using nowadays. This is the perfect slab of brutality you need alongside your cheerios in the morning. Buy or Die!

Aborted Fetus
Private Judgment Day 2014 Posted by Andy Christos
The Russian meat-machine is back and with it, memories of the torture and agony their previous album had brought upon us! This time things get even more angry and devastating as far as brutality goes. But how can that be? I mean… their previous album of 2010 («Fatal Dogmatic Damage») was already in the red zone! It appears that these scum, know how to produce brutal slamming death metal, each time outbesting their previous effort!

So here we are listening to «Private Judgment Day», the third album of these ravagers from the north! Words simply cannot describe the massacre! This time they hit us with 10 songs that could easily become a -how to- manual for those who want to play slamming death metal. Insane riffing section to all the songs, with razor sharp riffs succeeding the choking fifths, creating a chaos unmatched! The drums are relentless, blasting their way through the chaos created by the guitars, and the bass of course couldn’t do much less. Fat sounding, and precise. Attached on the riffs mostly, but also not hesitating to improvise on occasion, giving this release the proper gravity needed!

The new singer is a total beast! It is likely that the man can no longer speak with normal voice! Gutturals, inhales, exhales and fuckin pig squeals! All is there and used wisely! The songs last about two minutes each, not allowing the album to get boring or an anything! Damn it everything here appears as if it was a product of ripe thought. Nothing done by luck or accidentally! The production is killer. Fat sounding, itchy and dirty, but also crystal clear! How can that be? You will find yourselves wandering the same thing when you purchase this bad ass motherfucker! The street date is the February 18th 2014! So I guess you just have to wait a little! But trust me. Once you push the play button, you’ll see that this is a whole new animal you’ll be dealing with. Word! Raiting: 5 stars

Aborted Fetus
Private Judgment Day 2014

Russian brutal death metal merchants ABORTED FETUS have returned and have teamed up with COMATOSE MUSIC in order to release the follow up to their 2012 album GORE-SOAKED CLINICAL ACCIDENT, their fourth full length album entitled PRIVATE JUDGEMENT DAY!

The band, formally known as INCIDE DECAY and FERMENTED CORPSE have found stability under their current moniker despite various member changes, particularly on guitar. This being brutal death metal and not a more progressive sub-genre, the new album is more of a continuation of brutality and depravity moving forward into the new year, as it will be released on the 18th February, 2014.

What better sign of intent could you possibly have than the nightmarish introduction of SAVAGE DOMINANCE which from murky beginnings soon peels away the gloom and sets about its business of blistering and carnal brutal death thuggery, pig squeals and all! NECROPOLIS DEMOGRAPHY is just as barbaric but does employ some well timed pace shifts and as such sports a fairly catchy as well as deathly sound.

As is the case with metal of this ilk the songs are short and bitter, so soon enough the band are battering their way through the machine gun like riffs and vicious double kick drumming of GARDEN OF KIDNEY STONES whilst the hilariously titled FUCK IN A PESTHOLE concentrates more on a more technical sounding savagery! What self respecting brutal death band doesn’t use horror film audio clips? Well luckily ABORTED FETUS are such a band and the slower and more intricate sounding title track PRIVATE JUDGEMENT DAY adds a well received infusion of blood splatter to proceedings. However this track also highlights the bands ability to add another layer of depth to their sound and this more intensive and thoughtful track is a well timed interlude to the outright carnage of the bands usual sound.

MALIGNANT PREGNANCY sees the band return to putrid form whilst GASTRONOMIC CONFESSION is equally as gore soaked and putrescent. Things begin to move towards a climax with BROWN TOTEM and then GUINEA PIG which sees more horror clips and even more furious slamming metal! Ending with MORNING INFERNO the band bring to a close a very well executed, brutally destructive album of sheer torturous devastation!

Aborted Fetus – Private Judgement Day (Review)

Aborted Fetus – Russian Brutal Death Metal that’s guaranteed to give you a shock in the arm early in the morning. Who said Caffeine is better than Death Metal?

This is ultra-brutal, almost-Deathgrind music that takes no prisoners and probably doesn’t even know what the word mercy means. As a point of reference think early Severe Torture, and then think how much of a compliment that is.

The songs are largely short and sharp with plenty of blast to remove the cobwebs and get the, (bloody), juices flowing.

Vocals are unintelligible and coarse – almost pure pignoise, but just the right side of this so rather than sounding stupid they actually sound pretty damn great!

I have a soft spot for this kind of ultra-brutality. Yes it’s never going to win any awards for originality but being unique is overrated sometimes; sometimes you just want to blast and grind it out, and when you’re in this kind of mood Aborted Fetus hit the exact right spot.

Aborted Fetus – Private Judgement day
Posted on January 5, 2014 by meden

Comatose Music / CD / Brutal Death / Russland / 10 Songs / 25:11 min

Irgendwie weißt gar nichts darauf hin, dass es sich um Russen handelt. Der Name nicht, der CD Name nicht, aber es ist tatsächlich so. Die Burschen sind auch schon seit 2000 unterwegs und den Namen habe ich auch schon des öfteren gehört, aber so richtig wahrgenommen habe ich sie wohl nicht, liegt wohl daran, dass der old school Death Metal wieder aufgekommen ist und der amerikanische Brutalo Death Metal ein wenig vernachlässigt wurde. Sei es drum, die Burschen könnten definitiv in den Staaten aufgewachsen sein. 2008 kam das Debut heraus ( vorher drei Demos, 2 Split und eine EP) und man bleibt seit dem im 2 Jahresrhythmus und ist somit beim vierten Album angelangt. Intros und Samples dürfen nicht fehlen, die aber wirklich passend zur Musik sind und absolut bedrohlich daher kommen. ABORTED FETUS zocken brutalen amerikanischen Death Meta. Nicht mehr, aber definitiv nicht weniger. Geiles Brett. Sicherlich keine großartigen Überraschungen und innovative Schübe, aber für das Genre absolut eine Bereicherung. Wer drauf steht, sowie ich, der wird es mögen. Wie gesagt, Überraschungen erlebt man nicht. Teilweise technisch, teilweise nur brutal. Natürlich Blast und Slamparts. Frognoisiger Gesang und ab dafür. Songs wie der Opener ” Savage Dominance” oder ” Brown Totem” knallen formidable aus den Boxen und beinhaltet alle Trademarks, die Bands wie Devourment, Brodequin, Disgorge oder auch Malignancy inne haben. Das Album erscheint bei Comatose Music, wen wundert es. Die gurgelnde Vocals passen so herrlich zum Gesamtsound und einige werden sie wieder hassen, aber ich liebe es. Muss halt passen und es passt, wie die Faust auf Auge! Vom technischen Aspekt her geht das Riffing teilweise sogar in die Suffocation bzw. Dying Fetus Ecke, vom Gesamtsound her klingt man nach “Kraanium” oder “Expurgate”.Ach knappen 26 Minuten ist der Spaß vorbei und ich finde, dass reicht auch für ein brutal Death Metal Album.

Fazit: ABORTED FETUS dürfte nur was für Genrefans sein. Fans vom brutalen, amerikanischen Death Metal können aber blind zuschlagen. Keine großen Überraschungen, aber es Knallt ordentlich.

Private judgement day

Die Russen Aborted Fetus laden auf Album Nummer 4 zum „Private Judgement Day“ und alle Slam Death Metal Fans werden sicher auf ihre Kosten kommen.

In knapp 25 Minuten lärmt sich das Quintett durch 10 Nummern mit illustren Titeln wie ‘‘Garden of Kidney Stones‘‘ oder ‘‘Fuck in a Pesthole‘‘.Was von Aborted Fetus erwartet werden durfte, das wird hier auch geliefert: brutaler Death Metal amerikanischer Machart á la frühen Dying Fetus oder Kraanium. Es wird meist stumpf geblastet, aber auch mal wie im Titeltrack verhaltene Leads eingebaut. Keine wirklichen Überraschungen, aber das erwartet wohl kaum einer. Risikofreudigkeit sucht man vergebens. Allerdings sind die Russe, allen vorweg Drummer Andrew, technisch sowieso über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Davon lebt bekanntlich guter Slam Death Metal, dass es eine Band schafft ihr Material in sich abwechslungsreich um die Blastparts und das brutale Slamming herum zu gestalten. Zum Glück sind die Russen dazu in der Lage: Aborted Fetus können ihr Handwerk und brauchen sich in keinster Weise hinter ihren amerikanischen Kollegen und Vorbildern verstecken. Im Gegenteil: was ihnen an Experimentierfreudigkeit fehlt, das machen sie durch Energie und Dynamik wett. Man höre nur den Opener „Savage Dominance“ oder den Rausschmeisser „Morning Inferno“. Hier werden keine Gefangenen gemacht, sondern zielgerichtet die Fontanelle geöffnet und das Stammhirn massiert. Stilsicher wird geshreddet und gegrindet, die Snare scheppert blechern, die Pigsqueals dürfen natürlich auch nicht fehlen und diverse Intros sorgen für gesteigertes Hörvergnügen. Wer so beherzt zur Sache geht, der darf auch einen Song ‘‘Guinea Pig‘‘ nennen. Ich hoffe nur Peta kriegt das nicht raus! Mich würde ja mal die Inspiration zu einem Songtitel wie „Gastronomic Confessions“ interessieren. Oder doch nicht? Vielleicht sollte Rach, der Restauranttester, hier mal nachhaken.

Mir gefallen Aborted Fetus am besten, wenn sie einfach nur brutal zu Werke gehen, wie das in „Brown Totem“ der Fall ist. Das geht live ab wie Zäpfchen. Soviel ist klar. Man merkt dank der klaren aber natürlichen Produktion, dass hier eine Band zu Werke geht und nicht wie bei vielen Slam Bands Soundeffekte, tiefer gepitchte Vocals und Freund Drumcomputer im Studio regieren. 14 Jahre im Business hinterlassen eben Spuren. Aborted Fetus liefern seit dem Debut „Goresoaked Clinical Accident“ (2008) Qualität ab, und das hat sich auch mit diesem Album nicht geändert.

Slam Death Metal in Reinform. Das wird auf „Private Judgement Day“ geboten. Kein Album für die Ewigkeit, aber das ist hier nicht der Anspruch. Da muss es einfach mal deftigen Wursteintopf geben anstatt Sojabrei. Brutaler als die Band selbst, sind nur die mit Grammatikfehlern gespickten facebook-Einträge der russischen Jungs. Aber da man nun beim amerikanischen Comatose Label unter Vertrag ist, könnte sich das ja auch noch ändern. Genreliebhaber des gepflegten Slam Death Metal werden auf jeden Fall frohlocken und ihre wahre Freude haben. Dieses Album macht Spaß. Werft den Fleischwolf an!

Bewertung: Klassenziel erreicht mit 7,0 von 10 Punkten

[18TH FEBRUARY 2014]


Russians. We know they’re all crazy bastards. As a Scot, we know crazy bastards, and over the years I have discovered that if anyone can hold a drunken, angry candle at us, it’s those Russians – and nothing goes together like Russians and slam metal! Like their brethren in Abominable Putridity, Aborted Fetus are contenders for the Supreme Dominars of Slam, and whilst their third full length monstrosity Private Judgement Day is pretty fucking short – at a measly twenty-five minutes – it’s quite fucking far from sweet.

We enter their domain with “Savage Dominance” and are greeted with the sound of a crying baby – why did we expect any different? – and then what else but a gut gurgling SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and a groove-ridden riff that sounds like nothing less than an all-out massacre. The prime difference between normal death metal and slam is the sheer ridiculousness of it. The riffs are soaked in unrelenting groove, the drums pound your cranium like a jackhammer, and the vocals sound like you’re being shat on by some kind of mutated elephant. What’s not to like?

The songs slide by in no time at all, barely giving you a chance to understand the damage your anus has endured. Before long you’re already halfway through the album and your nether regions are practically non existent. This is certainly one of the better releases the genre has to offer; many slam efforts are plagued by horrendous production and vocals that sound like someone recording a drain pipe gurgling through a shoe…from several miles away. Not so in this case; the production is actually quite good and the vocals sound like someone recording a gurgling drain pipe on something slightly more sophisticated than a shoe, and from a reasonable distance.

Private Judgement Day is a victory for these guys. While it actually has fewer slams than the last album — Goresoaked Clinical Accidents — it is one of their best albums yet. However, I think the shortness of the LP is one of its major faults – or perhaps it is not the length of the LP that is the problem, but the length of the songs. This isn’t grind – this is slam, and we want to hear the riffs! Unfortunately you barely finish comprehending one groove before you are forced to move on to another. This has been the problem with all of their albums so far. Believe it or not, this album actually isn’t their shortest, and their longest only beats this album by a few seconds. Some people may like their slam in short doses, and that is completely understandable – though perhaps it could be slightly longer.

Again, this is slam, so if you are looking to tick boxes like progression, beauty, class and diversity, then please look elsewhere. Private Judgement Day is, from start to finish, unadulterated, volatile heaviness with a touch of more unadulterated, volatile heaviness. If you are a fan of the brutal side of metal, then this is an album for you to check out. It is one of the better slam albums of recent memory, and perhaps it is a contender for one of the best slam releases of this year (already).

Notable tracks: Savage Dominance, Fuck in a Pesthole, Private Judgement Day, Brown Totem


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