Киселев О. Первые шаги. Альбом юного гитариста (для младших классов)
В сборник «Первые шаги» включены пьесы для сольного исполнения, цикл «10 универсальных дуэтов», а также гаммы с аппликатурой Ф. Карулли и А. Сеговии. Первые партии в дуэтах сочинены О. Киселёвым, а аккомпанирующими являются известные сольные произведения детского гитарного репертуара композиторов 18-го века. Все пьесы написаны с учётом технических возможностей учащихся, имеют образные названия, которые помогут лучше понять авторский замысел произведений. Издание адресовано учащимся младших классов детских музыкальных школ, а для любителей игры на классической гитаре это новая встреча с оригинальными произведениями композитора.
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Классическая гитара, фламенко, семиструнная гитара — ФОРУМ: Олег Киселёв нотные сборники — Классическая гитара, фламенко, семиструнная гитара — ФОРУМ
- Классическая гитара, фламенко, семиструнная гитара — ФОРУМ
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Олег Киселёв нотные сборники
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- Регистрация: 04 Июнь 09
Решил создать тему,думаю автор не будет возражать?
Том I Клубника со сливками(1984-1993)
Том II Рок-н-ролл для тех, кому за 30(1986-1994)
Том III По мягкому ковру опавших листьев(1995-1996)
Том IV Времена года(1996-1997)
Том V Аквариумные рыбки(1998)
Том VI В тёплых водах Эгейского моря(1999)
Том VII Ура! Каникулы!(2000)
Том VIII Облака(2000-2001)
Том IX Портрет последнего романтика (2001)
Том X Блюз улицы Ленина(2002)
Том XI Самба под снегом (2003)
Том XII Почему ты не любишь джаз?(2004)
Том XIII Первые шаги гитариста(2006)
Том XIV Во поле берёза стояла(2007)
Том XV Блюз опоздавшего поезда(2008)
Том XVI Аквариумные рыбки(2009)
Том XVII Фламенко(2012)
Том I Клубника со сливками(1984-1993)
Пьесы из этого сборника впервые изданы в Польше,затем России,Испании
Рецензия из английского журнала «Классическая гитара»
Classical Guitar — September 2005
by Oleg Kiselev
Music Production International. 48 pp (includes CD of entire contents).
This is a Russian publishing house, so I have absolutely no idea how you might get hold of this, should you want to.
It consists of 28 little pieces of considerable charm and variety written by a composer with charm and a handy ear for the unusual yet melodic. The entire book is in Russian except for the translated titles but that is of little consequence; it is the music that matters and it is wonderful. It is all not too difficult and is approachable and immediately involving, yet not full of clichйs.
Firstly you have the Children’s Suite, a four-movement work; and then an Autumnal Suite again consisting of four items, both works of only moderate difficulty yet full of interesting music. There follows 10 Easy pieces, which are still not too easy; moderate is a fairer term, as you do have to have a certain maturity of technique to make a proper job of them. There is much to enjoy here, as in the final 10 Etudes, that although are lovely pieces of music, yet still remaining technique-based.
I haven’t come across this composer before but on this one volume alone I hope I see more. I do hope that an enterprising music Company has arranged to get this imported
into the UK, as it would be a great shame if such original and entertaining music as this remained unattainable to the majority of our reader-ship. (Chris Dumigan)
Некоторые пьесы можно послушать здесь:
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Сообщение отредактировал крош: 04 Ноябрь 2013 — 11:16
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заинтересованные лица могут писАть автору:
насколько я знаю, в Польше,было два переиздания,а в России летом планируется уже пятое!
все сборники с компакт-дисками!
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Сообщение отредактировал крош: 07 Ноябрь 2013 — 17:04
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Том II Рок-н-ролл для тех, кому за. (1986-1994)
рецензия на отдельно изданную в Норвегии «Английскую сюиту»
посвящённую часто здесь упоминаемому Джону Дюарту
Classical Guitar — October 2008
by Oleg Kiselev Endre Davoy Musikk, Norway.
10pp (includes CD).
This little three-movement suite from this fine Russian composer
is dedicated to John Duarte, whose English Suite from several decades
ago proved the staple diet of many a player, including myself, when I was a teenager learning the craft.
The opening Prelude is marked unusually for the straight quavers to be ‘swung’ as if triplets.
I say unusually because it tends to be something that isn’t often found in classical books.
Still, whatever the reasoning, this Marciale movement is full of block chords topped by a swiftly moving
melody line that is far from easy to play! Other difficult portions include some chords to be interspersed
with etouffe chords, which at 126-crotchets-a-minute takes some doing. It soon reaches a resounding climax
and rushes headlong via an accelerando to a triplet run of quavers and a surprisingly quiet final chord.
Song with Variation is marked Tranquillo for the actual song, which is in triple time and very folk-like in style,
followed by an Impetuoso variation beginning in the tonic major that goes down various paths before it resolves
to a resounding coda and a forte strum down an altered E minor chord.
The final movement is a dance marked Vivo Con Vigore that, at 208-beats-a-minute, certainly takes no prisoners.
It has a rather unusual mix of time signatures for its main theme that for me at least sounds a little
frenetic and its odd stagger doesn’t quite work as well as I think the composer intended but it moves along swiftly
enough and is pleasant nonetheless.
So in summation this set, which is of advanced difficulty, for me at least is better in the first two sections
than the final one, which lets the set down just a little. Nevertheless it contains some fine music that sounds,
to my ears only vaguely English; not that that is of primary importance and any lovers of this man’s pieces
will find much to enjoy here as always.
(Chris Dumigan)
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- Регистрация: 04 Июнь 09
Этол уже пятое переиздание..два в Польше и третье в России.
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Том III По мягкому ковру опавших листьев(1995-1996)
обложка второго переиздания в России,весной готовится третье
переиздание в суперобложке.
10 Музыкальных этюдов были отдельно опубликованы в Италии,Германии
Рецензия на этот цикл:
Classical Guitar — November 2002
by Oleg Kiselev
VP Music Media. Two volumes (32 pages each).
Vincenzo Pocci’s Rome-based publishing house is well connected in the Russian Federation,
this Chelyabinsk guitarist/composer being one of several such names on the roster.
Drawing on styles ranging from Villa-Lobos to Bossa Nova, this listener-friendly set of short
concert studies is clearly the work of a widely-read musician of the present generation
(Kiselev was born in 1964). Particularly attractive is the lyrical fifth piece, whose subtitle
There you are absent has possibly lost some of its poignancy in translation. Less successful is
the Rock’n’Roll study that opens the second volume. This kind of fun pastiche can work well with
a hefty shot of Rak-style excess, but otherwise tends to sound rather tame,
On the technical front, Kiselev’s writing is no pushover, some tendon-ripping left-hand stretches
being required in order to sustain all the notes. This said, there’s nothing here that can’t be done,
my review copy arriving with what appears to be a one-off CD of all ten pieces, ably performed by the composer.
Well written and lightweight in spirit, but only for the suitably equipped,
(Paul Fowles)