Gandalf sax guy ноты

Epic Sax Guy Notes- How to Play Epic Sax Guy Line on Alto Sax

My student Paul in NY asked how to play this one, so here it is.

Starts on F#, that note repeats a few times. (Notes for tenor sax below video)

Though there is a ten hour video on youtube, I wouldn’t recommend playing it for that long!

Correction: at 1:47, it says D E, but I’m playing E D. It should be E D. There is an annotation with this correction already on the youtube version, but that might not be visible here.

Also, the last note on alto should be a B, not an E.

Notes for tenor saxophone:
E E F# G E


this is so awesome i cant describe it O_0

I’m only 12 and I’m just learning to play the alto sax and this video really helped me extend my musical learning because for so long i wanted to know how to play this and thanks to you, now i finally can. =)

Hey Maya, cool, glad I could help.

Martin Zhang says

And I’m 13!I love Saxstation!

And I’m 11! This is so cool!

Same im 13 and love this website. SO USEFUL

i love this but you should make sheet music bro so we can be able to print it out it will help us better, not saying your video is bad its great its really helpful but for most of us printing it out would be much easier bt if you could make something to print it out i will appreciate it thank you bro..

It’s good to not rely on sheet music that much. I learned this by ear, didn’t write down the music.

Nice video, but just to let you know that after the A-F# bit you have put D-E when what you play and the music is is E-D

Thanks, I play E D like it should be, but mixed them up on the diagram. Had added an annotation in the video, but I don’t think it’s displaying here. So I just added a note about that.

Thank you ^^ for teaching me, epic sax guy on saxophone ^ ^

Can you give the notes for tenor sax?

Added the notes on Epic Sax Guy below the video just now for tenor sax.

hello, I was wondering which note we are supposed to bend if we are playing the song on the tenor sax

Hello Anna, the D on tenor, thanks for asking

Hey Neal could you show me how to play Stereo love by edward maya on tenor please?

Go here to ask a question, thanks

By providing some information I ask for on that page, you’ll get a better answer to your question.

Use the button link for questions or click on this link to ask a question, thanks

By providing some information I ask for on that page, you’ll get a better answer to your question.

I play Bari, started on alto, I have been playing alto 5years now, Bari 3, I always love seeing people tryin to learn to play I’m only a sophomore in high school but i love watching people make experiences, and having fun, this song sounds/looks like a good “starter” song, I hope many of you who play have good fun with he sax

Louise Malone says

Sorry to burst your bubble Neal, but the original song that you can hear in the background (he’s playing along to is in (concert) Eb minor, it’s ‘run away – SunStroke Project & Olia Tira’ the Moldavan eurovision entry 2010. If you notice at the start of the video the guy’s mouthpiece is so far off the cork the sax is a semitone flat. Anyone wanting to play this on Alto should start on G (in the key of C minor)
You probably should’ve known this, having your own website and all!

I still hear a concert A as the first note, F# on alto. Seems like you’re saying he fingers a G but is a half step flat, wouldn’t that make it an F#?

Gaboiel Narcisuss says

Hey Neal could you show me how to play Stereo love by edward maya on tenor please?

I don’t know that one. If you have a question later, you can go to this page

By providing some information I ask for on that page, you’ll get a better answer to your question.

Oscar Brenes says

Hey after the last b are you sure it is D because I can’t make it should I use the D up or down?

Listen for what sounds right to you. Notes in different octaves are not close to each other, just focus a little and listen and you should be able to figure it out.

I did make a couple of mistakes with this video the first time, might remake, but I did note all the corrections on this page.

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Epic SAX Guy

Epic Sax Guy (православ. Былинный Саксофонист) — персонаж вирусного видео, охватившего англоязычные и не только интернеты в 2010 году.
Изначально было просто Евровидение — такое, каким мы его знаем.

Однажды попавшее туда молдавское трио Sunstroke project решило показать всем свою фирменную поп-песню Run away. И всё было бы нормально и обыденно, если бы не саксофонист, подыгрывавший фоновой музыке. Сергей Степанов — так его звали — настолько интересно двигался на сцене, играя при этом на саксофоне, что едва заметив такой перфоманс, посетители youtube и facebook — а позже и многих других сетей — стали активно репостить оригинальное видео выступления оного.

Молдавия, между прочим, на Евровидении-2010 завоевала 22 место из 25. Но это ничуть не помешало народу заметить эффектную личность.

Едва увидев эпичного саксофониста, социальные сети взбурлили и набрали большое число оборотов в его пользу. Меньше чем за неделю количество участников тематических групп перевалило за 10000, а видео набирало тысячи просмотров. Причиной популярности стала, как и в случае практически всех людей-мемов, вовсе не техника исполнения, а забавные движения и эффектные солнцезащитные очки.

Кто-то подметил схожесть сабжа статьи с не менее интересно выглядящим Риком Эстли, и таким образом была запущена тенденция вместо рикролла выдавать ничего не подозревающему нубу ссылку с Саксофонистом. Алсо, прослеживается неиллюзорное внешнее сходство между сабжем и… великим и ужасным Дюком Нюкемом.

Видео исполнителя Epic SAX Guy



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