Гитара 2008 the guitar 2008

Гитара / The Guitar

информация о фильме

Сценарист: Амос По

Оператор: Бобби Буковски

Композитор: Дэвид Мэнсфилд

Продюсеры: Гед Дикерсин , Роберт Кравец , Боб Джейсон , Дэймон Мартин , Амос По , Эми Редфорд , Майкл Робэн , Брэд Зионс

Производство: Apple Creek Productions, RedGuitar, Breakout Pictures

Премьера: 10 февраля 2009 (США, DVD-премьера)

Актеры: Сэффрон Берроуз , Исаак де Банколе , Пас де ла Уэрта , Адам Триз , Джанин Гарофало , Рег Роджерс , Элизабет Марвел , Билл Кэмп , Лоуренс Баллард , Эшли Аткинсон , Лори Тан Чинн , Марк А. Китон , Соня Манзано , Ричард Шорт , Вирджиния Уинг , Крис Бауэр

Жанр: драма, мелодрама, музыкальный фильм

Жизнь молодой женщины резко меняется, когда ей ставят смертельный диагноз. Её увольняют с работы, бойфренд бросает. Жить ей остаётся всего два месяца, она отбрасывает осторожность, пытаясь осуществить все свои несбывшиеся мечты. И, главное, покупает электрическую гитару, на которой всегда хотела научиться играть.

Рейтинг: 7.5 / 4 голоса

последнее обновление информации: 21.09.11


Гитара (2008)

  • Год: 2008
  • Жанр: Фильмы, Мелодрама, Драма, Музыка
  • Страна: США
  • Режиссер: Эми Редфорд
  • В ролях: Саффрон Берроуз, Исаак Де Банколе, Пас де ла Уэрта, Миа Кукан, Адам Трези, Джанин Гарофало, Оуэн МакКарти, Джоэль Кэннон, Бен Торо, Джон Мелвилл
  • Озвучивание:
  • Возраст: зрителям, достигшим 18 лет
  • Премьера (Мир): 18 января 2008
  • Длительность: 95 мин. / 01:35

Описание Гитара:

Однажды жизнь молодой женщины резко меняется, ей ставят смертельный диагноз. Её увольняют с работы, бойфренд бросает её. Жить ей остаётся всего два месяца, и она отбрасывает всякую осторожность пытаясь осуществить напоследок свои несбывшиеся желания.

Сценарий: Амос По
Продюсер: Боб Джейсон, Хэйард Коллинз, Амос По
Оператор: Бобби Буковски
Композитор: Дэвид Мэнсфилд
Художник: Келли Берни, Эрик Даман, Марла Вайнхофф
Монтаж: Дэвид Леонард
Студия: Apple Creek Productions, Artists/Media Co-Operative LLC, Breakout Pictures, Cold Fusion Media Group, RedGuitar
Премьера (мир): 18 января 2008

Рейтинг MPAA: лицам до 17 лет обязательно присутствие взрослого

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4 мая 2016 09:55 Гитара / The Guitar (2008) DVDRip .torrent

1750 kbps avg, 0.25 bit/pixel
Аудио: 48 kHz, AC3 Dolby Digital, 3/2 (L,C,R,l,r) + LFE ch,


User Reviews

The Guitar starring the stunning Saffron Burrows in a low-fi take on changing gears. A parable of the drudgery of modern life, the cancer we discover she has in the first minutes, is almost an allegory for modern life: slow death at the office. She then becomes both a recluse and a free spirit — out of touch but via the power of the credit card very much in touch with who her superego would want her to be.

What we love in this was the pacing — rather than slow a better word would be tender — the Guitar uses film to draw us into the perspective of a dying woman through sound, sight, and feeling and for a directorial debut this is powerful stuff.

it has a simplicity in the film-making. This far outweighs any nudity — and it does have an eroticism to it which is well handled — but really does not make the viewer feel like a voyeur. I felt an initial disappointment at how the ending is set up but it is, on reflection, well-handled from that point on. There is a quality to the ending which colors how you see the whole film let’s the plot devices slide by.

If I were to choose two words for this they would be subtle and tender — and from my point of view I can’t think of no better praise for this particular type of drama than that.

An auspicious beginning for Robert Redford’s daughter Amy in her directorial debut.

Just saw this film at the Marin Film Festival. I am still absorbing it. A fine piece of film-making.

Saffron Burrows carries the film on her splendid shoulders. She is in almost every scene. I have always respected her work. With The Guitar she stretches her wings and flies.

Much of the film is without dialog. A lot of my favorite films are. Amy Redford did a fine job of directing. Very good first effort. I hope this film finds it’s way out of the festival circuit and gets a release into theaters soon.

And I hope the IFC notices Saffron’s performance.

I rented this film because I wanted to see some nudity with class. I got that and more, from plot to acting to sound to cinematography.

Where would I rank this film? Certainly in the top 100, probably the top 50 I have ever seen and I’ve seen thousands of films. I have even written my own screenplay but it’s far different from ‘The Guitar.’ I didn’t want to see this film end. I actually predicted that Melody would join up with a rock band. At first, I wanted her to get really rich and famous, but eventually, I felt the film ended quite well.

My tastes in films is very bizarre and so was this film. My #1 film of all time is ‘Montenegro,’ an American/Swedish co-production. That may give the reader a perspective of my stance on movies.

I will look up Saffron Burrows filmography and possibly rent some of her works. She looks a lot like a woman I knew 25 years ago; very tall, nice behind and small-breasted with long, unruly hair.

I could go on but I’m finished gushing. Now, I will recommend the film to my son and his wife and others who I know will enjoy this production.

Adolescent, uninspired movie about a girl who is dying and decides to buy things, kiss girls, and become unbearably shrill.

There’s no sense of reality here. Seriously, this movie makes the television programme «Friends» look gritty.

We’ve seen this all before SO MANY TIMES. Not a note of originality in the tinny, cliché-ridden screenplay.

Pretentious? This movie is so self-important it’s almost sickening. It’s a lame, boring artistic failure.

Some of the supporting roles are well cast.

I wish Ms. Redford more luck next time.

This is basically a film about Melody, a woman who finds out she has an inoperable tumor in her throat. Her whole life basically collapses as she finds out she has only a couple months to live, her boyfriend dumps her and she gets fired from her job and this all happens in a single day. My biggest problem with this film lies in the fact that it basically winds up being a film more about consumerism than a film about a woman confronting the final months of her unsatisfied life.

Once she finds out she is dying Melody leaves her crappy apartment and rents a really large and beautiful penthouse. The rest of the film basically takes place in this penthouse as she basically locks herself in and spends the next 2 months charging up her credit cards by buying things for herself and her penthouse. She starts out by buying the most expensive bed that she can find and from there moves on to expensive furniture, clothes, lamps, vases, food and pretty much everything in between. Her final purchase ends up being a guitar and a huge amp setup with which to play it on.

Its just incredibly sad and extremely bothersome that this woman’s spends her final 2 months basically being a consumer. The really sad part about this is I actually think there are a lot of people out there that would do the exact same thing. Society has become so consumeristic in nature that I really think that what this woman did would be some people’s dying wish. Out of all of the things someone could devote their final months of life to, shopping has to be the absolute saddest choice possible. She could have traveled the world, learned to scuba dive, taken a safari, seen the Sistine chapel, sailed the Caribbean, hiked a glacier in Alaska, taken a cruise to the antarctic, or done whatever other things she wanted to do but never got the chance. To choose to lock yourself up in a Penthouse and shop till you drop is just an incredibly sad way to spend your final months and again it really speaks to the role that consumerism plays in society these days. Some people care more about buying items than truly experiencing life.

Its not a bad film, in fact I rather enjoyed it. I was just really bothered by the message that this film puts out there. Then again as I said before there are probably a lot of people out there that would do just this sort of thing if something like this happened to them so maybe it makes this film even that much more realistic. She did learn how to play the guitar, which was something she was interested in as a child, so she did fulfill at least one of her dreams. Its still wasn’t enough to make it any less sad.

I am not sure if this film was purposely making some kind of statement regarding consumerism or not. I would like to hear from the writer and director regarding their thoughts on this matter. Either way its definitely the prevailing message in this film. I despise the level of consumerism we see these days so maybe I am a bit biased however I really cant think of too many people who would not find this woman’s decision on how to liver her final months incredibly sad and pathetic. Our lives are short enough even when we aren’t diagnosed with a terminal disease early in life and there are just too many things to do, too many places to see and too many experiences to have to waste our final months shopping.

Obviously we all have seen hundreds of movies when someone is counting his last days. This one is not what anyone can expect.

Watch it from heart, believe in writer and director and try to listen the message in movie. It can change your life. Its sad, funny, refreshing, keep you hooked till last minute and takes your entire night thinking on it.

Special movies are not for everyone. If you are little depressed, lonely, missing something in life other than money, the message in movie will teach you life. Take my suggestion, watch the movie and see if you are like all others or different.

I just watched this movie and was greatly moved by the story line as well as by the acting. Personally I am in great love with music and especially with guitar and not surprisingly the theme of the movie attracted my attention a lot. I had some kind of expectations while watching this movie and I am please to tell you that I was not disappointed at all.

The movie builds around the central character who suddenly finds that she is suffering from a terminal disease and has very little time on her side. So, she decides to do whatever she really wants in her life. Though there were some errors in the script but overall the whole movie was very much enjoyable and it’s worth a watch for.

This film is like a children’s fable that forgot it’s supposed to have a moral.

The movie begins with Melody Wilder (Saffron Burrows) having the worst day of her life. Her doctor tells her she has cancer and will be dead in two months, then she loses her job and finally, her boyfriend breaks up with her. So Melody abandons her crappy basement apartment, takes all her money out of the bank and decides to live like there’s no tomorrow. For Melody, that weirdly involves living like a hermit in an expensive penthouse loft and buying a lot of stuff over the phone. Two delivery people fall in love with Melody. One’s a man and one’s a woman but neither of them have any reason to quickly fall into bed with Melody. Capping it all off, Melody buys and learns to play a guitar like the one she was fascinated with as a child, which we see in repeated flashbacks to her unhappy childhood living with her bickering hippie parents over a music store. As for the rest of the plot, I don’t want to give it away but have you ever heard the story about the guy who was told he had 6 months to live, so he spent all his money and ran up huge bills on his credit cards because he’s never have to pay them back? If you remember the twist to that story, you know what happens in The Guitar.

Writer Amos Poe seems to have come up with a script that is completely oblivious to its own meaning. The story of Melody is about freeing yourself from the chains that are holding you down, an ignorant desire for fulfillment, the perils of self-indulgence and the tempting appeal of the strange and unknown. This screenplay doesn’t even acknowledge of that. It doesn’t demonstrate or explore why Melody is a timid, tiny person before her diagnosis. It can’t recognize how pathetic it is for someone to spend their last days on Earth catalog shopping. It fails to understand why someone might be truly attracted to someone in Melody’s circumstance and how and why that attraction would wither away. It’s even unable to fathom the lesson that either Melody or the audience is supposed to get from this film. The Guitar is like the work of a color-blind painter who makes the sky yellow and the sea black and the ground pink without knowing that he’s doing it.

Director Amy Redford gives us a textbook example of the congenital flaw in the modern filmmaker. Individual images in The Guitar look nice, yet none of them flow together or add up to anything. Redford might be able to make good commercials or, given the large number of montages in this movie, great music videos. She doesn’t give any indication she has the slightest idea how to tell a story visually, however.

Saffron Burrows spends a great deal of the film in her birthday suit, though we quite strategically never get a good look at her breasts. Whether she’s clothed or not, Burrows manages to summon up a grand total of two expressions for her entire performance. She either looks anguished or befuddled. She never even blends the two. It’s like someone switches her from one setting to the other. None of the other actors have a chance to show they can do anything more than exactly what the director tells them to do. We do get to see one of Paz de la Huerta’s boobs and are thankfully spared the sight of any man ass.

It wouldn’t be completely accurate to say The Guitar is a bad movie. It is aggravating and perplexing because you keep expecting the film to have a point and it never does, despite everything about the story indicating that it should. Unless you enjoy being exasperated, don’t pick up The Guitar.

God help us with «Indie films» like these. It is almost embarrassing and disgraceful to even consider such designation for this underachievement.

The only rational and redeeming explanation for 100% compromise of this movie. if Amy Redford was completely enslaved to financial side of this movie. Because this $ide was writing and directing movie with all the usual and predictable demographic/sexual triviality hooks. So familiar with our society today. Such simple and honest premise is corrupted from the moment Saffron leaves the hospital.

It is pointless to comment all trivialities and the length this movie voyages without a hint of single intelligent solution : She is a vegetarian but she decides since she has nothing to loose, she can «stop the torture» and enjoy the flesh again.

Your common pizza delivery girl with hundreds of weekly visits has time to develop such profound relationship with Melody. In fact, the second visit would even grant her a touch of lesbian romance.

Your average delivery guy with hundreds of weekly visits develops a grand sensibility after couple of visits and dedicates his body even more for that extra pleasure to our lonely melody. But wait, since we have a very clear targeted demographic with such prosaic hooks; lets, lets even offer threesome pleasure to be even safer with the audience.

What do we learn from her state? The real question is : What Does Melody Learns From Here? Nothing! Almost as emphatic as our society, same void would strike her own values : Eat, Sleep, copulate and amply consume at that. Consume as much as you can! Let material possessions supplement all of your problems. At least one thing is clear, Amy Redford movie making is immature and even that is a compliment. I haven’t seen any of her previous or later attempts, but if this is best she can do, then she is in the wrong field of profession.

The only pleasant thing to watch is Melody’s loft. The most creative thing you will find about this movie is the nice PS picture from the official poster.

For fans of Saffron Burrows, it will be an enjoyable 90-minutes of your time. She does the best with what little material she has to work with and turns in a gutsy, raw performance. The first half-hour is especially strong as the camera focuses almost exclusively on Burrows as her character copes with the diagnosis of a terminal illness, losing her job and being dumped by her boyfriend all on the same day.

This is a very small budget production and it shows. The 21-day shoot makes for a slightly rushed and rough finished product. The directing by Amy Redford is on par, or slightly better, for an indie film. The sound and lighting were all acceptable as the majority of the film takes place in a huge penthouse loft with ample sunlight during the day and candle light being effectively used in the evening. There isn’t much in the way of a supporting cast as this is primarily a showcase for Burrows displaying how one person might cope given this horrible scenario.

Some people will openly criticize how the Melody Wilder character initially deals with her dire situation, but I had no problem with it. I rather enjoyed it, actually. If you like Burrows or the premise as stated in the plot summary, I recommend seeing this film.

However, I personally prefer «Henry Poole Is Here,» also released in 2008, by the talented director Mark Pellington (Arlington Road, The Mothman Prophecies). It has a larger budget which is used wisely by casting some well known as well as virtually unknown actors, and possesses quality direction and superior production aspects. The camera work is especially good.

and i have to believe it was written in even less time.

the plot synopsis here at IMDb is good. i wish they’d shot that.

what we got instead was a 95 minute film wishing it could be seen as one of those inspirational and affirming movies about a woman who attempts to overcome everything . with a guitar. that wish was apparently denied.

instead we end up with a 21-day film where they must’ve printed every first take; directed by someone disconnected from the subject . and the characters . and even simple threads of continuity . and written by someone with no apparent expertise or sensitivity to the matter at hand. even the script’s bones, even its structure is wonky. and the editor, i have to ask the editor what they were listening to when editing this film? the film’s heartbeat . its sense of rhythm is . missing. for a film titled after a musical instrument with a character named Melody this pretty standard rhythm of editing idea seems a significant oversight.

i have to let the actors off the hook because they seem to offer shallow, thoughtless, stilted although perhaps rushed performances. i kept wishing it would get better as it went along. it just /had/ to, i thought, but it never did.

now i can only hope i saved you 95 minutes.

In the first five minutes of this film three big things happen. 1) Saffron Burrows is diagnosed with terminal cancer, given a month, two at most. 2) She’s downsized out of her job and then, presumably to illustrate the impact of #2, she makes a collect phone call. Turns out the call is to her boyfriend. How weird is that? He meets with her and spews forth the most inane psychobabble nonsense about needing to find his inner child you’ve ever heard and says 3) he is breaking up with her.

Saffron proceeds to rent a penthouse loft and furnishes it extravagantly using an endless supply of credit cards. She never goes out so she walks around naked and has sex with the UPS guy and pizza delivery girl. Saffron’s acting is decent and hey, I like the story now. Then she buys a guitar. It has something to do with the flashbacks we see of her childhood, of course. At this point things become subjective. I’m a guitar snob and am not impressed seeing people fake a relationship with a guitar. Movies have been able to convincingly fake people playing the piano for years (right?) but I’ve never seen a good fake guitar playing performance. Granted, she is supposed to be a beginner so I shouldn’t have expected much but I did anyway. I could let her slide on the fingering and strumming, given her beginner status and all, but I really needed to see an exciting relationship of her body to the guitar. I’m not expecting her to have sex with it, just show me that her body and her soul (that is the point, isn’t it?) understand it, know how to move it and move with it and let it move her. Nada.

Final verdict: thumbs down. Even if you don’t share my guitar snobbery I don’t think the film has much to offer beyond a decent performance from Burrows. It’s pretty standard (trite and fantastic) «what would you do if you were told you had only a couple months to live» stuff. If playing the guitar is something that you’d do, given that you’ve got only a couple months to live, the learning curve ought to be really quick. I mean, if you are going to make a movie out of it.

This movie did make me feel for the woman because of her illness and for the cancer it made me feel like she has hope. of dieing.

Her illness is that she is 100% materialistic and shallow and has no idea of how to live a happy life and even the fact that she is dieing, which she finds out as the movie begins, cannot seem to give her any willpower to think on how to really find some real substance to what life she has left.

Not only does she seem to live in a void of meaning but the entire movie and the way the effects are used seem to emphasize emotions to trivialities. One is left with the impression that the people behind the production believe that the substance of life is in buying new curtains.

Even though events take different turns towards the end, she still doesn’t learn anything new and the movie remains with the same shallow thought that it started out with: spend more, take risks and you’ll be happier.

To be fare, if buying stuff is the best thing in life you can imagine then this movie probably isn’t all bad for you.


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