Гитара fender bucket 300ce

Гитара fender bucket 300ce

109386 , Россия , Москва , ул. Новороссийская , 19

7 дней в неделю с 10 до 22 часов

ИП Волович Денис Игоревич
ИНН: 505020000770
ОГРНИП: 319505000023961

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Гитара электроакустическая шестиструнная FENDER T-Bucket 300-CE


Дредноут Fender T-Bucket 300CE FLM MLB

При оплате банковской картой через наш сайт используется эквайринг от Сбербанка, который помогает сохранить конфиденциальность персональных и платёжных данных покупателя.

Большинство товаров имеют гарантийный срок 6 месяцев , исчисляемый со дня передачи товара потребителю. Исключение составляют бренды Elektron, Pioneer, Sony, RME, Yamaha и Steinberg (для них гарантия составляет 12 месяцев), а также Casio, ADAM (гарантия 2 года)

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Товар снят с производства!

Гитара Fender T-Bucket 300CE FLM MLB из калифорнийской серии — это классический дредноут с вырезом, который оснащен топом из волнистого клена с креплением scalloped «X». Топ дополняется нижней декой и обечайкой из красного дерева, что позволяет добавить теплоты и мягкости тону.

Инструмент оснащен различными стильными деталями. Например, корпус украшен инкрустационной галографической розеткой, а гриф — логотипом «F» на 12-м ладу. Стоит отметить и систему звукоусиления, которая представлена в данной модели звукоснимателем Fishman Isys III со встроенным тюнером, позволяющим играть не только дома, но и на сцене с группой.


Fender T Bucket 300ce Review: Acoustics Under $300 Reviews

Last updated: March 16, 2021 by Nate 12 Comments

Hello and welcome to my Fender T Bucket 300ce review.

In this review I?ll cover the following for the T Bucket:

  • The Tone;
  • The Playability;
  • The Materials the T Bucket is made from;
  • Who the T Bucket is best suited to;
  • The T Bucket?s value-for-money

I?ll also show video of the guitar being played so that you can hear the sound of the guitar for yourself and some user reviews so that you can get the opinions of others too.

Right, let?s get into it!

The Tone

There was nothing extraordinary about the tone of the T Bucket. But there was nothing bad about it either. And that?s really what you?re looking for in a guitar at this price.

It was an even tone, the guitar stayed in tune and it was easy to control the string?s vibrations. It wasn?t an overly loud full sound for a dreadnought but it still gave a good bit of oomph like?you?d expect out of a dreadnought.

In terms of brightness- with 10 being very bright and 1 being really warm, I?d put this guitar right in the middle with a 5.

Most things about this guitar are middle of the road – which might be a bad thing if you were buying a 1,500 dollar guitar but for 300 it?s definitely a good thing.

The Materials

The T Bucket is made from the following materials (materials that have an effect on the sound):

Top Wood: Laminated Flame Maple (on black and sunburst models) or Laminated Quilt Maple (on blue and amber models) or Laminated Quilt Ash (on violet and dark brown models).

Back & Sides: Laminated Mahogany

Bridge: Rosewood

Bridge Saddle: Graphtech Nubone Compensated saddle

Nut: Graphtech NuBone

I wasn?t surprised to see laminate wood used for the top and laminated back and sides given the price.

What I was surprised (pleasantly) to see was that they have provided a GraphTech Nubone nut and saddle instead of just going for cheap plastic. This will be part of the reason that the sound is better than what you?d expect for the price.

As you can see above this guitar comes in heaps of different color options and the wood laminate they use is slightly different depending on the color. This makes no difference to the sound?though – this just comes down to the color you prefer the look of.


Of course the “CE” in the name stands for cutaway and electric. I didn?t play it plugged in but it has a Fishman? Isys III System with Active Onboard Preamp and Tuner.

By all accounts reading through the reviews the electronics work well with this guitar and it?s doesn?t disappoint sound-wise plugged in either.


Check out the video so you can hear the sound. This isn?t the perfect representation of sound in real life but will give you some idea if you?re unable to try in real life for yourself. And this video is actually a pretty good sound so it’s a reasonable representation in this case.


I found this guitar nice and easy to play. My hands?didn’t fatigue at all and I didn?t have to work hard to produce a good tone.


Even though I have a high preference for a low action, this guitar is actually set up really well how it is. If I bought it I might tweak it ever so slightly but you really wouldn?t have to do anything to this guitar.

Nut Width

The width at the nut of the T-Bucket is 1.625″ (41.3 mm). This is narrower than normal and would be great for anyone with smaller hands and anyone used to playing electric and wanting an acoustic or anyone who?s hands tend to fatigue on wider neck guitars.

I didn?t notice the width being any narrower when I played so if you?re used to a wider neck like I am sure you wouldn?t have any issues with it either.

Fretboard (fingerboard)

The fingerboard is nice to play on and it?s no surprise given that it?s rosewood. A lot?of?acoustics have rosewood fingerboards – but that?s definitely not a bad thing because it does a great job.

Scale Length

The scale length is a standard 25.3? (643mm).

Who this Guitar is Most Suited to

This guitar is most suited to anyone looking for a solid sounding guitar without breaking the bank.

This would be a great beginner guitar for adults. It?s got a nice even tone that stays in tune and it?s nice and easy to play both technically and physically.

For kid?s it?s probably too big to be ideal for them, being a full dreadnought size and a full scale length.

It?s also a great guitar for anyone who usually plays electric but wants an affordable acoustic to muck around on or to take with them to parties, camping etc.

Otherwise just anyone looking for an affordable main guitar or an affordable second guitar to have lying around the house, at the holiday home or wherever they need a second guitar.


This one gets the value for money tick from me. It?s an average sounding, solid guitar that?s easy to play and well set up – but you pay well less than the average price for it.

If you?re looking for something extraordinary or unique then the T Bucket isn?t for you (you?ll need to invest more to find that) but it does provide a solid even sound and at this price that?s awesome.

More Info and Where to Buy

Disclosure: Links below are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you.

Thanks for reading this review and I hope it has helped you to learn more about Fender?s T Bucket 300CE acoustic guitar.

Check out the links below for more info on the guitar and some options for where to buy.

If you?re interested in checking out more reviews of guitars costing less than 300 check out the next link.


Дредноут Fender T-Bucket 300CE FLM TCS

При оплате банковской картой через наш сайт используется эквайринг от Сбербанка, который помогает сохранить конфиденциальность персональных и платёжных данных покупателя.

Большинство товаров имеют гарантийный срок 6 месяцев , исчисляемый со дня передачи товара потребителю. Исключение составляют бренды Elektron, Pioneer, Sony, RME, Yamaha и Steinberg (для них гарантия составляет 12 месяцев), а также Casio, ADAM (гарантия 2 года)

Элемент HTML5 Audio не поддерживается вашим браузером.


Товар снят с производства!

Гитара Fender T-Bucket 300CE FLM TCS калифорнийской серии привлечет ваше внимание благодаря голографической розетке, шикарному топу из волнистого клена, инкрустации в виде логотипа «F» на 12-м ладу, а также порожку Graph Tech Nubone.

Однако прелесть этого инструмента не ограничивается только внешними показателями. Тон ее формируется сочетанием древесины красного дерева, из которого выполнена нижняя дека и обечайка, с древесиной волнитого клена в топе. Звук усиливается звукоснимателем Fishman Isys III с интегрированным тюнером.


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