- Гитара greco по серийному номеру
- Greco
- Серийные номера
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- Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
- Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
- Re: Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
- Re: Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
- Re: Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
- Greco: Models & Serial
- Frankie Benedittini
- 17 thoughts on “ Greco: Models & Serial ”
Гитара greco по серийному номеру
Greco Gibson replicas started using serial numbers around 1975 and pre 1975 models had a Greco logo that looked like Gneco.
From the mid 1970s to the mid 1990s Greco models have mostly used 2 serial number formats for non Acoustic models.
The first format is MYYPPPP.
M = production month (A=January B=February . K=November L=December).
YY = year (79=1979).
PPPP = production number.
FujiGen Gakki used this format for the Japanese Grecos they made. The FujiGen Gakki made Ibanez models from the 1970s/1980s also used this format. Matsumoku also used this format for some of the Grecos they made in the 1970s and the Matsumoku made Grecos have Matsumoku stamped on the neckplate to differentiate them from the FujiGen made Grecos.
The second format is YPPPP.
Y = year (9=1979 0=1980 or 1990).
PPPP = production number.
Sometimes a month letter is used in a MYPPPP format, with a space between the month letter and the year digit. Dyna Gakki used this format for the Japanese Grecos they made. Dyna Gakki make the current Kanda Shokai Fender Japan and Kanda Shokai Japanese Gretsch models. Dyna Gakki also make most of the current Kanda Shokai Japanese Greco models.
Since the mid 1990s Greco models have used other serial number formats as well.
Greco stopped using the open book headstock design on serial numbered Greco Gibson replica models in the early 1990s and Kanda Shokai then concentrated on their other model lines and Fender Japan. Some Greco open book headstock Gibson replicas starting from around 1988 had no serial number. There are two different types of no serial Greco open book headstock Gibson replicas. The Mint Collection open O Greco logo no serial Gibson replicas that have pickup cavity shielding paint, brick shaped nuts (no back slope) and scarf joint headstocks (the headstock is glued onto the neck, especially on SG models) were made by Cor-Tek (Cort) and usually have Cor-Tek (Cort) potentiometers. The other no serial Greco Gibson replicas with a closed O Greco logo were made by Dyna Gakki at the very end of the Greco open book headstock Gibson replica production around 1991 and they were ordered with no serial number as Kanda Shokai had uncertain retail release dates for them. The no serial Greco models that were made by Cort were ordered to fulfill Greco production numbers as FujiGen had decided to make less Gibson like set neck guitars in the late 1980s.
In the late 1980s Kanda Shokai had FujiGen making a small amount of mid/higher end MYYXXXX serial numbered Greco models and had Dyna Gakki making the YXXXX serial numbered Greco models and also had Cort making the lower end no serial number Greco models to make up for the Fujigen production decrease in the lower end Greco models. In the late 1980s the FujiGen made serial numbered Greco models decrease in number and the FujiGen MYYXXXX serial number format is mostly on the mid/high end Greco models. The reason for the decrease in FujiGen made serial numbered Grecos is that FujiGen were mostly making bolt on (Fender like) neck models for Fender Japan and Ibanez in the late 1980s/early 1990s and were avoiding set neck (Gibson like necks) contracts at the time. In 1987 Hoshino Gakki had to use Terada and Iida to make some Ibanez set neck models instead of their usual maker (FujiGen) as FujiGen did not want to make most of the Ibanez set neck models at the time (Ibanez Serial Numbers). FujiGen decided to expand their factory operations and in November 1991 established FujiGen Hirooka Inc ((Japanese) フジゲン広丘(株)設立) and from sometime in 1992 FujiGen were taking on new set neck (Gibson like necks) contracts.
Atlansia have supplied body and neck parts for Greco models as well. Tokai currently make the Kanda Shokai Zemaitis and Talbo models.
[edit] Pickups
1980 Super Real models and pickups sample.
Greco guitars — японская марка электрогитар, производства компании Kanda Shokai. Kanda Shokai (Shokai означает «торговая компания») — оптовик музыкальных инструментов, наиболее известен тем, что является частью компании Fender, а точнее — ее отделения Fender Japan.
Компания Kanda Shoka i была создана в 1948 году, а гитарный бренд Greco был создан компанией в 1960 году. Kanda Shokai впервые использовал бренд Greco для цельнокорпусных электрогитар, при этом применяя бренд Canda (от названия компании Kanda) для акустических моделей. Также в середине, конце 60-х годов Kanda Shokai выпустила гитары под брендом Greco, основанные на дизайне Hagström и EKO для Avnet/Goya в США. Эти гитары были выпущены гитарными фабриками Teisco и FujiGen и были похожи на гитары Ibanez конца 1960х, которые также основывались на дизайнах Hagström и EKO.
В начале 1970-х Kanda Shokai выпустила Greco Gibson, модели с грифом на болтах, которые были очень похожи на Gibson-ы фирмы Ibanez и имели нанесенный логотип Greco, похожий больше на «Gneco». К середине-концу 1970-х годов большинство Gibson-ов фирмы Greco изготавливались с вклеенными грифами. Некоторые Greco Gibson , подобно моделям 1970-х годов, имели другую конструкцию головки, c одинаковыми по размеру буквами в логотипе Greco.
Начиная с конца 1979, появились гитары серии Greco «Super Real», которые были высокого уровня копиями Gibson и Fender.
Компания выпустила достаточное количество гитар за время своего существования, далее — лишь некоторые модели.
Модели, подобные Gibson:
- EGF — Les Paul Flametop models.
- EG — Les Paul models.
- EGC — Les Paul Custom models.
- PC, RR, JS — Les Paul Custom (Phil Collen, Randy Rhoads, John Sykes) models.
- EJR — Les Paul Junior models.
- EGS — Les Paul Special models.
- SS — SG models.
- JP — SG (Glenn Tipton Judas Priest ) model.
- FV — Flying V models.
- MSV — Flying V (Michael Schenker) model.
- TB — Thunderbird Bass models.
- EB — EB-3 Bass models.
- MM or MG — Melody Maker models.
- SA — ES-335/ES-334 models.
- FA — ES-175 models.
- L — L-5 models.
Fender модели:
- SE — Stratocaster models.
- TL — Telecaster models.
- JM — Jazzmaster models.
- JG — Jaguar models.
- JB — Jazz Bass models.
- PB — Precision Bass models.
Другие модели:
- M — Greco Mirage/Ibanez Iceman models. Также другие Greco/Ibanez models, например, Korina 58 Flying V и Modern.
- EX — Greco/Ibanez Explorer (Destroyer) модели, используемые Eddie Van Halen. Greco Destroyer оснащен U-2000 звукоснимателями, а Ibanez Destroyer использует звукосниматели Super 70.
- BM — Brian May-based models.
- RG — Rickenbacker-based models.
- RB — Rickenbacker-based Bass models.
- VB — Violin bass models.
- RJ — Gretsch-based models.
- WF — Gretsch-based models.
- AP — Dan Armstrong (Ampeg)-based guitar models.
- GO — модели со «сквозным грифом». Greco/Roland G-808 guitar synth похож на GO1000.
- MR и MX — Ibanez Artist-based models.
- BG — Boogie Fender-based models.
Серийные номера
Greco guitars сделаны Matsumoku , Fuji-Gen Gakki [4] , Dyna Gakki [5] и т.д.
Greco Gibson реплики стали использовать серийные номера примерно с 1975 года и первые 1975 года модели имели логотип Греко, читаемый, как «Gneco».
From the mid 1970s to the mid 1990s Greco models have mostly used 2 serial number formats for non Acoustic models. С середины 1970-х до середины 1990-х модели Greco в основном использовали два формата серийных номеров для неакустических гитар.
Первый формат — MYYPPPP, где:
- M = месяц выпуска (A=Январь B=Февраль . K=ноябрь L=декабрь).
- YY = год (79=1979).
- PPPP = заводской номер.
Второй формат — YPPPP, где:
- Y = год (9 = 1979 0 = 1980 или 1990).
- PPPP = заводской номер.
Иногда буква месяца используется в формате MYPPPP.
С середины 1990-х гитары марки Greco использовали также другие форматы серийных номеров.
Некоторые реплики Gibson, производства FujiGen Gakki, начиная с 1988 не имеют серийных номеров. Недорогие Greco Les Paul and SG модели без серийных номеров были выпущены Cor-Tek (Cort). Изготовленные Cor-Tek Greco гитары имеют квадратную, как кирпич форму головы, а также зачастую имеют защитный слой краски на звукоснимателях и в полостях рычагов управления. Другие, более дорогие, Greco Les Paul and SG модели, выпущенные Tokai, и Les Paul модели без серийных номеров имеют номера EG-75 или EGC-75, проставляемые в полости звукоснимателей. Не серийные гитары Greco, выпущенные Tokai имеют квадратное отверстие в нижней части полости звукоснимателя, в то время как несерийные гитары, сделанные Cor-Tek имеют тонкие отверстия в нижней части звукоснимателя, имеющие форму прямоугольника. Kanda Shokai перестали использовать открытый дизайн головки на репликах моделей Greco Gibson в начале 1990-х, а затем сосредоточились на других своих модельных рядах и моделях для Fender Japan. Atlansia поставляла корпусы и грифы для моделей гитар Greco. Tokai в настоящее время изготавливает модели the Kanda Shokai Zemaitis и Talbo.
Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
Модератор: moderator
Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
#1 Сообщение Plexi » Пн июл 11, 2011 11:53 am
Перед покупкой копий LP от Greco, полагаю всегда есть необходимость идентифицировать производителя,
поскольку нередки случаи, когда под видом японцев продают гитары Greco корейского производства. Умышленно или в состоянии добросовестного заблуждения предлагаются такие инструменты , это отдельный разговор. По-крайней мере Продавцы постоянно предлагающий ассортимент гитар Greco LP
должны в этом разбираться.
Вот для начала шпаргалка от Ronald © , которая сэкономит кому-то деньги и возможно заставит по иному взглянуть на продавца
По материалам сайта guitarplayer.ru
Re: Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
#2 Сообщение Rickenbacker » Пн июл 11, 2011 1:10 pm
Re: Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
#3 Сообщение Plexi » Пн июл 11, 2011 1:19 pm
Re: Идентификация Greco: Japan_Korea
#4 Сообщение Volas » Пн июл 11, 2011 3:30 pm
Greco: Models & Serial
- Before 1975, Greco guitars did not have a Serial Number. It is therefore the format of the logo, the serial of the pickups, the finish or the hardwares that can help determine the year of manufacture of the instrument.
- First format: 1975 – 1994
- Serial number contains a letter and six digits
- For example, F761020 means:
- F = month (A = January, B = February … F = June, L = December)
- 76 (first 2 digits) = year (76 = 1976, 79 = 1979)
- 1020 (last 4 digits) = production sequence.
- Serial number contains a letter and six digits
- Second format: 1980 – 1994
- The serial number contains 5 digits as shown in the pictures below (this system was inspired by Gibson). It was mainly applied on the Super Real and Mint Collection ranges. Often, the first digit is separated from the following.
- For example, 0 5730 means:
- First digit = year (0 = 1980 or 1990, 2 = 1982 or 1992)
- 4236 (last 4 digits) = production sequence.
Note: As mentioned above, Greco continued to use serial numbers with 1 letter and 6 digits during the 80s and 90s.
- Third format: In the 80s (maybe only in the mid 80s?), there are also more rarely serial numbers with 1 letter and 5 digits as shown in the pictures below.
- For example, C 51020 means:
- C = month (A = January, B = February … F = June, L = December)
- 5 (first digit) = year (5 = 1985)
- 1020 (last 4 digits) = production sequence.
- Fourth format: after 1995, serial numbers follow the same logic as the first format, namely a letter and six digits.
Examples of Greco guitar and bass models:
Models above 700 usually have a nitrocellulose finish. The model designation consists of 2 or 3 letters followed by a number:
- EGF = Les Paul Standard Flametop,
- EGC = Les Paul Custom,
- EG = Les Paul Standard,
- EJr = Les Paul Junior,
- EGS = Les Paul Special,
- MM ou MG = Melody Maker,
- FV = Flying V,
- EX = Explorer,
- PB = Precision Bass,
- JB = J azz Bass,
- TB = Thunderbird Bass,
- EB = Eb Bass,
- SS = SG Models,
- JM = Jazz Master,
- JG = Jaguar,
- SE = Strats,
- TE = Telecasters,
- SA = Semi-acoustic ( models like 335),
- FA = Full acoustic (models like ES-150),
- L = models like L-5
- Ibanez 1975 Oldies Catalogue — March 27, 2021
- Tokai 1982 Catalogue Vol.6 — January 24, 2021
- Orville by Gibson 1992-1996 Brochure (2) — January 21, 2021
Frankie Benedittini
Vintage Made in Japan guitar aficionado! I do not consider myself a specialist, I still have a lot to learn about MIJ guitars. I am just an enthusiast who wants to share the results of his research. I hope that my work will be useful.
17 thoughts on “ Greco: Models & Serial ”
I have a Greco N50, blonde, with what looks to simply be the serial #4 stamped in the headstock back. How do I find the value of my guitar? I bought it in 1980 in Portland, Oregon.
Thanks for any help anyone can give me!
Great job and a very helpful website, thanks a lot Frankie Benedittini!
Thank you! Good to know that the content of the site is useful.
Found in my mom’s attic greco 121k. No.32512
I have a gob 1200 ‘speedway’ from 1978.. Thanks for the site. Very useful
Thank you Damon! Enjoy!
I have a Greco that has been in my family for years. In bad shape. I’m trying to find determine what’s kind it is, but can’t figure it out. The plate on the back just says Japan and the Greco on the head is written in cursive. Two f grooves, two dials, 2 positions on the mic switch. Is there any way I can find out more about this guitar? Thanks
Only “Japan” on the neck plate and cursive logotype tell us it’s probably a very early one, possibly late 60’s or early 70’s.
It’s what I guess.
Do you had a look on the catalogs?
Thank you so much, I had not looked those catalogs, I must have missed them. I searched for a while earlier. Anyway, it looks like a 1967 920, but without the pick guard and not in very good shape (hazards of teenagers learning how to play, I guess). Thanks again. I can send you a picture if you’d like to further verify, but it’s not necessary. I’d just like to get it back in working order and see how it sounds. Thanks again!
Hi Frankie, great info, I’m amazed how much information you’ve amassed. This may be a stupid question, but is there some standards for the end of the model numbers, such as EG550R, S, GS etc? I assume they are colour codes? I’m looking at a EG550R, does the R stand for red burst? I couldnt find that model in the 75 catalogs but there was a EG550S. Is it safe to assume the spec is the same regardless of the last letter for these models?
Hi Andrew, you’re totally right. The last letter is the color codes: R = Red Burst, S = Sun Burst, B = Black, W = White, G = Gold …
The specs are the same regardless the the last letter, differences are the color of the guitar and hardware color too.
Thanks Frankie, another question I wonder about is the dates for neck design… it seems early cheap models had a 4 bolt neck, higher end models had thru neck, and then late there was also a single bolt with 2 screws thru from the neck pickup pocket into the neck? Do you have any wisdom around years these changes occurred? Ive seen a few thru necks with cracking, although it is claimed the cracking is only in the finish. Is that a common issue with the thru necks? Thanks a lot for your help. Hopefully this will help others too.
Hi Andrew, the 4 bolt neck lasted until 1977 for low end Greco (not low end guitars at all, just low end series of the brand). Then single bolt with 2 screws in the neck pocket appeared later in the 90’s I guess but I’m not sure about the exact period.
About the cracking, you have to look very well to the pics and make your own opinion. It can be a simple cracking in the finish indeed or a more serious issue generally in the head joint; that’s kind of things happen. Hope that’s help.
Thanks Frankie, great help! Im trying to decide between a late 70s 550 or a 700… the 550 has some nice binding and fancy inlay in the headstock, but I read the 700 is a better instrument… more research required 🙂
Hi, i’m hoping you can help me place the year and any other info about this Greco thinline tele i just bought?! I will attach pictures. Its serial number doesnt match any other info ive found online (it even misspells guitar as “guiter” on headstock…! Its a great axe, very glad to have it!
Oh well guess i cant attach pictures, headstock says “ Gneco “ then “electric solid guiter 2543611 02634 82448”
Thanks so much!
Bru in New Orleans
Hi Frankie,
I am looking at purchasing a lovely Black Custom Greco however now have a few alarm bells going off as there is no serial number. Does this mean it’s fake or been altered? Are there any that came out without serial numbers?
Hello Stephen,
No serial can be:
– Greco made before 1975 (pre serial model)
– 1988-1992 Greco made by Cort (Korea) or Tokai (Japan)