Гитара шектер по серийному номеру

Как отличить оригинальную гитару от подделки?

Привет, читатель! В этой статье речь пойдет о поддельных гитарах. Здесь я собрал советы, которые помогут избежать покупки поддельной гитары или, хотя бы не переплатить необоснованно завышенную цену за инструмент, который продавец выдает за фирменный (иногда по своей собственной неосведомленности, а иногда и умышленно). Статья будет полезна всем, кто собирается покупать инструмент дороже 300 долларов, особенно в условиях постоянного роста продаж через интернет. Также я приведу информацию о серийных номерах гитар фирмы Fender, и дам ссылки на ресурсы где можно проверить гитары Fender, Yamaha, Ibanez, Gibson и др. по серийному номеру.

На эту статью меня вдохновило видео с Youtube канала Phillip McKnight, в котором автор получил заказ на ремонт электрогитары фирмы Mayones, как оказалось поддельной. В нем он изложил основные моменты, на которые следует обращать внимание при покупке дорогих инструментов, особенно с рук, чтобы не потерять свои деньги и, что более важно, рассмотрел психологию покупателя и продавца.

Как отличить подделку гитары

Вот на что нужно обратить внимание:

  1. Качество сборки
  2. Шрифты (серийные номера, логотипы, цифры на ручках громкости/тембра и т.п. если они есть )
  3. Лаковые покрытия (satin finish, glossy nitro finish)
  4. Уметь отличать сорта одной породы деревьев (например Brazilian rosewood от Amazone rosewood и др.)
  5. Желательно знать историю производства инструментов, технологии, материалы и др.
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Давайте на примере гитары Mayones разберемся на что нужно обращать внимание обязательно.

1. Поддельные гитары выглядят дёшево

И в руках тоже чувствуются как дешевка. К сожалению, новички не часто могут это заметить из-за банальной нехватки опыта. Поэтому желательно иметь более опытного друга, который поможет вам в случае необходимости.

2. Качественные инструменты отличает прежде всего внимание к деталям

Одним из ключевых компонентов себестоимости любого продукта является время. Для уменьшения себестоимости и, соответственно, увеличения прибыли время производства нужно сокращать. Достигается это двумя путями — усовершенствованием технологического процесса (например переход на ЧПУ станки вместо ручного труда) или за счет, например, менее качественной подгонки деталей, нарушения технологического процесса, отсутствия контроля качества и т.п.

Неточности фрезеровки паза под крышку тембр-блока на поддельной гитаре

Покупая гитару скажем за 1000$ и видя неаккуратную работу всегда спросите себя: «зачем уважаемому производителю выпускать инструмент с явными косметическими косяками?». Особенно если гитара выпущена на небольшой бутиковой фабрике.

Представьте если бы Fodera начала выпускать бас гитары с такими щелями на крышке тембр-блока и продавать их за тысячи долларов? Нонсенс.

Неровная склейка частей грифа на поддельной гитаре

Еще один пример из видео — кривая склейка грифа. Обратите внимание, как правая светлая декоративная проставка уходит в сторону от центральной оси грифа.

3. В поддельных гитарах всегда используются дешевые компоненты

Обратите внимание на звукосниматели, их тоже часто подделывают, бридж, колки, порожек и др. Например на бридже могут остаться заусенцы или неровности после обработки, также может быть разница в покрытии, например дешевый хром вместо полировки металла. Все это можно заметить при детальном осмотре инструмента.

Обратите внимание как неаккуратно установлен порожек на этой гитаре.

Себестоимость гитары всегда состоит из материалов, потраченных на ее изготовление и времени.

Вход в этот «бизнес» может быть не только в классе hi-end инструментов. Заработок может начинаться уже на инструментах с ценовым порогом в 300 долларов при себестоимости гитары в 50-100 долларов.

Психология покупателя

Частая схема при разводе — сильно заниженный ценник.

В таких ситуациях покупатель всегда ставится в невыгодное для него положение, а именно ощущение срочности, нехватки времени на обдумывание, «сейчас или никогда». Все это может сопровождаться какой-нибудь историей, даже очень похожей на правду. Это излюбленный трюк продавцов различного поддельного барахла. Ощущение эйфории от «вкусной сделки» просто притупляет критическое мышление, и когда оно проходит, ты с удивлением обнаруживаешь очевидные вещи, которые просто кричат «этот товар поддельный!»

В странах СНГ вы, к сожалению, никак не защищены законом при покупке поддельной брендовой гитары. Вы можете только написать заявление в полицию по ст.159 УК РФ по факту мошенничества. В Штатах же, где с этим делом намного строже, можно получить реальный приговор суда за незаконное использование торговой марки.

Чек-лист при покупке гитары

  1. Узнайте серийный номер инструмента, чтобы по-возможности пробить его по базе производителя. Этот пункт нужно выполнять ВСЕГДА при покупке гитар.
  2. Найдите фото оригинального инструмента той же модели для сравнения. Скачайте с официального сайта производителя или найдите другой достоверный источник.
  3. Обратите внимание на формы инструмента, пропорции и размеры его составляющих. Сравните с фото оригинальной модели если возникли сомнения.
  4. Обратите внимание на качество изготовления и сборки инструмента. Про это очень подробно написано выше.
  5. Проверьте логотип. На этом очень часто «палятся» — вспомните Adibas 🙂
  6. Оригинальный кейс, инструкция, прочая брендовая мелочевка — признаки фирменного инструмента.
  7. Если сомневаетесь, спросите коллег на музыкальных форумах или в группах ВК. Одна из групп, где можно спросить помощи при опознании гитары — «Басисты Вконтакте»

Если я пропустил какой-то важный момент, оставьте комментарий и я добавлю его сюда.

Немного про серийники гитар Fender

Гитары фирмы Fender имеют очень богатую историю и можно смело утверждать, что это самые популярные гитары за всю историю. Лео Фендер начал делать гитары в 1950 году, а всего через год он сделал первую бас гитару. В истории компании можно выделить три основных периода:

  • Оригинальная компания под руководством самого Лео Фендера с 1946 to 1965. (Обычно этот период еще называют “Pre-CBS”)
  • С 1965 по 1985 компания Fender принадлежала CBS — Columbia Broadcasting System (“CBS era Fender”)
  • С 1985 по настоящее время компания (изначально её возглавлял William Schultz) называется Fender Musical Instruments Corporation

Изначально, вся продукция компании Fender производилась в городе Fullerton, California. Но уже несколько десятилетий гитары Fender, помимо USA, производятся также в Мексике (MIM), Японии, Корее и Китае.

Система серийных номеров Fender немного запутанна и номера могут перекрывать друг друга. Серийный номер на тыльной стороне грифа появился только в 1976 году и начинался с буквы, которая обозначала год выпуска гитары: S для 70-х, E для 80-х, N для 90-х и для Z для 00-х. До этого серийные номера штамповались или писались карандашом на пятке грифа (дата производства грифа) или в пазе для грифа на корпусе, а также на металлической пластине крепления грифа к корпусу сзади гитары.

Где проверить серийный номер гитар Fender?

Легкий гуглинг вывел меня на четыре авторитетных источника, которые предоставляют информацию о гитаре по её серийному номеру.


На официальном сайте Fender в разделе регистрации инструмента есть специальная форма поиска инструмента по серийному номеру. Подобные формы можно поискать и на сайтах других крупных производителей.


Цель проекта — предоставить как можно больше информации об инструменте по его серийному номеру. Эта информация была собрана из достоверных источников, таких как книги, сайты производителей, форумы и др. Список поддерживаемых брендов:


На этом сайте вы найдете статью с очень подробной информацией по расшифровке серийных номеров фендеровских гитар и басов. Также здесь есть масса винтажных инструментов, эффектов, книг и т.п.


Очень подробное руководство на английском языке с множеством таблиц для различных эпох фирмы. Поможет идентифицировать Stat, Tele или P-Bass вплоть до начала 50-х годов. Также вы найдете ссылки на серийные номера японских, мексиканских и корейских гитар и бас гитар фирмы Fender.


Schecter Serial Number



Good Evening — do any of you guys know how to identify Schecter PT serial numbers?? Was curious if the ones beginning with Axxxxx were ones from the 80s made in Dallas??

If you have any input — I would appreciate it!!



According to this thread I would say yes.



Hey guys — so a Schecter PT with serial number A1495 is a Dallas made guitar from around 1983??



Yes, most definitely dallas, not sure around 1983. It is hard to tell by serial number, from my understanding. If we are talking about the same guitar, the 21 frets generally makes it earlier, so 1983 seems reasonable. Later ones has 22 frets, sometimes TM near the schecter(TM) logo on the headstock, and sometimes Schecter labelled Schaller pickups.

The earlier california-made PTs, had inline controls [like a fender tele], rather than offset. I don’t know that the switch from inline —> offset came right at the
california —> dallas move, but it was around that time. The ones with inline controls are the ones that demand big $$$$.

Regardless, I think the Dallas made PT, is a really solid guitar.


Гитара шектер по серийному номеру

Schecter Guitar Research has solidified its elite status as one of the world’s premier guitar companies, offering electric guitars and basses, acoustic guitars, and USA Custom Shop instruments to musicians around the world in more than 150 countries. Its continually evolving and expanding line of guitars and basses appeals to a broad spectrum of players and diverse musical styles. Its core business practice offers high-quality instruments with professional components at an affordable price. One of the company’s strongest assets is its growing roster of high-profile artists, including Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, The Cure, Papa Roach, Seether, Prince, Stone Temple Pilots, Nevermore and Black Label Society.


Custom shop days, 1976–1983

In 1976, David Schecter opened Schecter Guitar Research, a repair shop in Van Nuys, California. The shop manufactured replacement guitar necks and bodies, complete pickup assemblies, bridges, pickguards, tuners, knobs, potentiometers, and miscellaneous other guitar parts. Eventually, Schecter began supplying parts to notable guitar manufacturers and to Robert Talbot repair shops. By the late 1970s Schecter offered more than 400 guitar parts, but did not offer any finished instruments. In 1979, Schecter offered, for the first time, its own fully assembled electric guitars. They were considered very high quality and very expensive, and were sold only by twenty retailers across the United States.Schecter guitars and parts have been used by, among others, Pete Townshend, Mark Knopfler, Ritchie Blackmore, Chris Poland, Synyster Gates, Richard Patrick, Jinxx, Jake Pitts Tommy Victor, Dan Donegan, Robin Zander, and Shaun Morgan.

Texan ownership and mass production, 1983–1987

By 1983, Schecter had reached its custom shop production limit and could no longer meet demand. That year, the company was purchased by a group of Texas investors who wanted to build upon Schecter’s reputation for quality. The investors moved the company to Dallas, Texas, where they produced above-par quality guitars using both imported parts and Schecter parts under the Schecter name for less than five years. At the 1984 winter NAMM show, Schecter introduced twelve new guitars and basses. The most popular of these guitars was a T-style guitar similar to those that Pete Townshend played. Although Townshend never endorsed this model, it was known unofficially as the «Pete Townshend model». Eventually, the T-style guitar became known as the «Saturn», and the company’s S-style guitar became known as the «Mercury». All guitars have the «Lawsuit» peg heads (two small marks on back of headstocks). Schecter was still using S and T headstocks, which Fender had allowed when they were a parts company. It appears this lawsuit may have essentially led to their closing in late 1986 to early 1987. The name was purchased by the current owners in late 1987. During this period, Schecter managed to sign one notable endorsee, Swedish guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen. Schecter built several custom guitars for Yngwie Malmsteen that featured scalloped necks and reverse headstocks.

Hisatake Shibuya and reform, 1987 – present

In 1987, the Texas investors sold the company to Hisatake Shibuya, a Japanese entrepreneur who also owns the Musicians Institute in Hollywood. Shibuya moved the company back to California and returned Schecter to its custom shop roots, devoting all its efforts to manufacturing high-end, expensive custom instruments. Schecter guitars were once again only available from a few retailers, one of them being Sunset Custom Guitars located in Hollywood, which Hisatake Shibuya also owned. Sunset Custom Guitars happened to be the place where Michael Ciravolo, the future president of Schecter Guitar Research, worked. In 1995, Schecter introduced the highly sought-after ‘S Series’ guitars and basses. In 1996, Hisatake Shibuya asked Michael Ciravolo to become Schecter’s president and run the company. Michael Ciravolo, an experienced musician, brought to the company many well-known musicians as endorsees. These included Robert DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots, and Jay Noel Yuenger and Sean Yseult of White Zombie, as well as Xavier Rhone of Carbon Nation. Michael Ciravolo never really liked competitor designs, so he sought to distance the company from its past Fender-style models. Toward that end, he added the «Avenger», «Hellcat», and «Tempest» models to the Schecter catalog. He also wanted to reach out to a new generation of musicians who were ignored by most major guitar manufacturers. Yet, at this point, the company was only producing expensive, custom shop models. (Schecter’s maximum output was forty guitars a month.) So, to realize his vision, Ciravolo began searching for a factory that could mass-produce Schecter guitars while maintaining high quality standards. In 1997, Michael Ciravolo met with several Asian guitar manufacturers at the Tokyo Music Festival and subsequently decided on a factory located in Incheon, South Korea. (Though not known for sure, this location could be the electric guitar factory of World Musical Instrument co. Ltd.) Schecter’s guitars would be built in the South Korea factory, after which they would be shipped to the U.S. to be set up in a Schecter shop. At the 1998 summer NAMM show, Schecter introduced the Diamond Series, which included six affordably priced non-custom guitars. In 1999, Schecter added the seven string «A-7 Avenger» guitar to the ‘Diamond Series’. It also introduced the «C-1», which was debuted by Jerry Horton in Papa Roach’s «Last Resort» music video. The Diamond Series is still in production to this day.

Expanded custom shop, return of USA production, and Schecter Amplification, 2013 — present

In 2012, it was announced that Schecter expanded their custom shop, adding 14,000 square feet to the facility. Later the same year, Schecter announced a new line of USA-built guitars that would bring the company back to its «roots». This included the acquisition of several CNC machines from Haas Automation and a new 1,500 square feet spray booth. The new line would be called the «USA Production Series.» These guitars were officially debuted at the 2013 Winter NAMM show. Schecter also announced a new line of hand-wound electric guitar and bass pickups, that would be available on USA Production and custom shop models, and possibly will be available for purchase in 2013. Along with the announcement of the USA Production Series, Schecter announced their introduction into the amplification market. These new amps would be designed in part with well-known amplifier designer James Brown, who is most famous for designing the Peavey 5150 amplifier in part with Eddie Van Halen and his line of effect pedals under the Amptweaker name. The amps first announced were the «Hellraiser USA 100», «Hellraiser Stage 100», «Hellwin USA 100», and the «Hellwin Stage 100». The USA versions are built in Schecter’s USA custom shop, while the Stage series is built overseas. The Hellwin is the signature amp for Avenged Sevenfold guitarist Synyster Gates, who helped design the head with James Brown. Both amps make use of EL34 power tubes, an on-board noise gate, a passive and active input that compensate for the output difference by changing the circuit instead of reducing output, and a «Focus» control that adjusts the low end response. The differences between the Hellwin and the Hellraiser is the Hellwin’s use of MIDI to control the amp. The Hellwin is also a 3-channel amp, as opposed to the Hellraiser’s 2-channel design. Along with these amps, Schecter introduced a line of speaker cabinets, one featuring a 200W sub-woofer. called the «Depth Charge», that would increase the cabinet’s bass response. These amps were debuted, along with the USA Production Line, at Winter NAMM 2013.



Diamond Series

All Schecter Guitar Research Diamond Series instruments are backed by a Limited Lifetime Warranty. This warranty applies to the original owner only, and is not transferable under any circumstances. Please note that our Limited Lifetime Warranty is only valid in the country/territory/duchy from which your NEW guitar/bass/product/instrument was purchased.

Your new Schecter instrument is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the life of the original owner, if used under normal operating conditions, subject to the limitations described below. This warranty is not transferable under any circumstances, and applies to the original owner only, provided the product is purchased as NEW from an authorized Schecter dealer. In order to validate your warranty, you must return your warranty registration card within ten (10) days following the original date of purchase, or register your product online at www.schecterguitars.com. Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase. If you need to file a warranty claim in the future, you can send in a photocopy of your receipt at that time.

This warranty does NOT cover the following:

  1. Any instrument that was not purchased from an authorized Schecter dealer.
  2. Any instrument that has been modified or customized after shipment from Schecter Guitar Research.
  3. Any instrument that has been serviced by unauthorized persons.
  4. Any instrument whose serial number is missing, or has been altered in any way.
  5. Any instrument that has been damaged due to misuse, neglect or accident.
  6. Any instrument that has been subjected to extreme humidity or temperature conditions.
  7. Normal wear and tear on any serviceable part of the instrument, including electronic controls and switches, jacks, worn frets, plated surfaces, tuning machines, scratches in pick guards or plastic parts, saddles and nuts; normal paint wear and tear including damages, discoloration, and paint shrinkage of the instrument finish for any reason.
  8. Defects in finishes such as cracks, splitting, or warping of wood due to changes in temperature or humidity, exposure to sun, fire, moisture, body salts and acids, other chemicals or non-industry approved polishes.
  9. Regular maintenance of the instrument, including string changes, truss rod adjustments, set-up, intonation and action adjustment.
  10. Subjective issues such as tonal characteristics, grade, grain or color of wood or finish, or relative weight.
  11. Freight charges to Schecter Guitar Research for warranty repairs.
  12. Shipping damages of any kind.

No instrument may be returned to Schecter Guitar Research without prior authorization. If a return is to be made to Schecter Guitar Research, the customer must first obtain a Return Authorization number (RA#) by phone or email. If the RA# is not clearly marked on the package being returned, it will be refused. Schecter Guitar Research will inspect any returned instrument, and upon approval, and at the sole discretion of Schecter Guitar Research, will replace any part or parts deemed defective. Schecter

Guitar Research reserves the right to use materials regularly utilized or available at the time of repair in the event that the original materials are no longer available. The customer is responsible for the cost of shipping the instrument to Schecter Guitar Research; please provide insurance and pack the instrument properly! Schecter Guitar Research will pay the insurance and shipping costs to send the instrument back. Schecter Guitar Research does not offer repair service of any kind other than warranty repair service. If an instrument needs service or maintenance that is not covered under warranty, it should be taken to a qualified guitar repair professional.

SGR Warranty Information

SGR by Schecter Guitar Research and SGR Guitar Pack — 2 Year Limited Warranty

Schecter Guitar Research warrants the SGR GUITAR and SGR GUITAR PACK to be free from defects in material and workmanship if used under normal operating conditions for a period of 2 years from the date of original purchase except electronics and hardware which are covered for 1 year from original date of purchase. The GUITAR PACK AMPLIFIER is protected under a one-year warranty from the original purchase date. Cables and other accessories are warranted for a period of 120 days from the original date of purchase. Guitar strings are not covered under warranty. This warranty applies to the original owner only, and is not transferable under any circumstances. Please note that our 2 year Limited Warranty is only valid in the country/territory/duchy from which your NEW guitar/bass/product/instrument was purchased.

Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase. If you need to file a warranty claim in the future, you can send in a photocopy of your receipt at that time.

The SGR GUITAR is designed for use with .009 to .042 gauged strings only and heavier gauged strings may cause damage to the instrument. This warranty is void if strings of a heavier gauge other than .009 to .042 are installed on the guitar.

The SGR 4 string bass is designed for use with .045 to .105 gauged strings only and the SGR 5 string bass is designed for use with .045 to .130 gauged strings only. This warranty is void if strings of a heavier gauge than those listed are installed on the guitar.

This warranty does NOT cover the following:

  1. Any instrument that was not purchased from an authorized Schecter dealer.
  2. Any instrument that has been modified or customized after shipment from Schecter Guitar Research.
  3. Any instrument that has been serviced by unauthorized persons.
  4. Any instrument whose serial number is missing, or has been altered in any way.
  5. Any instrument that has been damaged due to misuse, neglect or accident.
  6. Any instrument that has been subjected to extreme humidity or temperature conditions.
  7. Normal wear and tear on any serviceable part of the instrument, including electronic controls and switches, jacks, worn frets, plated surfaces, tuning machines, scratches in pick guards or plastic parts, saddles and nuts; normal paint wear and tear including damages, discoloration, and paint shrinkage of the instrument finish for any reason.
  8. Defects in finishes such as cracks, splitting, or warping of wood due to changes in temperature or humidity, exposure to sun, fire, moisture, body salts and acids, other chemicals or non-industry approved polishes.
  9. Regular maintenance of the instrument, including string changes, truss rod adjustments, set-up, intonation and action adjustment.
  10. Subjective issues such as tonal characteristics, grade, grain or color of wood or finish, or relative weight.
  11. Freight charges to Schecter Guitar Research for warranty repairs. Shipping damages of any kind.

U S Customers:

No instrument may be returned to Schecter Guitar Research without prior authorization. If a return is to be made to Schecter Guitar Research, the customer must first obtain a Return Authorization number (RA#) by phone or email. If the RA# is not clearly marked on the package being returned, it will be refused. Schecter Guitar Research will inspect any returned instrument, and upon approval, and at the sole discretion of Schecter Guitar Research, will replace any part or parts deemed defective. Schecter Guitar Research reserves the right to use materials regularly utilized or available at the time of repair in the event that the original materials are no longer available. The customer is responsible for the cost of shipping the instrument to Schecter Guitar Research; please provide insurance and pack the instrument properly! Schecter Guitar Research will pay the insurance and shipping costs to send the instrument back. Schecter Guitar Research does not offer repair service of any kind other than warranty repair service. If an instrument needs service or maintenance that is not covered under warranty, it should be taken to a qualified guitar repair professional.

International Customers:

Please contact the store where you purchased the instrument for return authorization information.


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