God rest you merry gentlemen ноты для фортепиано

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen, NOW with a beginner piano arrangement.

Here are several fuller arrangements as well for your piano students, plus lead sheets. And at the bottom of the page is a downloadable PDF of the Christmas carol lyrics for this beautiful and old song!

Scroll down the page for the links to the printable PDFs.

Yes, I used eighth notes in the «beginner» arrangement above. I do not think it will be a problem, if students learn it alongside of you (making a duet out of the song), or if they have hear it before.

A lovely minor hymn, this old carol turns up in a lot of Christmas movies (especially Victorian-era dramas such as «A Christmas Carol») and is a favorite of kids, perhaps because of the other-worldliness of the mood it creates, and the puzzling title and first phrase of the lyrics.

Scroll down the page for the links to the printable PDFs.

This old Bing Crosby recording, accompanied by sepia tone still photographs, is charming!

He sings all of the original Christmas carol lyrics, such as «In Bethlehem, in Jewry», which doesn’t appear in hymnals anymore.

It is part of a list of videos for «God Rest You Merry Gentlemen». If you watch the entire list, you will hear some beautiful instrumentals as well as good vocals:

In the Dm piano version above, the left hand begins and ends with easy-to-play open fifths. But then the bottom hand takes on a more independent moving line that will hopefully inspire your beginning students to stretch their abilities.

Hands separate practice AT THE LESSON is the ticket here; so many of my students want to rush into THE BIG SOUND and therefore try to skip that crucial halfway step.

You may notice that the lyrics of the carol say «God rest YE,» while I have named the page «God Rest YOU.» Oops! That’s what happens when you copy and paste in a hurry. «Ye» is, of course, the old way of singing this song; but I and most singers nowadays use «you.»

You decide, then inform your carolers, if you are getting a group up to sing this song! Since this song is not for sale but free, I’m going to let that little discrepancy sneak by, for now anyway.

Before introducing a more complex arrangement, below is a lead sheet version with «helper» notes and chord symbols:

Below is the fancier arrangement:

Please scroll down the page for the download links.

The fingering in the EASY piano version is crucial to master, I think, for students who are still not excellent sight readers.

Once they understand the scale and chord outlines the melody traverses, the fingering will seem less necessary. (They’ll probably memorize the notes and that will be the end of that as far as fingering goes, for the most part!)

Though they will have to abandon that fingering in order to play the more complicated arrangement, it will still be useful for more advanced students to go once or twice through the plain melodies.

Students will do better with the more complicated version if they’ve had exposure to chord inversions. Then show them how the harmony notes, together with the melody notes, are just pieces of the chords the left hand is using.

The chords for God Rest Ye (or, God Rest YOU) have always been difficult to play by ear spontaneously (at least for me!) because the chords change so quickly in a few measures. I’ve provided them in the lead sheets in the keys of Dm and Em.

Please scroll down the page for the download links.

This Annie Lennox video, below, is so STRANGE but riveting that I had to include it on this page.

Distinctly medieval in flavor, it is rather like a Mummer’s play, very stagey, dramatic, and bizarre, but somehow delightful, in keeping with the spirit of this Christmas song, I think.

There is lots to see — try to persevere past the first few phrases (and the inevitable ADVERTISEMENT) to enjoy this bit of drama.

And below you will find ALL the many verses to this old Christmas song, in PDF format to print out:

So what do the words mean? «God rest you, merry gentlemen?» Or, «God rest you merry, gentlemen?»

Both make sense. «Let NOTHING you dismay» — Why? Because Christ, our Saviour, was born! As in the words of Julian of Norwich,

«All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.»


GTP-архив: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Как открыть файл формата .GP? .GP (.GTP, .GP3, .GP4, .GP5) — формат музыкальной партитуры, который используется программой Guitar Pro для написания музыки для различных струнных инструментов. Включает табулатуры для гитары, бас-гитары, банджо. Широко применяется для создания партитур, которые затем возможно проиграть с помощью данных MIDI или напечатать на принтере.
Для открытия нот этого формата Вам необходимо установить у себя на рабочем компьютере программу Guitar Pro (желательно, последней версии). Скачать её можно с официального сайта программы (Скачать) или найти бесплатную версию на руском языке (Найти).

Функционал программы:
Запись музыкальных произведений для гитары, бас-гитары, банджо и множества других инструментов и ансамблей в виде табулатур или нотной графики (при создании табулатуры отображается соответствующая ей строчка с нотами и наоборот);
Создание произведений для духовых, струнных, клавишных и других музыкальных инструментов;
Создание партий для барабанов и перкуссии;
Интеграция текста песен в ноты и привязка его к нотам дорожек с партией вокала;
Встроенный определитель и визуализатор аккордов для гитары;
Экспортирование музыкальных партитур в MIDI, ASCII, MusicXML, WAV, PNG, PDF, GP5 (в Guitar Pro 6), подготовка к печати;
Импортирование из MIDI, ASCII,MusicXML, Power Tab (.ptb), TablEdit (.tef)
Виртуальный гитарный гриф, клавиатура фортепиано и панель ударных инструментов, на которых проецируются ноты, проигрываемые в текущий момент. Удобное создание и редактирование партии соответствующего инструмента с их помощью;
Встроенный удобный метроном, гитарный тюнер для настройки гитары, инструмент для автоматического транспонирования дорожек;
Огромное количество инструментов для добавления к нотам характерных для гитары приёмов аккомпанирования и выбор способов их озвучивания;
Начиная с версии 5 в программу добавлена технология RSE (Realistic Sound Engine), которая помогает приблизить звучание гитары к настоящему звуку и наложить различные уникальные эффекты (гитарные «навороты», эффект «wah-wah» и т. д.) в режиме проигрывания.
Поддержка предыдущих форматов программы — gtp, gp3, gp4, и gp5 (для версий 5.Х и 6.0).


Текст песни Pentatonix — God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen русскими буквами


год рест йи ˈмери ˈджентэлмэн
лет ˈнасин ю дисˈмей
риˈмембэ крайст ˈaуэ ˈсейвьэ
уоз бон он ˈкрисмэс дей
ту сейв ас ол фром ˈсейтэнз пов’r
уэн уи уё гон эсˈтрей
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой
ˈкамфэт энд джой
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой

год рест йи ˈмери ˈджентэлмэн
лет ˈнасин ю дисˈмей
риˈмембэ крайст ˈaуэ ˈсейвьэ
уоз бон он ˈкрисмэс дей
ту сейв ас ол фром ˈсейтэнз пов’r
уэн уи уё гон эсˈтрей
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой
ˈкамфэт энд джой
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой

ин ˈбеслиэм, ин ˈизрейэл
зис блест бейб уоз бон
энд лейд уиˈзин э ˈмейнджэ
эˈпон зис блест мон
зэ уич хиз ˈмазэ ˈмеэри
дид ˈнасин тейк ин скон
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой
ˈкамфэт энд джой
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой

фиэ нот зен, сед зи ˈейнджэл
лет ˈнасин ю эˈфрайт
зис дей из бон э ˈсейвьэ
ов э пьюэ ˈвёджин брайт
ту фри ол зоуз ху траст ин хим
фром ˈсейтэнз пов’r энд майт
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой
ˈкамфэт энд джой
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой

год рест йи ˈмери ˈджентэлмэн
лет ˈнасин ю дисˈмей
риˈмембэ крайст ˈaуэ ˈсейвьэ
уоз бон он ˈкрисмэс дей
ту сейв ас ол фром ˈсейтэнз пов’r
уэн уи уё гон эсˈтрей
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой
ˈкамфэт энд джой
оу ˈтайдинз ов ˈкамфэт энд джой


God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan’s pow’r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy

God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan’s pow’r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy

In Bethlehem, in Israel
This blessed Babe was born
And laid within a manger
Upon this blessed morn
The which His Mother Mary
Did nothing take in scorn
O tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy

Fear not then, said the Angel
Let nothing you affright
This day is born a Saviour
Of a pure Virgin bright
To free all those who trust in Him
From Satan’s pow’r and might
O tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy

God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan’s pow’r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy


God rest ye Merry, Gentlemen

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Organ solo

Christmas — Carols

Date : 1833 Copyright : Copyright © Dewagtere, Bernard License : Sheet central : God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (99 sheet music) Added by bernard-dewagtere, 15 Dec 2011

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God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

  • Singer/Author: William B. Sandys
  • Uploader: EOP Editor
  • Favorites: 2
  • Visits: 15335
  • Update Time: 2016-11-23

Download Sheet Music God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

God Rest You Merry Gentlemen Introduction

Free God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen piano sheet music is provided for you. So if you like it, just download it here. Enjoy It!

God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
, also known as «God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen», and «God Rest You Merry People All», is an English traditional Christmas carol. The melody is in the minor mode. It was published by William B. Sandys in 1833, although the author is unknown.

And God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen had different covers. In 2010, the British recording artist Annie Lennox recorded a contemporary version of the song on her Christmas album A Christmas Cornucopia. A very different contemporary version of the song was published by the Canadian rock group The Barenaked Ladies on their 2004 Christmas album Barenaked for the Holidays. The song was also covered by Bright Eyes on A Christmas Album in 2002 and by the synthpop duo Erasure on their dance-oriented 1988 Christmas EP Crackers International. Jethro Tull’s 2003 The Jethro Tull Christmas Album features a jazzed-up instrumental rendition. Also covered by Ronnie James Dio, Tony Iommi, Rudy Sarzo and Simon Wright on the album We Wish You a Metal Xmas and a Headbanging New Year.

The Lyrics of God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen:

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day;
To save us all from Satan’s power
When we were gone astray.
Oh tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy!
From God our heavenly Father
A blessed angel came;
And unto certain shepherds
Brought tiding of the same;
How that in Bethlehem was born
The Son of God by name.
Oh tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy!
«Fear not, then,» said the angel,
«Let nothing you affright;
This day is born a Savior
Of a pure virgin bright,
To free all those who trust in him
From Satan’s power and might.»
Oh tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy!
Now to the Lord sing praises,
All you within this place,
And with true love and brotherhood
Each other now embrace;
this holy tide of Christmas
Doth bring redeeming grace.
Oh tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy,
Oh tidings of comfort and joy!


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