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Howl’s Moving Castle Kalimba Tabs & Chords | Merry go round of life | Joe Hisaishi

Instrumental pieces are always blissful to the ears. Be it on the piano or the guitar or any other instruments, they are a favourite forever. And Merry Go Round Of Life from Howl’s Moving Castle testifies this claim justly. So here we present to you the Howl’s Moving Castle OST- Merry Go Round Of Life Kalimba tabs and chords. The tabs provided here are in the letter notes format. Like the Imagine Kalimba Tabs, Right Here Waiting Kalimba Tabs and the Hallelujah Kalimba Tabs, this song’s tabs are also very simple and easy and can be played fluently by the beginners as well.

Howl’s Moving Castle Kalimba Tabs & Letter Notes

(B D°) (F° C°) (B D°) (F C°) (B D°) (F° C°)
(C° A) (B D°) (C° A) (B D°) (C° A) (B D°)
(G B) (C° A) (G B) (C° A) (G B) (C° A)
(A F) (E G) (F D) (F D)
E A C° F° F°
D° C° B C°
A C° F° A° A°
B° G° F° G°
B F° G° B° A°
G° F° G° A° G°
F° E° D° C° D°
E° D° A B
E A C° E°
D° C° B C°
A C° F° A°
A° B° G° F° G°
B F° G° B° A°
A° G° F° E° F° A° G°
G° F° E° D° E° E° F° E° D° C°
B C° D° E°
E° F° E°
D° C° B C° D° E°
G G F° E°
D° C° D° E°
E° E° C° E°
G° F° E° D° F°
B B G° G°
G° F° E° F°
F° G° G°
G° A° B° C°°
C°° F° F°
F° G° A° B°
B° F E F
F B D° C°
E A C° E°
B E° G° B° A°
A° G° F° E° F° A° G°
G° F° E° D° E° E° F° E° D° C°
B C° D° E°
E° E° D° C°
B C° D° E°

Howl’s Moving Castle Kalimba Chords & Numbered Notes

(7 2°) (4° 1°) (7 2°) (4 1°) (7 2°) (4° 1°)
(1° 6) (7 2°) (1° 6) (7 2°) (1° 6) (7 2°)
(5 7) (1° 6) (5 7) (1° 6) (5 7) (1° 6)
(6 4) (3 5) (4 2) (4 2)
3 6 1° 4° 4°
2° 1° 7 1°
6 1° 4° 6° 6°
7° 5° 4° 5°
7 4° 5° 7° 6°
5° 4° 5° 6° 5°
4° 3° 2° 1° 2°
3° 2° 6 7
3 6 1° 3°
2° 1° 7 1°
6 1° 4° 6°
6° 7° 5° 4° 5°
7 4° 5° 7° 6°
6° 5° 4° 3° 4° 6° 5°
5° 4° 3° 2° 3° 3° 4° 3° 2° 1°
7 1° 2° 3°
3° 4° 3°
2° 1° 7 1° 2° 3°
5 5 4° 3°
2° 1° 2° 3°
3° 3° 1° 3°
5° 4° 3° 2° 4°
7 7 5° 5°
5° 4° 3° 4°
4° 5° 5°
5° 6° 7° 1°°
1°° 4° 4°
4° 5° 6° 7°
7° 4 3 4
6 5 4 3 2 3
4 7 2° 1°
7 6 5
5 5
3 6 1° 3°
7 3° 5° 7° 6°
6° 5° 4° 3° 4° 6° 5°
5° 4° 3° 2° 3° 3° 4° 3° 2° 1°
7 1° 2° 3°
3° 3° 2° 1°
7 1° 2° 3°

Tutorial Video

Know More: Merry Go Round Of Life is the theme music of Howl’s Moving Castle OST. Composed and performed by the brilliant and gifted Joe Hisaishi, the song has been reprised and covered by various artists later. Released in the year 2004, the melody still rules our hearts and sounds fresh and new as the morning dew. With some crests and troughs the melody chimes on. Played on the piano originally, this song is just soothing and refreshing and will calm your mind in an instant. The number transitions from fast to slow and then to a rapid pace again, keeping us all enamoured and enchanted to it. The melody harmonises well with the relaxed mind.

Song Credits

Title: Merry Go Round of Life
Artists: Joe Hisaishi, Roberto Bravo
Album: Howl’s Moving Castle (Theme Music)


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Немного об аниме

Сасаки Хайсэ — главный герой, восемнадцатилетний первокурсник, который становится наполовину гулем из-за пересадки органов умершего гуля, Ридзэ. После операции Канэки понимает, что с ним происходит что-то непонятное: ему противна обычная еда, поэтому он догадывается, что стал гулем, когда узнал, что ему пересадили органы погибшей рядом с ним девушки. Канэки старается скрыть тот факт, что он гуль, пытаясь жить нормальной жизнью.


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