In the hall mountain king ноты

  1. В залах горного короля
  2. Эдвард Григ / Edvard Grieg — В пещере горного короля (драма «Пер Гюнт»)
  3. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet Music
  4. Peer Gynt, Edvard Grieg and 8 more
  5. Top Sellers
  6. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Piano
  7. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  8. from Peer Gynt
  9. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  10. from Peer Gynt
  11. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  12. composed by Edvard Grieg
  13. In the Hall of the Mountain King [easy]
  14. by Piano Tutorial Easy
  15. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  16. by Erik Correll
  17. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  18. by Christina
  19. In the Hall of the Mountain King [easy]
  20. by Piano Notion
  21. In the Hall of the Mountain King / The Mountain King’s Mood
  22. by Uwe Korn
  23. The Mountain King’s Mood — Flute & Piano
  24. by Uwe Korn
  25. In the Hall of the Mountain King [beginner]
  26. by Betacustic
  27. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Guitar
  28. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  29. from Peer Gynt
  30. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  31. by Chris Richter
  32. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Alto Saxophone
  33. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  34. composed by Edvard Grieg
  35. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  36. by Music By Pedro
  37. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Baritone Horn
  38. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  39. composed by Edvard Grieg
  40. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Baritone Saxophone
  41. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  42. composed by Edvard Grieg
  43. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  44. by Music By Pedro
  45. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Bass Clef Instrument
  46. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  47. composed by Edvard Grieg
  48. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Bassoon
  49. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  50. composed by Edvard Grieg
  51. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Bb Instrument
  52. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  53. composed by Edvard Grieg
  54. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for C Instrument
  55. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  56. composed by Edvard Grieg
  57. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Cello
  58. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  59. composed by Edvard Grieg
  60. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Clarinet
  61. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  62. composed by Edvard Grieg
  63. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Double Bass
  64. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  65. composed by Edvard Grieg
  66. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Eb Instrument
  67. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  68. composed by Edvard Grieg
  69. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for F Instrument
  70. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  71. composed by Edvard Grieg
  72. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Flute
  73. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  74. composed by Edvard Grieg
  75. The Mountain King’s Mood — Flute & Piano
  76. by Uwe Korn
  77. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Oboe
  78. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  79. composed by Edvard Grieg
  80. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Piano Accompaniment
  81. In the Hall of the Mountain King — Tuba & Piano
  82. composed by Edvard Grieg
  83. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Piano/4 Hands
  84. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  85. composed by Edvard Grieg
  86. In the Hall of the Mountain King [intermediate]
  87. by Jennifer Eklund
  88. In the Hall of the Mountain King [easy / intermediate]
  89. by Jennifer Eklund
  90. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Recorder
  91. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  92. composed by Edvard Grieg
  93. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Soprano Saxophone
  94. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  95. composed by Edvard Grieg
  96. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  97. by Music By Pedro
  98. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Tenor Saxophone
  99. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  100. composed by Edvard Grieg
  101. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  102. by Music By Pedro
  103. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument
  104. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  105. composed by Edvard Grieg
  106. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Trombone
  107. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  108. composed by Edvard Grieg
  109. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Trumpet
  110. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  111. composed by Edvard Grieg
  112. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Tuba
  113. In the Hall of the Mountain King — Tuba & Piano
  114. composed by Edvard Grieg
  115. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Viola
  116. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  117. composed by Edvard Grieg
  118. «In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet music for Violin
  119. In the Hall of the Mountain King
  120. composed by Edvard Grieg
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В залах горного короля

Летом 1858 года на даче семейства Григов услышали легкий конский топот — на арабском скакуне спешил в гости к друзьям норвежский композитор Уле Булль. Это были звуки самой судьбы, прибывшей за своим избранником — Эдвардом Григом.

Сын консула родился в июне 1843 года. Он всегда любил играть на рояле и сочинять музыку, но мечтать о профессиональной карьере музыканта не решался. Гость сразу понял истинное предназначение четвертого ребенка Григов. В результате Эдвард оказался в Лейпциге и приступил к занятиям в консерватории. Занятия были столь усердными, что юный музыкант серьезно заболел. От плеврита Эдварду так и не удалось вылечиться, впрочем, как и от любви к музыке. Он возобновляет занятия и в 1862 году получает диплом пианиста и композитора.

В 1863 году окрыленный первыми успехами композитор едет в Копенгаген, где находит единомышленников-патриотов. Грига и его друзей вдохновляет цель создания настоящего национального искусства, свободного от подражания другим культурам. Это норвежское музыкальное лобби образует общество «Евтерпа», и там музыкант становится общественником и просветителем. В то же время Григ творчески переосмысливает норвежский фольклор и представляет публике все более оригинальные произведения.

Но молодой Эдвард увлечен не только новыми идеями, не меньше он увлечен своей кузиной Ниной Хагеруп. Девушке с голосом сирены музыкант делает предложение руки и сердца, от которого она не может отказаться — в руке у Эдварда сборник сонетов о любви «Мелодии сердца». В течение всей совместной жизни Григ будет преподносить любимой женщине произведения, написанные для ее голоса. Вместе они выступят на отечественной сцене, вместе поедут на европейские гастроли. Но их счастье навсегда омрачит смерть дочери, младенец проживет всего год.

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После триумфа «Сигурда Крестоносца», первой великой пьесы, сочиненной Григом, норвежские власти освобождают гения от финансовых тревог — назначают ему пожизненную стипендию. В европейских турне его повсюду сопровождает грандиозный успех. Его делит с семейной четой глиняная лягушка — она лежит в кармане Грига во время концертов.

Самое главное произведение своей жизни «Пер Гюнт» композитор напишет в одиночестве, удалившись в Берген подальше от столичного шума. Музыка к драме Ибсена станет высшей точкой проявления дарования Грига. Дух Норвегии, который композитор запечатлел в мелодии «В пещере горного короля», пронесется по концертным залам, срывая «гигантские аплодисменты». Теперь мировая слава будет у Грига в кармане, рядом с глиняной лягушкой.

Последние годы композитора пройдут в усадьбе, названной им «Холм троллей» — она станет любимым домом Григов. Скончался великий норвежец в родном городе осенью 1907 года.

Для тех, кто скачивает ноты классической музыки и интересуется творчеством норвежского композитора, мы добавили ноты для фортепиано более ста произведений Грига, в том числе все тетради с лирическими пьесами.

Смотрите также ноты произведений композитора Эдвард Григ:


Эдвард Григ / Edvard Grieg — В пещере горного короля (драма «Пер Гюнт»)

Эдвард Григ (Edvard Grieg, 1843–1907) — норвежский композитор, пианист, дирижёр, музыкальный деятель. Учился в Лейпцигской консерватории (1858–62), в т. ч. у И. Мошелеса по классу фортепиано, у К. Рейнеке по композиции, в 1863 продолжил занятия композицией у Н. Гаде в Копенгагене. Там же познакомился с композитором Р. Нурдроком, оказавшим решающее влияние на становление творческой индивидуальности Грига. Совместно с Нурдроком, Э. Хорнеманом и другими участвовал в организации межскандинавского музыкального общества «Евтерпа». С 1866 жил в Кристиании (Осло), где в 70-е гг. сблизился с кругами передовой норвежской интеллигенции. Большое значение имела дружба Грига с поэтом и драматургом Б. Бьёрнсоном, по произведениям которого Григ создал ряд музыкально-сценических сочинений (неоконченная опера «Улаф Трюгвасон», музыка к пьесе «Сигурд Юрсальфар», эскизы к опере «Арнльут Геллине», мелодраме для чтеца и оркестра «Берглиот», множество романсов и песен). В 1871 Григ основал концертное Музыкальное общество (ныне Филармоническое общество). С 1874 жил преимущественно в Бергене, с 1885 — в Тролльхаугене. В 80–90-е гг. достиг мировой славы как композитор, дирижёр, пианист. В 1888 в Лейпциге состоялось знакомство Грига с П. И. Чайковским. В 1898 в Бергене Григом был учреждён 1-й фестиваль норвежской музыки (проводятся поныне). Выступал как музыкальный критик (автобиографический очерк «Мой первый успех», 1905; статья «Моцарт и его значение для современности», 1906, и др.).


«In the Hall of the Mountain King» Sheet Music

Peer Gynt, Edvard Grieg and 8 more

Top Sellers

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Piano

In the Hall of the Mountain King

from Peer Gynt

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 4

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King

from Peer Gynt

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Notation: Easy Piano

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 2

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Piano/Chords, Instrumental Solo

Notation: Beginner Notes

Instruments: Piano, Treble Clef Instrument

Pages: 2

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King [easy]

by Piano Tutorial Easy

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 3

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by Erik Correll

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 4

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by Christina

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 2

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

In the Hall of the Mountain King [easy]

by Piano Notion

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 1

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

In the Hall of the Mountain King / The Mountain King’s Mood

by Uwe Korn

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 1

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

The Mountain King’s Mood — Flute & Piano

by Uwe Korn

Scoring: Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Piano, Flute

Pages: 6

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

In the Hall of the Mountain King [beginner]

by Betacustic

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Notation: Beginner Notes

Instruments: Piano

Pages: 3

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Guitar

In the Hall of the Mountain King

from Peer Gynt

Scoring: Guitar Tab, Instrumental Solo

Notation: Guitar TAB

Instruments: Guitar

Pages: 5

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by Chris Richter

Scoring: Instrumental Solo, Guitar Tab

Notation: Guitar TAB

Instruments: Guitar

Pages: 3

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Alto Saxophone

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Eb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by Music By Pedro

Scoring: Saxophone Quartet, Score & Parts

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone

Pages: 16

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Baritone Horn

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Baritone Saxophone

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Eb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by Music By Pedro

Scoring: Saxophone Quartet, Score & Parts

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone

Pages: 16

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Bass Clef Instrument

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Bassoon

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Bb Instrument

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for C Instrument

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Cello

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Clarinet

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Double Bass

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Eb Instrument

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Eb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for F Instrument

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: F Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Flute

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

The Mountain King’s Mood — Flute & Piano

by Uwe Korn

Scoring: Solo & Accompaniment

Instruments: Piano, Flute

Pages: 6

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Oboe

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Piano Accompaniment

In the Hall of the Mountain King — Tuba & Piano

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Solo & Accompaniment, Instrumental Parts

Instruments: Tuba, Piano Accompaniment

Pages: 6

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Piano/4 Hands

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: 1 Piano 4-Hands, Instrumental Duet

Instruments: Piano/4 Hands

Pages: 8

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

In the Hall of the Mountain King [intermediate]

by Jennifer Eklund

Scoring: 1 Piano 4-Hands, Instrumental Duet

Instruments: Piano/4 Hands

Pages: 7

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

In the Hall of the Mountain King [easy / intermediate]

by Jennifer Eklund

Scoring: 1 Piano 4-Hands, Instrumental Duet

Instruments: Piano/4 Hands

Pages: 4

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Recorder

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Soprano Saxophone

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by Music By Pedro

Scoring: Saxophone Quartet, Score & Parts

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone

Pages: 16

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Tenor Saxophone

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

In the Hall of the Mountain King

by Music By Pedro

Scoring: Saxophone Quartet, Score & Parts

Instruments: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone

Pages: 16

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Piano/Chords, Instrumental Solo

Notation: Beginner Notes

Instruments: Piano, Treble Clef Instrument

Pages: 2

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Trombone

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Cello, Double Bass, Trombone, Bassoon, Bass Clef Instrument, Baritone Horn

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Trumpet

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Bb Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Tuba

In the Hall of the Mountain King — Tuba & Piano

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Solo & Accompaniment, Instrumental Parts

Instruments: Tuba, Piano Accompaniment

Pages: 6

Product Type: Digital Sheet Music

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Viola

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Viola

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition

«In the Hall of the Mountain King»
Sheet music for Violin

In the Hall of the Mountain King

composed by Edvard Grieg

Scoring: Instrumental Solo

Instruments: Violin, Oboe, Flute, Recorder, C Instrument

Pages: 1

Product Type: Musicnotes Edition


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