Итс нот посибл перевод

its possible

1 all-possible-subsets regression

2 A gun shot made with a high track-crossing angle, normally attempted because a tracking shot was not possible or desired

3 An offensive or defensive maneuver, flown in the vertical plane, if possible, designed to increase or reduce distance from an object

4 Anything Is Possible

5 As Far As Possible (=) насколько возможно

6 As Fast As Possible

7 As Late As Possible

8 As Low As Reasonably Possible

9 As Much As Possible

10 As Safe As Possible

11 As Slow As Possible

12 As Soon As Possible

13 As soon as possible

14 Card Type Possible

15 Delivery Bar Code Sorter Expanded Capability (2002-2003 can handle flimsy and heavy letter mail) — possible typo for DBCS-EC

16 Doing Everything Possible

17 Earliest Possible Arrival Time

18 Every Possible Creation Of Technology

19 Every Sports Possible Network

20 Flying as low to the ground as possible to avoid enemy radar

См. также в других словарях:

its — /its/, pron. the possessive form of it (used as an attributive adjective): The book has lost its jacket. I m sorry about its being so late. [1590 1600; earlier it s, equiv. to IT1 + S1] Usage. While it is possible to use ITS as a predicate… … Universalium

Possible world — In philosophy and logic, the concept of possible worlds is used to express modal claims. In philosophy, the term modality covers such notions as possibility , necessity , and contingency . Talk of possible worlds is very widespread in… … Wikipedia

Possible war crimes in the 2006 Lebanon War — Main article: 2006 Lebanon War Various groups and individuals, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and United Nations officials, accused both Israel and Hezbollah of violating international humanitarian law during the 2006… … Wikipedia

Possible Peru — Infobox Political Party party name = Perú Posible Peru Possible colorcode = #80FF00 party leader = David Waisman foundation = 1994 ideology = Centrism headquarters = Lima, Peru members = international = none website =… … Wikipedia

possible — 1. adjective /ˈpɒsᵻbl̩,ˈpɑsəbl̩/ a) Able but not certain to happen; not impossible. Rain tomorrow is possible, but I wouldnt bet on it. b) Capable of being done or achieved; feasible. Its not just possible, its probable … Wiktionary

possible — [[t]pɒ̱sɪb(ə)l[/t]] ♦ possibles 1) ADJ: usu v link ADJ, oft it v link ADJ to inf If it is possible to do something, it can be done. If it is possible to find out where your brother is, we shall. Everything is possible if we want it enough. … … English dictionary

possible — [14] Latin posse ‘be able’ (source of English posse) produced the derived adjective possibilis ‘that can be done’, which came into English via Old French possible. (Its antonym impossible reached English at roughly the same time.) => POSSE,… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

possible — [14] Latin posse ‘be able’ (source of English posse) produced the derived adjective possibilis ‘that can be done’, which came into English via Old French possible. (Its antonym impossible reached English at roughly the same time.) Cf.⇒ POSSE,… … Word origins

ITS — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français

Islamic Law and its Introduction in Pakistan — is a book written by Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi and was published in 1983. This book discusses the step by step introduction of Islamic law i.e. Sharia in Pakistan and its possible impact. It also discusses the criticism harsh punishment that are… … Wikipedia

HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism


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1 possible

2 possible

to do one’s possible — сделать всё возможное, приложить все усилия

possible ore — геол. возможные /неразведанные/ запасы руды

to give as many details as possible /all possible details/ — дать все подробности

it is not possible to see the patient today — сегодня к больному (пройти) нельзя

how is it possible to get out of it? — как же выбраться из всего этого /из этой истории/?

we live in the simplest possible way — мы живём очень, /исключительно/ просто

what possible interest can you have in it? — что вас может здесь заинтересовать?

he is not a possible person — этого человека невозможно терпеть, с этим человеком нельзя иметь дело

3 possible

4 possible

возможный, вероятный;
if possible если это возможно;
as early as possible как можно раньше as far as

как можно дальше as far as

to do one’s possible сделать все возможное

возможный, вероятный;
if possible если это возможно;
as early as possible как можно раньше possible вероятный

to do one’s possible сделать все возможное

возможный, вероятный;
if possible если это возможно;
as early as possible как можно раньше

разг. сносный, терпимый

ore геол. возможные, неразведанные запасы руды

5 possible

We provide the best possible accommodation for our students. — Мы предоставляем нашим студентам самое лучшее жилье

6 possible

easily / perfectly possible — легко осуществимый

We provide the best possible accommodation for our students. — Мы предоставляем нашим студентам самое лучшее жилье.

«When do you want to go?» — «This weekend, if possible». — «Когда вы собираетесь уехать?» — «В эти выходные, если возможно.»

7 possible

8 possible

if possible е́сли э́то возмо́жно

possible ore геол. возмо́жные, неразве́данные запа́сы руды́

to do one’s possible сде́лать всё возмо́жное

9 possible

10 possible

11 possible

I think it possible — я это допускаю, я считаю это возможным

12 possible

13 possible

I think it possible — я это допускаю, я считаю это возможным

14 possible

15 possible

16 possible

possible winner — вероя́тный победи́тель

17 possible

18 possible

19 possible

20 possible

См. также в других словарях:

possible — [ pɔsibl ] adj. et n. m. • 1265; lat. imp. possibilis I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ (Activités, réalités humaines) Qui peut exister, qu on peut faire. ⇒ concevable, envisageable, faisable, réalisable. Nous avons fait tout ce qui est humainement possible pour le… … Encyclopédie Universelle

possible — Possible. adj. de tout genre. Qui peut estre, ou qui peut se faire. Ce que vous dites est possible. cela est difficile, mais pourtant possible. quelques uns tiennent que la pierre philosophale est possible. les estres possibles. est il possible… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

possible — Possible, Possibilis, Quintil. Autant qu il est possible, Quoad potest. S il t est possible, Siquid poteris. Il n en ira pas ainsi, Il n est pas possible, Non sic futurum est, Non potest. Il n est pas possible de leur aider si facilement, Non tam … Thresor de la langue françoyse

possible — 1 Possible, practicable, feasible can mean capable of being realized. Possible is used to dispel doubt that something may or does occur or exist or may come to exist

possible — [päs′ə bəl] adj. [OFr < L possibilis < posse, to be able: see POTENT] 1. that can be; capable of existing 2. that can be in the future; that may or may not happen 3. a) that can be done, known, acquired, selected, used, etc., depending on… … English World dictionary

Possible — Pos si*ble, a. [F., fr. L. possibilis, fr. posse to be able, to have power; potis able, capable + esse to be. See , , and cf. a landlord.] Capable of existing or occurring, or of being conceived or thought of; able to happen;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

possible — ► ADJECTIVE 1) capable of existing, happening, or being achieved. 2) that may be so, but that is not certain or probable. ► NOUN 1) a possible candidate for a job or member of a team. 2) (the possible) that which is likely or achievable. ORIGIN … English terms dictionary

possible — I adjective achievable, anticipated, apt, attainable, believable, capable, cogitable, conceivable, credible, feasible, grantable, imaginable, liable, likely, obtainable, performable, plausible, potential, probable, promising, rational, realizable … Law dictionary

possible — c.1300, from L. possibilis that can be done, from posse be able (see POTENT (Cf. potent)) … Etymology dictionary

possible — [adj] likely, attainable accessible, achievable, adventitious, advisable, available, breeze*, can do*, cinch, conceivable, credible, dependent, desirable, doable, dormant, duck soup*, easy as pie*, expedient, feasible, fortuitous, hopeful,… … New thesaurus

possible — (po si bl ) adj. 1° Qui peut être, qui peut se faire. Il est possible que cela se fasse. Il est possible de faire cela. • Est il possible que nous travaillions à la structure et à la cadence d une période, comme s il y allait de notre vie ?,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré


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