Кальдара себен круделе ноты

Caldara — Sebben Crudele
Sheet music for Soprano Voice

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About ‘Sebben Crudele’

«Sebben, crudele» (Although, cruel love) is an aria from Antonio Caldara’s 1710 opera La costanza in amor vince l’inganno (Faithfulness in love conquers treachery). Although the opera itself has been rarely performed in modern times, Sebben, crudele remains a popular concert aria.

Sebben, crudele,
mi fai languir,
sempre fedele
ti voglio amar.
Con la lunghezza
del mio servir
la tua fierezza
saprò stancar.

Although, cruel love,
you make me languish,
I will always
love you true.
With the patience
of my serving
I will be able to tire out
your pride.


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