- Альтернативный рок >Разбор песен Linkin Park
- Разбор песен Linkin Park
- «One Step closer» — рифф с флажолетами и павер-хордами.
- «Points of Authority» — синкопированный рифф.
- «A Place For My Head» — простой мелодичный рифф.
- The Guitars of Linkin Park
- Xero — Demo (1997)
- Hybrid Theory EP (1999)
- Hybrid Theory (2000)
- Reanimation (2002)
- Meteora (2003)
- Collision Course (2004)
- Mike Shinoda — MTV Video Music Awards Score (2005)
- Fort Minor — The Rising Tied (2005)
- Minutes to Midnight (2007)
- MMM. COOKIES: Sweet Hamster Like Jewels from America! (2008)
- Dead By Sunrise — Out of Ashes (2009)
- Linkin Park Underground 9: Demos (2009)
- A Thousand Suns (2010)
- LP Underground X: Demos (2010)
- Linkin Park Underground Eleven (2011)
- Living Things (2012)
- The Guitars of Linkin Park
- Xero — Demo (1997)
- Hybrid Theory EP (1999)
- Hybrid Theory (2000)
- Reanimation (2002)
- Meteora (2003)
- Collision Course (2004)
- Mike Shinoda — MTV Video Music Awards Score (2005)
- Fort Minor — The Rising Tied (2005)
- Minutes to Midnight (2007)
- MMM. COOKIES: Sweet Hamster Like Jewels from America! (2008)
- Dead By Sunrise — Out of Ashes (2009)
- Linkin Park Underground 9: Demos (2009)
- A Thousand Suns (2010)
- LP Underground X: Demos (2010)
- Linkin Park Underground Eleven (2011)
- Living Things (2012)
Альтернативный рок >Разбор песен Linkin Park
Здравствуйте уважаемые читатели блога Гитаршкола . В сегодняшнем уроке мы с Вами попытаемся разобрать несколько рифов одних из самых популярных песен группы Linkin Park.
После головокружительного успеха дебютного альбома «Hybrid Theory» (2000 г.), Linkin Park без сомнения является самой успешной из всех американских хип-хоп/метал команд. Альбом разошёлся тиражом в 14 миллионов копий по всему миру и стал самым продаваемым альбомом 2001 года в Америке. В 2002 году он получил три премии Грэмми.
Пять следующих риффов демонстрируют энергию и мощь материала этого альбома.
Во всех риффах 6-я струна опущена на тон ниже относительно общего пониженного на пол-тона строя (снизу вверх): Db, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb. Исключение составляет «One Step closer», здесь строй D-А-D-G-В-Е.
В одном из следующих уроков мы разберем несколько гитарных соло группы Linkin Park. Для того, чтобы сыграть соло на гитаре, Вам потребуется больше навыков в звукоизвлечении. А пока перейдем к разбору рифов.
Разбор песен Linkin Park
«One Step closer» — рифф с флажолетами и павер-хордами.
Опустите 6-ю струну до ноты ре. Убедитесь в том, что вы надёжно глушите 6-ю струну для достижения эффекта стаккато. В основном риффе также необходимо следить за глушением, особенно при игре октавами. Играйте октавы штрихом вверх и указательным пальцем левой руки приглушайте ненужные струны. В брейке на 6/4 аккорд G5Add9 можно взять добавив 3-й или 4-й палец к аппликатуре стандартного павер-хорда.
«Points of Authority» — синкопированный рифф.
Настройте свою гитару ещё на пол-тона ниже. Ноты для настройки Вы можете найти в начале статьи. Синкопы (офф-бит) в риффе довольно обманчивы — в каждом такте они появляются на разные доли, поэтому играйте этот рифф очень медленно, пока не освоитесь с ритмом. Аккорд Е5 берите первым пальцем, а F5 вторым.
«A Place For My Head» — простой мелодичный рифф.
Не пугайтесь выписанных нот, в темпе 66 уд./мин. это сыграть вполне по силам. Первые два такта играются в 7-й позиции, поэтому ноты С и G на 10-м ладу нужно брать 4-м пальцем л.р. Играйте весь отрезок переменным штрихом.
Здорово, что представлены ноты моих любимых песен! Проиграл все =)
Отлично! Люблю динамику Linkin Park, но пока мне не приходилось играть их песни. Благодаря вам, я вспомнила об этой замечательной группе. Буду тренироваться. Спасибо!
Обожаю эту группу, а особенно, когда слышу их песни под гитару в студии, где играют мои знакомые ребята.
Не имел представления что можно сыграть данные композиции на электрогитаре, всегда думал что такое возможно только на специальной аппаратуре. Помню еще в детстве начинал слушать LinkinPark, тогда это было что-то невообразимым, да и сейчас у них потрясающие песни, спасибо таким статьям, что они делают нас чуть ближе к нашим кумирам. И можно на некоторое время представить себя в роли исполнителя.
Многие начинают играть свои первые песни с В.Цой, но это на акустике и из Советского. Linkin Park советую новичкам на электрогитаре!
Очень ритмичная и приятная на слух музыка, подойдет для 99% начинающих гитаристов, ведь все слышали их хиты, а их всегда хочется сыграть, чтобы не забывать. Советую всем, кто хочет в дальнейшем научится хорошо играть и просто приятно проводить приятно время за любимой гитарой!
Обожаю группу линкин парк, ноты хотелось бы и других песен найти. Или еще лучше сделайте видеоразборы песен этой группы.
The Guitars of Linkin Park
Xero — Demo (1997)
*Note: The live version of «Reading My Eyes» refers to the version performed by Linkin Park occasionally in 2006 and 2008. «Rhinestone» is known to have been performed live by Xero in 1998, and the other songs were almost certainly performed during this period as well, but no recordings of any shows prior to August of 2000 are currently known to exist.
Hybrid Theory EP (1999)
*Note: All of the live versions listed for this EP refer to the versions performed live by Linkin Park from 2000 to 2002. No recordings of live performances by Hybrid Theory prior to the band’s name change exist, and the earliest available Linkin Park live recording is from August of 2000. «Carousel» is also known to have been performed live at some point in the band’s early days, but no recordings of it have ever surfaced. The version of «High Voltage» performed live was the remix version, not the original Hybrid Theory EP version, so it can be found under the «Misc. Linkin Park Songs» section.
Hybrid Theory (2000)
Reanimation (2002)
Meteora (2003)
Collision Course (2004)
Mike Shinoda — MTV Video Music Awards Score (2005)
Fort Minor — The Rising Tied (2005)
Remember the Name (Studio)
Right Now (Studio)
Back Home (Studio)
Cigarettes (Studio)
Get Me Gone (Studio)
Kenji (Studio/Live)
Red to Black (Studio)
There They Go (Studio)
*Note: Fort Minor didn’t have a guitarist in their touring band during their original run, so there are no live version tabs for any Fort Minor songs, with the exception of «Kenji,» as that song was performed with guitar during Mike’s solo tours beginning in 2018. All other instances of songs that featured guitar work in Mike’s 2018 solo performances (as well as the handful of solo performances under the Fort Minor name in 2015) can be found in either the «Post Traumatic» or «Misc. Fort Minor/Mike Solo Songs» sections.
Minutes to Midnight (2007)
MMM. COOKIES: Sweet Hamster Like Jewels from America! (2008)
Dead By Sunrise — Out of Ashes (2009)
Linkin Park Underground 9: Demos (2009)
*Note: «A-Six» has never been performed live. However, a portion of «A.06,» the shorter piece based on the same composition, has been performed live on a few occasions. That song can be found in the «Misc. Linkin Park Songs» section.
A Thousand Suns (2010)
Burning in the Skies (Studio/Live)
When They Come for Me (Studio/Live)
Robot Boy (Studio)
Jornada del Muerto (Studio/Live)
Waiting for the End (Studio/Live)
Blackout (Studio)
Wretches and Kings (Studio/Live)
Iridescent (Studio/Live)
The Catalyst (Studio/Live)
The Messenger (Studio/Live)
*Note: «Robot Boy» has never been performed live in its entirety. It has appeared in shortened instrumental form as an interlude during Linkin Park shows in 2014-2015, as well as Mike Shinoda solo shows in 2018-2019. A small portion of it was also used to open the tribute show to Chester Bennington on October 27th, 2017. However, in all of these cases, the song was performed without any guitar work. The full live version of «Blackout» performed in 2010-2012 didn’t have any guitar in it. However, the shortened instrumental version performed in 2014-2015 did. That version of the song can be found in the «Live-Only Linkin Park Songs» section.
LP Underground X: Demos (2010)
Linkin Park Underground Eleven (2011)
*Note: «Slip» was likely performed by Hybrid Theory/Linkin Park in 1999/2000 (it can be seen being rehearsed on Marc Ostrick’s «Lockout» episode about Hybrid Theory), but no live recordings of it have ever surfaced, so a live version tab isn’t available. Rehearsal footage of the band performing «Esaul» in 1999 can also be found on the Frat Party at the Pankake Festival DVD, but again, no actual live performances of the song in that early form have surfaced, and the audio quality of the rehearsal footage is far too poor to make a tab from.
Living Things (2012)
LOST IN THE ECHO (Studio/Live)
IN MY REMAINS (Studio/Live)
BURN IT DOWN (Studio/Live)
I’LL BE GONE (Studio)
TINFOIL (Studio/Live)
*Note: The live version of «VICTIMIZED» is not included here, as live performances of that song always came in the form of a mashup with «QWERTY.» That tab can be found in the «Live-Only Linkin Park Songs» section. The live version of «ROADS UNTRAVELED» refers to the version performed at the Hollywood Bowl tribute to Chester show in October of 2017, as the song had never been previously played.
The Guitars of Linkin Park
Xero — Demo (1997)
*Note: The live version of «Reading My Eyes» refers to the version performed by Linkin Park occasionally in 2006 and 2008. «Rhinestone» is known to have been performed live by Xero in 1998, and the other songs were almost certainly performed during this period as well, but no recordings of any shows prior to August of 2000 are currently known to exist.
Hybrid Theory EP (1999)
*Note: All of the live versions listed for this EP refer to the versions performed live by Linkin Park from 2000 to 2002. No recordings of live performances by Hybrid Theory prior to the band’s name change exist, and the earliest available Linkin Park live recording is from August of 2000. «Carousel» is also known to have been performed live at some point in the band’s early days, but no recordings of it have ever surfaced. The version of «High Voltage» performed live was the remix version, not the original Hybrid Theory EP version, so it can be found under the «Misc. Linkin Park Songs» section.
Hybrid Theory (2000)
Reanimation (2002)
Meteora (2003)
Collision Course (2004)
Mike Shinoda — MTV Video Music Awards Score (2005)
Fort Minor — The Rising Tied (2005)
Remember the Name (Studio)
Right Now (Studio)
Back Home (Studio)
Cigarettes (Studio)
Get Me Gone (Studio)
Kenji (Studio/Live)
Red to Black (Studio)
There They Go (Studio)
*Note: Fort Minor didn’t have a guitarist in their touring band during their original run, so there are no live version tabs for any Fort Minor songs, with the exception of «Kenji,» as that song was performed with guitar during Mike’s solo tours beginning in 2018. All other instances of songs that featured guitar work in Mike’s 2018 solo performances (as well as the handful of solo performances under the Fort Minor name in 2015) can be found in either the «Post Traumatic» or «Misc. Fort Minor/Mike Solo Songs» sections.
Minutes to Midnight (2007)
MMM. COOKIES: Sweet Hamster Like Jewels from America! (2008)
Dead By Sunrise — Out of Ashes (2009)
Linkin Park Underground 9: Demos (2009)
*Note: «A-Six» has never been performed live. However, a portion of «A.06,» the shorter piece based on the same composition, has been performed live on a few occasions. That song can be found in the «Misc. Linkin Park Songs» section.
A Thousand Suns (2010)
Burning in the Skies (Studio/Live)
When They Come for Me (Studio/Live)
Robot Boy (Studio)
Jornada del Muerto (Studio/Live)
Waiting for the End (Studio/Live)
Blackout (Studio)
Wretches and Kings (Studio/Live)
Iridescent (Studio/Live)
The Catalyst (Studio/Live)
The Messenger (Studio/Live)
*Note: «Robot Boy» has never been performed live in its entirety. It has appeared in shortened instrumental form as an interlude during Linkin Park shows in 2014-2015, as well as Mike Shinoda solo shows in 2018-2019. A small portion of it was also used to open the tribute show to Chester Bennington on October 27th, 2017. However, in all of these cases, the song was performed without any guitar work. The full live version of «Blackout» performed in 2010-2012 didn’t have any guitar in it. However, the shortened instrumental version performed in 2014-2015 did. That version of the song can be found in the «Live-Only Linkin Park Songs» section.
LP Underground X: Demos (2010)
Linkin Park Underground Eleven (2011)
*Note: «Slip» was likely performed by Hybrid Theory/Linkin Park in 1999/2000 (it can be seen being rehearsed on Marc Ostrick’s «Lockout» episode about Hybrid Theory), but no live recordings of it have ever surfaced, so a live version tab isn’t available. Rehearsal footage of the band performing «Esaul» in 1999 can also be found on the Frat Party at the Pankake Festival DVD, but again, no actual live performances of the song in that early form have surfaced, and the audio quality of the rehearsal footage is far too poor to make a tab from.
Living Things (2012)
LOST IN THE ECHO (Studio/Live)
IN MY REMAINS (Studio/Live)
BURN IT DOWN (Studio/Live)
I’LL BE GONE (Studio)
TINFOIL (Studio/Live)
*Note: The live version of «VICTIMIZED» is not included here, as live performances of that song always came in the form of a mashup with «QWERTY.» That tab can be found in the «Live-Only Linkin Park Songs» section. The live version of «ROADS UNTRAVELED» refers to the version performed at the Hollywood Bowl tribute to Chester show in October of 2017, as the song had never been previously played.