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Morrisons Jig

Перевод: Полный оценка. Джига Моррисона. Множество. Ludenhoff, Мартин.

Перевод: традиции. Большой смешанный вместе. Ричард Брунер.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. 2 гитара. Дуэт. Public Domain Комментировать эту Ноты уровень Навык. Подавить рейтинг «тень правда, задержка, 0.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. 2 гитара. Дуэт. Мартин, Ludenhoff. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Традиционный. » Jig Моррисона» для фортепиано. » Jig Моррисона» для фортепиано. Традиционный. Фортепиано соло. Magatagan, Майк.

Перевод: Флейта. Перкуссия.

Перевод: Саксофон альт.

Перевод: — Неклассические. Jpg. Джиги.

Перевод: Гитара Настройтесь Книга. Уильям Bay. Акустическая гитара ноты. Начало. Гитара Настройтесь Книга. Pocketbook серии Делюкс. Все.

Перевод: Мандолины Настройтесь Книга, Pocketbook серии Делюкс. Уильям Bay. Мандолины ноты. Начало. Идеально подходит связывание, песенник. Народный.

Перевод: Пустячный Настройтесь Книга, Pocketbook серии Делюкс. Уильям Bay. Скрипка ноты. Скрипка ноты. Начало. Pocketbook Делюкс. Народный. Начало.

Перевод: Известный Гитара Выбор Tunes. Flatpicking гитара ноты. Начало. Известный Гитара Выбор Tunes редакцией Уильяма залива. Для гитары. Все стили.

Перевод: Джиги для Хаммер цимбалистов, скрипка, Etc. Скрипка ноты. Цимбалы ноты. Мандолины ноты. Скрипка ноты. для цимбалы, скрипка, мандолина.

Перевод: Кельтские Классика. Патрик Штайнбах. Гитара ноты. Кельтские Классика, состоящие Патрик Steinbach. 1964 -. Для гитары. LO.30-1313H.

Перевод: Ноты, CD. Гитара, гитара Tab. Part of Mel Bay’s new and innovative QWIKGUIDE series, this handy-sized book features selections such as.

Перевод: Мелодии Famous Fiddlin «. Крейг Дункан. Скрипка ноты. Скрипка ноты. Промежуточный. Известные Tunes Fiddlin », состоящего Крейг Дункан.

Перевод: Ирландские танцевальные мелодии для всех арф. Сильвия Вудс. Селтик Арфа ноты. Для арфы, Народный арфы. Арфа. 64 стр.. HL.721095.


Morrison’s jig

Also known as Jim Morrison’s, Lyon’s Favourite, Maurice Carmondy’s Favourite, Morrison’s Aaron, Morrison’s No. 1, Paddy Stack’s Fancy, Port Ui Mhuirgheasa, Stick Across The Hob, The Stick Across The Hob, The Stick On The Hob, Tom Carmondy’s Favourite.

There are 152 recordings of this tune.

Morrison’s has been added to 457 tune sets.

Morrison’s has been added to 4,185 tunebooks.

Ten settings

|:»Em»Bee fee|aee fed|Bee fee|»D»fag fed|
|1 «Em»Bee fee|aee fed|»C»gfe d2A|»D»BAG FED:|2
|»C»g2g gfe|»G»def g2d|»D»edc d2A|»C»BAG «D»FED||

E2 BAB |dcB AFD|

Bee fee|bee fed|Bee fee|fag fed|
Bee fee|bee fed|edc d2 B|AFd AFA||
Bee fee|bee fed|Bee fee|fag fef|

g2 gfe|def g2f|edc d2 B|AFd AFD|]

Sixty-eight comments

This tune is great fun to play in a fast tempo, especially that second part which is more Metallica than Morrison’s.

Those Es and Bs at the start are just crying out to be ornamented. You can try EDE and BAB.

You can get another variation by playing the notes EBE BEB ad nauseum. Of course, then it’s really going to sound like Metallica 🙂

James Morrison was the fiddler that made this tune popular, the story goes that Morrison learned the tune from Carmondy (a friend of Morrison’s in NYC) & Tom did not have a name for it. James Morrison learned it & said that he would record it the next day for a record company & call it «Tom Carmondy’s Favorite» which he did.

From a discussion thread on making up lyrics to tunes so you can remember them, Mark/Ottery came up with this gem, and I felt it simply shouldn’t ever be lost:

Morrison’s, Morrison’s
We all play Morrison’s.
It’s such fun, and what could be finer?
Morrison’s, Morrison’s
Let’s not play Morrison’s —
It’s not fun or clever and it’s in E Minor.

Padraig O’Keefe’s Favourite

On «Gaelic Roots», a 2-CD compilation from a Boston College concert series, Johnny O’Leary plays a 3-part tune called «Padraig O’Keefe’s Favourite», the first 2 parts of which sound almost identical to Morrison’s. Anyone know what I’m talking about?

Bowing problems on Morrison’s (bowing to tne inevitable?)

My problems are bowing the EBE BAB starting the A part, and the BEE AEE in teh B part. I’m playing in a group with an accordion player who can really drill out those notes. Tactical non-hits (i.e. misses): One stroke/note: feel like I’m cutting wood, and badly. Light bouncing in the B part works, down-up-up,, throw in a cut or two, sounds good escept can’t get needed speed or volume. Slurring the triples in the A part doesn’t work for me at a fast pace unless I dot the first quarter (then can get a nice rock-n-roll burr sometimes).
Maybe just do a dotted quarter E in 1st 2 measures of A and B? Not macho, but better than tripping over my own shoes. I know, ask a better player at a seisun. But I just had to get this off my shoulders. A little cyber plea.
Mike, LA, CA, USA

Bowing problems: correction re notes

I meant the BEE FEE AEE sequences in B part are problematic. where the B part modulates, I’m okay. it flows right for me.

Bowing Morrison’s

I was taught to bow the EBEB by rotating the wrist in a full circle. It took my about a week without the fiddle to do it. I have found that it gives an extra kick to reverse the rotation occaisionally.

E3 BEB | is a plausible solution as is Playing a long roll on the E3 then on a B3. If there’s a dozen other fiddlers and no guitars, I might play the E diad in unson and then slide off to the open . Just don’t do it the same way every time.

One thing that keeps this classic alive is that there’s so many different ways to play it.

Variation 4 Morrison’s

well this is a variation that i thought maybe you’d like to know
i roll the E and the B
so its

«Richard Brennan’s Jig» = «Morrison’s #2»

Key signature: D Major
Submitted on March 10th 2004 by Mad Baloney.

Comment from Mad Baloney:

«This is the jig that James Morrison usually played after «Morrison’s Jig»

Don’t know why the first one became so popular while this tune is so rare, but anyway they make a nice pair.»

A neat trick with this Jig

So last night I was playing with some friends, and the mando player thought that we were starting at the B section, when me and the guitar started at the top.

The result? Pretty darn cool. Other than a quick G in the guitar that sounds a little strange, it sounds really amazing, like an incredible counterpoint harmony. Try it out, and let me know what you think.

Morrisons Jig

can anyone tell me what tunes they would put with this in there session set. looking for two simple but effective tunes to go with this great jig

Re: Morrisons Jig

forgot to mention the same question for «the maid behind the bar»

Re: Morrisons Jig

Donnybrook Fair «falls» nicely into Morrisons.

Re: Morrisons Jig

Which Morrison’s, there are 7 here alone? Could you post the link?

Re: Morrisons Jig

Re: Morrisons Jig

Well, i copied john carty’s set of cooley’s reel running into the maid behind the bar. It works pretty well. As for morrison’s, i never heard it before

Re: Morrisons Jig

Oh come on michael isn’t obvious which morrisons jig it is. Ye’ll be asking which maid behind the bar it is next.

I usually put it after, out in the ocean

Re: Morrisons Jig

I only asked because I’m not good with the names of tunes. I had a quick sacn of it and I can now say, oh, that one. (I did know the maid behind the bar’s name though)

So, you cuold just play the Bothy band set …
nowt wrong with that. But it’s better to be more inventive

After out on the ocean in A would be more fun than in G I think. But I’d prefer to keep the set darker. Start with something in A min, morrisons in the middle, then get another big Emin jig, kid in the mountain maybe

Re: Morrisons Jig

Drowsy Maggie is a fairly obvious tune to play after Morrison’s Jig. Perhaps, too obvious!

Re: Morrisons Jig

Try Morrison’s with Dorros Mill. they might be a little too similar in key and structure for some, but I like ‘em.

Re: Morrisons Jig

John J, would’t it be better to play a jig with a jig in a session.

Try a jig starting on g, and in G, maybe Jim Ward’s?

Just off the top of my head, I haven’t tried these before.

Re: Morrisons Jig

hey, those two tunes are only two numbers apart!

Re: Morrisons Jig

Well, perhaps in a session but it’s quite a nice change, I think. Both tunes are in the same key and I quite like moving from a jig to a reel, in this instance.
Maybe, it’s not’s suitable for a session though, as it’s unexpected.

Re: Morrisons Jig

Morrison’s into the Kesh goes very nicely

Re: Morrisons Jig

Concertina Reel — Maid Behind the Bar — Dairy Maid — Sligo Maid

Re: Morrisons Jig

I’d tend to think of jig into reel as very Scottish so it was interesting to see what you say about yourself John J.

Would people do the March/Strathspey/Reel thing in a session in Scotland, or is that for more formal situations?

Re: Morrisons Jig

Lannigan’s Ball/Morrison’s Jig

Re: Morrisons Jig

Yes, they would do this sort of things in sessions too but it is usually done for more formal situations. Traditionally, many of the sessions have been like this in Scotland where a musician or two or three will «do something» as opposed to everyone playing in unison all the time.

These days, most sessions where the musicians «join in» together are very similar to Irish sessions but just have Scottish and/or a mixture of tunes. Reels usually get played with reels, jigs with jigs and so on.

Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be as many strathspeys, pipe marches etc in your average Scottish session these days. It’s all reels etc here these days as well.

Re: Morrisons Jig

Or when they do get played, they are played like jigs and reels half the time. 🙁

Re: Morrisons Jig

our set starts with a song in Eb, then Sliabh Russel (jig in A-) which falls perfectly into the Morrison’s grand final.

Re: Morrisons Jig

You could try Whelan’s Fancy before Morrisons.
I did it with my friends, and it worked out well..

Re: Morrisons Jig

By the way, if The Bothy Band can get away with changing from a jig to a set of reels, then surely I can 🙂

Re: Morrisons Jig

Oops. Was thinking of Monhan’s with Dorros Mill, above. My bad.

Obviously, somebody thinks this discussion belongs in the tunes section. 🙂

More notes on the origin

Tom Carmody, who played accordion in Morrison’s band, tells this story of its origin:

«Jim was up at my house the night before we were to go to the studio, and I played him this jig. Jim asked me where I had got it from and I told him it was my father’s jig called ‘The Stick Across the Hob’. Jim asked me to play it again and he wrote it down as I played, then he got the fiddle and played it off. «I will put that on record tomorrow», he said, and we’ll call it Maurice Carmody’s Favourite».

From «The James Morrison Story»

I’ve also heard variations of Morrison’s and Whelan’s mixed up together (like the first half of Morrisons and the second of Whelan’s) an easy trick to slip into but then hard to play either tune correctly after you’ve learned it! Or does this hybrid tune have a name of it’s own…? For example, what would you call the second tune this lad plays along with on youtube and who’s the fiddle player on the backing track? (the first tune is Carraroe)

(top marks for dancing 🙂

Hallmark Card

Hallmark just released a musical greeting card with The Irish Experience version of this tune.

the corrs plays this with carraroe jig, love this tune


Anyone know any tunes that go well into Morrison’s that isn’t a jig?

Non-jigs with Morrison’s

It’s common to mix tune types for harp competitions; one combo I’ve used is:

Kerry Slide
Rakes of Mallo


Cool! Thanks for that! I’ll check them out!

I’ve heard Drowsy Maggie played after this jig. They goes well together, in the same key.

Re. Morrison’s jig

I play Morrison’s with Brother’s Jig (composed by Emile Benoit), then Humours of Glendart ..

The corrs never played it with any of their tunes. They never played at all !

It’s a new Tune? Lol


Port Ui Mhuirgheasa

recorded under this name by Alan Stivell on both his 1970 LP Reflets and his 1971 LP Renaissance de la Harpe Celtique.


anyone have note piper’s song The mason’n apron please share


More detail on the background to this tune, from
«Morrison did not compose the jig but rather obtained it from a Dromlacht, County Kerry, accordion player (a member of his band) named Tom Carmody who knew it as «Stick across the Hob (The)» (Taylor, 1992). Carmody in turn had learned it from his father, Maurice. Harry Bradshaw relates the story that the tune was supposed to have learned by Morrison the night before the recording session, and was to be called «Maurice Carmody’s Favourite» on Morrison’s 1936 Columbia recording, but that the record company’s proofreading was not what it should have been and one batch which was labelled «Maurice Comedy’s.» [Morrison frequently paired the jig in a medley with «Richard Brennan’s Favorite»]. O’Neill (Waifs and Strays, 1922) prints the melody as «Paddy Stack’s Fancy Jig,» named for the Chicago fiddler (originally from County Kerry) who made some 78 RPM recordings in the 1920’s.»

Morrison’s, X:2

This is an interesting version of Morrison’s, which appears in O’Neill’s Waifs and Strays under the name of «Paddy Stack’s Fancy Jig». My initial impression just by looking at the music was that it would be pretty ordinary, but it’s actually not a bad version at all. Why it was regarded as a «waif» and not a jig is beyond me.



A bit polyrhythmic 🙂

Morrison’s, X:3

We sometimes play this version as a single jig when it follows Lanigan’s Ball (another single jig).


Скачать бесплатно ноты и партитуры по запросу:
Morrisons Jig

Перевод: Полный оценка. Джига Моррисона. Множество. Ludenhoff, Мартин.

Перевод: традиции. Большой смешанный вместе. Ричард Брунер.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. 2 гитара. Дуэт. Public Domain Комментировать эту Ноты уровень Навык. Подавить рейтинг «тень правда, задержка, 0.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. 2 гитара. Дуэт. Мартин, Ludenhoff. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Традиционный. » Jig Моррисона» для фортепиано. » Jig Моррисона» для фортепиано. Традиционный. Фортепиано соло. Magatagan, Майк.

Перевод: Флейта. Перкуссия.

Перевод: Саксофон альт.

Перевод: — Неклассические. Jpg. Джиги.

Перевод: Гитара Настройтесь Книга. Уильям Bay. Акустическая гитара ноты. Начало. Гитара Настройтесь Книга. Pocketbook серии Делюкс. Все.

Перевод: Мандолины Настройтесь Книга, Pocketbook серии Делюкс. Уильям Bay. Мандолины ноты. Начало. Идеально подходит связывание, песенник. Народный.

Перевод: Пустячный Настройтесь Книга, Pocketbook серии Делюкс. Уильям Bay. Скрипка ноты. Скрипка ноты. Начало. Pocketbook Делюкс. Народный. Начало.

Перевод: Известный Гитара Выбор Tunes. Flatpicking гитара ноты. Начало. Известный Гитара Выбор Tunes редакцией Уильяма залива. Для гитары. Все стили.

Перевод: Джиги для Хаммер цимбалистов, скрипка, Etc. Скрипка ноты. Цимбалы ноты. Мандолины ноты. Скрипка ноты. для цимбалы, скрипка, мандолина.

Перевод: Кельтские Классика. Патрик Штайнбах. Гитара ноты. Кельтские Классика, состоящие Патрик Steinbach. 1964 -. Для гитары. LO.30-1313H.

Перевод: Ноты, CD. Гитара, гитара Tab. Part of Mel Bay’s new and innovative QWIKGUIDE series, this handy-sized book features selections such as.

Перевод: Мелодии Famous Fiddlin «. Крейг Дункан. Скрипка ноты. Скрипка ноты. Промежуточный. Известные Tunes Fiddlin », состоящего Крейг Дункан.

Перевод: Ирландские танцевальные мелодии для всех арф. Сильвия Вудс. Селтик Арфа ноты. Для арфы, Народный арфы. Арфа. 64 стр.. HL.721095.


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