Нот деливери что такое

delivery note

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь . 2001 .

Смотреть что такое «delivery note» в других словарях:

delivery note — ➔ note1 * * * delivery note UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE DELIVERY RECEIPT(Cf. ↑delivery receipt) → Compare ADVICE NOTE(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms

delivery note — noun A document sent with goods to the customer, detailing the goods and signed on receipt as evidence of their delivery • • • Main Entry: ↑deliver … Useful english dictionary

delivery note — A document, usually made out in duplicate, that is given to the consignee of goods when they are delivered to him. The consignee, or his representative, signs one copy of the delivery note as evidence that the goods have been received. See also… … Big dictionary of business and management

delivery note — certificate of delivery, packing list … English contemporary dictionary

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Marketing dictionary in english

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Dictionary of banking and finance

delivery receipt — ➔ receipt1 * * * delivery receipt UK US noun [C] ► US COMMUNICATIONS a document that proves that a person has received a letter or parcel → Compare DELIVERY CONFIRMATION(Cf. ↑delivery confirmation) … Financial and business terms

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Delivery Reliability — (DR) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the reliability of a supplier s delivery date confirmation for a customer s demand. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix, three main approaches to measure DR… … Wikipedia

Delivery Performance — (DP) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the fulfillment of a customers demand to the wish date. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix three main approaches to measure DR can be distinguished: Type of… … Wikipedia

Note — Debt instruments with initial maturities greater than one year and less than 10 years. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is used as money; … Financial and business terms

note — debt instruments with initial maturities ( maturity) longer than one year and shorter than 10 years. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is … Financial and business terms


delivery note

Англо-русский синонимический словарь . 2014 .

Смотреть что такое «delivery note» в других словарях:

delivery note — ➔ note1 * * * delivery note UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE DELIVERY RECEIPT(Cf. ↑delivery receipt) → Compare ADVICE NOTE(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms

delivery note — noun A document sent with goods to the customer, detailing the goods and signed on receipt as evidence of their delivery • • • Main Entry: ↑deliver … Useful english dictionary

delivery note — A document, usually made out in duplicate, that is given to the consignee of goods when they are delivered to him. The consignee, or his representative, signs one copy of the delivery note as evidence that the goods have been received. See also… … Big dictionary of business and management

delivery note — certificate of delivery, packing list … English contemporary dictionary

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Marketing dictionary in english

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Dictionary of banking and finance

delivery receipt — ➔ receipt1 * * * delivery receipt UK US noun [C] ► US COMMUNICATIONS a document that proves that a person has received a letter or parcel → Compare DELIVERY CONFIRMATION(Cf. ↑delivery confirmation) … Financial and business terms

Delivery Reliability — (DR) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the reliability of a supplier s delivery date confirmation for a customer s demand. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix, three main approaches to measure DR… … Wikipedia

Delivery Performance — (DP) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the fulfillment of a customers demand to the wish date. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix three main approaches to measure DR can be distinguished: Type of… … Wikipedia

Note — Debt instruments with initial maturities greater than one year and less than 10 years. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is used as money; … Financial and business terms

note — debt instruments with initial maturities ( maturity) longer than one year and shorter than 10 years. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is … Financial and business terms


delivery note

Англо-русский экономический словарь .

Смотреть что такое «delivery note» в других словарях:

delivery note — ➔ note1 * * * delivery note UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE DELIVERY RECEIPT(Cf. ↑delivery receipt) → Compare ADVICE NOTE(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms

delivery note — noun A document sent with goods to the customer, detailing the goods and signed on receipt as evidence of their delivery • • • Main Entry: ↑deliver … Useful english dictionary

delivery note — A document, usually made out in duplicate, that is given to the consignee of goods when they are delivered to him. The consignee, or his representative, signs one copy of the delivery note as evidence that the goods have been received. See also… … Big dictionary of business and management

delivery note — certificate of delivery, packing list … English contemporary dictionary

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Marketing dictionary in english

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Dictionary of banking and finance

delivery receipt — ➔ receipt1 * * * delivery receipt UK US noun [C] ► US COMMUNICATIONS a document that proves that a person has received a letter or parcel → Compare DELIVERY CONFIRMATION(Cf. ↑delivery confirmation) … Financial and business terms

Delivery Reliability — (DR) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the reliability of a supplier s delivery date confirmation for a customer s demand. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix, three main approaches to measure DR… … Wikipedia

Delivery Performance — (DP) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the fulfillment of a customers demand to the wish date. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix three main approaches to measure DR can be distinguished: Type of… … Wikipedia

Note — Debt instruments with initial maturities greater than one year and less than 10 years. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is used as money; … Financial and business terms

note — debt instruments with initial maturities ( maturity) longer than one year and shorter than 10 years. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is … Financial and business terms



Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa . О.В. Сиполс . 2010 .

Смотреть что такое «DELIVERY NOTE» в других словарях:

delivery note — ➔ note1 * * * delivery note UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE DELIVERY RECEIPT(Cf. ↑delivery receipt) → Compare ADVICE NOTE(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms

delivery note — noun A document sent with goods to the customer, detailing the goods and signed on receipt as evidence of their delivery • • • Main Entry: ↑deliver … Useful english dictionary

delivery note — A document, usually made out in duplicate, that is given to the consignee of goods when they are delivered to him. The consignee, or his representative, signs one copy of the delivery note as evidence that the goods have been received. See also… … Big dictionary of business and management

delivery note — certificate of delivery, packing list … English contemporary dictionary

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Marketing dictionary in english

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Dictionary of banking and finance

delivery receipt — ➔ receipt1 * * * delivery receipt UK US noun [C] ► US COMMUNICATIONS a document that proves that a person has received a letter or parcel → Compare DELIVERY CONFIRMATION(Cf. ↑delivery confirmation) … Financial and business terms

Delivery Reliability — (DR) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the reliability of a supplier s delivery date confirmation for a customer s demand. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix, three main approaches to measure DR… … Wikipedia

Delivery Performance — (DP) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the fulfillment of a customers demand to the wish date. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix three main approaches to measure DR can be distinguished: Type of… … Wikipedia

Note — Debt instruments with initial maturities greater than one year and less than 10 years. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is used as money; … Financial and business terms

note — debt instruments with initial maturities ( maturity) longer than one year and shorter than 10 years. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is … Financial and business terms


delivery note

1 delivery note

2 delivery note

3 delivery note

4 delivery note

5 delivery note

6 delivery note

7 delivery note

8 delivery note

9 delivery note

10 delivery note

11 delivery note

12 delivery note

13 delivery note


15 delivery note

16 delivery note

17 delivery note

18 delivery note

19 delivery note

20 delivery note

См. также в других словарях:

delivery note — ➔ note1 * * * delivery note UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE DELIVERY RECEIPT(Cf. ↑delivery receipt) → Compare ADVICE NOTE(Cf. ↑ … Financial and business terms

delivery note — noun A document sent with goods to the customer, detailing the goods and signed on receipt as evidence of their delivery • • • Main Entry: ↑deliver … Useful english dictionary

delivery note — A document, usually made out in duplicate, that is given to the consignee of goods when they are delivered to him. The consignee, or his representative, signs one copy of the delivery note as evidence that the goods have been received. See also… … Big dictionary of business and management

delivery note — certificate of delivery, packing list … English contemporary dictionary

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Marketing dictionary in english

delivery note — /dɪ lɪv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun a list of goods being delivered, given to the customer with the goods … Dictionary of banking and finance

delivery receipt — ➔ receipt1 * * * delivery receipt UK US noun [C] ► US COMMUNICATIONS a document that proves that a person has received a letter or parcel → Compare DELIVERY CONFIRMATION(Cf. ↑delivery confirmation) … Financial and business terms

Delivery Reliability — (DR) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the reliability of a supplier s delivery date confirmation for a customer s demand. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix, three main approaches to measure DR… … Wikipedia

Delivery Performance — (DP) is a broadly used standard KPI measurement in supply chains to measure the fulfillment of a customers demand to the wish date. Following the nomenclature of the DR DP Matrix three main approaches to measure DR can be distinguished: Type of… … Wikipedia

Note — Debt instruments with initial maturities greater than one year and less than 10 years. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is used as money; … Financial and business terms

note — debt instruments with initial maturities ( maturity) longer than one year and shorter than 10 years. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is … Financial and business terms


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