Нот суре перевод с английского

not sure

1 not sure

2 not sure

3 not sure

4 not sure

5 not sure

6 not sure

7 not to worry

8 not quite sure

9 not to be sure

10 not to be sure

См. также в других словарях:

not sure — index conditional, uncertain (questionable) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

not sure — uncertain, doubtful … English contemporary dictionary

NOT SURE — … Useful english dictionary

Not a Love Song — Single by Wonderland from the album Wonderland Released 25 February 2011 (Ireland) 6 March 2011 (UK) … Wikipedia

Not Like Everyone Else — Genre Drama Directed by Tom McLoughlin Produced by Tom McLoughlin Gary M. Stangis … Wikipedia

sure */*/*/ — I UK [ʃɔː(r)] / UK [ʃʊə(r)] / US [ʃʊr] adjective Word forms sure : adjective sure comparative surer superlative surest Ways of indicating that you feel sure about something: I m sure → the most usual way of saying that you are sure about… … English dictionary

sure — 1 adjective 1 CERTAIN YOU KNOW STH (not before noun) confident that you know something or that something is true or correct: “What time does the show start?” “I m not sure.” | sure (that): I m sure there s a logical explanation for all this. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

sure — sure1 W1S1 [ʃo: US ʃur] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(certain you know something)¦ 2 make sure 3¦(certain about your feelings)¦ 4¦(certain to be true)¦ 5¦(certain to happen/succeed)¦ 6 be sure of (doing) something 7 sure of yourself 8 be sure to do something 9… … Dictionary of contemporary English

sure — sure1 [ ʃur ] adjective *** 1. ) certain that something is real, true, or correct: I think she s called Monica, but I m not sure. sure (that): Are you sure these figures are right? I was sure that I had left my keys on the counter. sure about: If … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

sure — [[t]ʃʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦ surer, surest 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ, ADJ that, ADJ wh, ADJ about/of n If you are sure that something is true, you are certain that it is true. If you are not sure about something, you do not know for certain what the true… … English dictionary

sure */*/*/ — [ʃʊə] , [ʃɔː] adj I 1) certain that something is real, true, or correct I think she s called Monica, but I m not sure.[/ex] If you re really sure about the facts, we ll publish them.[/ex] I was sure I had left my keys on the counter.[/ex] No one… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English


not sure

1 not sure

См. также в других словарях:

not sure — index conditional, uncertain (questionable) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

not sure — uncertain, doubtful … English contemporary dictionary

NOT SURE — … Useful english dictionary

Not a Love Song — Single by Wonderland from the album Wonderland Released 25 February 2011 (Ireland) 6 March 2011 (UK) … Wikipedia

Not Like Everyone Else — Genre Drama Directed by Tom McLoughlin Produced by Tom McLoughlin Gary M. Stangis … Wikipedia

sure */*/*/ — I UK [ʃɔː(r)] / UK [ʃʊə(r)] / US [ʃʊr] adjective Word forms sure : adjective sure comparative surer superlative surest Ways of indicating that you feel sure about something: I m sure → the most usual way of saying that you are sure about… … English dictionary

sure — 1 adjective 1 CERTAIN YOU KNOW STH (not before noun) confident that you know something or that something is true or correct: “What time does the show start?” “I m not sure.” | sure (that): I m sure there s a logical explanation for all this. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

sure — sure1 W1S1 [ʃo: US ʃur] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(certain you know something)¦ 2 make sure 3¦(certain about your feelings)¦ 4¦(certain to be true)¦ 5¦(certain to happen/succeed)¦ 6 be sure of (doing) something 7 sure of yourself 8 be sure to do something 9… … Dictionary of contemporary English

sure — sure1 [ ʃur ] adjective *** 1. ) certain that something is real, true, or correct: I think she s called Monica, but I m not sure. sure (that): Are you sure these figures are right? I was sure that I had left my keys on the counter. sure about: If … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

sure — [[t]ʃʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦ surer, surest 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ, ADJ that, ADJ wh, ADJ about/of n If you are sure that something is true, you are certain that it is true. If you are not sure about something, you do not know for certain what the true… … English dictionary

sure */*/*/ — [ʃʊə] , [ʃɔː] adj I 1) certain that something is real, true, or correct I think she s called Monica, but I m not sure.[/ex] If you re really sure about the facts, we ll publish them.[/ex] I was sure I had left my keys on the counter.[/ex] No one… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English


Im not sure

1 not sure

2 I’m not sure

3 sure

I wouldn’t be too sure of it. — Я бы на это не слишком надеялся.

You can’t be too sure of him. — На него нельзя особенно полагаться.

He has a sure hand. — У него твердая рука.

He has a sure aim. — Он целит наверняка.

I’m pretty sure I know it. — Я почти уверен, что я знаю это.

He’s sure to win. — Он непременно победит.

You are sure to like this song. — Вам эта песня без сомнения/непременно/обязательно понравится.

As sure as eggs is eggs. — Верно, как дважды два четыре.

Slow but sure/steady. — Тише едешь, дальше будешь.

Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear. — Легок на помине.

4 sure

be sure — быть уверенным; иметь гарантию; убеждаться

with a sure step — уверенным шагом, твёрдой походкой

the weather is sure to be fine — погода, безусловно, будет хорошая

to be sure, she is pretty — она, конечно, хорошенькая

sure as hell — непременно, безусловно, точно

sure thing — наверняка, конечно; само собой

5 sure

I’m sure he didn’t write it/Surely he didn’t write it, he is not that sort of person — Не может быть/Я не думаю, чтобы он это написал, не такой он человек.

Ср. I’m certain he didn’t write it/He certainly didn’t write it, I wrote it myself — Он это, безусловно, не писал, это написал я сам.

(2). Конструкции to be sure (that) и to be certain (that) не различаются по значению в отрицательных предложениях:

I’m not sure/certain how to spell the word (where he put it, that it is so, etc.).

(3). Конструкции to be sure to do smth и to be sure of doing smth передают различное отношение говорящего к действию, to be sure to do smth передает уверенность, определенность того, что действие будет совершено и соответствует русскому обязательно:

He is sure to come = he will definitely come.

Конструкция to be sure of doing smth обозначает только намерение, мнение говорящего, однако говорящий может и ошибаться:

Before the game started he was sure of winning, but after the first ten minutes he began to doubt it.

(4). Sure в конструкции с последующим придаточным sure that (where, why, etc.) употребляется только при одушевленном подлежащем. В безличных предложениях употребляется только certain.

Ср. I am sure that our team will win the game,

It is certain that our team will win the game.

и подразумевает действие в будущем; конструкция to be sure to do smth отличается от конструкции to be sure and do smth; последняя обозначает настоятельную просьбу, увещевание, напоминание и употребляется только в форме повелительного наклонения:

Be sure and phone me — Смотри, обязательно позвони мне.

These are very useful books, be sure and buy one — Это очень полезные книги, непременно купи себе такую.

6 sure

7 be sure

with a sure step — уверенным шагом, твёрдой походкой

make sure — убеждаться; удостовериться; обеспечить

8 feel sure

with a sure step — уверенным шагом, твёрдой походкой

be sure — быть уверенным; иметь гарантию; убеждаться

9 to be sure

It’s not the best play, to be sure, but it’s the only one I could get tickets for — Это, конечно, не самая лучшая пьеса, но я смог достать билеты только на нее

And there he is, to be sure! — Да вот же он!

Why, here you all are! And Mr Smith too, to be sure! — Ах, вот вы где все! Ну конечно же, и мистер Смит тут как тут

10 make assurance double sure

Macbeth: «Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee? But yet I’ll make assurance double sure, And take a bond of fate: thou shalt not live; That I may tell pale-hearted fear it lies, And sleep in spite of thunder. » (W. Shakespeare, ‘Macbeth’, act IV, sc. 1) — Макбет: «Тогда живи, Макдуф: ты мне не страшен. И все же, чтоб верней была порука, Возьму с судьбы залог: ты жить не будешь; И бледный страх я назову лжецом И буду спать назло громам. » (перевод М. Лозинского)

Cowperwood sent an urgent wire to the nearest point and then, to make assurance doubly sure, to several other points in the same neighborhood, asking him to return immediately. (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Financier’, ch. XXIII) — Каупервуд отправил срочную телеграмму в ближайший к этому городку телеграфный пункт и для большей уверенности телеграфировал еще в несколько мест той округи, прося Стинера немедленно вернуться.

11 that’s for sure

12 I am not so very sure

13 I am not quite sure .

14 NAS

15 Nas

16 nas

17 on expedite basis

18 most likely

См. также в других словарях:

not sure — index conditional, uncertain (questionable) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

not sure — uncertain, doubtful … English contemporary dictionary

NOT SURE — … Useful english dictionary

Not a Love Song — Single by Wonderland from the album Wonderland Released 25 February 2011 (Ireland) 6 March 2011 (UK) … Wikipedia

Not Like Everyone Else — Genre Drama Directed by Tom McLoughlin Produced by Tom McLoughlin Gary M. Stangis … Wikipedia

sure */*/*/ — I UK [ʃɔː(r)] / UK [ʃʊə(r)] / US [ʃʊr] adjective Word forms sure : adjective sure comparative surer superlative surest Ways of indicating that you feel sure about something: I m sure → the most usual way of saying that you are sure about… … English dictionary

sure — 1 adjective 1 CERTAIN YOU KNOW STH (not before noun) confident that you know something or that something is true or correct: “What time does the show start?” “I m not sure.” | sure (that): I m sure there s a logical explanation for all this. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

sure — sure1 W1S1 [ʃo: US ʃur] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(certain you know something)¦ 2 make sure 3¦(certain about your feelings)¦ 4¦(certain to be true)¦ 5¦(certain to happen/succeed)¦ 6 be sure of (doing) something 7 sure of yourself 8 be sure to do something 9… … Dictionary of contemporary English

sure — sure1 [ ʃur ] adjective *** 1. ) certain that something is real, true, or correct: I think she s called Monica, but I m not sure. sure (that): Are you sure these figures are right? I was sure that I had left my keys on the counter. sure about: If … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

sure — [[t]ʃʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦ surer, surest 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ, ADJ that, ADJ wh, ADJ about/of n If you are sure that something is true, you are certain that it is true. If you are not sure about something, you do not know for certain what the true… … English dictionary

sure */*/*/ — [ʃʊə] , [ʃɔː] adj I 1) certain that something is real, true, or correct I think she s called Monica, but I m not sure.[/ex] If you re really sure about the facts, we ll publish them.[/ex] I was sure I had left my keys on the counter.[/ex] No one… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English


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