Нот воркинг что это

not working

1 not working

2 not capable of working

См. также в других словарях:

not working — index unemployed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

Working poor — is a term used to describe individuals and families who maintain regular employment but remain in relative poverty due to low levels of pay and dependent expenses.The working poor are often distinguished from paupers, poor who are supported by… … Wikipedia

Working Assets — is an American company that offers mobile and long distance phone service and a credit card. Founded in 1985, the company is based in San Francisco, California. It has stated a goal of being socially responsible. The company donates a portion of… … Wikipedia

Not Cancer — House episode Episode no. Season 5 Episode 2 Directed by David Straiton … Wikipedia

working time — in the law of the EU as applied by member states, any period during which the worker is working, at the employer s disposal and carrying out his activities or duties, in accordance with national laws and/or practices. The average working time for … Law dictionary

Working time — Part of a series on Organized labour … Wikipedia

not — [[t]nɒ̱t[/t]] ♦ (Not is often shortened to n t in spoken English, and added to the auxiliary or modal verb. For example, did not is often shortened to didn t .) 1) NEG You use not with verbs to form negative statements. The sanctions are not… … English dictionary

Working memory — (also referred to as short term memory, depending on the specific theory) is a theoretical construct within cognitive psychology that refers to the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. There are… … Wikipedia

Working class — is a term used in academic sociology and in ordinary conversation to describe, depending on context and speaker, those employed in specific fields or types of work.As with many terms describing social class, working class is defined and used in… … Wikipedia

Working Families for Wal-Mart — is an advocacy group formed by Wal Mart and the Edelman public relations firm on December 20, 2005. [cite news url= http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/17/technology/pluggedin gunther blog.fortune/index.htm |title= Corporate blogging: Wal Mart s fumbles … Wikipedia

Working tax credit — (WTC), is a component of the current tax credits scheme in the United Kingdom part of the system of means tested social security benefits. The related component of the scheme is the Child tax credit (CTC). Tax credits were introduced in their… … Wikipedia


not working

Универсальный англо-русский словарь . Академик.ру . 2011 .

Смотреть что такое «not working» в других словарях:

not working — index unemployed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

Working poor — is a term used to describe individuals and families who maintain regular employment but remain in relative poverty due to low levels of pay and dependent expenses.The working poor are often distinguished from paupers, poor who are supported by… … Wikipedia

Working Assets — is an American company that offers mobile and long distance phone service and a credit card. Founded in 1985, the company is based in San Francisco, California. It has stated a goal of being socially responsible. The company donates a portion of… … Wikipedia

Not Cancer — House episode Episode no. Season 5 Episode 2 Directed by David Straiton … Wikipedia

working time — in the law of the EU as applied by member states, any period during which the worker is working, at the employer s disposal and carrying out his activities or duties, in accordance with national laws and/or practices. The average working time for … Law dictionary

Working time — Part of a series on Organized labour … Wikipedia

not — [[t]nɒ̱t[/t]] ♦ (Not is often shortened to n t in spoken English, and added to the auxiliary or modal verb. For example, did not is often shortened to didn t .) 1) NEG You use not with verbs to form negative statements. The sanctions are not… … English dictionary

Working memory — (also referred to as short term memory, depending on the specific theory) is a theoretical construct within cognitive psychology that refers to the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. There are… … Wikipedia

Working class — is a term used in academic sociology and in ordinary conversation to describe, depending on context and speaker, those employed in specific fields or types of work.As with many terms describing social class, working class is defined and used in… … Wikipedia

Working Families for Wal-Mart — is an advocacy group formed by Wal Mart and the Edelman public relations firm on December 20, 2005. [cite news url= http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/17/technology/pluggedin gunther blog.fortune/index.htm |title= Corporate blogging: Wal Mart s fumbles … Wikipedia

Working tax credit — (WTC), is a component of the current tax credits scheme in the United Kingdom part of the system of means tested social security benefits. The related component of the scheme is the Child tax credit (CTC). Tax credits were introduced in their… … Wikipedia


am not working

1 not working

2 he has many activities to take up his time when he’s not working

3 not capable of working



6 DO NOT TOUCH ([the switch]) MEN WORKING

7 he was not in the humour for working

8 material security of persons not capable of working


10 inoperative

11 fritter away

It’s easy to fritter away a fortune if you’re not careful.

You’ve been frittering away the whole afternoon instead of working.

См. также в других словарях:

not working — index unemployed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

Working poor — is a term used to describe individuals and families who maintain regular employment but remain in relative poverty due to low levels of pay and dependent expenses.The working poor are often distinguished from paupers, poor who are supported by… … Wikipedia

Working Assets — is an American company that offers mobile and long distance phone service and a credit card. Founded in 1985, the company is based in San Francisco, California. It has stated a goal of being socially responsible. The company donates a portion of… … Wikipedia

Not Cancer — House episode Episode no. Season 5 Episode 2 Directed by David Straiton … Wikipedia

working time — in the law of the EU as applied by member states, any period during which the worker is working, at the employer s disposal and carrying out his activities or duties, in accordance with national laws and/or practices. The average working time for … Law dictionary

Working time — Part of a series on Organized labour … Wikipedia

not — [[t]nɒ̱t[/t]] ♦ (Not is often shortened to n t in spoken English, and added to the auxiliary or modal verb. For example, did not is often shortened to didn t .) 1) NEG You use not with verbs to form negative statements. The sanctions are not… … English dictionary

Working memory — (also referred to as short term memory, depending on the specific theory) is a theoretical construct within cognitive psychology that refers to the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. There are… … Wikipedia

Working class — is a term used in academic sociology and in ordinary conversation to describe, depending on context and speaker, those employed in specific fields or types of work.As with many terms describing social class, working class is defined and used in… … Wikipedia

Working Families for Wal-Mart — is an advocacy group formed by Wal Mart and the Edelman public relations firm on December 20, 2005. [cite news url= http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/17/technology/pluggedin gunther blog.fortune/index.htm |title= Corporate blogging: Wal Mart s fumbles … Wikipedia

Working tax credit — (WTC), is a component of the current tax credits scheme in the United Kingdom part of the system of means tested social security benefits. The related component of the scheme is the Child tax credit (CTC). Tax credits were introduced in their… … Wikipedia


Таблица времен английского языка

В английском языке насчитывается 12 времен действительного залога. Для нас это число кажется огромным, и создается впечатление, что в английских временах очень сложно разобраться. На самом деле, это не так, и с практикой все студенты учатся правильно выбирать нужное время.

Но на начальных этапах обучения любой способ запомнить функции времен является полезным. Не важно, учите ли вы английский язык через Скайп или занимаетесь самостоятельно, вам обязательно понадобится эта таблица. Мы советуем вам пользоваться сводной таблицей времен английского языка с примерами на первых порах, чтобы не потеряться во временах.

Мы предлагаем вам изучить и скачать две таблицы: таблицу образования времен и таблицу употребления времен английского языка. В первой наглядно показано, как образуются времена в английском языке, а во второй перечислены все функции времен с англоязычными примерами. Таблицы составлены на основе статей о том, как выучить времена в английском языке, опубликованных в блоге, поэтому, если вы захотите подробно прочитать о том или ином времени, просто введите его название в поиск по сайту.

Таблица образования времен английского языка

Время Present Past Future
Simple Вспом. глагол: do/does
Окончание: , -s
Формула: V (+s)

I do not work
He does not write

? Do I work?
? Does he write?

Вспом. глагол: did
Окончание: , -ed
Формула: V2

I did not work
He did not write

? Did I work?
? Did he write?

Вспом. глагол: will
Формула: will + V

+ I will work
+ He will write

? Will I work?
? Will he write?

Continuous Вспом. глагол: be (am/is/are)
Окончание: -ing
Формула: am/is/are + Ving

+ I am working
+ He is writing

I am not working
He is not writing

? Am I working?
? Is he writing?

Вспом. глагол: be (was/were)
Окончание: -ing
Формула: was/were + Ving

+ I was working
+ He was writing

I was not working
He was not writing

? Was I working?
? Was he writing?

Вспом. глагол: will be
Окончание: -ing
Формула: will be + Ving

+ I will be working
+ He will be writing

I won’t be working
He won’t be writing

? Will I be working?
? Will he be writing?

Perfect Вспом. глагол: have/has
Окончание: -ed
Формула: have/has + V3

+ I have worked
+ He has written

I have not worked
He has not written

? Have I worked?
? Has he written?

Вспом. глагол: had
Окончание: -ed
Формула: had + V3

+ I had worked
+ He had written

I had not worked
He had not written

? Had I worked?
? Had he written?

Вспом. глагол: will have
Окончание: -ed
Формула: will have + V3

+ I will have worked
+ He will have written

I won’t have worked
He won’t have written

? Will I have worked?
? Will he have written?

Perfect Continuous Вспом. глагол: have/has been
Окончание: -ing
Формула: have/has been + Ving

+ I have been working
+ He has been writing

I have not been working
He has not been writing

? Have I been working?
? Has he been writing?

Вспом. глагол: had been
Окончание: -ing
Формула: had been + Ving

+ I had been working
+ He had been writing

I had not been working
He had not been writing

? Had I been working?
? Had he been writing?

Вспом. глагол: will have been
Окончание: -ing
Формула: will have been + Ving

+ I will have been working
+ He will have been writing

I won’t have been working
He won’t have been writing

? Will I have been working?
? Will he have been writing?

Таблица употребления времен английского языка

Время Present Past Future
Simple I work

1) Обычное, повторяющееся действие

I always close the window at night.

2) Законы и явления природы, научные результаты, факты

The sun rises in the east.

3) Бытовые ситуации

Do you want to spend a lot of money here?

4) Истории, анекдоты, обзоры, спортивные комментарии

Then the prince gets on his horse and rides away.

5) Расписания поездов, сеансов в кинотеатре

The plane from London arrives at 17:40.

I worked

1) Факт или одиночное законченное действие в прошлом

The Titanic sank in 1912.

I went to Germany two years ago.

2) Несколько прошедших действий, происходивших в хронологическом порядке.

I woke up, took a shower, got dressed and went out to have breakfast in a café.

3) Повторяющееся действие в прошлом

I took English courses when I was twelve.

I will work

1) Простое одиночное действие в будущем

He will miss the bus.

2) Действие, которое будет занимать определенный период времени в будущем

Will you be my friend?

3) Последовательность действий в будущем

I will meet you and tell you the whole story.

4) Повторяющиеся действия в будущем

I will visit you a few times while I’m in London.

5) Предположения или мысли насчет будущего

I’m afraid the rain won’t stop soon.

6) Решение, принимаемое в момент разговора

I will order a steak and chips, and you?

7) Обещания, предложения, угрозы, просьбы

Don’t worry, everything will be alright.

Continuous I am working

1) Действие, происходящее в момент речи или в настоящий период времени

I can’t understand what you are talking about now.

I am reading a new novel by Fedor Dostoevsky.

2) Действие, охватывающее какой-либо временной отрезок в настоящем

She is studying at the institute.

3) Изменяющаяся ситуация

Is your Russian getting better now?

4) Запланированное действие (известно место и время)

I’m meeting my sister at 5 at the café.

5) Действие в ближайшем будущем (с глаголами движения)

They are moving to the other city.

6) Для выражения отрицательной характеристики

She is always interrupting me when I’m talking.

I was working

1) Длительное действие, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом

We were playing chess at 5 o’clock.

2) Два или более длительных действий в прошлом, происходивших одновременно

She was playing piano and her sister was singing.

3) Длительное действие в прошлом, которое прерывается другим (как правило, коротким) действием.

As he was taking a shower, somebody knocked at his door.

4) При описании обстановки или атмосферы

He entered the room. The candles were burning in the corners and the smell of cigarettes was filling the room.

5) Для выражения отрицательной характеристики

The boy was constantly playing tricks on his poor mother.

I will be working

1) Действие, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем

This time next Sunday we will be flying to Hawaii.

2) Действие, которое, по убеждению говорящего, обязательно будет происходить в будущем

He won’t be meeting you tomorrow, because he has fallen ill.

3) Вежливый вопрос о планах собеседника на ближайшее будущее, особенно когда нам нужно, чтобы этот человек что-то для нас сделал

Will you be using the printer for long? I need to print a document promptly.

Perfect I have worked

1) Действие, полностью завершенное в прошлом, но имеющее связь с настоящим через результат этого действия

We have bought a new car, so it’s time to sell the old one.

2) Действие, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем

We have known each other since school years.

3) В придаточных предложениях времени после союзов when, before, after, as soon as, till, until, чтобы передать будущее действие, которое закончится до начала действия из главного предложения

I’ll serve you a dessert only after you have eaten the main course.

I had worked

1) Действие, которое произошло ранее определенного момента в прошлом

By the end of last year she had learned to cook.

Fortunately the rain had stopped before we left the house.

2) Действие, которое началось в прошлом и длилось до или во время другого момента в прошлом

I got to know that Mary and Jacob had not met since our wedding.

3) Во фразах «не прошло и …, как», «не успел и…, как», «едва», «только»

He hadn’t said a few words when somebody interrupted him.

We had scarcely finished dinner when Lily brought a big cake.

I will have worked

1) Будущее действие, которое окончится до определенного момента в будущем

I will have translated the article by noon.

By the time you come home, I will have cooked dinner.

2) Прошедшее предполагаемое действие («должно быть», «вероятно»)

The reader will have noticed our negative attitude to any form of nationalism.

Perfect Continuous I have been working

1) Действие, которое началось в прошлом, длилось некоторое время и продолжает совершаться в настоящем

She has been cooking dinner for three hours already.

2) Длительное действие в прошлом, которое закончилось непосредственно перед моментом речи, и результат этого действия оказывает влияние на настоящее

The streets are wet. It has been raining all morning.

I had been working

1) Длительное действие, которое началось до определенного момента в прошлом и продолжалось в этот момент

She had been cooking for an hour when I came.

2) Длительное действие, которое началось до определенного момента в прошлом и закончилось прямо перед ним

They had been discussing some important matters and he looked upset after that conversation.

I will have been working

1) Будущее длительное действие, которое начнется ранее другого будущего момента или действия и будет продолжаться в этот момент

I will have been working at the project for a month when you join me.

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