Ноты для the more we get together

The More We Get Together

Children’s Song, England.

“The More We Get Together” is a traditional British folk song and popular children’s song dating to the 18th or 19th century.

Like “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”, its tune was taken from a 1679 Viennese tune by Marx Augustin, “Oh du lieber Augustin”. The rhyme has been used in various ads, jingles and trailers.

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Sing-Along Video


The more we get together,
together, together,
the more we get together,
the happier we’ll be.

Cause your friends
are my friends,
and my friends
are your friends.

The more we get together,
the happier we’ll be.

Click on the button to watch a karaoke video and download a PDF file with lyrics to this song for free.

Free karaoke MP3 download

To download your free instrumental mp3 of this song, click or tap on the following button, then choose “Save link as…”

Free karaoke MP3 download (slower & simpler)

To download your free instrumental mp3 of this song, click or tap on the following button, then choose “Save link as…”

This track is also featured in our New Album with 50 Instrumental Nursery Rhymes for karaoke, OUT NOW!

MP4 Video File | Free Download

To watch the karaoke video of this song on your mobile device, click on the following link to download the video file (mp4 format).

Sheet music with chords in E

To save this free music sheet of “The More We Get Together” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

Sheet music with chords in D

To save this free music sheet of “The More We Get Together” to your computer, right click (or tap and hold, on mobile devices) and choose “Save Image As…”.

Free Printable PDF with Lyrics and Sheet Music

To download a ready-to-print PDF of this song for music activities with a music sheet, lyrics and a drawing for kids to paint, right click (or tap and hold) on the following link, then choose “Save link as…”.


The more we get together

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The more we get together

1. The more we get together, together, together,
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
For your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends;
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

2. Oh, how’s for getting friendly, quite friendly, real friendly?
Oh, how’s for getting friendly, both your friends and mine?
If your friends like my friends;
And my friends like your friends;
We’ll all be friends together, now won’t that be fine!

The more we get together, the happier we’ll (we shall) be – чем чаще мы будем встречаться, тем нам будет веселее
For your friends are my friends – потому что твои друзья – это мои друзья
How’s (how is) for getting friendly – так как насчёт того, чтобы подружиться?
If your friends like my friends – мы все будем друзьями
Won’t (will not) that be fine – разве это не будет прекрасно


—>Enjoy English! (для родителей второклашек, изучающих английский) —>

Четверг, 03.06.2021, 01:23 | RSS

Здравствуйте! Я, Елена Владимировна Емельянова, учитель английского языка.
Стаж моей педагогической работы 30 лет. В 1984 году я закончила Саратовский Государственный Педагогический институт им. К.А. Федина. Свою педагогическую деятельность начинала учителем в одной из крупнейших в то время сельских школ Ершовского района «Средней школе поселка Целинный».
В 1997 году назначена заместителем директора по учебно-воспитательной работе.
В 2004 году работала заместителем директора по учебно-воспитательной работе и производственному обучению в Ершовском филиале ФГОУ СПО «Марксовский сельскохозяйственный техникум»
С 2006 года — инспектором отдела образования администрации Ершовского муниципального района.
Всегда совмещала основную работу с преподавательской деятельностью. Несколько лет преподавала английский язык в школе п. Учебный, которую когда-то сама закончила.
В настоящее время работаю заместителем директора в МОУ «СОШ №4 города Ершова Саратовской области».

Обратная связь

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>>’:’Закрыть >>>’;try catch(e)<>; return false;»>Открыть >>> Родителям, изучавшим другой иностранный язык

песня «The more we are together» ТРАНСЛИТЕРАЦИЯ
The more we are together, together, together
The more we are together
The happier we are
For my friend is your friend.
And your friend is my friend
The more we are together
The happier we are!

The more we sing together, together, togethet,
The more we sing together,
The happier we are.
For his friend is her friend
And her friend is his friend.
The more we sing together
The happier we are

The more we dance together, together, together
The more dance together
The happier we are.
For our friends are their friends
And their friends are our friends
The more we dance together,
The happier we are зэ мо ви а тугеза тугеза тугеза
зэ мо ви а тугеза
зэ хэпиа ви а
фо май фрэнд из ё фрэнд
энд ё фрэнд из май фрэнд
зэ мо ви а тугеза
зэ хэпиа ви а

Зэ мо ви синг тугеза тугеза тугеза
зэ мо ви синг тугеза
зэ хэпиа ви а
фо хиз фрэнд из хё фрэнд
энд хё фрэнд из хиз фрэнд
зэ мо ви синг тугеза
зэ хэпиа ви а


The More We Get Together

Sing along with this classic friendship song for kids; “The More We Get Together”! 🎶 The more we get together, together, together. The more we get together the happier we’ll be. 🎶

Crafts (1)

Let’s Make Friendship Bracelets

Song Lyrics

The more we get together, together, together.
The more we get together the happier we’ll be.
Cause your friends are my friends.
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together the happier we’ll be.

I’m your friend.
You’re my friend.
He’s my friend.
She’s my friend.

The more we get together, together, together.
The more we get together the happier we’ll be.
Cause your friends are my friends.
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together the happier we’ll be.

I’m your friend.
You’re my friend.
They’re my friends.
We’re all friends.

The more we get together, together, together.
The more we get together the happier we’ll be.
Cause your friends are my friends.
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together the happier we’ll be.


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