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Все ноты, представленные в нашем нотном архиве, имеют формат PDF
PDF (Portable Document Format) – кроссплатформенный формат для визуализации различной электронной документации. Он был разработан для представления в удобном, наглядном, а главное – электронном виде полиграфической продукции. PDF — это стандартный формат для всех распространенных электронных документов, включая ноты. Его появление связано с необходимостью разработки компанией Adobe для федеральных властей США формата для хранения их рабочих документов. В настоящее время PDF файлы широко распространены в различных сферах, например в управлении производственными силами, сфере финансовых услуг, юристами, в издательских отделах, учреждениях образования. PDF файлы употребляются для отправки факсов, в документации, руководствах, судебной системе, почтовой службе, сообщениях, налоговой отчетности. PDF файл сохраняет используемые шрифты, оттенки цветов и файловую структуру оригинального документа вне зависимости от программы, используемой для его отображения. Получается, что, PDF документ всегда равнозначен оригиналу — он будет смотреться и печататься как исходный файл. Большая же часть современного профессионального и домашнего печатного оборудования способна обрабатывать PDF без специальных дополнительных программ.
Чтобы просмотреть ноты в формате .PDF, можно использовать официальную бесплатную программу Adobe Reader, а также программы сторонних разработчиков (подробнее об этом Вы можете прочитать на странице “Помощь”).
Fantaisie-impromptu, Op.66 (Chopin, Frédéric)
Movements/Sections Mov’ts/Sec’s
Allegro agitato
Composition Year
Genre Categories
Fantasias ; Impromptus ; For piano ; Scores featuring the piano ; For 1 player ; For wind band (arr) ; Scores featuring wind band (arr) ; For orchestra without strings (arr) ; For cello, piano (arr) ; Scores featuring the cello (arr) ; Scores featuring the piano (arr) ; For 2 players (arr) ; For harp (arr) ; Scores featuring the harp (arr) ; For 1 player (arr) ; For violin, piano (arr) ; Scores featuring the violin (arr)
Músicas de Chopin com Oriano de Almeida — AMC, n.d. AMC AMCLP 5.009.
Misc. Notes
Source: Instituto Piano Brasileiro
Performer Pages
Martha Goldstein (piano)
Publisher Info.
Pandora Records/Al Goldstein Archive
Misc. Notes
Played on an Erard in 2003.
Performer Pages
Peter Bradley-Fulgoni (piano)
Publisher Info.
Peter Bradley-Fulgoni
Misc. Notes
Recorded June 2016 in St. Paul’s Hall, Huddersfield University (Peter Hill, sound engineer)
Performer Pages
Frank Lévy (piano)
Publisher Info.
Palo Alto: Musopen.
Misc. Notes
Source: Musopen (lossless file also available)
Performer Pages
Harald Vetter (Piano)
Publisher Info.
Harald Vetter, 2017.
Sheet Music
First edition
Pub lisher . Info.
Berlin: Ad. Mt. Schlesinger , n.d.[1855] . Plate S. 4392.
Misc. Notes
Originally scanned at 300dpi grayscale, converted to 600dpi monochrome. needs to be cleaned by somebody ;o).
First edition
Pub lisher . Info.
Paris: J. Meissonnier fils , n.d. Plate J.M. 3523.
Misc. Notes
This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Full BNF resolution compressed to 80% jpgs.
PDF scanned by piupianissimo piupianissimo ( 2009/7/6 )
PDF scanned by piupianissimo piupianissimo (2009/7/6)
Herrmann Scholtz (1845–1918)
Pub lisher . Info.
Sämtliche Pianoforte-Werke, Band II (pp.331-36) Leipzig: C.F. Peters , n.d.1879. Plate 6216.
Misc. Notes
Scanned at 1200dpi, cleaned with 4-point algorithm, additional manual cleaning, downsizing to 600dpi (I uploaded the 1200dpi version as well), original page and bordersize.
PDF scanned by piupianissimo piupianissimo (2009/7/3)
PDF scanned by piupianissimo piupianissimo (2009/7/3)
PDF scanned by piupianissimo Feldmahler (2006/11/19)
Karl Klindworth (1830–1916)
Pub lisher . Info.
Oeuvres complètes de Frédéric Chopin, Band 1: Impromptus (pp.149-55) Berlin: Bote & Bock, n.d.[1880]. Plate 12261
Misc. Notes
Scanned at 1200dpi, cleaned with 4-point algorithm, additional manual cleaning, downsizing to 600dpi (I uploaded the 1200dpi version as well), original page and bordersize. Title pages can be found in Ballade No.1, Op.23
Series editors
Pub lisher . Info.
Friedrich Chopin’s Werke. Band XIII (pp.81-87) Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1880. Plate C. XIII. 30.
Misc. Notes
Original scans: 300dpi, grayscale jpg2000 images 3050 by 3900 pixels. Converted to black and white tif files, de-skewed, re-sampled to 600dpi, and set uniform margins.
Theodor Kullak (1818–1882)
Albert Ross Parsons (1847-1933) (translator of preface and footnotes)
Pub lisher . Info.
Klavierwerke. Instructive Ausgabe, Vol.IX: Impromptus & Scherzos (pp.18-25) Berlin: Schlesinger’sche Buch-und Musikhandlung, 1881. Plate S. 7294(4). Co-issue — New York: G. Schirmer, 1881.
Misc. Notes
Original scans: 400dpi, black and white, losslessly-compressed tif images, around 4600 by 5600 pixels. Re-sampled to 600dpi, cleaned up, and deskewed.
PDF scanned by piupianissimo piupianissimo (2010/3/16)
PDF scanned by piupianissimo piupianissimo (2010/3/16)
Carl Mikuli (1819–1897)
Pub lisher . Info.
Complete Works for the Piano, Vol.5 (pp.22-30) New York: G. Schirmer, 1894. Plate 11490.
Mikuli Vol.6, 1934. Plate 36391.
Misc. Notes
scan: score scanned at 600dpi. You may ask me for a manually cleaned version. filter: score filtered with 2-point algorithm explained in High Quality Scanning I provide the original scanned version and the filtered, because the filter does some changes (smoothening, sharpening borders) and some portions of the scan get lost sometimes (when they are to small e.g.) — so you can choose your favorite.
Rafael Joseffy (1852-1915)
Pub lisher . Info.
Complete Works for the Piano, Vol.6: Impromptus, LMC 1039 (pp.24-32) New York: G. Schirmer , 1915. Plate 25405.
Leonid Kreutzer (1884-1953)
Pub lisher . Info.
Berlin: Ullstein , 1924. Plate T.A. 118.
Leopold Godowsky (1870-1938)
Pub lisher . Info.
St. Louis: Art Publication Society , 1927. Plate Plate 1109.
In the USA, This item is not in the public domain because it was renewed 28 years after first publication with a proper notice or it was «restored» to copyright status via a Notice of Intent to Enforce (NIE) under the provisions of the GATT/TRIPS amendments. It will enter the US public domain on January 1st, 2023.
Misc. Notes
This file is from the MIT archive project.
PDF scanned by Nigel Nettheim Nigel Nettheim (2016/7/6)
Vladimir de Pachmann (1848-1933) Marguerite Labori (1864–1952)
Pub lisher . Info.
London: Augener , 1934. Plate 17378.
Misc. Notes
Transcribed and with notes by Marguerite de Pachmann-Labori. 600 dpi images, manually cleaned. Pachmann’s famous fingerings may be of interest to experts; less advanced players might find the fingerings puzzling, and not what they were looking for. The editor, Vladimir de Pachmann, left no recording of this piece.
Alfred Cortot
Pub lisher . Info.
Paris: Salabert , 1934. Plate E.M.S. 5135.
Misc. Notes
Includes comments in French.
PDF scanned by Unknown worov (2012/2/13)
Institut Fryderyka Chopina
Pub lisher . Info.
Dzieła wszystkie Fryderyka Chopina, Vol.IV: Impromptus Warszawa: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne , 1949-61. Plate PWM 233.
Misc. Notes
With commentaries in Russian at the end.
PDF typeset by editor Pierre Gouin (2011/9/21)
Pierre Gouin — Contact
Pub lisher . Info.
Montréal: Les Éditions Outremontaises, 2005
Misc. Notes
These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
PDF typeset by editor Notnd (2009/10/1)
Guy D. Lederfein
Pub lisher . Info.
Mutopia Project, 2009
Misc. Notes
Based on edition by Herrmann Scholtz (1845–1918)
PDF typeset by editor EHJ ( 2010/4/18 )
Carl Mikuli (1819–1897) Ephraim Hammett Jones
Pub lisher . Info.
Columbia, SC: Richard Johnson Editions, 2010.
Misc. Notes
New typeset from Richard Johnson Editions of Karol Mikuli’s authoritative version of the works of Chopin published by Kistner in 1879, researched and updated according to recent urtext editions. All works feature complete fingerings and very readable musical text. See title page of individual works for more information.