- Все в шоке от состава Испании на Евро. Почему там нет никого из «Реала» и всего 24 игрока вместо 26
- Почему Испания заявила 24 игрока, если можно брать 26?
- Почему в составе нет Серхио Рамоса?
- Почему не едут другие игроки «Реала»?
- Откуда столько игроков из «Ман Сити»?
- Как Луис Энрике подбирал вратарей?
- Highlights
- Future events
- New and Updated Sites
- Random video 4U
- Aydar Gaynullin’s Film Music Awards, Moscow — Russia
- NAO UK Championships & Festival 2010 — UK
- Accordion International Prize, Alcobaça — Portugal
- Neil Fodden (1939-2010), Derbyshire – UK
- Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.
- Reykjavík Arts Festival — Iceland
- 3rd UNAC Accordion Meeting 2010, Segovia — Spain
- The International Team Deschamps – Portugal, Greece
- Concert in Memory of Mogens Ellegaard, Moscow — Russia
- Grayson Masefield Concert Debut in New York – USA
- USA Today Pictures Wetland All-Stars — USA
- Future events
- UK Group Bohemian Nights International Tour — New Zealand
- Cavagnolo Events, Annonay, Strasbourg – France
- John Kirkpatrick on BBC4 TV ‘Sea Fever’ Soundtrack – UK
- Michael Bridge Radio Broadcast with the Boston Pops — USA
- International Accordion Festival and Competition — Ireland
- ‘Allo Allo’ Stage Show, Cheshire – UK
- Polka Dance Fund Raiser, Minnesota – USA
- Accordion Orchestra Course, Devon – UK
Все в шоке от состава Испании на Евро. Почему там нет никого из «Реала» и всего 24 игрока вместо 26
Сборная Испании объявила состав на Евро-2020. Основные факты:
🇪🇦 Только 24 игрока. Максимальная заявка – 26.
🇪🇦 Ни один игрок «Реала» не попал в заявку.
🇪🇦 Игроков «Ман Сити» больше, чем из любого клуба Испании.
🇪🇦 В составе оказался вратарь «Брайтона» Роберт Санчес.
Почему Испания заявила 24 игрока, если можно брать 26?
Главный тренер сборной Испании Луис Энрике объясняет это личным решением . Он считает, что для успешной игры в любых турнирах вообще хватает 18-19 футболистов. Испанцы берут на Евро 24 игрока, но Энрике тут же оговаривается: «Еще три-четыре футболиста заслужили вызов в сборную». Из-за сокращенного состава он не взял на турнир Начо.
Когда Луис Энрике рассказывал о включении Жерара Морено из «Вильярреала» в заявку на Евро, то бросил важную фразу: «Он дает нам множество атакующих решений. Это важно на поле и за его пределами. Но мы отдаем приоритет командной цели, а не личностям ». Поэтому Энрике совсем не волнуется из-за недовольства конкретных футболистов.
Обычно заявка на Евро-2020 состояла из 23 футболистов. Расширенный состав сделан из-за пандемии коронавируса, но на каждый матч по-прежнему можно заявлять только 23 игрока. Даже в сокращенном составе Испании есть неожиданности. Пабло Сарабия включен в состав сборной Испании, хотя почти за нее не играл. Слова Энрике: «Думаю, это неожиданно даже для него».
Почему в составе нет Серхио Рамоса?
Луис Энрике разговаривал с Рамосом за сутки до объявления состава. Это было сложное решение, но оба приняли его профессионально. На пресс-конференции во время рассказа о составе Энрике объяснил отсутствие Рамоса его текущей формой и травмами. С января тот не набирал нужные кондиции и постоянно вылетал. Перенес коронавирус, в мае опять пропустил пару недель.
«Реал» занял второе место в Примере, но Рамос слабо в этом поучаствовал. За весь сезон он сыграл всего 15 матчей в чемпионате. «Реал» проводил важнейший отрезок сезона с парой защитников Милитао – Начо. Даже последнюю игру сезона Рамос смотрел с трибун, пропускал тренировки. Но сам не отказывался от поездки на Евро-2020.
Серхио Рамос пропускает крупный турнир с участием сборных впервые с Евро-2004. За это время он выиграл с Испанией чемпионат мира и два чемпионата Европы. Он был капитаном сборной. Теперь Серхио Рамос еще может поехать с Испанией на Олимпиаду-2021, но там будет другая команда. Энрике сразу сказал, что к Олимпиаде не имеет никакого отношения.
Почему не едут другие игроки «Реала»?
- Начо. Не попал в состав из-за конкуренции, хотя заслужил поездку.
- Карвахаль. Много пропустил из-за травм – даже сейчас травмирован.
- Васкес. Не едет на Евро-2020 из-за травмы крестообразных связок.
- Иско. Провел слабый сезон: почти всегда выходил на замену.
- Асенсио. Тоже отыграл слабо: забил всего пять голов в Примере.
Откуда столько игроков из «Ман Сити»?
Эрик Гарсия, Эмерик Лапорт, Ферран Торрес, Родри – четыре игрока из «Ман Сити» в этом составе сборной Испании. Это больше, чем из «Барселоны» (3) или «Атлетико» (2). Гарсия, Торрес и Родри стабильно вызывались в команду, но ситуация с Лапортом сложнее.
Вызов Лапорта не повлиял на перспективы Рамоса – это Энрике обозначил сразу. Он получил испанское гражданство 11 мая. Лапорт родился во Франции, но официальные матчи играл там только за молодежные сборные. Поэтому и попросил о потенциальной возможности игры за Испанию.
Перед Евро-2020 Лапорт получил разрешение от ФИФА. Он восемь лет играл в составе «Атлетика» из Бильбао, а потом перешел в «Ман Сити». Сейчас Transfermarkt оценивает Лапорта в 50 миллионов евро. В этом сезоне он провел за «Ман Сити» всего 16 матчей в АПЛ. В ситуации с Лапортом маленькое количество игр не повлияло на выбор Энрике.
2017 год. Эмерик Лапорт выходит за Францию на товарищескую игру против Испании.
Как Луис Энрике подбирал вратарей?
Еще перед объявлением заявки Энрике рассказывал: ему важна форма игрока, а не его имя. По этой причине мимо состава ожидаемо пролетел Кепа Аррисабалага из «Челси». Он почти не играл во второй половине сезона. Зато на Евро попал Давид Де Хеа, который в «МЮ» конкурировал с перспективным Хендерсоном. И показал уровень даже в таких условиях (пример – тут).
Так Луис Энрике сказал о вратарях: «Я заранее знал, что мог получить. Это особая позиция, но у меня нет проблем с вратарями. Эти три голкипера придают мне уверенность». Унаи Симон – основной вратарь «Атлетика». Планируется, что он будет основным и на Евро-2020. Давид Де Хеа – опытный второй номер.
Роберт Санчес провел сильный сезон в АПЛ за «Брайтон»: 27 матчей, 10 сухих игр, 27 пропущенных голов. Год назад он еще принадлежал «Рочдейлу» (третий дивизион Англии), а этот сезон начинал в молодежке «Брайтона». Весной Санчес уже вызывался в сборную Испании. Там он занял место Кепы, а «Рочдейл» тогда сразу публично его поздравил.
Future events
New and Updated Sites
Random video 4U
Aydar Gaynullin’s Film Music Awards, Moscow — Russia
by Herbert Scheibenreif
Aydar Gajnullin has already obtained some ‘Nika’ film awards: ‘The White Elephant’ for Ivan Vyrypaeva’s film ‘Euphoria’, and ‘Kinotavr’ for the film ‘Oxygen’. Now Aydar has finished the music to Slava Ross’ film ‘Siberia. ??n amour’, produced by ‘Euro Cop’ (France), the largest movie company in Europe, and the well-known director Luc Besson for the very first time. The film ‘Siberia ??n amour’ will be presented at this year’s film festival in Cannes. On April 19th Aydar Gaynullin, together with the group ‘Eurasia’, was invited to perform at a meeting of the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, and the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov. |
NAO UK Championships & Festival 2010 — UK
by Anna Bodell of Charnwood Publications
The weekend commenced with Roland UK V-Accordion Competition held for the second time in conjunction with the NAO, with the 10 finalists selected competing at Blackpool. The winner of the Senior category was Julie Langton from Blackpool who will represent the UK at the International Roland V-Accordion International Competition to be held in Rome, Italy in November. The Junior category winner was Patrick Hill. For the second time, the NAO held a Composers’ competition with the Professional section winner being Karolyn Broadhead and 17 year old Graham Laurie the Junior Solo Composition winner. A wonderful array of talent was heard over the 3 days, highlights include 11 year old 4 time solo winner Alexander Bodell (13 & Under, Polka 12 & Under & Musette, 13 & Under and Junior Recital ), Liam Joseph Moran (17 & Under) and Brandon Hindle. During the festival, the NAO held the UK Qualifications for CIA Coupe Mondiale 2010 in Croatia. Competitors were Paul Chamberlain Senior Coupe Mondiale category and Alexander Bodell (picture left with father Ray Bodell), Junior Virtuoso Entertainment category. Winning orchestras came under the batons of Graham Laurie, Brian Laurie, Harry Hinchcliffe, Gary Blair, Elaine Beecham and Adam Wilkinson. The NAO took great pleasure in awarding their prestigious Merit Award to Graham Laurie (picture left) for his continuous support and dedication to the NAO for over 25 years and the Associate Award was awarded to Geoff Holter. The event also featured the traditional Trade display, and A Roland demonstration in the Metropole hotel throughout the weekend. No UK championship would have been complete without the Celidh with Gary Blair and his band, a wonderful evening was had by all. The event organized, under the helm of Raymond Bodell (NAO Chairman and CIA President) & Anna Bodell (Deputy Chairperson) and their NAO Executive and officials. Full competition results are available on the NAO website. |
Accordion International Prize, Alcobaça — Portugal
by Aníbal Freire
The 15th Accordion National Trophy and the 1st edition of the Accordion International Prize ‘Cidade de Alcobaça’ were a huge success, attracting young players from Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Serbia (Russia and Poland entrants were unable to come) for the competitions of this noble, erudite and, at same time, popular instrument. Once again, Alcobaça proved conclusively to be at the forefront of the best of music, particularly accordion, being able to call to these contests such a large number of participants: nationally, it was the most competitive of all time and internationally, it reached a very close level to the best international prizes around the world, not only regarding the number of competitors but also in which concerns their very highest artistic level. As always, the Associação De Acordeão De Alcobaça committed itself to placing Portugal and Alcobaça names in the memory of all who have visited us and participated in these events. Alcobaça and the accordion are holding hands now for 15 years; the world of the accordion will surely be grateful, always to the end, to Alcobaça – the Land of Passion. For further information email: anibalfreire@hotmail.com |
Neil Fodden (1939-2010), Derbyshire – UK
by Rob Howard
Born in the North East in 1939, Neil Fodden began playing the piano accordion aged 10, and was soon playing with local bands in pubs, clubs and dance halls. In those days the acoustic music scene was quite vibrant, as the word ‘disco’ had not yet been invented. Neil’s forte was playing for ballroom and sequence dancing, and he became one of the first exponents of the electronic accordion. He recorded two LPs of dance music, ‘Stepping Out’ and ‘Stepping Out 2’, under the pseudonym Alan Neil. In the late 1960s Neil’s work as an engineer took him to live in Zambia, where he played for dances from Lusaka up to Kitwe, and also provided accompaniment for visiting artistes. For five years Neil served as Secretary of the National Accordion Organisation, and more recently, since February 2008, as Editor of the magazine ‘Accordion World’, in succession to the late David Keen. Neil is survived by wife Kath and daughter Karina. Karina Fodden, an accordionist and competitor in many NAO competitions, will take over the production of ‘Accordion World’, which will continue as before. Neil will be missed by accordionists and friends throughout the UK. R.I.P. |
Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.
Reykjavík Arts Festival — Iceland
by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
This year’s accordion guest, Finland’s Kimmo Pohjonen, performs on May 21st at 9 pm. The Finnish musician, often referred to as the Jimi Hendrix of the accordion, expands musical horizons with his unforgettable one-man show featuring extreme and original compositions, live loops and effects, dynamic and animated stage performance with orchestrated lights and surround sound. Vadim Fedorov plays together with the Icelandic singer Sólveig Samúelsdóttir in the Paintrsstudio on May 22nd, 2pm, and May 23rd at 12noon. For further information email: edda@artfest.is |
3rd UNAC Accordion Meeting 2010, Segovia — Spain
by Raquel Ruiz
Participants from all parts of Spain took part in the seminars and practice master class by Patrick Busseuil (French composer and accordion teacher). Participants also learned the possibilities of the new Roland V-Accordion FR7X with the presentation of the ‘IV International V-Accordion’ contest. This event was conducted by Fran Gallego (Roland Iberia Marketing Director) and Concha Rodríguez (Roland Madrid) and a musical performance by Miguel Angel Rumbo (2009 Spanish finalist). On Saturday April 24th UNAC also organized an accordion concert in the Mansilla Palace (Segovia) by Serbian competition´s winner Dragan Vasiljevic. The program included music by Scarlatti, Angelis, Moszkowski, Kusyakov, Tschaikowski, Semionov and Vlasov. This concert was realized by sponsorship of the Segovia Bank. Sunday´s last event of this year’s Accordion Meeting was the concert ‘Homage to Patrick Busseuil’ that took place in the Assumption Chapel. Some of accordion students of the Zaragoza´s Superior Conservatory of Music played music by J. Hatrik, M. Murto, P. Makkonen, K. Weill, and P. Busseuil (‘Peppermint Suite’ and ‘Arboris I’ for solo accordion, ‘Un paysage inmovil’ (3 accordions), ‘Une histoire étrange a la veille de Noël’, and ‘Carrillons’ (5 accordions). After the concert, Patrick Busseuil and Angel Luis Castaño, UNAC President, awarded diplomas to all participants. Angel Luis Castaño talked about the importance of this kind of seminar, where participants can have a much greater knowledge about the accordion original repertory workings with important composers like Patrick Busseuil. For further information email: raquelru@gmail.com |
The International Team Deschamps – Portugal, Greece
by Frédéric Deschamps
Once again, the students of Frédéric Deschamps did not disappoint their teacher when they achieved excellent results: Alcobaçao: Kozani: |
Concert in Memory of Mogens Ellegaard, Moscow — Russia
by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif Manager of Friedrich Lips Productions
All works of the program were commissioned by and dedicated to the famous pioneer, former Professor at the Royal Conservatory in Copenhagen (Denmark). Ellegaard’s influence on the further development of the accordion, its repertoire and pedagogy was outstanding by getting interested such composers as N.V. Bentzon, T. Lundquist, A. Nordheim, P. Noorgaard, O. Schmidt in writing for the accordion. For further information, view the Memorials Website for Mogens Ellegaard. |
Grayson Masefield Concert Debut in New York – USA
by Harley Jones
Picture right AAA President Linda Soley Reed and below the program of the event. 2009 Coupe Mondiale winner Grayson Masefield made his debut in New York on 24 April with a concert sponsored by the American Accordionists’ Association at the prestigious Kaufman Center, Ann Goodman Recital Hall. Playing a concert of classical, original and variety music, he received 4 or 5 standing ovations from the enthusiastic audience which included some very prominent USA accordionists. This concert is part of an 8 concert series by Grayson Masefield in the USA and each concerts so far has seen this young artist receiving multiple standing ovations from the audiences. Concerts remaining are: Saturday, May 1, 2010 — Concert, Silver Spring, MD sponsored by Dan & Joan Grauman. For further information: joangrauman@comcast.net Sunday, May 2, 2010- Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Dinner, New York. For further information: drjciccone@aol.com This event is fully sold out. |
USA Today Pictures Wetland All-Stars — USA
by Harley Jones
The USA Today April 26 newspaper headlined its Music section with a large photo of the Wetland All-Stars Band performing at the New Orleans Jazz Fest. The caption under the photo reads: Voice of the Wetland All-Stars: Big Chief Monk Boudreaux, right, head of the Golden Eagles Mardi Gras Indians and Johnny Sansone perform Sunday. The Wetland All-Stars was formed after Hurricane Katrina to raise awareness about the restoration of coastal wetlands, and features song about the environment as well as good-time pop and dance numbers. |
Future events
UK Group Bohemian Nights International Tour — New Zealand
by Harley Jones
Ernie specializes in Jewish music and Phil specializes in Middle-Eastern music. They have worked together with theatre and dance events for Russian, Armenian, Jewish, Turkish, French and Italian and other productions and communities, as well as parties and weddings. The duo Bohemian Nights was originally named Gypsy Nights after a famous duo that entertained in the restaurants and cafes of Budapest in the 1930s. Tour dates: For further information email: desertney@gmail.com |
Cavagnolo Events, Annonay, Strasbourg – France
by Rob Howard
April 30th, 9pm – a demonstration of Cavagnolo accordions by Jean-Michel Sonnerat at Musique 2000, 8 bd de la République 07100 Annonay May 2nd, 11am – Jean Louis Noton will demonstrate the uses of MIDI at Pavillon Joséphine Parc de l’orangerie, 67000 Strasbourg May 3rd, 3pm – Spring Concert featuring an accordion ensemble, followed by a solo performance by Jean Louis Noton For further information email: contact@cavagnolo-accordeon.com |
John Kirkpatrick on BBC4 TV ‘Sea Fever’ Soundtrack – UK
by Rob Howard
The films deal with the role of the sea in British life over the last 100 years, and make use of a mix of old home movies and newly shot footage. John Kirkpatrick contributes various traditional nautical themes to suit the moods. One sequence features a pattern of air noises conjured up by his button accordion, in an abstract impression of the wind and the waves. |
Michael Bridge Radio Broadcast with the Boston Pops — USA
by Michael Bridge
The performance and subsequent interview will be recorded and broadcast live on approximately 250 radio stations throughout the Unites States to an audience of over 700,000 people. The entire show will be available on the “From the Top” website (fromthetop.org) several days after June 8th. In July, Michael Bridge will be performing at the Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships and competing in the ATG run Anthony Galla-Rini International Competition for Classical Accordion in Santa Clara, California. On May 16th, Michael is being featured at a Concert and Old Time Dane to fundraise for his journey to the 2010 Coupe Mondiale in Croatia. This event is being held in Westgate, Canada. For further information email: michaelbridge@live.com |
International Accordion Festival and Competition — Ireland
by Yvonne Chilton, Secretary Irish Acc. Assoc.
The IAA (Irish Accordion Association) wants to send an invitation to all accordionists and supporters from all countries to our very special event. To celebrate the 40th year of the All-Ireland Accordion Festival, the Irish Accordion Association are holding an International Accordion Festival and Competition for soloists/ensembles/orchestras of all ages, standards and genres of music over the weekend of April 15th to 17th 2011. Already we have special guests including The St. Petersburg Youth Accordion Orchestra (artistic director and conductor: Vladimir S. Iljenkov), and the ‘Arts Across Borders’ Ensemble (featuring lots of accordions, harps, flutes, bagpipes and percussion in an exciting dynamic mix) performing newly commissioned works from Irish composers. This will be an exciting event featuring traditional Irish music, dancing and entertainment. You will be sure of a warm Irish welcome and leave with some great memories. We are currently investigating several venues for this event. This will be decided very shortly and a special website will be set up with all the details of the festival and competition. Please look out for our next communication with this information in the next few weeks. |
‘Allo Allo’ Stage Show, Cheshire – UK
by Rob Howard
Romiley Little Theatre’s production of ‘Allo Allo’ takes place, May 13th to 15th, 7.30pm, at Hyde Festival Theatre, Corporation Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1AB. ‘Allo Allo’, was a long running BBC TV comedy about the French resistance set during World War II, and the stage version includes many musical numbers. Rob Howard, author of the popular series of books ‘An A to Z of the Accordion and related instruments’ will be playing the accordion on stage as part of the show. For further Information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com |
Polka Dance Fund Raiser, Minnesota – USA
by Rob Howard
For further information email: mossak@popp.net |
Accordion Orchestra Course, Devon – UK
by Rob Howard
Ian Watson writes: “Participants are always encouraged to play as much as possible but are free to sit out certain pieces or sections that might be too advanced — as yet! As this is really a completely new venture (moving to Devon), we are hoping that if any group/band could send 3/4 players then they could perform a pre-rehearsed piece in the concert. My group from Morley college will be there and the local band in Illfracombe will play a piece. There are loads of types of accommodation from camping to log cabins to 5* hotels within a 2 mile radius of the rehearsal venue”. Источник |