Pumped up kicks ноты для фортепиано

Pumped up kicks ноты для фортепиано

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Foster the People

Pumped Up Kicks


Good job with Lessson 3, Chorus

Tip: Individual hand practice

Mute or remove one hand to practice each hand at a time.


Foster the People

Pumped Up Kicks

See you again asd asd asd asd asd asds asd asd asd ads

Player Settings

Display mode:
Letter Notes:
Preferred Speed
Fingers Position:
Middle C Mark:

Choose A Section & Lesson Level

Choose song part:

Lesson 1: Right Hand / 50 Speed / Metronome / Zoom in.

Lesson 2: Left Hand / 50 Speed / Metronome / Zoom in.

Lesson 3: Both Hands / 50 Speed / Metronome / Zoom in.

Lesson 4: Both Hands / 75 Speed / Metronome / Zoom in.


Pumped up kicks-Foster the People

  • Singer/Author: Foster the People
  • Uploader: EOP Editor
  • Favorites: 1
  • Visits: 18659
  • Update Time: 2013-07-15

Download Sheet Music Pumped up kicks-Foster the People

Pumped up kicks-Foster the People Introduction

«Pumped Up Kicks» is a song by American indie pop band Foster the People. It was released as the group’s debut single in September 2010, and the following year was included on their EP Foster the People and their debut album Torches. «Pumped Up Kicks» became the group’s breakthrough hit and was one of the most popular songs of 2011. The song was written and recorded by frontman Mark Foster while he was working as a commercial jingle writer. Contrasting with the upbeat musical composition, the lyrics describe the homicidal thoughts of a troubled youth.

The track received considerable attention after it was posted online in 2010 as a free download, and it helped the group garner a multi-album record deal with Columbia Records imprint Startime International. «Pumped Up Kicks» proved to be a sleeper hit; in 2011, after receiving significant airplay on modern rock stations, the song crossed-over onto contemporary hit radio stations. The song spent eight consecutive weeks at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States, making it the first Billboard Alternative Songs number-one single to crack the U.S. top 5 since Kings of Leon’s «Use Somebody» in 2009. The song was widely praised by critics, and it has been licensed for use in a wide range of popular media since its release. «Pumped Up Kicks» received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.

Download free Pumped Up Kicks sheet music below now!


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Pumped Up Kicks

Перевод: Накачанный киков. Небольшой. Флейта. Кларнет. Саксофон альт. Саксофон тенор. Саксофон баритон. Труба. Тромбон. Туба.

Перевод: Накачанный киков. Валторна. Труба. План. Тромбон. Бас.

Перевод: Голос. Виолончель.

Перевод: Флейта. Кларнет. Саксофон альт. Саксофон тенор. Саксофон баритон. Труба. Валторна. Туба. Перкуссия.

Перевод: Саксофон альт.

Перевод: дутые кроссовки. Труба.

Перевод: Накачанное ногами — фортепиано. План.

Перевод: Накачанный киков. Саксофон альт. Саксофон тенор. Саксофон баритон.

Перевод: Накачанный киков. Саксофон альт. Саксофон баритон.

Перевод: Бас. Труба.

Перевод: Саксофон альт. Саксофон баритон.

Перевод: дутые кроссовки. Голос. План. Бас. Гитара.

Перевод: Накачанный киков. Перкуссия.

Перевод: Накачанное ногами — фортепиано. План.

Перевод: Труба. Голос. План. Кларнет. Гитара. Перкуссия.

Перевод: Дутые кроссовки. Труба. Валторна. Тромбон. Туба.

Перевод: Бас. Труба.

Перевод: Фостер Люди. Накачанный киков. Нот. Клавиатура. Фостер Люди.


Piano Letter Notes

Easy letter notes for beginners

Monday, December 11, 2017

Pumped up Kicks by Foster The People

Quick guide on how to read the letter notes

Each group of letter notes is played from left to right, and vertical letters on the same column are played together.

The numbers in front of each line are the octave, each octave has an unique color so you can easily follow them.

Lowercase (a b c d e f g) letters are natural notes (white keys, a.k.a A B C D E F G ).
Uppercase (A C D F G) letters are the sharp notes (black keys a.k.a. A# C# D# F# G#), look at the image below to see where each letter note is on the piano keyboard.

The lines / dashes (-) between letters indicates timing to play the notes. Just listen to the audio file at the top of the post to figure out the time lenght of the dashes (usually 5-6 dashes is about 1 second)


Pumped up kicks-Foster the People

  • Singer/Author: Foster the People
  • Uploader: EOP Editor
  • Favorites: 1
  • Visits: 18659
  • Update Time: 2013-07-15

Download Sheet Music Pumped up kicks-Foster the People

Pumped up kicks-Foster the People Introduction

«Pumped Up Kicks» is a song by American indie pop band Foster the People. It was released as the group’s debut single in September 2010, and the following year was included on their EP Foster the People and their debut album Torches. «Pumped Up Kicks» became the group’s breakthrough hit and was one of the most popular songs of 2011. The song was written and recorded by frontman Mark Foster while he was working as a commercial jingle writer. Contrasting with the upbeat musical composition, the lyrics describe the homicidal thoughts of a troubled youth.

The track received considerable attention after it was posted online in 2010 as a free download, and it helped the group garner a multi-album record deal with Columbia Records imprint Startime International. «Pumped Up Kicks» proved to be a sleeper hit; in 2011, after receiving significant airplay on modern rock stations, the song crossed-over onto contemporary hit radio stations. The song spent eight consecutive weeks at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States, making it the first Billboard Alternative Songs number-one single to crack the U.S. top 5 since Kings of Leon’s «Use Somebody» in 2009. The song was widely praised by critics, and it has been licensed for use in a wide range of popular media since its release. «Pumped Up Kicks» received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.

Download free Pumped Up Kicks sheet music below now!


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