Рифы для укулеле табы

10 Cool Ukulele Riffs Anyone Can Learn to Play [+ Tabs]

Every ukulele player should have a few cool ukulele riffs in their back pocket. In this article, you’ll learn 10 of the best riffs to impress your friends and add some variety to your repertoire.

When you first start playing the ukulele, you’ll most likely learn the four basic chords – C, G, Am, and F. Once you have a handle on these four chords, you’ll be able to play tons of songs. But after you get comfortable playing songs, you’ll want to spice up your repertoire.

One easy way to do that is to include ukulele riffs in your playing. A ukulele riff is a series of notes played within a song that creates a catchy melody. A riff can be played as a pattern of single string notes, or as a series of chords. Often the riff is repeated several times throughout the song and is easily recognizable.

10 Cool Ukulele Riffs to Learn Today

Eventually, you’ll be able to pick out riffs by ear, but when you’re just getting started it helps to have the notes tabbed out for you. Ukulele tabs are an easy way to learn the notes of a melody, even if you can’t read music.

Keep in mind that tabs don’t usually include the timing for how long to play each note. (It will help if you’ve heard these riffs at some point in your life, so you’ll know the rhythm).

Tabs also won’t tell you what fingers to use to play each note. As you advance in your skills, you’ll be able to choose an effective fingering quickly. So without further ado, here are 10 cool ukulele riffs with tabs below.

1. “Shave and a Haircut”

This quick riff was made popular by the late 80s, semi-animated movie, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.”

2. “Weak” by SWV

This fun riff is repeated over and over throughout the song. Like many ukulele riffs, this one has been transposed to a key that fits the ukulele, while still maintaining the integrity of the melody line.

3. “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” by The Rolling Stones

This opening riff is played by the guitar on the original recording. Because of the tuning of the ukulele, the tab below is written so that the melody is played higher than the original key.

4. “No Woman No Cry” by Bob Marley

This song simply requires a knowledge of the four essential ukulele chords (C, G, Am, and F). The turn around riff follows the chords.

5. “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor

One of the most popular, cool ukulele riffs is the opening of “Eye of the Tiger.” It’s a sure way to turn your ordinary ukulele into a rock and roll machine. Below are two different versions of the opening riff.

6. “Charlie Brown” Theme Song

A classic riff that has been played on piano, guitar, and now the ukulele. All the notes are on the one string (above the 5th fret) which makes this an easy riff you can learn to play today.

7. “La Bamba” by Ritchie Valens

This opening riff is the longest riff on this list. It’s also a bit more challenging than all the rest because of the frequent changing of strings within the melody. It’s a fun challenge for beginning ukulele players that will help with finger coordination and speed!

8. “Friends” Theme Music

If you’re a Friends enthusiast, this is the ukulele riff you’ve been waiting for. Within the popular TV series, there are reprises of the original theme music that are used to help transition between scenes. This is one of those transitions that is used often.

9. “Simpsons” Theme Song

There are two tabbed versions of this popular riff below. The first is in the original key. Because of note limitations on the ukulele, the last four notes of the riff have to go up instead of down.

The second version is a transposed version of the riff. It has the same intervals as the original melody where the last four notes go down. Like most music, it is up to the individual artist to decide which version they prefer best.

10. “Beverly Hills Cop” Theme Song

This catchy ukulele riff has a great rhythm and you can learn to play it in a day. Plus, most of your friends have heard this riff, and even hummed it a time (or 10).

We hope you enjoyed this list of cool ukulele riffs to wow your friends and family. Be sure to check out Takelessons Live to learn more ukulele skills. You can also work with a local ukulele teacher to improve your technique.

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Табы и аккорды для укулеле для начинающих

Красивые мелодии исполняют на укулеле чаще всего с помощью минорных (грустные) или мажорных (весёлые) аккордов — 1-3 и более нот, которые зажимают на струнах одновременно. Таким образом можно исполнить большинство произведений в стиле поп-музыка, блюз, шансон, регги, кантри, рок, романтик. Это песни из Гравити Фолз , Пиратов карибского моря, Гарри Поттера, Крестного отца. Для простоты исполнения ноты записывают табами и аккордами. Для удобства считывания мелодии используют гитарный гриф.

Примеры:Все струны звучат в аккорде С одновременно. При этом зажата на грифе только одна струна на III ладу.

Как читать табы для укулеле

Мелодия записывается в виде схемы. На ней нарисованы струны и числа. Цифры указывают на каком ладу нужно струну зажать. В приведённом на рисунке примере число на табулатуре отсылает исполнителя на III лад первой струны. Остальные нейлоновые нити остаются открытыми, но проигрывается весь аккорд одновременно. Стрелка вниз указывает на направление гитарного боя.

Песни на укулеле в табах можно установить из приложения на Google Play или посмотреть на нашем сайте. Советуем для начала подбирать простые песни.

Красивые мелодии на укулеле: табы

Просто проигрывать аккорды недостаточно, чтобы в результате получилась песня. Существуют правила чтения простых табов и определенные приёмы исполнения.

  • Схемы читаются всегда слева направо.
  • Ноты аккордов рисуются на струнах.
  • Приёмы игры обозначаются символами.

Табы для укулеле для начинающих и профессионалов имеют определённую длительность. Она определяет ритм произведения. Для обозначения длительности звучания ноты в табулаторах используют тире. Например, счет «Раз и» — целая нота или одно тире. Чем больше после аккорда черточек «–», тем продолжительней его звучание. Например, «– – –» означает, что проигрывая ноту, исполнитель успеет сказать про себя: «1 и», «2 и», «3 и».

Как играть табы на укулеле

Символы на схеме определяют характер игры:

  • РМ — аккорд глушится ладонью правой руки.
  • Волнистая линия — прием Vibrato, вибрирующая струна.
  • Широкая полоса на схеме — баррэ, все струны на грифе зажимаются одновременно вторым пальцем левой руки на определённом ладу.
  • Переборы на укулеле в табах записываются цифрами и кружками, которые размещаются на схеме не одновременно подряд, а последовательно.

Подробней о том, как играть на укулеле читайте на нашем сайте.


Riffs for Ukulele

One of my favourite things to do on a ukulele is blast out a riff that everyone knows but no one has ever heard on the ukulele. And, to be frank, are sometimes wholly unsuited to it. They’re always fun to play and provoke smiles. Over the years I’ve tabbed up a load of these. So here’s a mega post of them.

The idea with these riffs isn’t to play the whole song or that the suit the ukulele particularly well. It’s to throw them in to your playing for a bit of light relief and audience recognition (like the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain on Orange Blossom), to provoke the ‘I didn’t think you could play that on the ukulele’ or just for shits and gigs. Because of that, the riffs aren’t always arranged in the original key but the key that suits the ukulele best. And don’t request the rest of the song!

Five Riffs Series

Acoustic Riffs/Intros: Mumford and Sons, Nick Drake, Jose Gonzalez, Tracey Chapman, Black Crowes.
Black Keys: 10am Automatic, Act Nice and Gentle, Tighten Up, Your Touch, Modern Times.
Funk: The Meters – Cissy Strut and Funky Miracle, Stevie Wonder – Superstition, Funkadelic – Hit It and Quit It, Rick James – Super Freak.
Grunge:Soundgarden Spoonman, Nirvana – Heart Shaped Box, Pearl Jam – Alive, Temple of the Dog – Hunger Strike, Alice in Chains – Them Bones.
Hip Hop Part 2: Jay Z and Kanye West – Ni**as in Paris, Dr Dre – Still DRE, Missy Elliott – Get Ur Freak On, Usher – Yeah, Panjabi MC – Beware.
Hip Hop Part 2: Kanye West, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, Killer Mike, Jay-Z, Eminem
Hip Hop Part 3: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, MC Hammer, Nas, Warren G, Das Racist.
Jack White: White Stripes – Hardest Button to Button and Icky Thump, Raconteurs – Salute Your Solution, Dead Weather – Treat Me Like Your Mother, Tom Jones – Evil.
Manchester: Stone Roses – Waterfall, Happy Mondays – Loose Fit, Joy Division – Love Will Tear Us Apart, Chemical Brothers – Galvanize, The Fall – Right Place, Wrong Time
Punk Pop: Paramore, Blink 182, Green Day, Sum 41, Panic! at the Disco.
REM: Losing My Religion, Shiny Happy People, Pop Song 89, Driver 8, Pretty Persuasion.
The Who: Can’t Explain, Substitute, Pinball Wizard, The Seeker


Рифы для укулеле табы

For anybody reading this from the UK. Chances are, you first heard this song on the formula one soundtrack. Regardless of where you first heard it, its sounds great on the ukulele.

Playing Tips

This is straightforward riff to play and probably one of the easiest on this list. The opening A minor chord makes the transition from chords to riff an easy one.

For guidance in playing this riff, you can watch my medley of the rumours album below. The Chain starts at around 1:58. You can also grab some more Fleetwood Mac tabs here.

American Idiot

Green Day

The first riff on this list that based all around chords. check out my full arrangement of the American Idiot album and some more Green Day ukulele tabs too.

Playing Tips

What makes this an easy riff to play is that we remain in the same chord shape throughout. Its a barre chord and we are using 3 fingers on our fretting hand.

Place your first finger across all the strings on the 3rd fret. Then use your ring finger for the 5th fret oF the G and your middle finger on the 4th fret of the E.

When Billie Joe plays this on his guitar. He uses all down strums. Thats fine if you want to do that too. However, if you want to skank it up abit. Try using the strumming pattern above the chords.

Sweet Child O’ Mine

Guns N Roses

Would this riff list be complete if it didn’t feature one of Slash’s masterpieces? I created a full medley of the Appetite For Destruction album too!

Playing Tips

When you look at the tab, this could be considered an imposter on this list. Maybe not one of easy riffs for ukulele beginners but lets give it a go anyway.

We are using lots of notes and also every string. It’s one of those riffs that once you get the hang of it. It’s going to play really nicely .

Breaking The Habit

Linkin Park

Playing Tips

One of the most iconic riffs of the late 2000s! Featured on the Oracular Spectacular album, you can learn some more MGMT songs here.

Playing Tips

This is another one of those easy riffs for ukulele beginners. If you are familiar with this song you should be able to pick it up quite quickly. You can either use your thumb to pluck the notes or your fingernail to amplify the sound.


Its fair to say that Matt Bellamy is a riff god! He has consistently churned out amazing guitar work on the Muse albums. One of them is Plug In Baby, I put together a video tutorial and tabs of how to play that here.

Playing Tips

The song opens up with a chord so let’s get prepared. Use your first finger on the 6th fret of the C. Middle finger on the 6th fret of the A and your ring finger on the 7th of E. Then its a case of following the notes, and picking out the rest of the melody .

Come As You Are


The first instrument Kurt Cobain learned to play was a ukulele! How cool is that? If you are ready for some more Nirvana on a uke. I put together arrangements of Nevermind, Bleach and In Utero.

Playing Tips

Hard Times


Hayley Williams and co have gone from strength to strength will their music. Hard Times from their album After Laughter is one of the stand out tracks.

Playing Tips

No Suprises


One of the more melancholic songs on this list. Me, Radiohead and the ukulele have been super busy. I have arranged Kid A, The Bends, In Rainbows, The King Of Limbs and A Moon Shaped Pool.

Playing Tips

This could be tricky if you are using a soprano ukulele. Often they run out of frets after the 12th. Other than that, it’s another very simple lick to play.


Rage Against The Machine

Its just another BWOMBBTRACK! Rage Against The Machines debut album is laden with riffs.

Playing Tips


Smashing Pumpkins

Im calling it now, this is the easiest riff to play on this list. Check out my Siamese Dream arrangement here.

Playing Tips

The Strokes

This is guitar riff sounds like it was played on a keyboard. Its actually just some studio wizard from producer Gordon Raphael. This tab is taken from my arrangement of the Room On Fire album.

Playing Tips

This is a straight forward riff to play. Just follow along to the song to get the timing.

Lane Boy

Twenty One Pilots

You made it to the end of the list and we are returning to finger picking for this one. Tyler Joseph is a huge fan of the uke. Arguably he has been one of the key people in its rise in popularity over the past few years.

Playing Tips

Although this may look confusing, its very simple to play and we are only using one finger.

Place your first finger on the 2nd fret of the C string. After the first note, move your finger up to the 5th fret. Then instead of just fretting the C string, place your finger across the bottom 3 strings.

Repeat this process for the 7th, 9th and 12th frets.

For the plucking hand, we need to assign a finer per string. Use your thumb for the C string, finger for the E and middle finger for the A string.


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