Шахин бас гитара варфрейм

В Warframe теперь можно стать рок-звездой

Иногда космическим ниндзя нужно отдохнуть от бесконечных убийств, фарма и стрельбы. Специально для таких моментов в игре появился новый инструмент — гитара Шазин.

За это платят

Для того, чтоб почувствовать себя настоящим музыкантом, сначала игроку нужно купить сам инструмент во внутриигровом магазине за ту же валюту. После покупки гитара появится в меню эмоций, так что сыграть можно в любом месте. Другие игроки будут слышать мелодию, поэтому перед «концертом» стоит попрактиковаться в своём десантном корабле.

Некоторые пользователи уже начали записывать известные мелодии, вроде Despacito и Through The Fire And The Flames. Также можно сохранять коды треков и продавать их за внутриигровую валюту другим Тэнно.

Помимо гитары, в последнем обновлении добавили нового варфрейма Гаусса, оружие и расширили список миссий.

Читайте также:  Покраска гитары с баллончика


Шахин бас гитара варфрейм

Экипировать его в «Снаряжение», взять в руки через колесо снаряжения, нажать «W» и «Загрузить свою мелодию», откроется окошко — в него и нужно вставить КОД из руководства.

9,385 уникальных посетителей
882 добавили в избранное

We all Lift Together

Bad Guy — Billie Eilish

Old Town Road


Пираты Карибского м.

Jingle Bells

Morrowind Theme — Elder Scrolls

Across the Stars

I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee)

Axel F (Harold Faltermeyer) (Пока очень странно работает)





Играйте на этом музыкальном инструменте, экипировав и используя Жест Шазина
—Внутриигровое описание

Шазин — струнный музыкальный инструмент эпохи Орокин. Впервые показанный во время квеста Жертва в качестве фонового украшения, он был позже добавлен как украшение Орбитра и эмоция, которая позволяет игрокам играть свою собственную музыку.

Приобретение [ править | править код ]

Существует несколько вариантов Шазина, доступных в магазине, которые предоставляют игроку украшение Орбитра в виде купленного инструмента. Если игрок покупает Шазин в первый раз, он также получит уникальную эмоцию Шазина.

Как и в случае с другими эмоциями, эмоция Шазина должна быть сначала установлена в колесе эмоций игрока, прежде чем ее можно будет использовать.

Варианты [ править | править код ]

Существует семь вариантов Шазина, три из которых являются скинами для базового Шазина Дакс (Рассвет, День Мертвых и Имитация), в то время как другие имеют уникальный звуковой профиль, другим гитарам в реальном мире. Корбу, Нелумбо и Тиамат — это электрические, акустические и бас-гитары соответственно. Шазин: Аристей Прайм можно получить только при покупке Аксессуаров Прайм Доступа Октавии Прайм.

Шазин: Дакс

Шазин: День Мёртвых

Шазин: Корбу

Шазин: Нелумбо
(Акустическая гитара)

Шазин: Рассвет

Шазин: Тиамат

Шазин: Имитация

Механика [ править | править код ]

Чтобы играть на Шазине, игроки должны активировать эмоцию Шазина со своего колеса эмоций, что заставит их Варфрейм опуститься на колени и держать инструмент, а также разблокировать основной интерфейс Шазина. Другие игроки в вашем отряде или внутри вашего десантного корабля могут слышать музыку, которую вы играете на Шазине. В настоящее время вы не можете отключить эту функцию. Чтобы включить возможность связать определенную песню с чатом или сохранить ее, вы должны иметь возможность воспроизвести свою песню с рейтингом 4/5. Другими словами, вы должны быть в состоянии успешно играть по крайней мере 80% всех нот в вашей песне. Игроки, экипировавшие Октавию, могут включить ее басовую дорожку, нажав клавишу 4.

Управление [ править | править код ]

Различные элементы управления по умолчанию для Шазина включают в себя:

Транскрипция песни [ править | править код ]

Песни, исполняемые на Шазине, хранятся в виде последовательности цифр, букв и символов. Эти песни могут быть записаны вручную только в течение 4 минут с 1000 нотами. Однако вы можете импортировать песни 4m16s с 1666 нотами. Каждая песня начинается с цифры, указывающей масштаб, в котором она воспроизводится.

Каждая нота состоит из трех символов, причем первый символ указывает на ноту, которую нужно сыграть. Важно отметить, что буквы чувствительны к регистру и что удар не записывается.

Следующие два символа сигнализируют, где эта нота воспроизводится с 4096 уникальными позициями. Второй символ указывает, в какой мере воспроизводится нота, начиная с A-Z, затем a-z, затем 0-9, затем+,/, в общей сложности 64 такта, где каждый такт длится четыре секунды. Каждая мера делится на 64 части, так как третий символ представляет: A-Z, затем a-z, затем 0-9, затем+, /.


Warframe – The Ultimate Shawzin Collection

Just a Shawzin songs codes from others to you, collected there!

Note: The Shawzin is a stringed musical instrument from the Orokin era. First seen during The Sacrifice quest as a background decoration, it was later added as both an Orbiter decoration and an Emote that allows players to play their own music.

Table of Contents

A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

Easier Chorus:

Full Melody:

Full Bass:

ATWA (System of A Down)

Alice’s Restaurant (Arlo Guthrie)


Guitar, slower, 1 stanza:

Guitar, 3 stanzas:

Auld Lang Syne

Amazing Grace

Aerodynamic (Daft Punk)

A Hero’s End – NES Ninja Gaiden OST

All Star – Smash Mouth

All Ocarina of Time Songs (Short)

Zelda’s Lullaby:

Epona’s Song:

Saria’s Song:

Sun’s Song:

Song of Time:

Song of Storms:

Minuet of Forest:

Bolero of Fire:

Serenade of Water:

Nocturne of Shadow:

Requiem of Spirit:

Prelude of Light:

Airwolf Theme

Slower melody:

Full song:




Play this instrument by equipping and using the included Shawzin Emote.

The Shawzin is a stringed musical instrument from the Orokin era. First seen during The Sacrifice quest as a background decoration, it was later added as both an Orbiter decoration and an Emote that allows players to play their own music.


Acquisition [ edit | edit source ]

There are multiple variants of Shawzin available in the Market, which grant the player the Orbiter decoration of the purchased instrument. If the player is buying a Shawzin for the first time, they will also receive the unique Shawzin emote.

As with other emotes, the Shawzin emote must first be equipped in the player’s Gear wheel before it can be used.

Variants [ edit | edit source ]

There are seven variants of the Shawzin, three of which are skins for the basic Dax’s Shawzin (Dawn, Day of the Dead, and Mimica) while the others have a unique sound profile corresponding to guitars in the real world. The Corbu, Nelumbo and Tiamat are electric, acoustic and bass guitars respectively.

Corbu Shawzin
(Electric Guitar)

Dawn Shawzin

Dax’s Shawzin

Day Of The Dead Shawzin

Mimica Shawzin

Nelumbo Shawzin
(Acoustic Guitar)

Tiamat Shawzin
(Bass Guitar)

Aristei Prime Shawzin

Mechanics [ edit | edit source ]

To play the Shawzin, players must activate the Shawzin Emote from their Gear wheel, which will make their Warframe kneel down and hold the instrument, while also unlocking the main Shawzin interface. Other players in your squad or inside your Landing Craft can hear the music you play on the Shawzin. You can disable other player’s Shawzin sounds by disabling your allie’s Octavia music in the settings. To enable the ability to link a specific song to Chat or to save the song, you must be able to play your song with a 4/5 rating. In other words, you must be able to successfully play at least 80% of all the notes in your song. Players that have Octavia equipped can turn on her bass track by pressing 4.

Controls [ edit | edit source ]

The various default controls for the Shawzin include:

  • 1 — 1st String
  • 2 — 2nd String
  • 3 — 3rd String
  • Space — Whammy
  • or N — Sky Fret
  • or L — Earth Fret
  • or M — Water Fret
  • Tab — Scale: Players can use this key to change scale. Options include:
    • Pentatonic Minor
    • Pentatonic Major
    • Chromatic
    • Hexatonic
    • Major
    • Minor
    • Hirajoshi
    • Phrygian
    • Yo
  • W — Songs: This section allows players to select pre-recorded songs to play on the Shawzin. Asides from a handful of default songs, songs played on the Shawzin can also be recorded to share with other players, and in turn pre-recorded songs can also be imported into the player’s song library. The maximum number of notes in song for linking in chat is 100. Global limit of notes in a song is 1000 and such songs can be copied to the clipboard and imported from it. Songs can only be copied to the clipboard and pasted on PC, as of now it can not be done on PS4, XB1, or the Switch. When a song is played, a rhythm game will commence where players must time play the Shawzin to the beat of notes falling onto a meter. Players will be given a score based on their performance after the song plays, though this score has no real effect on gameplay. Other options in this section include:
    • Metronome — This option enables the audio cue on the metronome when recording a song. The Metronome is on by default.
    • Slow Playback — Enabling this option will slow down the song playback, giving players more time to see the falling notes on the board.
    • Auto Play — Enabling this option will make the song play its notes without player input.
  • A — Switch Instrument: Allows the player to switch between the different types of Shawzins available. If the player has not purchased another Shawzin, this option allows them to directly purchase other Shawzin types on the Market.
  • X — Exit

  • — 1st String
  • — 2nd String
  • — 3rd String
  • Moving LS — Whammy
  • LT — Sky Fret
  • RB — Earth Fret
  • RT — Water Fret
  • Pressing LS — Scale: Players can use this key to change scale. Options include:
    • Pentatonic Minor
    • Pentatonic Major
    • Chromatic
    • Hexatonic
    • Major
    • Minor
    • Hirajoshi
    • Phrygian
    • Yo
  • — Songs: This section allows players to select pre-recorded songs to play on the Shawzin. Asides from a handful of default songs, songs played on the Shawzin can also be recorded to share with other players, and in turn pre-recorded songs can also be imported into the player’s song library. The maximum number of notes in song for linking in chat is 100. Global limit of notes in a song is 1000 and such songs can be copied to the clipboard and imported from it. Songs can only be copied to the clipboard and pasted on PC, as of now it can not be don on PS4, XB1, or the Switch. When a song is played, a rhythm game will commence where players must time play the Shawzin to the beat of notes falling onto a meter. Players will be given a score based on their performance after the song plays, though this score has no real effect on gameplay. Other options in this section include:
    • Metronome — This option enables the audio cue on the metronome when recording a song. The Metronome is on by default.
    • Slow Playback — Enabling this option will slow down the song playback, giving players more time to see the falling notes on the board.
    • Auto Play — Enabling this option will make the song play its notes without player input.
  • — Switch Instrument: Allows the player to switch between the different types of Shawzins available. If the player has not purchased another Shawzin, this option allows them to directly purchase other Shawzin types on the Market.
  • Start — Exit

    • — 1st String
    • — 2nd String
    • — 3rd String
    • Moving LS — Whammy
    • L2 — Sky Fret
    • RT — Earth Fret
    • R2 — Water Fret
    • Pressing LS — Scale: Players can use this key to change scale. Options include:
      • Pentatonic Minor
      • Pentatonic Major
      • Chromatic
      • Hexatonic
      • Major
      • Minor
      • Hirajoshi
      • Phrygian
      • Yo
    • — Songs: This section allows players to select pre-recorded songs to play on the Shawzin. Asides from a handful of default songs, songs played on the Shawzin can also be recorded to share with other players, and in turn pre-recorded songs can also be imported into the player’s song library. The maximum number of notes in song for linking in chat is 100. Global limit of notes in a song is 1000 and such songs can be copied to the clipboard and imported from it. Songs can only be copied to the clipboard and pasted on PC, as of now it can not be don on PS4, XB1, or the Switch. When a song is played, a rhythm game will commence where players must time play the Shawzin to the beat of notes falling onto a meter. Players will be given a score based on their performance after the song plays, though this score has no real effect on gameplay. Other options in this section include:
      • Metronome — This option enables the audio cue on the metronome when recording a song. The Metronome is on by default.
      • Slow Playback — Enabling this option will slow down the song playback, giving players more time to see the falling notes on the board.
      • Auto Play — Enabling this option will make the song play its notes without player input.
    • — Switch Instrument: Allows the player to switch between the different types of Shawzins available. If the player has not purchased another Shawzin, this option allows them to directly purchase other Shawzin types on the Market.
    • Options — Exit

      • Y — 1st String
      • B — 2nd String
      • A — 3rd String
      • Moving LS — Whammy
      • L Button — Sky Fret
      • R Button — Earth Fret
      • ZR Button — Water Fret
      • Pressing LS — Scale: Players can use this key to change scale. Options include:
        • Pentatonic Minor
        • Pentatonic Major
        • Chromatic
        • Hexatonic
        • Major
        • Minor
        • Hirajoshi
        • Phrygian
        • Yo
      • — Songs: This section allows players to select pre-recorded songs to play on the Shawzin. Asides from a handful of default songs, songs played on the Shawzin can also be recorded to share with other players, and in turn pre-recorded songs can also be imported into the player’s song library. The maximum number of notes in song for linking in chat is 100. Global limit of notes in a song is 1000 and such songs can be copied to the clipboard and imported from it. Songs can only be copied to the clipboard and pasted on PC, as of now it can not be don on PS4, XB1, or the Switch. When a song is played, a rhythm game will commence where players must time play the Shawzin to the beat of notes falling onto a meter. Players will be given a score based on their performance after the song plays, though this score has no real effect on gameplay. Other options in this section include:
        • Metronome — This option enables the audio cue on the metronome when recording a song. The Metronome is on by default.
        • Slow Playback — Enabling this option will slow down the song playback, giving players more time to see the falling notes on the board.
        • Auto Play — Enabling this option will make the song play its notes without player input.
      • — Switch Instrument: Allows the player to switch between the different types of Shawzins available. If the player has not purchased another Shawzin, this option allows them to directly purchase other Shawzin types on the Market.
      • Home — Exit

        Song Transcription [ edit | edit source ]

        Songs played on the Shawzin are stored as a string of numbers, letters, and symbols. These songs can only be manually recorded for up to 4 minutes with 1000 notes. However, you can import 4m16s songs with 1666 notes.

        Each song begins with a number, indicating the scale that the song is played on.

        Scale Pentatonic Minor Pentatonic Major Chromatic Hexatonic Major Minor Hirajoshi Phrygian Yo
        Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

        Every note consists of three characters, with the first character indicating the note to be played. Important to note that letters are case-sensitive and that whammy is not recorded.

        Possible First Characters

        Frets/Strings 1 2 1 & 2 3 1 & 3 2 & 3 1 & 2 & 3
        None B C D E F G H
        Sky J K L M N O P
        Earth R S T U V W X
        Water h i j k l m n
        Sky & Earth Z a b c d e f
        Sky & Water p q r s t u v
        Earth & Water x y z 0 1 2 3
        Sky & Earth & Water 5 6 7 8 9 + /

        The following two characters signal where said note is played with 4096 unique positions. The second character tells what measure the note is played in, from A-Z, then a-z, then 0-9, then +, /, for a total of 64 measures where each measure lasts for four seconds. Each measure is divided into 64 parts as the third character represents: A-Z, then a-z, then 0-9, then +, /.

        A sample note BAA will represent No Fret + 1st string played in the 1st measure at the 1/64th position of said measure.

        Note Relations [ edit | edit source ]

        ID (First Character)/Scale Pentatonic Minor Pentatonic Major Chromatic Hexatonic Major Minor Hirajoshi Phrygian Yo
        No Fret + 1 (B) C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C#4
        No Fret + 2 (C) D#4 D4 C#4 D#4 D4 D4 C#4 C#4 D#4
        No Fret + 3 (E) F4 E4 D4 F4 E4 D#4 F4 E4 F#4
        Sky Fret + 1 (J) G4 G4 D#4 F#4 F4 F4 F#4 F4 G#4
        Sky Fret + 2 (K) A#4 A4 E4 G4 G4 G4 A#4 G4 A#4
        Sky Fret + 3 (M) C5 C5 F4 A#4 A4 G#4 C5 G#4 C#5
        Earth Fret + 1 (R) D#5 D5 F#4 C5 B4 A#4 C#5 A#4 D#5
        Earth Fret + 2 (S) F5 E5 G4 D#5 C5 C5 F5 C5 F#5
        Earth Fret + 3 (U) G5 G5 G#4 F5 D5 D5 F#5 C#5 G#5
        Water Fret + 1 (h) A#5 A5 A4 F#5 E5 D#5 A5 E5 A#5
        Water Fret + 2 (i) C6 C6 A#4 G5 F5 F5 C6 F5 C#6
        Water Fret + 3 (k) D#6 D6 B4 A#5 G5 G5 C#6 G5 D#6
        • Whammy will lower these notes by one semitone.
          • Although C4 to D#6 is the Shawzin’s playable range across all 9 scale sets, B5 is currently missing and cannot be played without the use of Whammy.

        Example Songs [ edit | edit source ]

        Broken up for readability:

        Broken up for readability:

        Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

        Broken up for readability:

        Bugs [ edit | edit source ]

        • The control keys in the UI are not translated for AZERTY keyboards.
          • The UI displays W for the song menu, while it is physically bound to Z .
          • The UI displays A for the change instrument menu, while it is physically bound to Q .
          • The correct keys are displayed in the key configuration menu in settings.

        Trivia [ edit | edit source ]

        • Its appearance is reminiscent to three-stringed instruments such as the sanxian or the shamisen, but is played without a plectrum, much more like a banjo.

        Patch History [ edit | edit source ]

        • Fixed the Aristei Prime Shawzin not being available as an instrument choice for the Shawzin Emote, if you used it an Orbiter Decoration.
        • Fixed inability to exit the Shawzin with a controller if a key binding is changed since Start then becomes unbound.
        • Fixed incorrect mesh on the Mimica Shawzin.
        • Updated the grunge on the Corbu Shawzin to make it edgier for all your shredding need.
        • Titania can no longer play the Shawzin while in Razorwing due to it resulting in a very broken flying state.
        • Fixed Shawzin strings showing up as black boxes when HDR is enabled.
        • Fixed lag issues when playing the Shawzin.
        • Fixed a script error when attempting to play the Shawzin.

        Compose ballads of old threats risen anew, with this Shawzin.

        Shape intricate melodies with this geometric Shawzin.

        A note from our Sound Team: “We recorded many different real guitars to make this electric guitar Shawzin sound heavy. The sounds are a result of blending these different guitar tones together. Each of the notes has a couple of different variations so when you play it, it will sound like a realistic electric guitar.”

        • Added “Yo” Scale to the Shawzin. ‘Sup.
        • Limited Shawzin to 30 notes per second to prevent macros playing ridiculous amounts of notes and causing issues.
        • Fixed “long clicks” (more than half a second) in the Shawzin song menu cancelling the Shawzin emote.
        • Fixed the “D” key resetting Shawzin songs. Now you can hit the D key all you want.
        • Fixed Chat functionality in Shawzin screen.
        • Chat button on Controllers can no longer be rebound in the Shawzin controller bindings. If this key has already been bound due to not having this restriction previously, rebinding what’s there will fix it.
        • Changed the name ‘Vibrato’ to ‘Whammy’ to more accurately reflect its function.
        • Added custom Shawzin keybind settings for keyboard and controller!
          • Keyboard defaults are: Fret keys have moved from mouse to arrow keys.
          • Controller defaults are: Exit is now the start button (unbindable) so it does not cause accidental Shawzin exits. *Notes are defaulted to the bottom three buttons.
        • Added unique open/close sounds for the Nelumbo Shawzin (this time without causing crashes).
        • Fixed chosen Shawzin not retaining when switching to a different Shawzin.
        • Fixed a second player equipping a Shawzin with different notes resulting in your Shawzin notes being overwritten.
        • Fixed inability to reload if you play the Shawzin with less than max Ammo on your equipped weapon.
        • Fixed inability to be Gifted a different type of Shawzin then the one you already own.
        • Fixed the Shawzin no longer playing notes after playing for a prolonged time.
        • Fixed UI breaking when attempting to search for square bracket text in Shawzin Songs.
        • You can now record Shawzin songs with up to 1000 notes, but can only Chat linked if they’re 100 notes or less.
          • I wrote this change wrong! The true change is: You can now load 1000 note songs that you have recorded, but the Chat link limit of 100 notes still applies.
        • Fixed Shawzin ‘Autoplay’ always showing a score of 0 the whole time, instead it now shows «Autoplay».
        • Fixed a UI lockup when selecting a Chat linked Shazin song or Mod Link.
        • Reverted the addition of unique open/close sounds for the Nelumbo Shawzin due to it causing crashes and breaking squadmates UI.
        • Added unique open/close sounds for the Nelumbo Shawzin.
        • Fixed inability to play Shawzins that you have placed in your Orbiter.
        • Reverted change that allowed for you to use the Shawzin Decoration for Skins while placed as a Decoration in your Orbiter due to it causing a crash.
          • While we attempt to fix this, if you want to change how your Shawzin looks while playing, refrain from placing the decoration in your Orbiter


        Back in Update 25.4 (2019-07-18) we added the Shawzin to the Market for 40 Platinum — a placeable Decoration to remind you of The Sacrifice. Immediately the comments rolled in of ‘I wish we could play it’! And today that day has come:

        All Shawzin purchases now come with a free ‘Shawzin’ Emote that you can equip to play your signature instrument! Those who have already purchased the Shawzin will retroactively have the Emote. With over half a dozen Scales, 3 frets and 3 strings, your song opportunities are endless. We cannot WAIT to see what you all come up with!

        We have added 3 new Shawzin Decorations to the market with a different flair:

        MIMICA SHAWZIN — custom colour Shawzin! This Shawzin features an adaptive enamel that senses and mimics the coloring of any musician playing it.

        DAWN SHAWZIN — Like the morning’s first light, this Shawzin will wake the spirit within.

        And NELUMBO Shawzin — with it’s own sound-pack, it’s completely unique!

        SHAWZIN has been renamed to DAX SHAWZIN for clarity.

        Simply change your Shawzin while using the Emote using the menu provided!

        Some nifty features to explore with your Shawzin:

        • Numerous different musical scales to choose from
        • Play single notes and chords
        • Play along with Mandachord rhythm section
        • Practice songs included (and a «slow playback» feature also available)
          • «This Is What You Are», «We All Lift Together», and «Smiles From Juran» songs included!
        • Add vibrato and whammy bar effects
        • Record your Shawzin songs and share with friends by linking in Chat once you’ve achieved at least 4 Clems (points) by playing your track back
          • Shawzin can auto playback songs or you can play along
          • Metronome mode option (120bpm with quantization feature)

        Shawzin music can be heard in Squads and aboard landing crafts. Relays do allow you to play, but you will only hear your music and not your peers.

        This antique Orokin string instrument once belonged to a great Dax. The ancient ballad, “Smiles from Juran,” is one of the few known examples of music composed for this instrument.

        • Introduced as a background decoration in The Sacrifice.


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