Смарт гитара lag hyvibe

HyVibe videos

All you need to know about Lâg HyVibe guitar in 1’30» !!

Lâg HyVibe official

Remember, there are no speakers in this video, all the sounds come from the body of the guitar!

Thomas Dutronc discovering the Lâg HyVibe guitar

They talk about Lâg HyVibe

The greatest invention ever seen on a acoustic guitar! You won’t believe it

Lâg/HyVibe Smart Guitar at NAMM 2019 | Reverb

The first «Smart Guitar» is amazing (FR)

The LAG Hyvibe Smart Guitar. The Most Fun You Can Have With An Acoustic Guitar!! Love it.

Une Guitare acoustic auto-amplifiante avec des effets intégrés ? La Lâg HyVibe Smart Guitare | Reverb (ENG)

This Guitar is MAGIC! — Lag Guitars Hyvibe at Guitar Summit 2019 — The Guitar Geek

Review of the Lâg HyVibe, The magical Guitar that speak on his own (SPA)

New Gear: Lâg Tramontane HyVibe 10 «Smart Guitar»

Impressed by these Guitars — Guitar Summit 2019

Lâg HyVibe Smart Guitar — Guitar Summit 2019

Lâg HyVibe Démonstration — SonoVente.com (FR)

Lâg HyVibe with Mat’s demonstration (SPA)

Hurricane Music: Lâg HyVibe (FR)

GUITARRAVIVA — 09/09/2018 — Guitare Duel NYLON LAG REVIEW (SPA)

LAG HyVibe Acoustic Guitar | It Can Do EVERYTHING


Remember, there are no speakers in this video, all the sounds come from the body of the guitar!

Lâg HyVibe official

All you need to know about Lâg HyVibe guitar in 1’30»

Thomas Dutronc discovering the Lâg HyVibe guitar

They talk about Lâg HyVibe

The greatest invention ever seen on a acoustic guitar! You won’t believe it

Lâg/HyVibe Smart Guitar at NAMM 2019 | Reverb

The first «Smart Guitar» is amazing (FR)

The LAG Hyvibe Smart Guitar. The Most Fun You Can Have With An Acoustic Guitar!! Love it.

Une Guitare acoustic auto-amplifiante avec des effets intégrés ? La Lâg HyVibe Smart Guitare | Reverb (ENG)

This Guitar is MAGIC! — Lag Guitars Hyvibe at Guitar Summit 2019 — The Guitar Geek

Review of the Lâg HyVibe, The magical Guitar that speak on his own (SPA)

New Gear: Lâg Tramontane HyVibe 10 «Smart Guitar»

Impressed by these Guitars — Guitar Summit 2019

Lâg HyVibe Smart Guitar — Guitar Summit 2019

Lâg HyVibe Démonstration — SonoVente.com (FR)

Lâg HyVibe with Mat’s demonstration (SPA)

Hurricane Music: Lâg HyVibe (FR)

GUITARRAVIVA — 09/09/2018 — Guitare Duel NYLON LAG REVIEW (SPA)

LÂG HyVibe Acoustic Guitar | It Can Do EVERYTHING

Lâg Hyvibe THV10 DCE — Test in électro-acoustique

LÂG Smart Guitar — The first Smart Guitar (RUS)


LAG THV-10DCE SMART — Гитара электроакустическая Лаг

  • Производитель: LAG
  • Доступность: В наличии
  • Динатон — Интернет Магазин Есть
  • Динатон — Войковская Есть
  • Динатон — Верхние Лихоборы Есть
  • Динатон — Семеновская Есть
    Вес (в упаковке): 3.54 кг
    Размер (упаковки): 110 см x 50 см x 14 см
  • 3700166366381
  • Артикул: glh thv10dce
  • Код товара: 59706
  • Похожие товары

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Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG THV10 DCE

Верхняя дека из массива красного канадского кедра и корпус из красного дерева наделяют невероятной теплотой и глубиной звучания этот потрясающе удобный инструмент. Традиционный венецианский вырез гитары подчеркивает ее тонкий, созданный для безупречного исполнения гриф из высококачественного африканского красного дерева. Специально разработанная система пружин внутри гитары позволит продемонстрировать мельчайшие детали вашего музыкального стиля и обеспечит идеальное звучание.


  • Форма корпуса: Dreadnought с вырезом
  • Верхняя дека: массив красного кедра
  • Корпус: кайя (африканское красное дерево)
  • Подставка: браунвуд
  • Гриф: кайя (африканское красное дерево)
  • Накладка на гриф: браунвуд
  • Кол-во ладов: 20
  • Мензура: 650 мм
  • Колки: черные матовые, 1:18 ratio
  • Черные графитовые порожки
  • Отделка: матовая
  • Цвет: натуральный


  • Встроенные эффекты: реверберация, хорус, задержка, октавер, тремоло, фэйзер, перегруз
  • Встроенный лупер
  • Встроенная акустическая система для воспроизведения минусов с телефона по bluetooth
  • Метроном
  • Собственное мобильное приложение

LAG Guitars — французская компания с более чем 30-летней историей по производству гитар высокого качества, которые благодаря своему уникальному внешнему виду, легко узнать в любой точке мира. Таких как они, просто больше нет! Это очень красивые инструменты.

LAG производит акустические, электроакустические гитары, укулеле и тревел-гитары.

Электроакустические гитары представлены в корпусах Дредноут и Аудиториум, а в некоторых линейках можно встретить гитары с корпусом Parlor. Гитары оснащены звукоснимателями LAG и Fishman.

Одной из изюминок электроакустических гитар LAG является серия HyVibe.

LAG HyVibeпервая SMART гитара в мире, перевернувшая представление о том, какими могут быть гитары. HyVibe совершили настоящую революцию в отношениях между музыкантами и их любимыми инструментами!

Запатентованная технология HyVibe превращает акустическую гитару в полноценную акустическую систему, которая использует процессор эффектов, лупер, метроном, тюнер, технологию вибраций и многое другое, что расширяет привычные границы создания музыки.

Гитары серии HyVibe образованы от словосочетания Hybrid Vibrations, включающие в себя 2 противоположности: бесценный опыт многолетнего производства и самые передовые технологии нашего времени, создающие гитары будущего.

LAG THV-10DCE SMART — Электроакустическая гитара с встроенным процессором эффектов


Электроакустические гитары Серия Lag Hyvibe

Рассрочка от 7721р./м

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Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG THV10 DCE Верхняя дека из массива красного канадского кедра и корпус из красного дерева наделяют невероятной теплотой и глубиной звучания этот потрясающе удобный инструмент. Традиционный венецианский вырез гитары..

Рассрочка от 10039р./м

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Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG THV20 DCE Следующая гитара серии THV подарит гитаристам весь набор возможностей, который только может предложить система HyVibe. Верхняя дека инструмента выполнена из ели Энгельмана, известной в гитарном мире сво..

Рассрочка от 11589р./м

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Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG THV30 DCE Редкие экзотические материалы, используемые при создании гитар THV30 DCE — массив ситхинской ели «медвежий коготь» и узорчатая древесина бокоте — придают гитаре индивидуальный облик и отражаются в нео..

Сообщить когда появится

Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG THV30 ACE Редкие экзотические материалы, используемые при создании гитар THV30 ACE — массив ситхинской ели «медвежий коготь» и узорчатая древесина бокоте — придают гитаре индивидуальный облик и отражаются в нео..

Сообщить когда появится

Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG TLHV10 DCE (леворукая) Верхняя дека из массива красного канадского кедра и корпус из красного дерева наделяют невероятной теплотой и глубиной звучания этот потрясающе удобный инструмент. Традиционный венецианский..

Сообщить когда появится

Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG TLHV20 DCE (леворукая) Следующая гитара серии THV подарит гитаристам весь набор возможностей, который только может предложить система HyVibe. Верхняя дека инструмента выполнена из ели Энгельмана, известной в гита..

Сообщить когда появится

Электроакустическая SMART-гитара LAG TLHV30 ACE (леворукая) Редкие экзотические материалы, используемые при создании гитар TLHV30 ACE — массив ситхинской ели «медвежий коготь» и узорчатая древесина бокоте — придают гитаре индивидуальный облик и отра..

В категории «Электроакустические гитары Серия Lag Hyvibe» собраны инструменты с отличным звучанием и удобным корпусом. Они созданы из материалов высокого качества и рассчитаны на интенсивную эксплуатацию во время репетиций и концертов. Чтобы купить идеальную модель, важно правильно оценить свои возможности (навыки, опыт игры) и цели (повышение мастерства, игра в определенном жанре).

Мы поможем подобрать вариант как новичку, так и профессионалу. Если хотите вживую оценить гитары, приходите в наши розничные магазины в Москве.

Адрес 105318, Россия, Москва, ул. Мироновская, 25. МЦК Измайлово, м. Семеновская

Адрес 125130, Россия, Москва Старопетровский пр-д 1, стр. 2, м. Войковская, МЦК Балтийская, ТРЦ Baby Store. 2 эт, павильон 2-12

Адрес 119121, Россия, Москва Саввинская набережная, дом 3. м. Киевская

Адрес 127474, Россия, Москва Дмитровское шоссе, дом 64, корпус 4, м. Верхние Лихоборы


Choose one of our award winning Smart Guitars & join the revolution. Prices include global shipping & taxes, plus direct support from the HyVibe team. All orders are 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Showing all 8 results

Lâg HyVibe THV10DCE (with luxury gig bag)

Lâg HyVibe THV20DCE (with hard case)

Lâg HyVibe THV30DCE (with hard case)

Lâg HyVibe TLHV10DCE left-handed (with luxury gig bag)

Lâg HyVibe TLHV20DCE left-handed (with hard case)

Lâg HyVibe CHV15E (Nylon, with luxury gig bag)

Lâg HyVibe TNHV15ACE (Nylon, with luxury gig bag)

Lâg HyVibe CHV30E (Nylon, with hard case)

Guitarists love playing their HyVibes. Read what they’re saying:

What do I recommend about Hyvibe? Everything, and maybe some post cards, because you are going on a long journey with . your new best friend. read more

THIS GUITAR IS FLAT OUT AMAZING. Customer service is the best in the world. Shipping is unmatched anywhere. I have . played Custom guitars of all prices and this is hands down the best, most beautiful instrument I have ever owned/played. read more

Wow, just wow! Within three days after placing the order i recieved my guitar. In between was a really good mail . contact with the COO who let me choose my guitar (thanks again Matt). It‘s probably the most beautifull guitar i‘ve ever held in my hands. But what it can do is of a different world. The electronics are really easy to handle because it‘s so intuitive, the plain sound is great and everything works perfectly. I love it, every aspect if the guitar, the idea behind it and the whole experience of buying one. Keep up the great work lads! read more

From my first contact I have been pleased with HyVibe. I asked a question about shipping on the chat on their home . page. I got an answer in just a few minutes. What they told me happened exactly. It took four days to arrive at my home in Arkansas. It shipped from France. During shipping Matt Volsky contacted me to assure me that shipping was on schedule and asked if there was anything he could do for me. Matt is the COO at HyVibe. How many COOs get involved directly with customers? My new guitar came very well protected in a nice box. The hard case included with the guitar is one of the best I’ve ever seen. I was extremely pleased when I opened the case and laid eyes on my new guitar. This guitar is beautiful. The detail and workmanship is outstanding. Every piece of this guitar is top notch. Nothing is overlooked. It’s fantastic. It has a great sound without the electronics. It can easily stand on its own as a standard guitar. Now my favorite part. The HyVibe system. I’m 69 years old and not very computer savvy. I was able to figure the HyVibe system out in about an hour. This system is a blast to play with. It performs everything without any issues. The sound produced by the HyVibe system is second to none. Put all the features of this guitar together with a company that provides great customer service and you’ve got a winner. This is easily my favorite guitar of all time. Thank you HyVibe for your caring support and a fantastic guitar. Gary Saucier read more

Best system and guitare ever ! I have almost 10 guitars and, since I got my Lâg Hyvibe, it is the only one I play — the . looper is just an amazing feature — no need to connect guitars, loopers pedals etc. Just pick it up and play ! As one photograph said: the best camera is the one you have with you. Same for this guitar, so easy to play that you can really fully express what’s in the air 🙂 read more

The guitar itself is a work of art, but that is just part of it. The built-in effects etc. are just another bonus. This . guitar has rekindled my passion to play. I ordered from Matt at HyVibe in France and my guitar arrived in Hawaii 5 days later! There is quite a time difference between France and Hawaii, but when I opened the chat feature on the website Matt responded within 5 minutes to answer some questions for me. All in all this is a quality guitar with incredible features and the customer service is A+ all the way! read more

This is the best product I have ever purchased. It shipped from France to Seattle in four days! The company was in . contact with me everyday from the day I purchased it to the day it arrived. As far as customer service goes, it doesn’t get better than this. The guitar is even better looking in real life. The playability is great right out of the box. The action in the lower frets was low just how I like it, but the action gradually got higher in the upper frets. It’s very playable as is, but I might just make some minor truss rod adjustments to bring the action a bit lower for the upper frets. I got the base model with the satin red cedar top, it’s beautiful and feels very well made. The HyVibe technology is incredible! I loved playing guitar before buying the HyVibe, but now I can’t put it down and it’s the only thing I want to do all day everyday. For me, this is the greatest invention since the smart phone. With the looper, I can play the guitar part and the bass part of my favorite songs using the built-in octave effect. I can also change the effect from octave to delay to cut in some lead solos while the loop plays in the back. It sounds incredible unplugged and even better plugged in. There is so much fun and experimenting to be had with this guitar. I will never purchase another acoustic without the HyVibe system in it. I’m also a fan of Lag guitars now and will probably buy them exclusively from now on. The build quality, playability, sound, customer service, price point, and overall design can’t be beat. My old acoustic rarely got played because I quickly ditched it for my electric. but now it’s my electric that has been collecting dust because I can’t put the HyVibe down. I also am very grateful that the company is constantly working to improve the software to add more effects and optimize the system. It is clear to me that this is a great company that wants to hear and respond to their customers feedback, which is almost nonexistent nowadays. Like I stated earlier, this is the best product I have ever purchased. Get one today! read more

Was excellent doing business with Hyvibe. The transaction was smooth and they shipped the product immediately. I am . extremely happy with the guitar. The finish is beautiful and the Hyvibe system adds a whole new level of fun to playing. The app is very intuitive and easy to use. Thank you for providing a product that inspired me to pick up a guitar again. read more

Along with this groundbreaking technology, I would like to mention a couple of things. I placed an order for my Lâg . HyVibe THV30DCE and was told it would take a week to receive. Delivery came in ONLY 4 DAYS! I was blown away by its beauty. the exotic wood is absolutely gorgeous and the workmanship is excellent. But more importantly, it sounds fabulous. AND, it plays like a dream. even when I bend notes. I also appreciate that the company was quick to respond to all questions I had. If you are thinking about buying one of their guitars, I would highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed. 👍👍 read more

Been playing off and on over 40 years and I am truly impressed with my HyVibe guitar. I bought this one after watching . a lot of YouTube videos on it. I figured it was a little risky to buy before playing but not one regret. It is all that everyone is talking about. It took just under a week to receive. Excellent customer support via their website. Big shout out to Matt who even offered to give a personal tutorial on using it but honestly there’s a lot of fun ahead for anyone that just figures it out. The app really unlocks a lot of sound ideas. Plenty of cool videos on youtube that are helpful. So here’s the skinny. First of all its a really nice acoustic that plays well and sounds great. I have Taylors and have had Martins, this guitar sounds fantastic. I was a little concerned about it being made in China but that all faded upon inspection and playing it. It is nicely built and finished. What I really like is how it is changing the way I play. I don’t do bands and have always just played for my own fun and escape. Instead of getting lost in running through different songs or licks, I find myself using the looper and metronome to lay tracks, then get busy playing with myself (LOL) in pursuit of cleaning up mistakes. Since all effects are built in, it makes playing so much easier, so I end up playing more than ever. Very happy with it. read more

Hyvibe THV30 DCE What a great guitar really well made and the built in effects / Looper make it a very versatile . guitar To be honest I was sceptical and did think it was a bit of a gimmick but wow this is a serious piece of kit and the ability just to pick it up without having to connect to amp or pedals is great The App is really intuitive love how you can assign the slider on the guitar to a parameter drag and change the order of the effects in the chain etc I actually plug it into a modelling amp yeah it sort of defeats the purpose of the intended use but it sounds fantastic It’s a nice guitar well made and balanced! Nice Mid’s Nice High’s and not to heavy on the lows without doubt competes with the well known high end brands for sure My only gripe would be I feel a little anxious when I put it on charge and rest it on my guitar stand just got a feeling the charger plug will get snapped off at some point shame it wasn’t in a more convenient location but I understand it makes sense to combine it all in one unit Nice Work Lag/HyVibe I think you might be on a winner read more

I have played guitar for more than 10 years, and this is simply astonishing. I moved from genres like pop and rock to . world music, and this instrument is truly the next step in technology and innovation. My performances have gained a new impact and my creative sessions have become much more fun and productive. This is like the Tesla for the guitar industry. Very well done! read more

It took just a week to get my Lâg HyVibe THV30DCE. I got it yesterday. I love this guitar so far. Use the provided . charger. I was using a charger I already had and it wouldn’t power up. It worked instantly when I plugged in the provided charger as suggested by Matt. There are warnings in the manual about not using the provided charger. The firmware was automatically upgraded when I connected the Android app with my Google Pixel 2 XL (old phone). So, I didn’t have to use a cable and PC to upgrade the firmware as stated in the manual. I don’t have the proper USB A to C cable and a cable is on the way courtesy of Support. I have been having fun playing acoustic songs/parts using Rocksmith. This guitar can be plugged into an amp, so it works with Rocksmith. You can use the Rocksmith song tones or just mute the sound and use only the guitar tone with or without effects. You don’t need to know the notes and chords when playing Rocksmith. You can play a song you’ve never heard before. I have two electric guitars and bought my first guitar 9 years ago when Rocksmith first came out. This is my first acoustic guitar and I bought it for the smart features. Acoustic guitars are very different from electric guitars, but I have already been enjoying playing this guitar with and without effects and with and without Rocksmith. I never really learned songs by memory because of Rocksmith, but I intend to do more traditional learning with this guitar which will help with my electric guitar playing and work to not rely on Rocksmith. I prefer the more comfortable form factor and cut out edge on my Solar Guitars electric V guitar compared to this acoustic guitar, but the much lighter weight of the acoustic guitar makes up for that. I was playing the guitar standing up, laying down on the couch, sitting up in my recliner, and in my inclined bed yesterday. I’ll be learning and playing along with YouTube videos when not playing with Rocksmith. read more

Enjoying my purchase greatly . I saw a review of the HyVibe LaG with Justin Johnson . had to have one! maybe it’s . only a small thing not having to plug into an amp or effects pedals, however, it’s absolutely great to pick up the guitar and have the emphasis there on top . The quality of the guitar is fantastic, the electronics are worth the cost of guitar And then on top of this, it’s a really impressive bluetooth speaker I had some difficulties as a non tech 72 year old, stunningly, I had them resolved instantly online by the HyVibe support team . Wow! a manufacturer doing something about resolving customers needs straightaway What’s not to like here! Sincerely, this very special guitar is a keeper read more

The shipment tracking is very detailed. Item went from France, Germany, UK, to Ohio over the Xmas holiday weekend. I am . expected to see the item 5 days after I ordered it from France to Minnesota. Unbelievable that this service is included in the total price. read more

Considering all the chaos of 2020 I was pleasantly surprised by my virtual interaction with HyVibe and CEO Matt. I sent . a message and received a response and all the help needed to make my purchase! His product is so special and marries technology with a high performance guitar! Brilliant! Great customer service read more

I purchased this product and wow is it great. I use it a lot in my videos on instragram @petiegreene and i have never . had so many positive reviews on my sound and playing. I highly recommend this product to anyone who enjoys playing live or just wants a great sound. The built in looping system is phenomenal and the sound effects are fantastic! 11/10! read more

I’ve had my LagHyvibe for about a week now and there is no turning back for me. The build and quality of tone is . excellent. The interface is intuitive and easy to use. The battery life is great, charged it once and still on that charge. The sound quality and decibel level the guitar produces is actually surprisingly strong. I’ve made great use of playing a song via Bluetooth, adding a loop with effect, and lead with separate effect. This guitar is also very comfortable and just looks stunning. I very well might purchase another. read more

Superbe technologie, facile à utiliser, mises à niveau rapides avec ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités. de quoi . titiller le curieux créateur que je suis. une vraie révolution. une vraie évolution. merci pour tout ce plaisir. read more

This Guitar is just amazing! Firstible, the lag guitars are very great to play and have a a rich and powerful sound. . And the job Hyvibde made on it is just perfect! The effects sound great, you can easily build your own via the app. And you feel so much joy to play with your acoustic guitar, and add a reverb, a delay, or an octaver and feel the vibrations directly on your body! You can easily feel your fingers modify the effect : it’s alive! And finally they have a great team, they’re answering very fast if you have some questions. Congrats to Hyvibe ! read more

Ma HyVibe guitare me permet notamment de jouer sans sonorisation extérieure, avec des effets, certains déjà bons, . d’autres qui vont le devenir à n’en pas douter. Pour le jeu en voyage, en balade, à la maison, en acoustique c’est vraiment super et ceci sans parler du looper. Alors là c’est du top. Je n’ai pas encore utilisé les autre possibilités de la guitare, l’écoute Bluetooth de la musique par guitare. je prends du temps pour la dompter. Merci HyVibe. EG read more

I think one of the best things that happened ,this complicated 2020 year, was to have discovered the LagHyvibe guitar!A . very interesting idea , that came from the efforts of people concerned to bring a very good product , in the Music Market!Besides that, they are good people, always worried to solve the costumers difficulties!I got a THV10DCE, and just can´t put it down, a very nice guitar with effects, looper and great features , without the need to plug!It can´t get better than this! read more

Acheté il y a 1 an a sa sortie. Après avoir essayé la thv10 et 20 j’ai finalement pris une thv30. La nouvelle mise à . jour comble tout ce qui pouvait manquer à cette guitare. C’est le top. Cependant je regrette le volume trop faible du métronome dans le looper même après réglage depuis l’onglet métronome. Il serait bien également de pouvoir louper plusieurs boucles. Ça ça serait le top. Également un groupe FB ou autre ou l’on pourrait échanger nos paramètres fx serait encore un + C’est une superbe guitare que je recommande. read more


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