Суппорт для гитары gewa gitano

Гитарный суппорт

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

MR-1 Суппорт-подушка для гитары, легкий, Мозе.

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт для гитары Gewa Gitano

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Мозеръ MR-2 Суппорт-подушка (средний)

Наколенный упор для классической гитары стандартная модель

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

ERGOPLAY Tappert наколенный упор для классиче.

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Мозеръ MR-1 Суппорт-подушка (легкий)

Суппорт-подушка мозеръ MR-2 на колено для опоры гитары, средней жесткости

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт Мозеръ MR-2 -2

Гитарная двойная стойка, обеспечивает устойчивость двух инструментов любого типа — акустических или электрогитар, бас-гитар как при студийной работе, так и на сцене. Изготовлена из стальных трубок, покрытых резиной в точках касания с инструментами. Держатели грифов снаб.

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Ultimate Support JS-HG102 стойка гитарная дво.

Суппорт-подушка для гитары мозеръ MR-1 по выгодной цене

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт-подушка для гитары мозеръ MR-1

Суппорт-подушка мозеръ MR-1 на колено для опоры гитары, мягкая

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт Мозеръ MR-1 -1

Суппорт-подушка мозеръ MR-1 на колено для опоры гитары, мягкая

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт Мозеръ MR-1 -1

Подушка средней плотности для людей средней весовой категории

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт-подушка для гитары мозеръ MR-2

MR-1 Суппорт-подушка для гитары, легкий, Мозеръ. Суппорт-подушка заменяет традиционную подставку под ногу гитариста. Мягкая подушка для людей средней весовой категории

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт подушка под ногу гитариста Мозеръ MR-.

Ultimate Support GS-100 гитарная стойка с поддержкой грифа (высота 84-116см)

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Стойка для гитары Ultimate GS-100

Суппорт-подушка заменяет традиционную подставку под ногу гитариста. Подушка средней плотности для людей средней весовой категории

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

MR-2 Суппорт-подушка для гитары, средний, Моз.

Тип: тюнер для гитары, баса в форме LEGO

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный тюнер stagg teko

Гитарный настенный кронштейн прямой, черный

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Ultimate Support JS-GHG25 гитарный настенный.

Cуппорт-подушка на колено для опоры гитары, мягкая

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Мозеръ MR-2 cуппорт-подушка на колено для опо.

Тип: полифонический эффект питч шифтер, понижения строя

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный эффект digitech the drop

Тип — ученический комплект, В комплекте — электро гитара x1-rds цвет white pearl, комбо cm10g (10 ватт), чехол,тюнер, ремень, медиаторы, Количество струн — 6 струн, Параметр — значение, Тип струнодержателя — tremolo, Материал грифа — клен

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный комплект Cort CGP-X1-WP

Подставка на колено гитариста Wolf GS80 по выгодной цене

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Подставка на колено гитариста Wolf GS80

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Медиатор для гитары Dunlop Ultex Sharp

GS80 Упор на колено гитариста, легкий, регулируется по высоте. Wolf

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

GS80 Упор на колено гитариста Wolf

Стойка для комбоусилителя (до 68кг), черная

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Ultimate Support AMP-150 Genesis стойка для к.

Ultimate Support GS-200 гитарная стойка с поддержкой грифа, высота 82см

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Стойка для гитары Ultimate GS-200

Тип: педаль автоаккомпаниатор для гитары Band Creator + Looper

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный эффект digitech trio+ band creator+l.

Комбоусилитель транзисторный акустическая гитара количество каналов: 2 динамики: 1 х 8

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

BEHRINGER комбоусилитель AT108

Мозеръ Mr-1 cуппорт-подушка на колено для опоры гитары, средняя жесткость

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Мозеръ Mr-1 — cуппорт-подушка на колено для о.

Коллекционные медиаторы Joe Satriani для гитары, серебро на черном фоне, 10 штук в упаковке, средние — толщина 0,71 мм. Медиаторы дизайна JS выполнены из целлулоида премиального качества и предлагаются в белом исполнении с черной…

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Медиатор Planet Waves 1CBK4-JS Joe Satriani (.

Подушка средней плотности для людей средней весовой категории

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт-подушка для гитары Мозеръ MR-2

Педаль эффектов, электрогитара, портативный, от батареек, вес650 г

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Dunlop педаль MC402 MXR CAE Boost/Overdrive

Подставка под ногу для гитариста, черная. Вес — 0,8кг

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Ultimate Support JS-FT100B подставка под ногу.

Гитарный ремень, цвет черный

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

FENDER Running Spaghetti Logo Strap Black гит.

Pigtronix MGS Mothership Guitar Analog Synthesizer эффект гитарный — аналоговый синтезатор. Питание — адаптер 48 вольт (в комплекте)

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарная педаль эффектов/ примочка Pigtronix.

Тип: гитарный ремень с регулировкой длины

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный ремень stagg bja006rd

Суппорт-подушка заменяет традиционную подставку под ногу гитариста. Мягкая подушка для людей средней весовой категории

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

MR-1 Суппорт-подушка для гитары, легкий, Мозе.

Тип: плетеный гитарный ремень, стандартный

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный ремень Stagg SN5 Red

Эффект гитарный драйв

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Pigtronix Fat Analog Drive Distortion эффект.

MR-2 Суппорт-подушка для гитары, средний, Мозеръ по выгодной цене

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

MR-2 Суппорт-подушка для гитары, средний, Моз.

Ремень гитарный 50мм, с системой крепления Planet Lock, черный

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

PLANET WAVES PWSPL200 ремень гитарный 50мм, с.

Тюнер с тремя режимами работы: хроматический, для настройки гитары и для настройки бас-гитары. Светодиодный индикатор с управлением яркостью, режим повышенной яркости, функция визуальной индикации AccuPitch, настройка гитар с пониженным строем, настоящий байпас

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный тюнер BOSS TU-3W

Гитарный ремень, регулируемая длина 30-55 дюймов, ширина 2 дюйма

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания


MR-2 Суппорт-подушка для гитары, средний, Мозеръ. Суппорт-подушка заменяет традиционную подставку под ногу гитариста. Подушка средней плотности для людей средней весовой категории

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Суппорт подушка под ногу гитариста Мозеръ MR-.

МозерЪ MR-1-1 Суппорт-подушка на колено для опоры гитары мягкая по выгодной цене

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

МозерЪ MR-1-1 Суппорт-подушка на колено для о.

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный тюнер BOSS TU-10-RD

Компактный тюнер в форме педали эффектов, три режима работы: хроматический, для настройки гитары и для настройки бас-гитары. 21-сегментный светодиодный индикатор с управлением яркостью, режим повышенной яркости для повышения читаемости показаний индикатора на сильном св.

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный тюнер BOSS TU-3

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Гитарный тюнер BOSS TU-10-SV

Гитарная стойка с поддержкой грифа и быстрым складным механизом, высота 80 см

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Ultimate Support GS-200+ гитарная стойка с по.

Педалборд. Липкая лента и стяжки для монтажа педалей в комплекте. Отсек для крепления БП. Длина: 61 см. Ширина: 41.6 см. Высота: 5.9 см

Самовывоз, Почта РФ, Курьером, Логистическая компания

Ultimate Support UPD-2416-B педалборд из алюм.


Classical Guitar Supports

Here are some of the best guitar supports I’ve played on and reviewed. There are many types of ergonomic guitar supports and footstools (foot rests). Guitar supports put the guitar into an optimal position but also to allow for proper posture. Having one foot up on a foot stool can strain the body. However, foot-stools are not on their way out, many pros still use a foot-stool and I still recommend it for absolute beginners. If you are a beginner you should get a traditional footrest because everyone should at least be able to use them: Foot Rests on Amazon.

New to guitar supports? You’ll probably end up with more than one support for various reasons. Everyone wants something different from a support. Some want it to be strictly secure and others want maneuverability. Some want a small support to throw in their bag, others don’t care about the size. I’d recommend the Ergoplay Guitar Support (Tappert model) as a starting point or for anyone who can’t decide and after playing it for awhile you can decide if you want something like the small Gitano or the secure GuitarLift for example.

A few of my favourites

See my article: Favourite Guitar Supports for more info on which ones Bradford likes the best and why. Most suction cups work really well especially with cling vinyl on the guitar. One note, if you have a matte or very porous finish on your guitar and can’t get suction cups to work even with the cling vinyl stuff, I recommend you go with a clamp system such as the HB or Murata or the magnets of the Sageworks. A little update, I’ve also really been enjoying the newer Murata GR-1 with suction cups.

FYI, the non-adhesive protective and suction enhancing vinyl material I mention in the video is a non-guitar one called Grafix ClingViynl. I’ve used it on French polish and polyurethane finishes but I’ve been told not to use on lacquer finishes so use at your own risk, ask your luthier or maker. Also, I often use a black cloth/foam on my right leg to keep the guitar from slipping, just a basic Shelf Liner.

  • Favourite Guitar Supports – Bradford’s favourites and why.
  • Guitarlift Guitar Support – Kind of large but feels great.
  • HB Guitar Supports – Use clamps instead of suction cups.
  • Woodside Guitar Support – Clamps, more adjustable than Murata
  • Tenuto, Gitano, Murata, Sagework, Amy’s, ErgoPlay, Cushion
  • Mundo Guitar Support and Strap – Back mounted, maneuverable.
  • Review: Tenuto Guitar Support vs Gitano – Gitano is my fav
  • Review: Barnett Guitar Support Here – One of the best
  • Review: Murata Guitar Rest Support (GR-1 and GR-2)
  • Guitar Supports: Training Wheels for Student Guitar Positions
  • Two possible solutions to suction cup problems on guitar supports…

Mentioned in the video above (links to purchase)

  • Gitano – Love it, compact, minimal, used it for years. So small that I always grab it for on the run stuff.
  • Tenuto Slim – More adjustable than the Gitano and comfortable.
  • Tenuto Lite – Four suction cups bit I still the like the above two better.
  • Amy’s Handmade – Nice, and made of wood.
  • Ergoplay Guitar Support – Bulky but feels good and supported. Gravity on your side.
  • Murata – Love it, super secure. Doesn’t work on raised fingerboard guitars though.
  • Sagework – Magnets, awesome design, great solution. The Apple of guitar supports.
  • Cushion – Simple, bulky, but uncomplicated and it works. I can’t deal with it but people love them.
  • Guitarlift – Bulky but feels great (see review below)
  • HB Guitar Supports – Use clamps instead of suction cups
  • Footstool – Reliable and secure, classic. I still perform with footstools.

Ergoplay Guitar Supports (Amazon) – There are a number of Ergoplay guitar supports out there and this is just one of the more traditional looking ones. The Ergoplay device fastens on via suction-cups. Get some static cling wrap (Suction-Cup Protector) if the tiny grooves in your polish cause reduced suction. These feel pretty good, places the guitar in a nice spot and allows the guitar to be movable. If the suction cup comes off on this one at least you still have gravity to help you compared to the Gitano et al. It’s the most logic choice for the average person so choose this one if you don’t know which support you should get.

The Gitano Guitar Support

Gitano Guitar Support (Amazon) – The Gitano Guitar Support is ultra simple and low profile so therefore one of my favourite and most used supports, especially for on-the-run rehearsals etc. It also just feels more natural to me as my right shoulder isn’t elevated too much. It’s simple, small, and can fit in your guitar case. I love it for practicing but I’m too scared to perform with this one. If the suction cup comes loose there is no gravity to keep your guitar up, everything will crumble. It only rarely comes off with my static suction cup protector mentioned above. Still a great buy and I would buy it again for teaching and practicing. I recommend this as an option to have around but not as your primary support..

Tenuto Guitar Support

Looks similar to the above Gitano model but adds more suction cups. Sadly the one with four cups doesn’t fit my smaller guitar very well. I like how it folds over so it might fit in some cases. Order them from their website (tenuto.ca) via Calgary up here in Canada. I have two models from them, the Tenuto Lite (pictured on your left) and the Tenuto Slim. Also good is that the strap is adjustable so you can get micro adjustments going. PLUS, it has a pivot adjustment for angling your guitar inward to your liking. Depending on your guitar, two of the Tenuto Lite’s suction cups don’t always stay on as well as the others. Maybe because the wood of the guitar curves there is more pressure or not the correct angle on some of them? I really like the Slim though with their two giant suction cups but there is some flex to the large suction cup material that some people will not like. That said, it’s an awesome support and feels good, I’d be happy using it.

Sagework Guitar Supports (Barnett)

Sagework Guitar Support (Amazon) – Say goodbye to suction cups or clamps! This guitar support uses magnets to keep your guitar support in place. You can read the full Review: Barnett Guitar Support Here. Innovative and one of the best solutions with altering the guitar.

Pros: It will not come off in performance. Clean and beautiful aesthetic. Very adjustable. Great design and build quality. The cork will not damage your finish. It is generally cooler than the other guitar supports out there.

Cons: Maybe the adhesive thing. You might have to bit careful when placing and removing the support but you should with any product near your guitar. Otherwise, none that I can see.


See my full review here or buy from their site. I love the Guitarlift for how stable it feels and how I can get the perfect playing position. A solid guitar support that feels great to play. It’s on the big side but that is a small price to pay for something that works this well.

HB Guitar Support & HB Lite Guitar Support
See my Full Review Here to learn more or buy.

I’ve been looking for a trustworthy support for performance using clamps instead of suction cups for a long time. I used to love my Murata but because the clamps are so wide they don’t work on my raised fingerboard guitar because the top slopes down. Luckily, both the HB Support and the HB Lite support both work on my guitar since they attach lower on the instrument and the clamps are closer together. Read about the pros and cons at the full review.

Murata GR-2B, Guitar Rest

I’ve written a review of these: Review: Murata Guitar Rests (Ergonomic Guitar Support). Overall this is one of the better ones I’ve tried but I don’t much like the fastening device which constantly frightens me into thinking I’m crushing my guitar. Plus, if you have a raised fingerboard where the body of your guitar is not uniform then this is a pain. Here’s the quick of it:

Pros: simple, small, durable (metal all around), ergonomic sitting position, clamps are better than suction-cups

Cons: not highly adjustable (can’t seem to get a steep enough angle), heavy, the body of my guitar is not an even width due to my raised fingerboard so I had to place foam supports on one side to make it work. Might wear down my french polish. Comes off sometimes. However, if you have a normal guitar it should work very well.

Dynarette Guitar Cushion

People seem to love the Dynarette & Other Brands of Guitar Cushion but it’s not for me personally. All I can say is I don’t like the idea of having a loose object sandwiched between my guitar and my leg. I want to move the guitar up and down and side to side and not worry about loosing the cushion. Plus walking out on stage with it could be awkward. And it I think it looks dumb. It also makes squeeky sounds against the guitar polish. There should be a Seinfeld episode: “The Cushion”. Nevertheless they are popular with everyone from professionals to students and I think it’s a great solution for practicing. It’s also super simple so WILL work.

Also see these specific reviews:

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Review: Murata Guitar Rest (Support)

Intimate Impressions by Adam Cicchillitti & Steve Cowan

Napoli 1810: Italian Romantic Music by Pascal Valois


My favorite type is the Ergoplay Tröster (Fully Adjustable, 4 suctions cups)
In second place the Murata

I use a Tenuto support that is made in Calgary here http://tenuto.ca/

Thanks Tom! I’d add it to the list. I like the four suction cups…extra protection…

I am older (67) and have serious back priblems so i cannot use the footstool. I’ve used the cushion (large) but did not like it: it falls off; does not give enough rise for upper bout so I still needed foot-stool. Used something similar to the EFEL and the Tenuto, but it didn’t support the upper bout AND the suction cups would fail. My teacher uses the Neck-Up support and it’s ok but difficult to get the adjustment I needed. So so far, the support that works best for me is…the A-Frame! I like the way I can adjust the angel of the neck and the placement to the left or right. And the four suction cups are secure.

Interesting Bruno, I should try it out as I didn’t give it the best review here. Thanks for sharing!

I have also tried the ErgoPlay and found I like it the best. But there is a big problem with the suction cups leaving large marks on the finish. Beside being unsightly, the roughened surface then causes the cups to not adhere to the guitar.

Thanks Bruno, I am in the same boat (figuratively speaking) as you – age, problems etc. I am going to give it a try. Tony

Wow, that’s a great contribution to this article Wesley. Thanks. Another vote for the A-Frame, I’ll have to try it out.

HI Guys! I’m a classical guitarist from Perth Western Australia – been playing since 1969 & teaching since 1974. Have battled with upper back problems & R.S.I. & am in consequence a fully trained Alexander Technique Teacher as well. At the age of 56 found my lower back didn’t like a foot stool any more. Have already tried various suction type supports – no freedom of movement and made my shoulders very tense. Now have a Dynarette and am able to practice without pain – more mobility and security than a footstool. I have a short torso, which may be why the other devices didn’t suit me, but with the Dynarette I can alter the angle of the guitar any way I want (for high position work or artificial harmonics) and it doesn’t budge – i also use a “grip mat”. but the sticky strip on the bottom is really sticky – as an added precaution, you can wear velvet, cords or bare legs. I love dynarettes.

Hello Jane – I had a few lessons with you in the 80s but only recently started having postural back problems with a foot stool.Your comments are interesting.I will try a dynrete but the Mutara looks sensible! best wishes, John Spencer (now 77)

Hi Joh! Good to hear from you – I think I remember you; did you live in the hills? Let me know how you go with the Dynarette. My physio likes it; some other guitarists in Perth really like them, some don’t…

No, Lived in Applecross, Heathcote Hospital Super. One of our patients was a competent player.Look after your spine! John

I use a ‘Gitano’ support, which suits me. It is small, attaches with two suckers, and folds flat– so you don’t even need to take it off to put the instrument in a normal hard case. I always hated footstools as too cumbersome to carry round, and the same goes for all those big ‘frame’ things that attach in various ways. I’ve tried the EFEL, which doesn’t fold flat, and relies on a single sucker (not a good idea).

Thanks for your input Neil!

I use Hagi Rest http://www.hagi-guitar.com It really works great due to 3M glue technologie. After half a year I removed the glue pads for control, no glue on the nitro lacqeur at all.
I made bad experience with suction based rests.

This is an intersting discussion.I started classical guitar as a complete musical novice.I started out with a footstool but found Iit uncomfortable and was persuaded by a different teacher to try an ergo.I liked it immediately.It seemed to really help me but after approx 10 years of 3 hours practice a night I developed aching and burning in my upper body worst of allin my forearms.I stopped playing for 7 years and have recently started playing again, determined this time to avoid injury.After reading your article I have been reassessing my posture and the effect of using the ergo.I realised that in my attempts to prevent slippage of the rest on my knee or the suckers on the guitar I have been inadvertently tensing up all the time as I play. I have discovered that by setting the ergo at about a 60 degree angle and allowing the guitar to sit 4 inches further forward than what seems to be the usual position I have complete stability and am able to use gravity to advantage whereas before I was fighting it.I can’t help wondering if this has been the source of my injuries and pain?

I have been using footstools, ErgoPlay and for the last few years the Neck-Up which I found the best, and easy to adjust, handy when playing different guitars, using different seat heights, or wearing different heels! The only negative to report is the suction cups which can come off, though in my experience only with one of my guitars, which I suspect comes from the finish lacquer. Several of my fellow players and students use the Neck-Up, and all rave about it.
Great website by the way, most informative. Thanks.

Hello. Great website. I just wanted to express how grateful I am for you guys having this information up. I’m 18, have been playing guitar for 8 years and have been concentrating on classical for about 4 years. At a young age it’s funny to be concerning about back problems and in doing is I discovered with the help of my chiropractor that it was due to the footstool position. I have no information to share, since I was looking precisely due to my problem, but now I have a much better perspective about where I should be headed with my guitar support purchase. Again, thanks for the information and I am looking forward to share my experience and being a part of this community.

The video and discussion has been very helpful. It has helped me choose an ergoplay because it adjusts both for height and orientation of the fret board – making it easier to see than many other choices which do not allow for that. Brad, FYI, I wanted to order this through Amazon so you would get a fee, but Amazon does not ship this product to Canada. Ordering direct from Ergoplay would cost $35.00 for shipping. Has anyone found a viable alternative?

You can order it from the US via Strings by Mail but also, very likely, your local music store. Don’t worry about the Amazon thing, no big deal for me…

Thanks, Brad. For the benefit of those following this thread, I couldn’t find a local music store who carries Ergoplay.

Well, it depends on where you live, here in Victoria I know Larsen music carries them…

I have been using a dynarette (see previous comment). Unfortunately, I have had some back and left arm problems, including tenosynuvitis and a bursitis in my elbow. I think these are age related, (57) not connected to using the dynarette. I am experimenting with playing the guitar the other way around to balance out my body, and because it’s a very interesting intellectual exercise. So far it’s going well, but I can feel that my back really doesn’t like the footstool. Does anyone know of a guitar cushion made for left handed players?

Just bought a new Flanger on ebay for $11.20 free shipping.

You should check out the Barnett magnetic guitar support.

Regarding the new one, “Kris Barnett Adjustable Magnetic Guitar Support”, if you go to stringsbymail website and check guitar support section, this is being sold there for $96 and there is a video that clearly explains how it works. I have not used this, so am not best judge here. My experience with guitar support is only a small Dynarette cushion that I am not happy with. It is not adjustable and guitar slides on it, and is short for my taste.

Back to the Kris Barnett, based on the video, this device looks sturdy, very adjustable and reliable. But firstly it is too expensive, secondly you have to stick the magnets inside your guitar which is a bit scary as to if it might damage the wood, although it is apparently using a safe and easily removable adhesive, thirdly I don’t know how much the whole thing weighs, it seems to be rather heavy.

My gut reaction to this was that it looks too big and clunky. When s guitar maker spends so muvh time snd expertise producing the instrument he does not anticipate someone tampering with the inside.I would expect some kind of non musical reverberation ftom it!

Thank you for this article. I had my first lesson today and know that the footstool is going to kill my back (I’m 68). Haven’t decided which option to choose, but this will make my researching a whole lot easier!

Glad it helped. I’ll be doing a part 2 soon!

I have a Dynarette which I like. I reduced the slippage problem by adding a Velcro strip on the pillow on the side that faces the guitar. Guitar and pillow are attached to each other, eliminating some of the slippage.

I bought the A-Frame a few days ago. I had never used any support before but my back was starting to act up with the footstool.

Well, the A-Frame didn’t work at all. The suction cups come off too easily, I was never able to keep them on for more than 15 minutes no matter how I place them and how hard I pressed them. I will have to find something different. Maybe the Neck Up, Dynarette or Murata. No more suction cups for me.

I highly recommend getting some static cling wrap (plastic) for the suction cups. Many types of polish have tiny grooves where it has soaked into the wood and where air pockets exist and will not allow suction.

Thank you for the information. I have ordered one from Strings by Mail, as the Amazon price is outrageous.

A-Frame Guitar Support is the best I have used, but the suction cups could be much better and in diffrent sizes. Make it better and we have a wonderful choice. Dynarette Guitar Cushion are nice for practice.

I have been using the Gitano for many years but on my new guitar i have just noticed it has reacted with the lacquer causing it to come off. My luthier thinks it is because the lacquer has not had enough time to settle in properly but i am going to try a cushion asthis seems to bethe only one that won’t damage the finish. The Dynarette seems to be the one everyone uses but for only £11.99 instead of £35 there is one on Amazon called the Anself Contoured Guitar Cushion so might try that first – has anyone tried it?

I haven’t – I really like the Dynarette – but would be very interested to hear more about it when you have tried it.

A company call Kling-On makes static guards that won’t hurt french polish. A good option that I use.

Thanks for this excellent discussion. i have been using the Dynarette for several years — it allowed me to resume playing after a 10 year hiatus due to back issues. Thus far I have been unable to find a good alternative; I really don’t want to put a suction cup on my good guitars. I perform several nights a week so I need a solution that can be installed and removed easily and frequently without damaging the finish. I had dismissed the Barnett based on a first blush reaction, but your review has convinced me to try one, if I can find one. They seem to be out of production at present, presumably because of the shortage of rare-earh magnets. Like you, I am also concerned about the internal adhesive. If it is not strong enough, the magnets could detach during shipping or transport, which would be a disaster. If it is difficult to remove, then the guitar is permanently altered and that has various negative ramifications. I am not concerned about acoustic effects (Torres showed us that the back and sides really don’t impact the guitar’s sound) and the strong magnets certainly won’t rattle. So on balance it seems worth the try, though applying adhesive to a hand-made guitar always gives me the shivers.

I’m concerned about succion cups. I bought Gitano and let it stuck on my Martin custom shop guitar for a few weeks. Very bad idea: the plastic from the succion cup react badly with the guitar polish !

Egad. This is exactly my fear. I have simply reverted to using the Dynarette. I could never bring myself to install the Barnett magnets. I got the Murata, but found it unsuitable. Still hoping for a better mousetrap. Of course there is this approach: http://buildingtheergonomicguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Ergo-Acoustic-Guitar-Closeup.jpg

Hi all, I’ve tried the dynarette cushion after years of using a foot stool. I have to say the cushion is a real disappointment. It does not offer enough height on the guitar (even though) I am by no means tall. I also use the “large” cushion. The angle of the guitar is too low to comfortably play anything from the twelfth fret upwards. Lately I find that I use it in conjunction with a foot stool, which absolutely defeats the entire purpose! This thing sucks, and it doesn’t even have suction cups!

Interesting. I also use it in conjunction with a (low) footstool. By doing so, the cushion alleviated my extreme spinal problems, and allowed me to resume guitar playing that otherwise had become impossible. I do agree with you that the cushion is not ideal, and I found that some experimentation was needed with choice of chair, elevation of feet, angle of cushion, etc. But in my experience, the cushion has proven the best and most useful solution. I guess as usual, “Your mileage may vary.” I am a full-time musician playing 200+ performances a year, so for me it has been a lifesaver.

I am short, and use the Dynarette because my lower back tells me it has had enough of footstools. (I have been playing pretty regularly since 1969). I use a “grip mat” both under and on top of the Dynarette to increase stability, and also to stop it squeaking, which can be audible in concerts during quiet pieces. Combined with yoga and Alexander Technique the Dynarette keeps me playing and performing at 59.

How about a bespoke (classy ?) chair that has a swivel support from the right side to support the guitar?
Sit on the chair –swivel support in front and place guitar on support.
Adjustable parts to suit any instrument . Pivots , hinges and catches have already been invented.
Seat is used as per normal and will not twist the spine .

I’ve been looking for one of these for some time. I haven’t found a design that really works. In my case it absolutely must be easily portable, and just finding a well-designed portable chair is hard enough. Adding the guitar support is another whole level of complexity. But if anybody does this I’d sure be interested.

I would like to introduce you to the the most simple and effective support,- the Guitarlift…
It’s hooked at the back, has enormous stability and looks cool too.
Already chosen by many players. Such as Margarita Escarpa, Dr. Eva Beneke, Thomas Müller-Pering, Jozsef Eötvös, Michael Langer, Kostas Tosidis, Johannes Monno, Paolo Pergoraro, Arturo Tallini, Woody Man
And many more …
Check it out ….Guitarlift.de it’s available in transparent and black …soon in transparent black as well…

Interesting, but as stated above, I have zero interest in a support that uses suction cups.

Do we need a short hand way to define the different guitar positions that we can see these days? The upright John Williams position tells us of his violin training and friendship at college with violinist Alan Loveday . I think I`m right about that . Nice straight tendons in the left hand . Straight back and neck too .Julian Bream had a slightly lower intense relationship with the guitar shape .But derogatory comments about the appearance of a rest have a negative effect on possible solutions .Nothing is set in concrete but many people are too keen to reach for their shovels and start to load the ingredients into the mixer.
I can add a different element to controlling a slippery guitar but I need to work through a few details first .I will always avoid footstools and suction cups though .

What do you think about the Shearer classic guitar strap ?

For me, the Shearer attachment methods are totally unacceptable. Eye screw? Velcro? No thanks, not on my beautiful guitars. I use conventional strap buttons on most of my working guitars, and this approach is adequate when standing or for a little extra support while sitting and using a Dynarette cushion. (As I said above, the Dynarette was what let me resume playing after a long hiatus due to back problems. It’s the only real solution for my particular body configuration, although it’s not ideal.)

Aguado was on the right track there .He wanted the support to take away the puzzle of securing a lopsided , slippery weight . In the victorian era a toilet would be flushed with a clanking water container high up on the wall with a chain dangling down .Today there is a different approach .Hide it away and pretend it`s not there . Problem? What problem. The audience cannot see your discomfort so it does not exist . That`s why these instrumental aches and pains are never solved .We have raised the bar too high .Be ashamed of your problem .This is the modern theme .
But a survey of guitar chair designs provided by impressarios might give us a clue to the fixing methods we could evolve to hold a vertical pole strong enough to hold up the end of a guitar . Maybe bring on a cast iron street lamp , Art Deco ,with a convenient curved arm to complete the ensemble. A cheeky tilted trilby hat would match the scene. Cigarettes would be optional
But what is a guitar chair? Is there such a thing? I saw a picture of a guitar factory yesterday with endless rows of unfinished instruments in long rows .Just a few years before the wood runs out we could wake up a Rip van Winkle chairmaker and tell him what we need .
Imagine a sunflower in front of a tasteful curtain concealing the pole and all the audience glued to the mystery behind it. “Watch the sunflower children and tell me me when it grows”.Who needs music with that kind of excitement ?

Very amusing ideas. However, for me at least, the problem would not be solved by a static guitar holder. I must move around a good deal when I’m playing, and I’m pretty sure that having to wrap myself around a fixed instrument would not work for very long. I think all of our support options involve tradeoffs. I do agree that we can and should do better; but I’m sure that there won’t be a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Our body geometries and idiosyncrasies, our playing techniques, and the physical demands of the instrument (involving very different approaches to the top and bottom of the neck) ensure that somebody will hate every solution, and everybody will hate some solutions.

This question is like a daft game you can play when you ask “Guess what number I`m thinking of between 1 and 10 “. So you guess and the answer is “Wrong. Do you want to try again ?” There will never be a right answer. If we got very close the questioner with a guitar will turn out to be a trapeze artist wanting to play in mid air and won`t want to drop it . Is that right? Wrong ! Want another go ?
The game was “How do you hold a guitar ?” IE sitting still on a chair . Not standing up . Not moving around . Start again .
I think the ideal would be one of those large cane sofas where you are almost laying down. Then the guitar cannot have it`s wicked way and commit suicide by ending up on the floor. There was a Suzuki motorcycle made once with brand new disc brakes .They were not fully developed and the label stuck to the tank said “Do not ride this machine in the rain”. The pads were changed later with copper in the material .(True).
So a simple label on a guitar “Do not play this instrument unless you are laying flat on a sofa “.
Sofas with wheels ? Good game .Not frequently asked question —“Can guitarists ever play on a sofa ? ” The phrase Sofa /Guitar has probably been promoted to a dictionary .

This is getting quite convoluted, nothing wrong with experimentation and personal preference.

John Cadd, you again make some amusing points but I don’t think this discussion has been fruitless. I at least find it helpful to know what other people have tried. FYI when I say I move around, I don’t mean I walk around the stage, I mean I can’t stay rooted in one fixed position on the chair, or my back goes berserk. I need to keep shifting my angles. I also need to change my posture when I go high up on the neck above the body join. I don’t think either of those behaviors is unusual. That’s why a rigid guitar stand hasn’t worked too well for me. YMMV.

Oh we are getting closer then. For a moment I pictured one of those Mexican Marriachi Hooks that fit round the neck and then come under the guitar and come up to hook inside the sound hole. That must be hard on a nice guitar . So replace the leather with elastic at the tuning area and a swivel to follow your movements. Still mechanically simple and bombproof. The feet can both be on the floor .The footstool can grow to become a nightmare monster if you think too much about it . Maybe the idea of it suddenly tilting sideways could become a new phobia . Maybe elastic is not serious enough for serious music. Elastic does all it can to adapt to our wishes and we spurn it`s efforts to help us .

Let us try (both of us ) to separate the elements of holding a guitar. The left hand is required to hold the neck up as well as finger the notes. We should not expect the neck to support our left hand .It`s important to spell that out first .
The guitar is a large thing and we need to look at what different parts are liable to do. Look first at the top of the lower curve .Some guitars have an extra protective cover for the edge (or for the right arm comfort). We may get used to using it as if it`s an arm rest on a chair. The rest is not to protect the appearace of the edge as we cannot see it with a cover on. So how does that contact interact with the player?If the arm became uncomfortable then there was maybe too much pressure being placed there .That would transfer to the bottom of the guitar where slipping can begin . The right arm will generally be a secure enough controller for the top edge of a guitar .The bottom of the guitar will tend to slip outwards as the top is held in .The guitar body is not held exactly vertical so the bottom side will contact the inner guitar edge against the right leg. If the leg surface is “horizontal ” there may be slipping as the guitar bottom ( side) will not match this angle of the leg.
So most control is made by the left leg in a raised position for the guitar side to have a stable neutral contact. Neutral means the planes of side and leg mostly match their angles . So where is the problem in this position? There will still be some sliding effect along the guitar length if the guitar curves do not hook onto the left leg (as it were ).(so to speak ).This would require some type of grip (non slip ) surface either at the hook curve or at the right leg contact.
Out of those elements of a guitar hold which ones cause the most trouble? Let me know if I have left out anything. The footstool here is being used for the time being as a starting point. Any change from this is allowed but must be explained and reasoned through .
There is a type of material that will not allow shiny varnished surfaces to slide and which is not sticky is not velcro and does not use suction .. Would that be of interest ? That may be new to you .
Let me see if you have a clear ,precise understanding of why you are unhappy with your guitar hold . Left hand ,right arm ,right leg ,left leg ,your body ,the guitar`s body . Contact with the seat , spine alignment ,ischeal tuberosities all come into this. Even perching on the edge of a chair (ouch) can make you numb .

Sorry John, but your comment: “The left hand is required to hold the neck up” is incorrect! The left hand should have no part in keeping the guitar in position.

Yes, agreed. The whole point of traditional classical guitar position (and alternative improvements) is to anchor the guitar so that the left hand is totally free.

So left hand is eliminated from the subject ? What does that leave us ?

If you sit on a chair with both feet on the floor the thigh surfaces ,although not flat can be relatively flat if the chair matches your leg size .Already a variable has crept in .Worst would be a higher chair that allows the guitar to tilt and slide forwards . One simple element of the equation .
Where is the centre of gravity of a guitar? Does it vary from one guitar to another? Will the lengthways tilt of a guitar unsettle that fine balance without any help from the left hand ?
Feet on the floor time now .Some kind of support at the lower curve is needed .A shaped pad or cushion?Or a frame which is as invisible as we can make it .Completely invisible would be perfect .Cushions or pads tend to slip /roll or squirm out of position. One way is to fix it on the guitar. The other way is to attach it to the player or to a mythical object called a guitar chair . Unless it is invisible the player will need to haul it on stage and set it up first .
If you had a word with the management they could pull back a curtain when you are ready .No uncomfortable walking out on stage beforehand .
Ask questions till you are blue in the face and total resistance to every solution will be the result .

Thanks again for your detailed thoughtful comments. I should begin by saying that the whole point of this give and take has not been (in my mind) to present arguments or refutations or problems, but to air the issues. I think this has been successful. We’ve addressed a wide range of guitar support topics.

I did not view this as an exchange of “please suggest…” and “…no that’s not right because…” posts. It may have seemed that way, though. But I really wasn’t criticizing your suggestions, but just providing feedback. You’ll see that I have been chiming in on this discussion for a long time, because the issue is very important to me, and because my particular point of view sometimes gets overlooked when manufacturers consider user requirements (sometimes by looking at threads like this). So I try to pipe up whenever the topic appears.

My specific situation is unusual although not unique. Since you’re asking about details, I will mention that I cannot use a normal footstool configuration, because that causes my body…to explode, It is why I had to stop playing for ten years. So this is not a trivial matter for me. I am quite aware of the various nonslip materials you refer to, and they are helpful, and I’ve tried many of them, along with many of the other approaches discussed here. (Some of the nonslip pads dissolved my guitar finish, despite promises to the contrary, so be aware that those sales claims are not always to believed.)

In my particular case, I have experimented with many supports in an attempt to come up with a comfortable, efficient position that I can use for my normal work (often 5+ hour gigs, several days a week…so the solution has to be really effective).

As I’ve mentioned earlier, the most practical (for me) has proven to be a low footstool plus a Dynarette or similar cushion. It’s not ideal, but it works for me. Lately I have been anchoring the cushion with cords that attach to the guitar’s strap buttons (on those instruments that have strap buttons); and this is helpful. Occasionally, I use a normal strap, either standing or sitting, and when sitting sometimes with stool/cushion and sometimes not.

I should add that a robust stool has been very important. I’ve settled on the K&M stool plus backrest (http://products.k-m.de/us/Drummer-s-ThronesBenches-and-Stools/Stools/14046-Pneumatic-stool-black-fabric) as the most effective for my own needs. Lumbar support is critical for me.

Another theme in my comments has been that suction cups, adhesives, and other things that might damage a valuable instrument’s finish are not of interest except when I’m playing a “beach guitar.” Most of the commercial solutions use these, and they’re great for many people. But I remain in search of really good alternatives for stabilizing a valuable instrument that don’t require me to elevate my left leg (much) nor assume a too-rigid position nor involve altering or risk damaging the guitar.

I think that the “Brahms Guitar” cello-like approach is probably closest to my ideal; but of course this doesn’t work with a conventional instrument. I still think that a better device can be designed than what we have today, sort of a hybrid between a cushion and a Barnett support — one that provides a mix of stability, adjustability, safety, and comfort; and I’ve put some thought into how this might work. But we’re not there yet, and my particular set of problems are not so common — I don’t think anybody is going to build them for me. But I pipe up in case it happens. I’ve been wrong before.

Thanks again for your helpful suggestions and comments. I really don’t think this is a question of my rejecting your ideas, nor of your ignoring my needs. It’s a complex problem, and it needs a lot of discussion. I expect that some readers will find what they need from your suggestions; and that others will see my comments and realize that they might have some problems using the standard products.


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