The promised land ноты

Secret Garden — The Promise

Secret Garden — ирландско-норвежский дуэт, играющий в стиле new age, celtic и neoclassical music.

Дуэт состоит из Фионнулы Шерри (Fionnuala Sherry), ирландской скрипачки, и норвежского композитора/пианиста по имени Рольф Лёвланд (Rolf Løvland). Secret Garden продали более 3 миллионов копий альбомов и победили на конкурсе Евровидения, выступая за Норвегию в 1995 году с композицией «Nocturne». На конкурсе песню спела норвежская певица Гуннхильд Твиннерейм, но в состав группы она не входит. Кроме того, Рольф участвовал в написании песни «La det swinge» (Let it swing), которая обеспечила победу Норвегии в 1985 году.

Успех на Евровидении обеспечил успех их первого альбома «Songs from a Secret Garden». Было продано около миллиона копий по всему миру, в Норвегии и Корее альбом стал платиновым, золотым в Ирландии, Гонконге и Новой Зеландии, и два года (1996—1997) продержался в чартах Нью-Эйдж Биллборда. Барбра Стрейзанд адаптировала песню «Heartstrings» c альбома под «I’ve Dreamed Of You» для своего альбома «A Love Like Ours». Она также использовала «Heartstrings» на своей свадьбе с Джеймсом Бролином.

В 1997 году последовал альбом «White Stones», который также попал в первую десятку Нью-Эйдж Биллборда. «Dawn of a New Century» в 1999-м, «Dreamcatcher» в 200м и «Once In a Red Moon» также имели успех по всему миру и достигали верхних строчек чартов Биллборда.

Их знаменитая песня «You Raise Me Up», исполненная Брайаном Кеннеди, была записана более сотни раз другими исполнителями, включая таких звезд, как Josh Groban, Russell Watson, Westlife, Sissel, Becky Taylor и Il Divo.

Читайте также:  Генератор аккордов для гитары с пианино

Secret Garden выпустили альбом «Dreamcatcher: Best Of» для своего тура по Австралии и Новой Зеландии в 2004 году. Он достиг вершины чартов в Австралии и вошёл в 50-ку лучших альбомов чарта ARIA.

Музыка Secret Garden использовалась в ряде известных фильмов, в том числе в саундтреке фильма Вонга Карвая «2046».


The Promised Land

Survival Difficulty Class: 0



The first room you will enter in if you ever get into The Promised Land

The Promised Land is an unconfirmed level and is considered a myth (look at the origins category). If you enter it, you will be transported into a building with 300 floors, 1000 rooms of at least 30m² each. The lights are all pink and can be turned off or on at any time. Behind the windows are curtains that are only visible all night. When it’s day, the curtains will disappear and a floor somehow made of solid clouds will appear. On those clouds, there are multiple trees of an unknown species. The leaves of those trees are also made of some sort of clouds. The fruits that the trees produce (that we will now call Cloud Trees) are edible. If you ever find it, please attempt to contact other people as it may be one of the safest and nicest levels in the Backrooms. This level also has a day-night cycle replicating that of The frontrooms.

Room Types:


Bedroom is a room with 2 to 6 beds, each one of them having a little PVC nightstand with a lamp and multiple unknown books.

Living room

Living room is the biggest of the room types (at least 100m²). Living Room contains at least 3 sofa, 4 tables with various fruits (such as bananas and apples), and 5 gaming consoles with 5 flat TVs in some of the living rooms. Gaming consoles and TVs seem not to have a specified producer. There may be a fireplace, but this is not guaranteed.


Kitchens have all the standard cooking tools (pan, oven forks, plate knives and all the things you need to cook and eat). There is an entity called Handy Machine that is a device that can cook raw food. You can only cook 3kg at the time and it has a 1 hour cooldown. It can also boil Almond Water and other drinks.

Dining room

You will always find a dining room next to a cooking room. It contains a 5 meter long pellucid table with 10 chairs.


The Infirmary is a 30m² room with a lot of lockers all containing all kinds of Medication, First Aid Kit , and Neon Water of all colour and taste (you can also find this in the kitchens by using the Handy Machine). There is also an entity called The Medicator. It is a 2 meter long table with multiple robotic arms and a scanner. It looks similar to devices used for remote surgery in The frontrooms. If somebody is sick or injured, putting them on The Medicator will scan for any issues and then resolve them. You just have to give it the medication needed. It is not hostile and is a very good doctor.


This is a room where you can find bookshelfs and a fridge with food that restocks every 1 hour. You can also find a high-end computer and a credit card with infinite money. The owner and creator of this credit card is not known. There is a radio, too. It plays a song and anyone who listens to that song experiences extreme joy. This room can sometimes be found next to a kitchen.

The song that radio plays, sorry for the background noise this is just my friend playing minecraft.

The Shop

The shop is located near the main room of The Promised Land . It is a large mall complex where you can buy anything for very little amounts of money.

A photo of the shop

There are still more room types yet to be discovered.


The first mention ever of The Promised Land was found in Level 0 during an expedition by two people from The Backrooms Explorers. They found the mask of a Partypoopers laying on the ground. Right next to it was a torn piece of paper, with on it, a note saying «The last of us are here!» accompanied with the only picture we have of the Promised Land. The was also a book named «The Promised Land» (who seems to come from there) containing most of the information we have about it. Soon after the discovery of this level, the rumour of an heaven-like level spread across the backrooms, mostly through The Hub. Many tried to enter The Promised Land (look at incoming entries and exits category) but none of them have succeeded.A very popular theory about this level is that The Promised Land is connected to Level 777 by a portal or is even a part of it. There may be updates for the expeditions, if one of them succeed or discover something new.


Storks (but even more friendly, as they will not turn into smoke if attacked but will just run away)

Enters and Exits:


— Dive into a painting in Level 384 or Level 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 and have a small chance of ending up here.

— The Conductor said you can find a 15 meter long and 10 meter tall staircase with a white door at the end that transports you here. It can appear in any level, however, no staircase leading to The Promised Land has been found.

— All of the Level 777 sublayers lead up to The Promised Land.


— You can find a door labelled ´´Exit´´ on the ground floor. Go through that door at the day to enter The Frontrooms.

— However, if you exit through the same door at the night, you will enter the Debug Room.

— Die in this level to enter Level 67622

Colonies and outposts:

The Promised Land Exploration Alliance (or T.P.L.E.A)

The Promised Land Exploration Alliance is not really one colony but more of an organization ( a bit like the UN in our reality) made by multiple colonies of the Backrooms to find this level. The TPLEA was originally created in 2003 by The Federation of Three Flags, the Backroom Explorers , The M.E.G and The Tourism Guild. Sine then many other colonies, big or small have joined the TPLEA (such as many old members of the New Backrooms Republic, the B.A.S and many others). Most expeditions are made by this organization.

Now than the fifth fun war has begun, more and more people are joining the TPLEA to find a safe place from the partygoers and ready themself to kill them. It has also turned into a resistance against the partygoers.


Note: this category will be updated as new expeditions to find The Promised Land will be made.

The First expedition was made by 4 people from The Republic of Level 153 in 2004. They had to stop after accidentally getting into the Level 1051 and no-clipped back to Level 0 because, by extreme luck, the lights were on.

The second, by the T.P.L.E.A used 5 explorers, they first got to Level 36, took Spirit gates to go to Level 34, they then traveled to Level 99 and chose to go back to the The Hub.

The third expedition is one of the biggest with 50 people. It was made on 2009. Their goal was to get level 777 and ask the gate guardian about The Promised Land. The TPLEA also made sure than every member of this expedition had already hurt a monster at least once so they wouldn’t betray the group and enter the door of Level 777. But for that they needed to go through the extremely dangerous Level 666. One of the explorers wrote a journal during the expedition and im going to use it to relate this expedition:

The forth expedition was made by 7 explorers from The Backroom Colonists group. Set on 2021. Possibly, the group was the first group to get to the level and attempt colonisation, as during the trip, one member had disappeared in Level 384. Since Level 384 was relatively safe, it was unlikely an entity that killed that member. Although, this member has still never came back, and any telecommunication methods to get to the missing explorer failed. So it is extremely unlikely he made it. More attempts will be made, with expansions in trying to reach the levels that can move people onto this level.

The fifth expedition is being made by 5 explorers also from The Backroom Colonists group. They are currently settling in Level 666, trying to find a way to Level 777, as that is the easiest entrance to the level.


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