Томас риджуэлл eddsworld с гитарой

Thomas Ridgewell

This article is about the real life figure. You may be looking for the fictional character.

Thomas Ridgewell




Thomas James «TomSka» Ridgewell is an English YouTuber, actor, writer, producer, director, voice actor and filmmaker. He was, along with Matt Hargreaves, one of Edd Gould’s closest friends. Ridgewell voiced his animated counterpart in Eddsworld and has contributed to it from 2004 to 2016. [1] He is mostly well-known for creating the asdfmovie series.


Early Life

Thomas was born on June 27, 1990 to two then-26-year-old Jehovah’s Witnesses. [2] [3] He was originally going to be named «Dudley», but his parents decided to name him «Thomas» after his twin sister, Amelia, died in his Mother’s womb during a car crash. Thomas was raised a Jehovah’s Witness, but he no longer holds his faith. [4]

Meeting Edd Gould

Tom met Edd Gould on the StickSuicide forums (now Explosm.net, best known for their Cyanide and Happiness webcomic). He initially looked up to Gould as an idol; they quickly became friends, and Ridgewell would often send Gould his animations for critique.

The story of how Tom and Edd first met, as well as the early history of Eddsworld, is detailed in a deviantART journal entry: [5]

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I [. ] met Tom online actually, shortly after I started making stick animations, he was actually a fan who had added me on a messaging service back when I did stick animations because he liked the animations I had posted on StickSuicide.com (now Explosm.net www.explosm.net) and he basically sat in my contact list for a long time, when Edd Again came out he started talking to me more, even sending fan art and his work (which was clearly a take on the style used in Edd Again) which he shortly fixed by adding a monobrow on the face (hence Tom’s initial appearance). Then we carried on speaking and I didn’t include Tom in any of my animations until late 2004 when I initiated him «into the crew». He was technically the first member too!

When Tom joined the cast of Eddsworld, Edd drew up a «contract» in MS Paint, stating if Tom left, he would have to kill himself or stop animating.

Ridgewell also appeared briefly at the end of the short «Fan Service» displaying three T-shirts that were available at sharkrobot.com.

Death of Edd Gould

«Edd may be gone, but his world will keep on spinning.» — Thomas Ridgewell

Ridgewell states he was informed of Gould’s death by a phone call from Gould’s mom on Sunday morning, around 10 A.M, where she said he passed away the previous night. He was hungover at the time but sobered up immediately. Ridgewell further explained that while the situation was explained to him, he couldn’t really focus on it at the time, and «freaked out» for a bit. Matt Hargreaves called him and came over, and people started coming over throughout the day.

Tom decided to hold off on the announcement of Gould’s death for a couple of days. The video RIP Edd Gould (1988-2012) was made on Monday. Ridgewell said it was «tough» to make; Bing was the assistant director for the video, and they all just kept quiet and worked on it throughout the day.


Томас риджуэлл eddsworld с гитарой

Character Information


Voiced by


First Appearance

Latest Appearance

Tom is a main protagonist in Eddsworld and the animated counterpart of Thomas Ridgewell.



Tom wears a blue hoodie, large spiky hair (he called it «Steve» in «Moving Targets»), no eyes, and a spherical head. Sometimes, Tom is shown to have dark blue jeans whereas at others to have normal grey leg-wear. He wears checkered shoes which are the set out the same way as a chess board. Tom is the shortest compared to Edd, Matt, and Tord.

Tom’s eyes started off as a black line, but later transitioned into empty, black sockets. He inherited this peculiar trait from a bowling ball (considered Tom’s «mother»).

In a second Tumblr post made after the end of Eddsworld: Legacy, the real Tom stated that Tom’s black eyes came about from a suggestion he made to Edd after noticing that he would often draw Tom with hollow white eyes when he was shocked. Tom suggested Edd replace his character counterpart’s unibrow with black circles for easier animation. Tom meant for them to be fully black eyes which were caused by the counterpart being possessed by a demon that would take control of Tom’s body in moments of extreme anger. Edd decided to take his own approach to the new look and portray them simply as empty sockets.


Tom’s «father» (Fun Dead)

Tom seems to have a more consistent portrayal throughout his appearances. Tom is generally portrayed as cynical, pessimistic, and cold. Tom can be smart or stupid depending on the situation. Tom does not usually get along with others such as Matt or Tord, and does not enjoy Christmas. Tom is addicted to alcohol, particularly Smirnoff, and cares deeply for a bass guitar (which Tom calls Susan).

Tom’s Parents

In «Fun Dead», Tom’s «mother» was a bowling ball and Tom’s «father» was a pineapple, explaining the lack of eyes and spiky hair. In a flashback in «25ft Under the Seat», Tom’s «father» was drawn as a watermelon.


Tom’s Classic Design

–Tom , Space Face Part 1

Lame. wait. Ahhhhhhh!

–Tom , The Snogre

–Tom’s clone , Spares

Holy lonely pony eating macaronis!

–Tom , Hammer & Fail 2 (Rooftop Rumble)

Ugh. He just kept screaming, crying, begging for help, his things breaking, evil laughter, sobbing, his TV keeps turning on and off, his window opening, and suddenly enigmatic gusts of wind are coming through. (Bites toast) You know, That sort of thing.

–Tom , Hammer and Fail 2 «Rooftop Rumble»

What do we look like, his friends?

–Tom , Hammer & Fail 2(Rooftop Rumble)

I don’t see why not we just open the door and. now I’m going backwards!

–Tom , Hammer & Fail 2 (Rooftop Rumble)

Um, pardon me neighbor, what a lovely day, could we per chance borrow a cup of your finest sugar?

–Tom , Space Face (Part 2)

–Tom , 25ft Under The Seat

You know when I told you I didn’t hate you, I LIED!»


Tom from the Future

Tom’s future self appears in «WTFuture» with Future Matt to the present with an extra time machine to stop Edd’s future self from killing the «present» Edd. When the present Tom sees Tom from the future, the former asks about the high-tech visor in place of the latter’s eyes. Tom’s future self reveals that taking a laser to the face and developing cancer resulted in the visor being there.


Tamara is Tom’s female counterpart from «Mirror Mirror». Tamara is voiced by Chloe Dungate.


Томас риджуэлл eddsworld с гитарой

Один из главных персонажей «Eddsworld». Он был создан на основе Тома Риджуэлла, который и озвучивал его, пока не решил покинуть «Eddsworld» . Он был озвучен в предыдущих эпизодах Алексом Л’Аббе, а также Эддом Гулдом в его первом выступлении. На данный момент неизвестно, кто его заменит.

Главной особенностью персонажа является то, что он не имеет глаз, но при этом, Том способен видеть. Когда-то — «TomSka» сказал, что у Тома просто черные глаза. У него длинные колючие волосы, растущие вверх [которые он назвал «Стив» в «Moving Targets»] и круглая, сферическая форма головы. Этот персонаж всё время носит синюю толстовку, а вот штаны Тома меняются в зависимости от сезона. Он носит обувь в черно-белую клеточку, напоминающую по расположению и расцветке шахматную доску. Том большую часть времени проводит со скучающим выражением лица, но иногда показывает более яркий спектр эмоций.

Том всегда невозмутим, какие бы огромные проблемы не происходили, как показано в «Space Face» [Part 2], когда он стоял рядом с кнопками и нажимал на них, он не делал абсолютно никаких реальных усилий, чтобы не допустить падения корабля на Землю. Персонаж также не паниковал в тот момент, когда корабль шел полным ходом, и не проявлял никаких признаков волнения.

Хотя чаще всего Том показан довольно пофигистичным, он всё равно имеет более бодрый вид в некоторых ситуациях, а также он часто шутит. Например, его постоянные «святые-» фразы, которые он произносит почти в каждой серии, в которой появляется. Также известно, что Том ненавидит Рождество, из-за того что никогда его не празднует, это показано в конце 2005 года «Special Special». Очевидно, что вместо этого он празднует Хануку [которую считает дурацкой]. Доказательство можно впервые увидеть в серии «Hello Hellhole» [Эдд, Мэтт и Торд заходят в дверь для туристов, тогда как Том заходит в дверь для свидетелей иеговы].

Том не особо эмоционален, имеет садистский и жестокий характер. Он не стремится заботиться ни о чем, если это не принесет ему какой-либо пользы [не включая «Zanta Claws II», где он спасает Санту от выстрела, прыгая перед ним]. Персонаж также никогда не поможет кому-то, если ничего не получит взамен. Но вот в предыдущих эпизодах он был явно добрее, например, в «Zombeh Nation» казалось, что Том действительно беспокоится о Мэтте. Это также очень холодный персонаж, который осознает, что его действия часто вредят людям, но при этом, Том не берёт на себя никакой ответственности за свои поступки. Время от времени он заставляет других страдать, чтобы вознаградить себя и ещё он часто унижает людей.


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See, this is why you guys should NEVER listen to me.»