Цифровое пианино korg g1 air

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Korg G1 Air – компактное и стильное цифровое пианино

Компания Korg на предстоящей выставке Musikmesse 2017 покажет несколько новых продуктов, среди которых будет и цифровое пианино G1 Air. Выполненный в компактном элегантном корпусе, этот инструмент оснащён полновесной молоточковой клавиатурой (тут используется механика RH3), обеспечивающей аутентичные ощущения при игре. Также пианино может похвастать мощной акустической системой, способной обеспечить «великолепное звучание, подобное звучанию настоящего рояля». Система эта состоит из четырёх динамиков, каждый из которых подключен к отдельному 20-ваттному усилителю.

G1 Air содержит в общей сложности тридцать два выразительных тембра. В их числе – звуки трёх всемирно известных концертных роялей, каждый из которых имеет свой уникальный характер. Также новинка может предложить три встроенных эффекта студийного качества: brilliance, reverb и chorus. Производитель утверждает, что для каждого из 32-х тембров уже предустановлены оптимальные пресеты эффектов, так что вы сразу же сможете начать играть с идеальными настройками.

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Ещё одним немаловажным достоинством Korg G1 Air является наличие встроенного Bluetooth. Подключив к инструменту смартфон или планшет, вы сможете играть вместе с записью вашего любимого артиста или группы. Также G1 Air можно использовать в роли высококачественной беспроводной акустической системы.

Что касается других особенностей новинки, то все они перечислены ниже:

  • 120-голосная полифония и тон-генератор Stereo PCM;
  • пять уровней динамической чувствительности клавиатуры;
  • 10 демонстрационных композиций и 40 композиций для фортепиано;
  • различные функции для обучения, включая режим «Partner»;

  • 2-дорожечный MIDI-рекордер для записи собственного исполнения;
  • коммутационные возможности: USB-порт для подключения к компьютеру, вход и выход MIDI, аналоговый линейный выход и два выхода на наушники;
  • три педали: Damper, Soft (с функцией полупедалирования) и Sostenuto;
  • три варианта расцветки корпуса: чёрный, белый и коричневый.

Стоимость и дата появления Korg G1 Air в продаже, вероятно, будут озвучены производителем во время выставки.


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Цифровое пианино Korg G1 Air BR

При оплате банковской картой через наш сайт используется эквайринг от Сбербанка, который помогает сохранить конфиденциальность персональных и платёжных данных покупателя.

Большинство товаров имеют гарантийный срок 6 месяцев , исчисляемый со дня передачи товара потребителю. Исключение составляют бренды Elektron, Pioneer, Sony, RME, Yamaha и Steinberg (для них гарантия составляет 12 месяцев), а также Casio, ADAM (гарантия 2 года)

138 000

Korg G1 Air BR – цифровое пианино с непревзойденным звуком и высокой выразительностью игры. Обладая детализированным звуком и динамической чувствительностью, инструмент обеспечивает пианиста всеми оттенками музыкального выражения. Точно спроектированная полновзвешенная молоточковая клавиатура RH3 идеально реагирует на различное исполнение: от нежного пианиссимо до мощного фортиссимо.

В секции звуковой генерации работает стерео PCM-система, что дает 120-голосную полифонию. Доступно 32 выразительных тембра, в том числе базовые звуки трех концертных роялей, отличающихся уникальным характером. Еще G1 Air BR может предложить три эффекта студийного уровня. Это яркость, реверберация и хорус. У них есть по три уровня, и для каждого из тембров заранее установлены пресеты эффектов.

Также пианино располагает мощной акустической системой, способной обеспечить звучание, похожее на звучание настоящего рояля. Акустика состоит из четырех динамиков, подключенных к отдельным усилителям по 20 Вт. Еще одним достоинством G1 Air BR является наличие Bluetooth. Подключив к пианино смартфон/планшет, можно играть вместе с выбранной записью. Также инструмент можно использовать в качестве беспроводной акустической системы.


PC-300-BK Optional Bench sold separately



The breathtakingly detailed sound and dynamic feel of the G1 provides the pianist with every possible shade of musical expression. Based on decades of ground breaking piano sound technology from KORG, makers of the award-winning KRONOS, and a precisely engineered keyboard that responds perfectly from gentle pianissimo to powerful fortissimo, KORG have created a unique digital piano. The technology of the G1 is so advanced you can even see it; the beautifully crafted slim-line cabinet of the G1 is a result of KORG’s unique history of musical instrument design and audio technology. Finally, there is no compromise between superb sound and impeccable design. Creating an immersive sound experience from a digital piano as compact and stylish as the G1 is a truly remarkable achievement. When you see it, touch it, and hear it, the KORG G1 will change your perception of digital pianos forever.

Now available in white woodgrain with a restful feel.

The G1 is Korg’s flagship digital piano in its concert series, now available in a new color «White Ash» that features a welcoming woodgrain finish. The tasteful texture blends naturally with other furniture, lighting up the whole room to match its beautiful sound. Enjoy a high-end finish to match a high-end playing experience.

G1 Air / G1 — Introduction Video

Korg G1 Air: With Unparalleled Sound And An Expressive Playing Experience

  • The sound of three of the world’s finest concert grand pianos
  • Multiple-layer samples for ultimate realism
  • Digital recreation of grand piano string and damper resonance for ultimate realism
  • RH3 keyboard accurately simulates acoustic piano touch and response
  • Newly developed amplification and speaker system
  • Contemporary design cabinet available in 3 color options
  • Bluetooth audio playback
  • Made in Japan — Premium Japanese Quality

At the heart of the KORG G1 are 3 world-famous concert pianos, each with its own unique character. No one manufacturer can make a piano that meets the needs of every pianist, and so KORG has selected three renowned instruments from manufacturers in Germany, Austria and Japan. You can now experience the sound of three completely different grand pianos in your own home and select the one that you prefer for a particular piece of music.

The German Piano

Probably the most famous piano in the world and the choice of numerous pianists and concert venues for many years. Characterized by brilliant highs and rounded bass, the German piano is one of richness and power.

The Austrian Piano

An instrument with a rich heritage, the Austrian piano offers a warm but brilliantly colorful sound.

The Japanese Piano

The Japanese piano is characterized by its dynamic sound and is frequently used for a wide range of music genres, from classical to jazz and pop.

In order to achieve a sound that is as close as possible to that of an acoustic instrument, the three main pianos in the G1 analyze performances dynamics to seamlessly select between different sets of piano samples. From a delicate pianissimo to a powerful fortissimo, the player’s expression is realistically reflected in the sound.

Damper Resonance

The three concert grand pianos in the G1 realistically recreate the «damper resonance» effect that is produced by the sympathetic resonance of the strings in an acoustic piano when the damper pedal is held down (features on the GP1/2, AP1/2, and JP1/2).

String Resonance

On an acoustic piano, strings will resonate in sympathy as notes of corresponding pitches are played when the damper is lifted. String Resonance is an essential characteristic of the overall sound of an acoustic piano and so the Resonance technology developed for the KRONOS piano sound engine features in the three concert grand pianos in the G1.

Key-off Simulation

Key-off simulation recreates the sounds that are produced when the player’s fingers lift off the keys.

Connect a Bluetooth device such as a smartphone to the G1 Air and enjoy playing the piano along with your stored music or other audio. When you’re not playing the piano, you can use the G1 Air as a powerful Bluetooth speaker system.

Sophisticated and elegant design, with a back panel provided on the latest model.

While paying homage to the acoustic piano’s traditional form, a new design philosophy elevates the G1 above the bland, rectangular appearance of many digital pianos. The back panel added in the latest model enhances the sense of quality and the overall rigidity of the unit, and also provides privacy from the front. The contemporary design features distinctive softly curved legs which accentuate the overall styling of the instrument and, at only 29 cm (11.42″)* in depth, the G1 can be placed virtually anywhere. The keyboard is protected by a soft-fall key cover that forms a full-width music rest when opened, while your sheet music is held in position by a shaped retaining channel. The G1 is available in black, white or brown to match the décor of your room. (*Excluding the anti-tip hardware)

RH3 keyboard provides a great-feeling playing experience

The G1 features the real weighted hammer action 3 (RH3) keyboard which accurately simulates the playing experience of a grand piano, with a heavier playing feel in the lower register that becomes lighter as you move up the keyboard. It is extremely responsive, even when notes are repeated quickly, while the performer’s expressive dynamics are faithfully interpreted even in the most complex passages. Key touch control is also provided, with a choice of five levels of sensitivity (light, normal, heavy, stable, fixed) to specify how your playing dynamics are reflected by the sound produced.

New speaker system delivers high output and great sounding like a grand piano

A custom-designed speaker system recreates the incredibly realistic sound field of the G1 acoustic pianos and other instrument voices. With two large-diameter speakers placed below the keyboard in a resonant enclosure, the full dynamic range of sound is conveyed directly to the player, while high-frequency tones are presented by a pair of speakers mounted above the keyboard. In conjunction with resonances from the cabinet, these provide a rich piano tone, reflecting off the key cover and delivering indirect acoustics similar to those of a traditional instrument.

The amplifier section provides 20W of output power for each of the four speakers, delivering up to 80W of sound of the highest quality. From rich bass to brilliant highs, you will experience the nuanced, expressive power of the grand piano in your own home.

Enjoy 32 high-quality instruments sounds and studio effects

In addition to the three concert grand piano sounds, the G1 also offers electric piano sounds, organ, clavi, vibraphone, acoustic guitar, strings and more, giving you 32 richly expressive sounds. Three high-quality effects are also available: brilliance, reverb, and chorus. Optimal effects are preset for each of the built-in sounds, so all you need to do is select a sound and enjoy playing immediately with the ideal settings.

Equipped with three pedals as standard with half-pedaling feature

The pedals are an essential element of piano performance, and the G1 is equipped with the full complement of three pedals found on a grand piano: damper, soft and sostenuto. The damper and soft pedals also feature half-pedaling for even more detailed expression.

A variety of keyboard layout options

Simply by pressing one button, you can apply a bass sound to the lower register of the keyboard. Play piano with your right hand and bass with your left to instantly enjoy jazz performance styles. By pressing two of the tone buttons simultaneously, you can easily layer two sounds together. For example, layer piano and strings to play with a rich piano and orchestra combination. There’s also a partner mode that enables you to divide the piano keyboard into two identical sections on left and right, each with their own damper pedal. This is a great way for teacher and pupil to play duets or copy and practise during lessons.

Forty piano songs with helpful features for practicing

In addition to ten demonstration songs that showcase the different sounds of the G1, there are also 40 built-in piano songs. To help you learn, you can control the tempo, playback the right-hand and left-hand parts separately, and use A-B repeat to practice more complex sections.

Two-track song recorder to instantly record your performance

Two-track digital recording is instantly available to help you analyze or archive your performances. You can record each hand separately or record an additional track onto a previously-recorded song. Playback tempo can be adjusted and up to 99 user songs can be saved in the instrument.

The CONCERT series is a line of pianos that are designed to provide the same performance experience as listening or playing in a concert hall, in every aspect of sound, touch, and musical experience. This lineup lets you enjoy playing in any situation, from home use to performances on stage.


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