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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star for beginner piano and late elementary piano students. Starting with a plain melody on middle C, your students can add left hand chords.

And the first arrangement of Twinkle, with chord symbols.

Please scroll down the page for the free downloadable PDF links:

Please scroll down the page for the download links.

Look down the page for SIX versions, from super-easy (music with letters!) to a broken chord left hand accompaniment.

Here is a rather sweet video of this nursery song by «Super Simple Songs»:

The chords in this song can all be played by beginners right around the left hand C chord, with no reason to change hand position.

A «little F» chord just requires the thumb to stretch to an «a», and the G7 chord can be a «pinch» — «g» and «f» side-by-side.

See the version AFTER the one below, to see the chords spelled out in the bass staff.

The next arrangement is the same as the first one, above, but I added fingering in line one to show how finger replacement can work to make the reach up to «a» smooth:

In spite of the fingering I have placed in the music — the five to four and four to five — your student is most likely to COMPLETELY IGNORE those helpful suggestions and just play «1 — 1 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5. » or something like that!

It’s up to you, the teacher, to ingrain the finger replacement technique into your student AT SOME POINT; is now the time?

In their method books, they may not encounter this skill for a while, but in this song, it is easy to understand and imitate, if you take them through the process every week until they GET IT.

But. it depends on you and what you think is most beneficial at this stage of your student’s learning. Perhaps just reading the notes and adding left hand chords in the coming weeks will be accomplishment enough!

Finger replacement is actually a difficult and advanced technique, though eventually we hope that it will become second nature to our piano students.

Now the following arrangement of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star shows how chords can be added to this song:

Following is a broken chord version of this little song that is very pretty.

I set it high (good practice for your late elementary/ early intermediate students, to read the left hand in treble clef!) where it has a delicate sound:

Transposing this arrangement is excellent practice for your late intermediate students who need to firm up their chord inversions in all keys.

Actually, transposing ANY of the arrangements on this page would be useful, but this one with the broken chords is very pleasant to play!

Here are the VERY EASIEST approaches to Twinkle Twinkle, below; a version entirely composed of music notes with letters inside, and a «helper» version that has only a few lettered music notes.

Here is what the Helper version looks like:

Download links for the plain melody:

Download links for melody plus left hand, and fancier Twinkle:

Download Twinkle with letters in the notes, two versions:


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star for beginner piano and late elementary piano students. Starting with a plain melody on middle C, your students can add left hand chords.

And the first arrangement of Twinkle, with chord symbols.

Please scroll down the page for the free downloadable PDF links:

Please scroll down the page for the download links.

Look down the page for SIX versions, from super-easy (music with letters!) to a broken chord left hand accompaniment.

Here is a rather sweet video of this nursery song by «Super Simple Songs»:

The chords in this song can all be played by beginners right around the left hand C chord, with no reason to change hand position.

A «little F» chord just requires the thumb to stretch to an «a», and the G7 chord can be a «pinch» — «g» and «f» side-by-side.

See the version AFTER the one below, to see the chords spelled out in the bass staff.

The next arrangement is the same as the first one, above, but I added fingering in line one to show how finger replacement can work to make the reach up to «a» smooth:

In spite of the fingering I have placed in the music — the five to four and four to five — your student is most likely to COMPLETELY IGNORE those helpful suggestions and just play «1 — 1 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5. » or something like that!

It’s up to you, the teacher, to ingrain the finger replacement technique into your student AT SOME POINT; is now the time?

In their method books, they may not encounter this skill for a while, but in this song, it is easy to understand and imitate, if you take them through the process every week until they GET IT.

But. it depends on you and what you think is most beneficial at this stage of your student’s learning. Perhaps just reading the notes and adding left hand chords in the coming weeks will be accomplishment enough!

Finger replacement is actually a difficult and advanced technique, though eventually we hope that it will become second nature to our piano students.

Now the following arrangement of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star shows how chords can be added to this song:

Following is a broken chord version of this little song that is very pretty.

I set it high (good practice for your late elementary/ early intermediate students, to read the left hand in treble clef!) where it has a delicate sound:

Transposing this arrangement is excellent practice for your late intermediate students who need to firm up their chord inversions in all keys.

Actually, transposing ANY of the arrangements on this page would be useful, but this one with the broken chords is very pleasant to play!

Here are the VERY EASIEST approaches to Twinkle Twinkle, below; a version entirely composed of music notes with letters inside, and a «helper» version that has only a few lettered music notes.

Here is what the Helper version looks like:

Download links for the plain melody:

Download links for melody plus left hand, and fancier Twinkle:

Download Twinkle with letters in the notes, two versions:


Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star-Jazzy

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Piano solo


Date : 2009 Copyright : Copyright © Phil Hamm Source / Web : Phil’s Published Works Added by phil-hamm, 11 Jul 2009


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Lesson 4:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in C, F, & G

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star uses six of the seven notes in a scale, making it a nice piece for learning notes and becoming familiar with any particular key. Learn and memorize it in C, F, and G, hands separately and hands together. Then, in the key of C, try learning it with chords and Alberti Bass, as it provides a perfect exercise as preparation for higher level piano skills.

This is a great piece for very young piano students because they know it, and they get to use all five fingers with (mostly) simple step-wise motion.

Instructions for learning a piece on the piano:

-play each line with right hand (fingerings written above note names) until it is easy and/or memorized.

-play each line with left hand (fingerings written below note names) until it is easy and/or memorized.

-play each line with both hands until it is easy and/or memorized.

-string the lines together until you can play the whole piece. Keep it slow until you are comfortable and familiar with it. Then, start playing it faster, working up to an appropriate tempo for that piece.

-Regardless of tempo, relax your arms & shoulders and keep it smooth and flowing.

[The tunes listed in the «free piano lessons» portion of this website provide a fun way for beginners to begin getting to know their way around the piano keyboard. By learning a bunch of simple tunes and learning to play them hands-separately and hands-together, as well as in at least 3 different keys, a new piano player not only learns the layout of the notes, but also begins to develop knowledge and confidence in piano fingerings. Along the way, you are working on the ability to learn and memorize melodies on the keys. Add a bit of work with a metronome and you begin developing a sense for steady rhythm, as well as the ability to work with an extremely valuable tool. Together, these elements will become part of a solid foundation of basic skills needed for more advanced piano playing in the future.]

For a more complete understanding of how to build your piano-playing foundation, read

For the most direct, organized, and progressive path to learning to play the piano, start


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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Перевод: Мотивированный письменный, маленькая звезда. Анданте Religioso. Золотой Детство, Op.124. Множество. Dulcken, Фердинанд Квентин.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. Фортепиано соло. Уоллес, Уильям. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. Фортепиано соло. Уоллес, Уильям. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Струнный квартет. Питер Моей. Виолетта. Партия первой скрипки. Партия II. Виолончель.

Перевод: Моцарт, Вольфганг Амадей. Моцарт, Вольфганг Амадей. Фортепиано соло. Главная ноты. Complete Score. Complete Score.

Перевод: традиции. Большой смешанный вместе. Роберт Берроуз.

Перевод: Дуэт. Сэм на Сибелиуса. Флейта. Рога в F.

Перевод: Сова учитель Урок музыки. Когда Staints маршируют под Twinkle Twinkle Маленькая звезда. Нариаки Накамура. Нариаки Накамура.

Перевод: Когда Staints маршируют под Twinkle Twinkle Маленькая звезда. фортепиано в четыре руки. Нариаки Накамура. Нариаки Накамура.

Перевод: Инструментальное соло.

Перевод: Традиционный. Мерцание, блеск маленькая звезда. французский народной мелодии. Традиционный. Сопрано рекордер и фортепиано. Бержерон, Гай.

Перевод: Традиционный. Мерцание, блеск маленькая звезда. французский народной мелодии. Традиционный. Alto рекордер и фортепиано. Бержерон, Гай.

Перевод: Хайден, Уоррен Luse. Шотландский. Хайден, Уоррен Luse. Соло на гитаре. стандартные обозначения. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Традиционный. Блеска, Twinkle Little Star . Блеска, Twinkle Little Star . Традиционный.

Перевод: Ахмади, Армин. please listen and tell me what you think about the rewrite. Ахмади, Армин. Фортепиано соло. Ахмади, Армин. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Малколм Когут. Малколм Когут. Соло органа. Малколм Когут. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. 2 гитара. Дуэт. Абреу, Педро. Главная ноты.

Перевод: Традиционный. Традиционный. Фортепиано соло. Hamm, Фил. Главная ноты.


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