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Virtual Wifi device not found что делать?

How to Fix Wi-Fi Not Working Issue in Windows 10

Wi-Fi, it’s safe to say, permeates every aspect of our existence. It’s there when we wake up, when we have dinner, some say its waves are interfering with our very brains. In short, Wi-Fi is important, and when it stops working on Windows, it can feel our lives grind to a halt.

We’ve gathered some fixes for a faulty or broken Wi-Fi connection on Windows 10.

The Obvious Stuff

First of all, are other devices connecting to your Wi-Fi network without issue? If they are, then read on as your problem must be related to your Windows PC. If not, then your problem could be related to your router, and the first port of call should be to turn it off then on again.

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Is your Wi-Fi switched on (Settings -> Network & Internet -> WiFi)?

In the Wi-Fi menu, you can also click “Manage known networks,” get Windows to “Forget” the network you’re trying to connect to, then reconnect to it again.

All that failing, here are the more advanced fixes.

Restart Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter

A lot of people with a faulty Wi-Fi connection have reported the problem stems from the Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter. This is responsible for turning Windows into a Wi-Fi hotspot, however, so bear in mind that disabling this to fix your Wi-Fi will also disable the Portable Hotspot function.

Go to “Device Manager” (search for it in the Start menu search bar), then once you’re there, click “View -> Show hidden devices.”

Scroll down to Network adapters, right-click “Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter,” then “Disable device.” Reboot your PC, and you’re done.

Disable Power Management on Wi-Fi

While you’re in the Device Manager, you can also try disabling power management for the wireless network adapter that’s having trouble. In Device Manager under Network adapters, look for the the adapter with the word “Wireless” or “Wi-Fi” in it (this will vary depending on the make of your card), then right-click it and click Properties.

In the new window click the Power Management tab and untick the “Allow the computer to turn off this device” box.

Reset Network Settings

A little simpler, and with no negative side effects, you can reset the network settings in Windows. This will uninstall and reinstall all your system’s network drivers, hopefully removing any issues they had.

To do this, just go to “Settings -> Network & Internet -> Status -> Network reset.”

Restart Wireless NIC in BIOS

This one won’t be possible for everyone, as different motherboard manufacturers have different options available in the BIOS, but it’s worth a try.

To enter your BIOS, repeatedly press either the Del, F8, F10, or F2 key (this may vary) as your PC is booting. If Windows starts up, you’ve done it wrong and need to reboot and try again.

Once you’re in the BIOS, look for a menu called something “Power Management,” under which you should find an option called Wireless, Wireless LAN or similar. Disable this, reboot your PC, then enter the BIOS again and re-enable it.


The no-WiFi issue on Windows is a multi-headed beast that can be hard to pin down, but if the problem does indeed stem from the software or drivers on your PC (and not, say, a dying Wi-Fi adapter or router issue), then the above fixes should be enough to help you.

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Connectify Hotspot does not detect a Wi-Fi Adapter

In order to create a Wi-Fi Hotspot, your computer needs a Wi-Fi adapter. If you have a Wi-Fi adapter and Connectify is not detecting it, you may have it disabled. Here is a checklist you should go through:

Do you have a Wi-Fi adapter installed on your computer?

  • Open Connectify Hotspot and go to Tools > Network Connections.
  • Look for your wireless adapter and make sure it is enabled. If it’s disabled, right-click on it and enable it from the popup menu.

If you do not have a Wi-Fi adapter, you will need to purchase one in order to create a Wi-Fi hotspot. Please note that there are many USB adapters/dongles available on the market that you can use with Connectify Hotspot.

Is the Wi-Fi adapter connected and active?

  • If you have a USB Wi-Fi dongle please check that it is fully inserted into your computer.
  • If you are using a laptop, please be aware that many laptops have a switch that can turn your wireless adapter ON/OFF. Sometimes this is a physical hardware switch that can be found on the side of your computer. Please make sure it’s in the ‘ON’ position.
  • Check to see if there is a keyboard shortcut such as Fn+F8 (the specific F# key for your computer usually shows a little Wi-Fi logo on it). Make sure the keyboard shortcut isn’t disabling your adapter.
  • If you are running Windows 8 or newer, you should also check that you do not have «Airplane mode» enabled.
  • Your adapter could be disabled by a BIOS setting if your computer detects Ethernet is in use while connected over WiFi. Looking for an option along the lines of ‘Auto LAN/WAN’ switching in the BIOS and disabling it might resolve that issue.

Is your Wi-Fi adapter used by other software/apps?

  • If you are running any connection management software, such as a 3G or 4G dialer, these may be disabling your Wi-Fi adapter when you are connected to another network.
  • Lastly, if Connectify can’t detect your Wi-Fi adapter, it might be because it’s part of a network bridge. Removing the bridge will fix the issue.

Connectify Hotspot detected my Wi-Fi adapter, but still doesn’t work

In this case, you need to make sure you have the latest drivers for your Wi-Fi adapter installed. Learn more on how to update the drivers here: https://support.connectify.me/article/354-how-to-update-your-wireless-wifi-driver.

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Last updated on August 16, 2020

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Инструкция по настройке Virtual Router Plus. Создаем Wi-Fi HotSpot на ноутбуке

Недавно, мы опубликовали подробную инструкцию по настройке виртуальной точки доступа на компьютере, с помощью программы Switch Virtual Router. В этой статье, мы рассмотрим процесс настройки уже другой программы – Virtual Router Plus. Это еще одна очень популярная, бесплатная программа, с помощью которой можно настроить раздачу интернета по Wi-Fi с ноутбука, или с персонального компьютера (если на нем есть беспроводной модуль).

По сути, эти две программы практически одинаковые, и инструкции по настройке очень похожие. Но, если вы скачали Virtual Router Plus и хотите настроить Хот-спот именно с помощью этой программы, тогда вам будет намного проще сделать это по инструкции, написанной специально для программы Virtual Router Plus.

Что делает эта программа, и для чего она нужна, я думаю вы знаете. Если нет, то посмотрите статью по ссылке выше, там я подробнее рассказывал о самой возможности настройки виртуальной Wi-Fi точки доступа в Windows.

Настройка Virtual Router Plus

Как обычно, сначала нам нужно скачать программу. Можете скачать с нашего сайта. Устанавливать ее не нужно. Достаточно распаковать скачанный архив в папку.

Зайдите в папку с программой и запустите файл VirtualRouterPlus.exe.

Откроется окно программы, можете его пока оставить. Сначала, нам нужно разрешить общий доступ к интернету.

Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на значок подключения, на панели уведомлений (не важно, какой значок у вас на вид). Выберите Центр управления сетями и общим доступом.

В новом окне выберите Изменение параметров адаптера.

Дальше, нажмите правой кнопкой на то подключение, с помощью которого вы подключены к интернету, и выберите Свойства. Если у вас подключение по сетевому кабелю, то это подключение «Подключение по локальной сети».

Перейдите на вкладку Доступ, установите галочку возле «Разрешить другим пользователям сети…», и в списке выберите подключение Беспроводное сетевое соединение 3. У вас в конце может быть другая цифра.

Возвращаемся к нашей программе Virtual Router Plus и запускаем точку доступа.

  • В поле Network Name (SSID) укажите имя Wi-Fi сети, которую будет раздавать ваш ноутбук.
  • В поле Password указываем пароль. Укажите минимум 8 символов. Английскими буквами. Можно цифры.
  • Напротив пункта Share Connection выберите в списке соединение, с помощью которого ваш компьютер подключен к интернету (к которому мы открывали общий доступ).
  • Нажимаем на кнопку Start Virtual Router Plus.

Если, после запуска точки доступа, у вас появилась ошибка, то смотрите статью дальше.

В конце статьи я расскажу как решить одну популярную ошибку.

Если все хорошо, то окно программы свернется в трей, и вы увидите сообщение, что точка доступа запущена. А иконка станет зеленой.

Что бы остановить раздачу интернета, просто нажмите на кнопку Stop Virtual Router Plus.

Вот и все настройки. Дальше, берем наш телефон, планшет, телевизор, или другой компьютер, и подключаем к Wi-Fi сети, которую мы только что запустили.

Возможные проблемы при настройке программы Virtual Router Plus

Если подключение есть, но интернет не работает.

Очень популярная проблема при настройке виртуального Wi-Fi. И совсем не важно, через какую программу вы все настраиваете.

Скорее всего, во всем виновен антивирус, или фаервол. Что бы проверить это, нужно полностью остановить работу антивируса, фаервола. В настройках практически каждой антивирусной программы, есть такая возможность. Как правило, достаточно вызвать меню нажатием правой кнопкой мыши на иконку антивируса, и выбрать нужный пункт.

Если, после отключения антивируса интернет заработает, тогда нужно просто добавить ваше подключение в исключения антивируса, и он не будет его блокировать (смотрите настройки именно встроенного брандмауэра). Удалять антивирус не нужно. Более того, мы настоятельно советуем установить один из бесплатных антивирусов, или приобрести лицензию на платный.

Так же, не лишним будет проверить настройки общего доступа, об этом я писал в начале статьи.

Ошибка «Virtual Router Plus could not be started. Supported hardware may not have been found»

Если, в момент запуска точки доступа, появилась ошибка «Virtual Router Plus could not be started. Supported hardware may not have been found» (очень популярная ошибка в программе Virtual Router Plus), тогда нужно проверить, работает ли у вас вообще Wi-Fi на ноутбуке, включен ли он, и все ли в порядке с драйверами.

Посмотрите, включен ли Wi-Fi, и работает ли он. У вас должен быть установлен драйвер на Wi-Fi. Если нет, то установите его. Так же, нужно попробовать обновить драйвер на Wi-Fi. Просто скачайте с официального сайта для вашей модели ноутбука (или внешнего приемника) и установите.

Зайдите в диспетчер устройств, и посмотрите, включен ли адаптер «Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter».

Fix: Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter Missing

Some users have been reporting that their Wi-Fi connections are not functioning because Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter is missing. Most users encounter this issue after trying to create a hotspot on their Windows computers. This error typically occurs because the WiFi Miniport Adapter is either removed by mistake or disabled by a 3rd party software.

The WiFi Miniport is essentially a virtual device that only exists after the user has successfully succeeded in setting up a hosted network. When the WiFi Miniport adapter is missing, it will stop being visible inside Device Manager or the Adapter Settings list.

If you’re currently struggling to get the Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter back, this article will help you troubleshoot the issue away. Below you have a collection of methods that other users have used to resolve the issue. Please follow the methods below in order until you find a fix that allows you to retrieve the Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter. Let’s begin!

Method 1: Enabling Multimedia/Gaming Environment and Adhoc support 802.11n

Some users have managed to resolve the issue by modifying some WiFi adapter settings. By enabling Multimedia/Gaming Environment and Adhoc support 802.11n, some users have managed to stop the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter Missing error from occurring.

Here’s a quick guide on how to enable Multimedia/Gaming Environment and Adhoc support 802.11n from Device Manager:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run command. Next, type “devmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
  2. In Device Manager, expand the Network adapters drop-down menu, right-click on your Wi-Fi network adapter driver and choose Properties.
  3. In the Properties menu, expand the Advanced menu.
  4. Use the menu under Properties to select AdHoc 11n and set the value to Enable. Then, repeat the same procedure with Adhoc support 802.11n and Multimedia/Gaming Environment.
  5. Reboot your computer and see if the issue has been resolved at the next startup.

If the Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter is still missing, move down to Method 2.

Method 2: Enabling the WLAN service

Although the WLAN service should be enabled by default, there are certain 3rd party applications (particularly PC optimizers) that will disable this service in an attempt to free up resources.

You can test this theory by visiting the Services screen. If the WLAN service is disabled, you can modify the startup behavior and modify the service to Automatic in order to make sure that you always have it enabled.

Here’s a quick guide on how to do this:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run box. Then, type “services.msc” and hit Enter to open the Services screen.
  2. In the Services screen, scroll down through the list of services and double-click on the service called WLAN.
    Note: If you’re on Windows 10, the service will be named WLAN AutoConfig.
  3. In the Properties of WLAN (or WLAN AutoConfig) window, go to the General tab and set the Startup type to Automatic.
  4. Close the Services window and reboot your computer. At the next startup, check Device Manager to see if Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter has reappeared.

If Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter is still missing, move down to Method 3.

Method 3: Using Command Prompt to enable WLAN

If the two methods above have been ineffective, let’s see whether force starting the WLAN service via an elevated Command Prompt will force the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter to re-appear.

Some users have managed to resolve the issue after using a simple command inside Command Prompt. Here’s a quick guide on how to do this:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run box. Then, type “cmd” and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Next, click Yes at the UAC (User Account Control) prompt to open Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Enter the following command in the elevated Command Prompt and hit Enter to start the WLAN service:netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
  3. See if the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter har reappeared among the Network devices.

If the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter is still missing, move down to Method 4.

Method 4: Using a previous system restore point

If all of the above have proven to be ineffective, you might be able to get your Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter by using System Restore to revert your PC to a previous state.

The System Restore feature allows Windows users to revert their machine to a previous state. We can use System Restore to revert your computer to a state where the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter was not missing. Here’s a quick guide on how to do this:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run box. Next, type “rstrui” and hit Enter to open the System Restore wizard.
  2. In the first System Restore window, hit Next at the first prompt then check the box near Show more restore points.
  3. If available, pick a restore point dated before the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter has disappeared from the Network devices list and hit the Next button again.
  4. Finally, click on Finish to start the restoring process. Your computer will restart and the old state will be mounted at the next startup. See whether the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter has re-appeared. If it’s still missing, move down to the final method below.

Method 5: Doing a Windows Reinstall or Repair Install

If none of the methods above have allowed you to get the Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport adapter back, a reinstall is practically your only option left. If you have Windows 10, you can make the process a whole less painful by opting for a repair install.

A repair install reinstalls all windows components while allowing the user to preserve their personal files and applications.

If you don’t have Windows 10, a sure way to fix the default behavior of Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter is to do a clean Windows install.


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