Want you gone гитара

‘Want You Gone’ на электрогитаре звучит еще круче

YouTube пользователь FamilyJules7X демонстрирует свои навыки игры на гитаре, исполняя кавер на песню Джонатана Калтона «Want You Gone». Вышло шикарно, ящитаю

Также не пропустите Still Alive от него.

24 комментария к «’Want You Gone’ на электрогитаре звучит еще круче»

Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота

Watch Dogs: Legion

Pillars of Eternity

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Jonathan Coulton & GLaDOS – Want You Gone (Chords)

Jonathan Coulton and GLaDOS – Want You Gone (Chords)

Site update: I moved the site to a new host over the weekend which is why you may not have been able to get on it. Hopefully, things have shaken out now. If you’re reading this by email or feedreader and can’t get on the site please do send me an email at ukulelehunt@gmail.com. Or if you notice anything else that’s wonky. Thanks!

Portal 1 is easily the best satire of working for a large corporation with all the jumping through hoops, monitoring, lies and promises of far off rewards. It’s a shame games rarely go for satire because they’re one of the best mediums for it.

Portal 2 does a similar job by making us forget everything we learn in Portal 1 and make us put power in the hands of one being and hope that this time everything will be cool. Replicating the hope-over-experience of countries who sell arms to non-democratic countries and organisations again and again and again and again and again each time saying, “You better turn out to be pretty cool or I’m going to be pissed.” I could easily go on and on about the game but I should move on to the song.

No ukulele this time and it doesn’t transfer entirely happily. But you can still make a good fist of it.

Twiddly Bits

You can play the little riff like this:

Suggested Strumming

I think the riff sounds better on uke if you include the chords with it (shown in the chord chart). That beefs it up a bit and means you can play it an octave lower. You can strum this for the first chord in the riff:

Then switch to this for the next chord:

That sounds like this:

In the chorus you can just switch between the usual F# and B chord shapes, but the ones shown keep the ascending sound. Either way, you can use this strumming pattern:


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