We puff our stories up to make them sound so great укулеле

We puff our stories up to make them sound so great укулеле

The security guy is standing with his feet apart, like he’s trying to make out he’s had police training. Gives his cheap blazer a brush across the buttons like its fucking Armani and not some synthetic bollox from TK Maxx. Now we’re out of the building, he doesn’t touch us. S’pose he can’t, legally speaking. He does that thing that teachers do when they want you to be reasonable, giving you full eye contact and talking in a conspiratorial way that’s supposed to make you think that it’s the system that’s making things tough, and not them at all.

We nod like we get it but, man, we’re past the age to be swallowing fairy stories. Too old for that good-cop routine. We puff our chests up and make out we’re scared of nothing. Inwardly, though, cacking it because we’re both in uniform like a pair of retards. Standing out like two unkosher beacons.

‘Like I give a shizzle. ’Cos when the police get here, we’ll be, like, dust.’

Have been listening to too much Wiley lately. On top of Dizzee, I’m sounding as black as you like. When I get all ‘You get me?’ like this, especially in front of the dry security suits, it makes Jason lose his mind with joy. He always wanted a homie for a mate. Surrey — Hackney. There’s no difference.

We can’t get our bikes, but still manage to have some fun on the way home; a Sri Lankan muppet who has to run all the way up the Downs Road ’cos we’ve jumped him and grabbed his shopping. Sounds a good idea in theory, but running up a hill with five litres of water in one hand and about three thousand potatoes in the other ain’t as easy as it looks. (Not helping ’cos I’m trying to make it look stylish, being a near-professional and all.)

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The bloke’s about twenty-five and darker than my arsehole. When we start attacking the meat of Down’s Hill, getting under a long, wide canopy of treetops, where much of the sunlight gets eaten up, you can barely see him, only judging his movements from the flouro flashes on his Nike, and his gob from when he shouts at us. Pearly whites as a compass, better than any lighthouse.

‘Come back with my shopping, you cheap motherfucking bastards! Get your arses back here!’

He’s got an accent, so I ask him to repeat himself. Several times.

What kind of manners has this one got? The ruder he gets, the angrier, as I continue to ask him to repeat what he’s just said, running backwards so we’re teeth to teeth, the more certain we are that he ain’t gonna get his aloo gobi gear back.

‘Paneer, mate. Say “Paneer”,’ goes Jase, as we reach the top of the hill and the start of the Downs. No longer shielded by the tree canopy, we are overwhelmed by light and sky. Three specs, dotted onto the simplest of natural equations: ground and sky. Feels like we’re running on top of the world.

‘What?’ calls the Sri Lankan, still under the canopy, but nearing its end. ‘You want some Paneer? I haven’t got any Paneer.’

‘He’s asking you to say cheese, you muppet,’ I call down, helping out. ‘We just need to take a picture.’

Jase gets what he wants, before we start rolling the guy’s gear back at him down the hill. Asylum-seeker skittles. That, together with the pics, cheer us right up later when we’re round my kitchen, drinking tea and waiting for X Box to load up.

Pearson doesn’t even try to hide it. I get to my locker at lunch to find YID LIVES HERE tagged onto it. An address card that wasn’t there at 9 a.m. Feel like my insides have been kicked inside out and then some, but get over it in about a minute. The corridor is kinda busy so there’s no point in letting people see you fall to pieces. It’s the kind of evidence we are all looking out for. Some gigantic public fuck-up that you dine off for weeks.

I know that it’s Pearson because it’s written with a navy Sharpie, and you would never use that if you were a serious tagger. Only pranksters write abuse with a Sharpie. And by pranksters, I mean boys. Girls have more creative forms of torture. Also because I saw him and a couple of the shadier volleyball boys tagging Year Head’s door last year with a scrawl that was too similar to make it a co-incidence — something about her being a lesbian with one of the PE teachers. Gossip that we all knew was pretty much true. Tall, uneven block lettering that looked like the work of someone learning to write the Western alphabet for the first time. The V in LIVES clumsily morphed into an E. Fucking retard. He can’t concentrate for a minute.

The thin sharpie ink on the locker is dryer than a nun’s cunt, meaning it’s been up there from at least morning break. The corridor where my locker is is mainly for my year and out of bounds for the younger kids. The lettering isn’t big, but it ain’t exactly tiny either. The words running along the bottom of the door like ticker tape, reaching about halfway. Making it clear that a return visit is more or less obvious.

Pretty much everyone I’m remotely bothered about has probably seen this diss between break and lunch, and no one has seen fit to give me a heads-up on it. That’s a great feeling to start the afternoon with.

Jason’s got the day off so I can’t blame him. Moon is walking around like someone has kicked her. Tittle tattle getting on top of her. When she’s not hiding under Pearson’s protective chimp arm, she’s scuttling towards the library and the warm arc of Gwyn and Ohmygod. Wonder if she knows about the tagging. Wonder if she worked out how the gossip started in the first place. Egged him on. Maybe she even suggested it. You have to be extra-perceptive to know that I’m part-Jewish. Most people are too caught up in my Tamilness to notice anything else.

Pearson’s diss fires up an unforeseen reaction in me. It makes me laugh. He may have done his homework, but I can only see the funny side. That Yidding me out is going to tip me over the edge or something. Anything but. I ain’t dropping from any ledge yet. I like the attention too much. Agree or disagree at your leisure, but I find that anti-Semitism makes a pleasant change from Paki-bashing. I’m a strange boy, I admit it. At times, I’m fucking warped.

Moon makes me wait forty minutes as she turns foxy into FOXY ‘in case the paparazzi turn up’, leaving me to make excruciating small talk with the stern mother. Jason got blasted all night and woke up late. Billie’s still asleep, so we have five minutes absorbing the dampness around his stoop whilst he gets his shit together. I chew my lip inside out in the meantime. Moon takes advantage of the extra minutes to add an extra coat of lipgloss, her fiftieth, judging by the thickness of the final result. We get to Casey’s an hour later than we should have. You can tell he’s been pacing up and down all this time, wondering what the hell is going on, ’cos he opens the front door as soon as he hears our footsteps. Cap and coat on, keys glued onto a sweaty palm. I shrug when our eyes meet. When Moon is getting dressed and whatever else, there’s no point; like, how long is a piece of string?

‘You’re late?’ he goes. ‘I didn’t even notice. I wasn’t expecting you ’til after five.’

I give him the W. Whatever.

‘Now get out,’ I say. ‘Give us an hour. Go for a run or something. Mum will be here any minute.’

He eyes up our serious amount of baggage with suspicion. We’re loaded with carriers and mysterious unmarked holdalls.

‘You’re not gonna mess up anything, are you? I don’t want any of my stuff touched up or played around with.’


Учебник Spotlight 9. Student Book. Страница 36

2F. English in Use — Английский на практике

1. Read the box, then complete with derivatives from the words in bold. — Прочитайте текст в рамке, затем вставьте слова, образованные из слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом.

Forming nouns from adjectives — Формирование существительных из прилагательных

We can use these suffixes to form nouns from adjectives: — Мы можем использовать эти суффиксы, чтобы сформировать существительные из прилагательных

  • -ance arrogant — arrogance — надменный — надменность
  • -cy urgent — urgency — срочный — срочность
  • -ence different — difference — разный — разница
  • -ness gentle — gentleness — мягкий, нежный — мягкость, нежность
  • -ity sane — sanity — здравый, разумный — здравость, разумность
  1. There is no need for secrecy (secret) between best friends. — Нет необходимости в секретности между лучшими друзьями.
  2. The teacher explained the importance (important) of recycling to the class. — Учитель объяснил важность повторной переработки классу.
  3. Thank you for all your kindness (kind) during my stay. — Спасибо за всю вашу доброту, которую вы проявили во время моего пребывания.
  4. You need a lot of patience (patient) to work with children. — Вам необходимо большое терпение, чтобы работать с детьми.
  5. We have installed a security (secure) system at our house. — Мы установили систему безопасности в нашем доме.
  6. Physical activity (active) is important to stay fit and healthy. — Физическая активность важна, чтобы поддерживать форму и здоровье.

2. Complete with: up for, out, of, off with, up. Check in Appendix 1. — Вставьте: up for, out, of, off with, up. Сверьтесь с приложением 1.

  1. It was so foggy that we couldn’t make out the number of the house. (see clearly) — Было настолько туманно, что мы не могли разобрать номера домов.
  2. The burglar made off with our TV and DVD player. (stole and ran away with) — Грабитель спер и смылся с нашим телевизором и DVD плейером.
  3. Peter bought his mum some chocolates to make up for breaking her favourite vase. (compensate for) — Питер купил своей маме шоколад, чтобы загладить свою вину за то, что разбил ее любимую вазу.
  4. Don’t believe anything Tom tells you – he’s always making up stories! (inventing) — Не верьте всему, что Том вам говорит — он всегда придумывает истории.
  5. What do you make of Steve’s new idea? (think about) — Что ты думаешь о новой идее Стива?

Примечание: Вот некоторые из наиболее распространенных значений фразового глагола make:

  • make up — сочинять, придумывать, мириться
  • make up for — компенсировать, извиняться, загладить (вину)
  • make for — направляться куда-то, способствовать, содействовать
  • make out — разбираться, сдружиться
  • make out to be — притворяться, делать вид
  • make out with — целоваться с…
  • make into — превращаться, стать кем-то
  • make off — скрыться, спрятаться, смыться,
  • make off with — украсть, спереть и смыться
  • make of — понять, сделать вывод,понимать причину чего-либо
  • make after — преследовать (настойчиво за кем-то ходить, приставать)
  • make after with — убрать кого-то, избавиться (to kill)

3. Complete with: to, in, on, at. Check in Appendix 2. — Вставьте: to, in, on, at. Сверьтесь с приложением 2.

  1. be close to the city centre — быть рядом с центром города
  2. in the corner of the room — в углу комнаты
  3. on the corner of the street — на углу улицы
  4. be at home — быть дома
  5. be in a hurry — в спешке, спешить
  6. in ruins — в руинах
  7. go in the direction of — идти в направлении
  8. live in the suburbs — жить на окраине
  9. live in a field — жить в поле
  10. live on a farm — жить на ферме
  11. be at school — быть в школе (однако, если вы хотите сказать, «в здании школы», то in school)
  12. go to school — идти в школу

4. Find the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Make sentences using the other words. — Найдите корректное слово. Сверьтесь со словарем. Составьте предложения, используя другие слова.

  1. Please brush /sweep the floor in the kitchen. — Пожалуйста подмети пол в кухне.
  2. Hang your coat in the cupboard /wardrobe? — Повесь пальто в шкаф (для одежды).
  3. Don’t forget to clean/ wash your teeth! — Не забудь почистить зубы!
  4. I have to do some washing/ cleaning – I’ve got no clean clothes. — Мне нужно постирать — у меня нет чистой одежды.
  1. I always brush my teeth in the morning and in the evening. — Я всегда чищу щеткой зубы утром и вечером.
  2. Take a plate from the cupboard, please. — Возьми тарелку из кухонного шкафчика (для посуды), пожалуйста.
  3. I need my car to be washed, please! — Мне нужно, чтобы мою машину помыли, пожалуйста.
  4. I have to do some cleaning – there’s a mess in my room. — Мне нужно убраться — в моей комнате бардак.

5. Read the text below. Form derivatives from the words in the brackets so they fit the text. Every gap corresponds to a different task (1-6). — Прочитайте текст ниже. Сформируйте из слов в скобках такие слова, чтобы они подходили к тексту. Каждый пробел соотносится с одним из заданий (1-6).

Are you sick and 1) tired of doing housework? We know how you feel. Would you love to have someone to help you with the 2) endless chores? It makes perfect sense. Luckily, that’s easy to fix! 3) Simply let us give you a helping hand and you’ll be glad you did! From cleaning the house from top to bottom to doing the gardening, our 4) energetic team can take care of it all. We have great customer reviews and have every 5) confidence you will be pleased with the results. So, what are you waiting for? Call us to arrange an 6) appointment.

Вы устали от работы по дому? Мы знаем, что вы чувствуете. Вы бы хотели, чтобы кто-нибудь помог вам с нескончаемыми делами? В этом есть смысл. К счастью, это легко исправить! Просто позвольте протянуть вам руку помощи, и вы будете рады, что сделали это! От уборки дома сверху донизу до садоводства, наша энергичная команда может позаботиться обо всем. У нас отличные отзывы клиентов и есть уверенность, что вы останетесь довольны результатами. Итак, чего вы ждете? Позвоните нам, чтобы договориться о встрече.


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