- Zbigniew Preisner
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- Zbigniew preisner lacrimosa ноты
- Zbigniew preisner lacrimosa ноты
Zbigniew Preisner
Zbigniew Preisner (b. 1955) is Poland’s leading film music composer and is considered to be one of the most outstanding film composers of his generation.
Показать полностью. For many years Preisner enjoyed a close collaborationwith the director Krzysztof Kieslowski and his script-writer Krzysztof Piesiewicz. His scores for Kieslowski’s films Dekalog, The Double Life Of Veronique, Three Colours Blue, Three Colours White and Three Colours Red have brought him international acclaim.
Preisner currently lives in Poland and Switzerland.
During the last twelve years Preisner has scored many international feature films including Hector Babenco’s At Play In The Fields Of The Lord, Louis Malle’s Damage, Luis Mandoki’s When A Man Loves A Woman, Agnieszka Holland’s The Secret Garden, and Charles Sturridge’s Fairytale: A True Story.
Preisner’s soundtrack album for The Double Life Of Veronique and the three CDs of the soundtracks for Three Colours Blue, White and Red have sold more than two million copies around the world. The Double Life Of Veronique CD -originally released on the Sideral label in 1991 and re-issued on Virgin in1998 — was awarded a Gold Disc in France in 1992. Preisner’s Music, the live recording of the suite drawn from the music he has created for films, achieved Platinum Disc status in Poland (more than 80,000 copies sold).
In 1994 Preisner was commissioned to write the title music for People’s Century, BBC TV’s 26-part series documenting the history of the twentieth century, co-produced by WGBH Boston. The series was shown on PBS in the USA and has now been seen by television viewers in over 30 countries.
Preisner’s more recent film scores include: The Last September, based on the novel by Elizabeth Bowen, directed by Deborah Warner and featuring Maggie Smith, Keeley Hawes, Michael Gambon and Fiona Shaw; and Aberdeen, directed and written by the Norwegian director Hans-Petter Moland, with Lena Headey, Stellan Skarsgard, Charlotte Rampling and Ian Hart.
Between January 2002 and December 2003 Preisner completed five new scores: Between Strangers, written and directed by Edoardo Ponti, starring Sophia Loren, Mira Sorvino, Deborah Kara Unger, Gerard Depardieu, Malcolm McDowell, Klaus Maria Brandauer and Pete Postlethwaite; It’s All About Love, directed by Thomas Vinterberg, starring Joaquin Phoenix, Claire Danes and Sean Penn; Effroyables jardins, directed by Jean Becker, starring Jacques Villeret, Andre Dusollier, Thierry Lhermitte and and Benoit Magimel; Supertex, directed by Jan Schьtte, starring Jan Decleir, Stephen Mangan and Maureen Lipman; and The Beautiful Country, directed by Hans Petter Moland, starring Nick Nolte.
Requiem for my friend, Preisner’s album of music dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof Kieslowski is his first large-scale work specially written for recording and live performance. Released on Erato Disques (Warner Classics) in October 1998 the work received its world premiere at the Teatr Wielki, Warsaw, on 1st October 1998. The recording features the Sinfonia Varsovia and the Varsov Chamber Choir, with the Polish soprano Elzbieta Towarnicka, whose singing is a trademark of Preisner’s film scores.
Zbigniew preisner lacrimosa ноты
Requiem for my friend / Реквием по моему другу
Збигнев Прайснер (польск. Zbigniew Preisner; род. 20.5.1955, Бельско-Бяло, Польша) – польский композитор. Прайснер изучал историю и философию в Кракове. Он никогда не брал уроки музыки, а учился, слушая и транскрибируя партии с записей. Наиболее известен как композитор музыки к фильмам Кесьлевского. В некоторых из них музыка Прайснера присваивается вымышленному голландскому композитору Ван ден Буденмаеру. Хотя Прайснера и ассоциируют с Кесьлевским, он писал музыку и для других режиссёров, получив премию Сезар за работу в фильме Жана Бекера «Элиза». Он также выигрывал и другие награды, включая Сезара 1994 года за фильм «Три цвета: Красный» и Серебряного медведя на Берлинском кинофестивале в 1997 году за фильм «Островок на Птичьей улице». В 1998 году Прайснер написал первое крупное произведение, Реквием по моему другу, которое не предназначалось для кино. Первоначально предполагалось, что Кшиштоф Писиевич напишет сценарий, а Кесьлевский срежиссирует его, но после смерти Кесьлевского это произведение стало своего рода его поминовением. Стиль Збигнева Прайснера можно назвать романтическим, с заметным влиянием Яна Сибелиуса.
Varsov Chamber Choir
Conductor: Jacek Kaspszyk
Формат: МР3 92,9 МВ 192 кбит/с
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Дорога дальняя открылась перед нею, Её влечёт в круги небесных сфер, От вечности принять её дары Источник Lacrimosa chords by Zbigniew PreisnerSong’s chords D, Dm, A, Gm, Fm, G ♯ , D ♯ , Cm, G, A ♯ , Am, F, C WarningWarningYou already edited your private version of this song. To continue editing please select your version. Otherwise you can reload the original one and starting editing again. WarningAre you sure to delete your private version? The public one will be reloaded. Are you sure?Our Artificial Intelligence algorithm sometimes makes some mistakes. We’ll review to fix it. Thank youYour notification has been stored in our system, thanks! Download MIDI fileMIDI file has been generated, click the button and download it. Separate tracks analysis has startedIn a few minutes, the tracks will be separated. We’ll send you an email to notify you when it is done. You can start to play in the meantime. Create account or loginCreate account or loginCreate your free account in 10 seconds and access all song’s chords, or login. Mute or solo instruments of mp3s and transcribe song’s chords from YouTube. You can also get midi file, pdf and 300 online lessons for guitar, bass and keyboard. Upgrade your accountUpgrade your accountGet Lessons with Yalp Premium+. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. Download pdf files with Yalp Premium. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. With a free account you can only add up to ten songs to your playlist. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. You can change chords tonality with a Premium account. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. You can upload an mp3 to analyze chords and separate instruments tracks only with a Premium account. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. Go Premium to use the tuner. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. Go Premium to create loops. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. Go Premium to download MIDI files. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. You reached maximum number of songs you can transcribe with Yalp Free. Our goal is to help musicians like you to learn to play the music they love. We can only maintain and improve Yalp if paying members keep supporting us. Become a paying member too. Источник Zbigniew preisner lacrimosa нотыRequiem for my friend / Реквием по моему другу
Збигнев Прайснер (польск. Zbigniew Preisner; род. 20.5.1955, Бельско-Бяло, Польша) – польский композитор. Прайснер изучал историю и философию в Кракове. Он никогда не брал уроки музыки, а учился, слушая и транскрибируя партии с записей. Наиболее известен как композитор музыки к фильмам Кесьлевского. В некоторых из них музыка Прайснера присваивается вымышленному голландскому композитору Ван ден Буденмаеру. Хотя Прайснера и ассоциируют с Кесьлевским, он писал музыку и для других режиссёров, получив премию Сезар за работу в фильме Жана Бекера «Элиза». Он также выигрывал и другие награды, включая Сезара 1994 года за фильм «Три цвета: Красный» и Серебряного медведя на Берлинском кинофестивале в 1997 году за фильм «Островок на Птичьей улице». В 1998 году Прайснер написал первое крупное произведение, Реквием по моему другу, которое не предназначалось для кино. Первоначально предполагалось, что Кшиштоф Писиевич напишет сценарий, а Кесьлевский срежиссирует его, но после смерти Кесьлевского это произведение стало своего рода его поминовением. Стиль Збигнева Прайснера можно назвать романтическим, с заметным влиянием Яна Сибелиуса.
Varsov Chamber Choir Conductor: Jacek Kaspszyk Формат: МР3 92,9 МВ 192 кбит/с
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